Wynd Academy

Chapter The Face of Certain Death

It was Roisin's first day back at the Academy, her Uncle had managed to persuade Wynd to give him a position at the Academy, so he could be there to watch out for her. She found herself beset by admirers from all over the school, she hadn't quite realized how well known she had become, tales had spread about her bravery in the face of certain death.

Logan pushed his way through the crowd to Roisin and put his hand out.

"Okay, back off people, give her some room, you're overwhelming the poor lass" Logan laughed, he messed up Roisin's hair and hugged her. The crowd began to disperse.

"It's good to see you back Ros, the place has been a little quiet without ya" He chuckled, scratching his back. The sound of heavy footsteps rounded the corner, it was Rory, he locked eyes with Roisin.

"So you're the hero I've been hearing so much about!" He motioned joyfully into the air.

"Uh... I guess so, but it wasn't really me, Victoria did mo..." Roisin began explaining.

"So humble too! Do not put yourself down, girl" Rory smirked, he approached Roisin "I am a man of many talents, scientist, combat tutor and... Crown Prince of Aranei" he grinned. Roisin's face turned to disgust. Rory chuckled "You do not approve of my heritage? I am wounded, truly!" He feigned offence.

"You and your people... you enslave people and turn the into experiments... of course I do not approve" Roisin frowned, remembering what Dex had told her of his village.

"Indeed, and yet your very own nation has come to depend on us to keep you safe from the world outside, your own scientists have called upon our expertise to restore this Star to its previous condition, I'm afraid you will have to get used to me... Ms. Luna" As he uttered her surname, a wide grin stretched across his face.

"Ah yes! Luna! Such a fine family name, why, I do recall meeting your cousin... what was his name... Petal? At Crystech, his death was... most unfortunate!" Rory gave Roisin a knowing grin. Roisin reached for a dagger she had on her belt, but Logan stopped her, he looked at her and shook his head.

"Don't fall for his trap" Logan put his hand on Roisin's shoulder, she looked at the floor for a few silent moments, then nodded.

"I look forward to seeing you in battle, Ms. Luna" Rory chuckled.

"In battle?" Roisin backed up.

"Yes, Roisin, I am your new combat tutor, and I intend to ready you all for battle... do not worry, in this I am sincere" Rory nodded and marched off.

"Well, that was a thing that happened" Logan shrugged.

"I hate him... if he killed Petyr... I'll kill him" Roisin growled.

At that moment, Roisin noticed Dex running down the corridor toward her, her face lit up, she outstretched her arms and met him in an embrace, Dex planted a kiss on her cheek.

"You're home!" Dex smiled as he let go, Ashe and Victoria followed closely behind him, they both welcomed Roisin home.

That night at Crystech HQ, Richard Pyre and Rory were stood beside the new Earth Crystal. It had been fully infused with pure Earth element. Pyre smiled and patted Rory on the back.

"Good job locating that vein of pure Earth aether beneath Rivenlake, if you had never had discovered that, we wouldn't be here right now, on the verge of saving the world" Pyre smiled.

"My friend, it was a team effort, all those lost souls will not be in vain" Rory bowed his head, though with an insincere grin across his face.

"Yes, I suppose if the battle had never happened, you would never have come across the vein" Pyre thought "at least something good came of that slaughter."

"Yes... indeed" Rory nodded as he walked away.

Four months ago at the Fall of Rivenlake, bodies lay strewn across the grounds, families, soldiers, Knights, beside them stood a female figure, she was leaning against the wall and smoking. It was "Victoria" and her blade was covered in blood, Roisin was laid unconscious beside her.

"Ah! Sister!" Rory's voice echoed across the empty street, Rory appeared through the smoke, on his back was a bulky looking apparatus, which was linked to his hand via a small tube, he waved his hand over the corpses, and stole away what remained of their Earth aether.

Victoria smirked, she tossed her cigarette onto the pile of bodies "You missed the party" Victoria chuckled, Rory approached Roisin with the machine, Victoria drew her rapier and blocked his path.

"Not her" Victoria said, sternly.

"Oh, you got a girlfriend at last?" Rory teased.

"It's nothing like that, she has potential, potential for great good... or great evil, as do her friends" Victoria explained.

"I like where this is going, dear sister" Rory smiled, kicking aside a Crystalliam Knight's remains "I presume you have begun to formulate a plan" he said as he stole the Earth Aether from more bodies.

"It's more of an idea at the moment, but we have plenty of time, I need her group to trust me, unquestionably." Victoria followed her brother down the street.

"Okay, anyway, do you think Mother will be impressed with this display tonight?" Rory grinned looking at the ruins.

"Where did you even find a dragon?" Victoria laughed loudly.

"I know a guy, who knows a guy, who knows a Mystic, basic stuff really" Rory shrugged, the machine on his back dinged "Ah, at last, this is more than half of what we need to push Lumina back to her blasted plains" Rory nodded, with an uncharacteristic frown on his face.

"We shall meet again soon, dear brother" Victoria said turning away "Do give my regards to Victoria if you get the chance!" she chuckled, as she walked away into the smoke. Rory made his way to the exit of the town.

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