Wynd Academy

Chapter The Battle of Rivenlake Skies

Gunshots echoed throughout the city of Ishtall as a battle raged in the Cystech HQ Compound, between Crystech and the Aranei Imperial Armed Forces. Several laser turrets mounted on the side of the walls were firing at the Imperial Troops. Rory's airship was making a swift descent toward the compound, Rory fired rounds of rockets at the tower itself, but before they could hit, the laser turrets had retargeted and were no focusing on the rockets.

Rory yelled out in fury as he set the airship on a collision course with the Crystech troops below. He quickly got up out of the pilot's chair and headed to one of the emergency exit doors in the hold of the ship, he kicked it open and jumped down into the battle below. He landed and rolled onto the floor, uninjured.

The Airship crashed down just ahead of him, taking out twenty odd Crystech Troops.

"Commander!" An Imperial Trooper shouted, Rory nodded and unsheathed Cruelty, he began walking toward the Crystech tower slowly, cutting down anyone who dared stand in his way. A few troopers tried shooting him, but he had equipped a portable shielding device from aboard the airship.

A Crystech Airship was flying at full speed toward Terrana, it was currently passing over the ruins of Rivenlake. The ship was carrying the new Earth Crystal in the hold. Beside the Crystal was Logan and two of his other classmates, Yana, a tall green haired girl, she was equipped with two pistols which had detailing on the metalwork. The other classmate Hannah was a shorter, mousy-brown haired girl, equipped with a double bladed sword. Logan was looking out of the small window at the side of the ship.

"The Empire are aware of the plan, prepare for them to intercept us!" The Airship captain shouted.

"Roger!" Logan nodded, he pressed a small green button by the hold doors. The doors at both sides of the ship slowly opened, as two cannons came up through the floor, each of them with a seat at the back end of the cannon. Logan stepped up onto the platform the cannon sat on and strapped himself in, Yana did the same.

"Let's do this thing" Yana cheered as she took control of the cannon.

"We have to incoming, from the rear on the port side!" The Captain bellowed into the hold.

"I see them!" Yana grinned, as she targetted the first of the Imperial Airships, she fired two energy rounds, the first hit, but the second one missed, the Imperial airship fired several rockets, targetting the Airship's engines.

"Let me get them!" Hannah offered, she was stood at a computer terminal, controlling a remote drone, equipped with a small laser cannon, she effortlessly down each of the missiles.

Yana returned fire, hitting the first Imperial Airship's Starboard Engine "Yahooo! Direct hit!" She cheered as the Imperial Airships engines began exploding before engulfing the whole airship in flames.

Rory walked through the giant atrium of Crystech HQ, Pyre's face appeared on the holographic televisions dotted around the atrium.

"I hope you realize how instrumental Ariel was in this whole plan, and I hope that hurts you" Pyre grinned "Deploying mechs, have fun."

Several large mechanical units descended from the platforms that lined the upper floors of the atrium

"Graaah!" Rory shouted.

Another Imperial Airship exploded into flames as Yana cheered.

"Don't celebrate just yet... Imperial Dreadnought up ahead, engaging Eagle mode" The Captain stated, shortly before the ship suddenly changed flying pattern, it was now flying at an increased velocity.

"Activating frontal cannon, you're up Hannah!" Logan shouted.

"I'll take the rear cannon" A voice shouted from the platform above, Roisin's uncle jumped down into the hold and headed toward the back, he was now wearing silver armour, and had a red cape attached.

"Roger, Roisin's uncle" Logan smirked.

"Name's Atlas, kid" Roisin's Uncle grinned "and yes, THE Atlas, back from retirement."

The Dreadnought was up ahead.

Rory stood on one of the fallen mechs, he looked around the room, he had managed to take down every single one, he grinned, as headed over to the laboratory door.

He kicked the lab doors, they flew off of their hinges, Rory's eyes were now glowing bright red, the whole lab had been dismantled overnight, in the middle of the room stood Pyre, grinning from ear to ear.

"Hello, Prince Rory" He teased, Rory roared as he charged at Pyre, with his sword at the ready, he went to swing at Pyre, who hadn't moved an inch, and was wearing the same look upon his face.

"Checkmate" Pyre whispered as Rory swung his sword, he sliced right through Pyre as if he wasn't even there. Rory hit his opposite arm, cutting straight though the armour and into his arm, he fell to his knees in pain. He looked up at Pyre who was looking down at him.

"A hologram?" Rory growled.

Pyre nodded, and looked behind Rory. A female clad in pitch black armour, complete with helmet, grabbed Rory, and threw him across the room. Rory got back up and ran at the mysterious woman. He swung his sword at her and it shattered on impact, the woman grabbed Rory by the neck and held him in the air.

Rory managed to break free, for possibly the first time in his life, Rory felt scared, he backed away from the woman, and stumbled to his feet.

"This isn't over..." He shook as he ran outside.

"Indeed it isn't" The woman inside the armour replied, knowing Rory was well out of earshot.

The Airship had begun taking heavy damage from the Imperial Dreadnought, though they had managed to take out several of its fuel tanks, regardless, the team kept up their barrage of energy rounds. The Dreadnought opened one of it's side doors, revealing a huge energy cannon, possibly equipped with enough power to level a whole city.

"This isn't looking good!" The Captain sighed "We have several unidentified incoming Airships on our port flank."

Yana readied the cannon, but upon getting a decent view she burst into laughter. It was a fleet of Pyre Academy airships. The radio in the Captain's room crackled.

"Go on ahead, we will deal with the Dreadnought" A female voice commanded.

"Roger, don't have to tell me twice!" The Captain sighed with relief, down in the hold, the team regrouped and Logan once again pushed the button by the door, the cannons all retracted. The Airship flew below as the Dreadnought as it began exploding in flames, at the other side, the sea of light beamed its blinding light.

"It's showtime" Atlas said as he put his hand on the crystal. An energy bubble surrounded the ship, preventing the loss of electricity, the airship flew through what little remained of the city, and quickly made the descent towards Una Academy, which was still protected by Andre's enchantment.

Once the ship had landed, the team quickly picked up the Crystal and headed into the Academy. Light had finally begun to seep into the halls of the school, small cracks of light had appeared across the floor and walls. The team reached the Headmaster's old office, Atlas summoned his Celestial Weapon, a katana of both wind and fire, he ran to the far wall where an old trophy cabinet stood. With two swift movements he sliced the bookcase in half, revealing an elevator.

"Let's fix this" He nodded, the team quickly boarded the elevator, Atlas pressed the singular button on the control panel and the elevator shot downward at an intense speed.

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