Wynd Academy

Chapter The Battle of Rivenlake

Smoke billowed into the skies above Rivenlake, huge deformed beasts circled the city, diving to attack whoever was below. Crystalliam Knights, the defenders of the 13 realms, were battling the flood of beasts attacking the town.

Roisin, Ashe, Dex and Victoria ran into the city, nearly being hit by a fleeing lorry.

"Right, me and Dex will take the south of town, Ros and Victoria take the north, assist the Knights if you can!" Ashe shouted, the team split into two and ran off into the town, the Crystech Airship that had saved the group earlier was now nearing the town, firing its cannon at the winged beasts terrorizing the town below.

On board the ship, were Crystech soldiers, and several automated mechs, airship personnel opened the cargo bay doors, and the troops and mechs parachuted into the town below. Roisin and Victoria ran into what used to be the town's high street. Moments later, a huge hulking beast smashed through a shop window and stared the pair down, on it's head were two large horns, it roared and then ran at full speed toward them.

Roisin and Victoria both dodged, Victoria jumped at a wall and propelled herself through the air onto the beasts back, in mid-air she unsheathed her rapier, then stabbed the beast in the back when she landed, she cast a fireball and shot it at the beast. Roisin loosed a barrage of arrows at the beast's face, several hitting it's right eye, the beast roared once more, then rolled sideways toward another shop, Victoria jumped from the beast's back just in time.

Victoria looked at Roisin who nodded, Roisin pulled out an arrow and infused it with ice, she loosed the arrow at the beast's exposed belly, the beast was instantly frozen in place.

"Now!" Roisin shouted, Victoria ran toward the beast, infusing her sword with fire, she drove the rapier through the thin ice and into the beast's belly, she quickly stabbed it multiple times before the ice shattered. She then quickly dove out of the way and cast a wall of fire between her and the beast. The beast had been slowed down significantly.

Roisin grabbed another arrow and infused it with fire, she loosed it, it missed the beast and went into the wall above. The beast looked at the arrow, a second later it exploded, bringing the building down on top of the beast. Roisin and Victoria high-fived.

Across the other side of town, Ashe and Dex were fighting over a dozen of the wolf like fiends, alongside two other Crystalliam Knights.

"There is too many of them, back up!" One of the Knights commanded, the other three moved back. The Knight then called upon a huge blade of pure steel, in one fell cleave he took down all the beasts in the area. He nodded and smiled at the other three.

"Look out!" Dex pointed behind the Knight, terrified, a huge spider fiend was slowly moving towards them, Ashe called upon her blade of ice.

"I hate these bastards!" The female Knight shuddered. The huge fiend shot a web of steel at the party "Run!" she shouted, the party had no choice but to retreat from the area. In the skies above, airship above fired a barrage of green missiles at the spider. The missiles exploded on impact. For a moment, it seemed that the beast was undamaged, until it suddenly began burning, the missiles had contained acid, the only weakness of the Steel type fiends.

In the town square, the Crystalliam Knights and Crystech Troops were dealing with a horde of beasts, though were managing to hold the line. That was until a huge roar echoed across the lands, the whole town fell silent, even the Fiends as they looked up.

"DRAGON!" A Knight yelled, retreating instantly. The huge winged beast flew over the town, covering it in shadow, it shot a huge gust of wind at the Crystech Airship, which was sent crashing instantly into the ground below, the wreckage barely missing Roisin and Victoria, Victoria knelt down and cast a protective shield around them both. Roisin looked up in the sky, the creature had to be the size of the whole town.

"We need to leave, now!" Roisin shouted, panicking.

"We can't! It will kill us if it sees us" Victoria sighed "We need to hide."

Roisin nodded, the two of them ran into the ruins of a shop, just then, Roisin felt a searing pain in her back, she looked down, to see that she had been impaled by what seemed to be a Scorpion tail, she looked up at Victoria, whose eyes turned red, Roisin fainted.

Ashe and Dex were in what used to be the shopping mall, fighting of a huge behemoth creature, which had the features of what used to belong to a ram, Ashe jumped up to the second level, she dove onto the beast's back and stabbed it with her sword of ice.

"Take that you bastard!" She screamed as the beast collapsed, Dex cheered, but their moment of victory was cut short as a centipede like creature rounded a nearby corner.

"Shit" Dex gulped as he looked at the creature, he pulled his halberd from its holster on his back and used it to propel himself into the air, so he could dive at the creature, the creature foresaw the attack and countered him, it grabbed the halberd in its jaw, Dex was sent flying into the marble floor, as his slide across the marble floor, he caught one of his ears on a shard of glass and screamed out in pain.

"Dex!" Ashe shouted, she turned to the beast and looked up, a walkway was just above it, with all her might she used her powers to collapse the bridge on top of the creature, severing it in half, she ran over to Dex, his left ear was sliced clean open, he was hyperventilating. Ashe helped him regain his breath and hugged him tight, both of them were in floods of tears.

The Dragon roared again in the skies above, it fired a huge gust of wind at the town square, totally obliterating the battalion of Crystalliam Knights, and the Fiends. The town had fallen deadly silent, only the sound of the flames could be heard now, aside from the brief explosions from the remains of the Dreadnought Airship.

The Dragon circled the town from above, routinely burning the town down, building by building. Ashe picked up Dex, who had fallen unconscious, she silently made her escape from the town, while the Dragon was busy burning something on the north side of town. She ran off back up the road the group had come in on, not daring to look back.

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