Wynd Academy

Chapter Loss

Roisin shot awake, panicking, she looked down, she had a bed cover over her. She looked around, she was in a hospital room, surrounded by dozens of machines, and had dozens of tubes that lead into her arms.

“Take it easy kiddo” Roisin looked to her side, her Uncle was sat holding her hand. He had black, but greying hair, short stubble, but a kind face. Roisin managed to calm herself and let herself fall back onto her fluffy pillow. A tear dropped down her cheek, she looked at her arm, she had a long scar from her wrist to her shoulder, something that must have happened after she passed out, she tried thinking back.

Scorpion tail, blood, broken glass, smoke, Victoria, red eyes. The memories came flooding back, she panicked once more, her Uncle stood up and kissed her forehead.

“It’s okay, it’s over now sweetie” Her Uncle hugged her tightly.

“What happened, did Victoria survive?” Roisin asked.

Roisin’s Uncle nodded, and sat back down, still holding her hand. “She rescued you single-handedly apparently, reports say she tore a beast clean in half to get you out of there, not only that, but she cleaned the venom from your wound!” Roisin’s Uncle smiled “You have good friends.”

“Yeah, I guess I do” Roisin smiled slightly “Is Auntie not here?” she asked.

Roisin’s Uncle sighed “She was called out to that town... she… she didn’t make it” he looked down and wiped the tears from his eyes. “We lost so many people, it’s a miracle you and your friends all got out alive, they lost a whole Battalion of Crystalliam Knights out there.”

Roisin looked out of the window in her hospital room, it was snowing outside.

“Snow? In Octobyre?” Roisin turned to face her Uncle, who had a strange look on his face.

“Rosy, it’s been four months, it’s Janyrei” He sighed “You’ve been in a coma.”

Roisin sighed and looked up at the grey ceiling.

“I’m afraid the bad news doesn’t stop there... Petyr died too, in some freak lab accident” Roisin turned to face her Uncle.

“No!” She denied “He can’t... he... DAMMIT!” she shouted.

Her Uncle tried his best to calm her, a nurse walked in, she gasped in surprise to see Roisin awake.

“Thank the Gods themselves, you’re awake at last!” She smiled, Roisin looked at her confused.

“Oh yeah... you guys became kind of... ‘celebrities’ in the aftermath, poster children for Wynd Academy, people have been waiting on bated breath for you come around” Roisin’s Uncle shrugged.

“I... really can’t be bothered with that just yet” Roisin sighed.

“Of course, I’m so sorry Roisin!” The nurse apologized.

“Oh, don’t be sorry, I didn’t mean it like that... I just need rest is all” Roisin apologized back, the nurse smiled and did a slight bow before leaving the room.

“Rosy, you are all I have left of my family now, I swear I will be there to protect you from this day onward, I’m sorry I wasn’t there when you needed me the most” Roisin’s Uncle held her hand tightly, Roisin squeezed back and smiled.

A few minutes passed by and Ashe, Victoria, Logan and Dex all walked in, with flowers and chocolates, Dex had brought her a giant bar of ‘Happy Star’s Chocolate Bonanza’, Roisin laughed, genuinely laughed, she hugged Dex and Ashe tightly, she called Victoria over hand held her hands, she sat forward and looked her in the eyes.

“Thank you” Roisin smiled, as she gripped Victoria’s hands “I... don’t have the words to say how thankful I am for you.”

Victoria smiled, she ruffled Roisin’s hair “Hey, couldn’t leave you to die could I” she laughed “I need someone to spoil” Victoria hugged Roisin.

Outside, several Dreadnoughts hovered over the city, the city had now become overpopulated with refugees from the towns and free cities outside Ishtall, no one dared live outside the city walls any longer, a larger contingent of Empire troops had been shipped over to help bolster security outside the city, a move that was unpopular.

Headmaster Wynd had become something of a pariah in the last few months, he’d been blamed for the loss of the final year students, for the loss of the battalion of Crystalliam Knights, and the near death of Roisin and Dex. Some corners of the cities had gone as far as to burn effigies of him.

Up in the clouds above the city, at Wynd Academy, Wynd sat in his office, his head in his hands, he knew his time was ticking down, someone was undermining him, someone wanted Wynd Academy, he knew it, but he had no idea who it could be, he'd become more and more paranoid as time had gone by.

The only people he felt he could trust now, were those who fought for Rivenlake; Roisin, Dex, Victoria and Ashe, they were his only hope now. Three knocks at the door snapped Wynd out of his thoughts.

"Come in" Wynd looked up at the door, Rory walked in.

"Afternoon, Headmaster" Rory bowed.

"Commander Ferras" Wynd nodded his head.

"I hear the Rivenlake survivor has awoken at last, truly a miracle from the gods themselves, don't you agree?" Rory said with a wry smile on his face, his arms outstretched, gesturing towards the skies.

"The Gods, and modern medicine" Wynd nodded "What can I do for you, Commander?"

"Why, I would love to fill in the position of one of your recently vacated positions, right here in this fine Academy!" Rory said, leaning over the desk.

"Hmm, I already have a replacement in mind for the battle tutor position, I do apologize commander" Wynd said, putting away a file.

Rory's smile turned to a frown "It wasn't a request, old man" Rory had a steel falchion at Wynd's throat "Hmm, Headmaster Rory Wynd does have a ring to it don't you think?" Rory grinned, Wynd backed up against the wall and began raising his hand.

"Yes, you may have the power to kill me, old man, but my mother would be so very disappointed in the city of Ishtall, so disappointed, she may very well decide to raze it to ashes" Rory laughed.

"Fine, you can be our new combat teacher!" Wynd shouted as he threw his filing cabinet over.

"Thank you, you are an utmost charitable gentleman, dear professor! Truly, your deeds bring much warmth to my heart, I promise to get your students into fighting condition with all urgency, especially young Miss Luna!" Rory grinned, Wynd frowned, he went to lunge for Rory, but Rory threw him against the wall with a small flick of his hand.

"Oh, yes, I forgot to mention, I had a few upgrades done, I think you will find that you are no match for me, I will forgive you this one time, but make another attempt and I will raze this school to the ground and take your precious crystal" Rory smiled, he exited the room and slammed the door, Wynd fell to the floor gasping for air.

"Oh gods... what have I done..." Wynd slammed his fist into the ground.

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