Wynd Academy

Chapter Envoy of Steel

It was a stormy day in Ishtall, the docks were busy with workers despite the downfall from the skies above. Though the whole docks soon went silent as through the thick mist over the shore a huge Darksteel Cruiser appeared, with a thick yellow line running down the side. It was an Empire Cruiser, the dock workers fled, as Ishtall guards ran toward the edge of the docks.

The Dock Warden climbed up into the Warden’s Booth and grabbed the loudspeaker receiver.

“Empire ship, please state your intent, or you WILL be fired upon!” The Warden shouted, with sweat dripping from his forehead. He pressed a button on the panel next to the receiver, and along the docks, several large harpoon type weapons rose. At that moment a black car sped into the docks, the driver got out as soon as the car stopped.

“Wait!” The Driver shouted, The Warden looked down, it was Rychard Pyre “Let them through!” He bellowed, The Warden hurried down to greet Richard, with a confused look on his face.

“Let them through? You do know that is an Empire Cruiser? Likely carrying a battalion of troops?” The Warden shouted, pointing his finger right in Pyre’s face, Pyre swatted The Wardens hand away.

“They’re here to work on the Earth Crystal project, they will not have permission to leave the Crystech HQ, aside from the Imperial Envoy who is permitted to visit Wynd Academy” Pyre explained.

Then Warden gave Pyre a suspicious look, he looked to the dock gates were a news crew had begun recording the events “Does the Mayor know about this?” The Warden asked, Pyre nodded, a fleet of airships neared the docks and began to land “They will be taken directly to the HQ compound” Pyre said “Now give the ship permission to dock”

The Warden reluctantly sighed and made his way back to the booth to allow the ship to dock.

The whole of the Academy had gathered around the holographic screens in the Great Hall, everyone was in uproar as they watched the Empire ship dock in Ishtall. In the corridor leading to the courtyard, Dex was punching a wall, his knuckles were bleeding.

“ARGH! Fucking Empire!” He shouted out in pain as the sound of a bone in his hand broke. He looked down the corridor, hearing footsteps rapidly approaching and saw Roisin running towards him “I’m not in the mood!” he shot Roisin an angry look. Roisin neared him and threw her arms around him and hugged him tight, Dex broke down, Roisin just held him close as he cried, she stroked his hair.

“I can’t believe it” he sniffled “How can they let them just... dock here after what they did?”

“I know, it’s... just stupid, to think I used to look up to Crystech” Roisin comforted Dex “I can’t imagine what it’s like for you though, Dex” She let go of him and looked him in the eyes “but, I’m here for you, as are Ashe and Logan, and we’re not going to leave you, ever... I promise, we’ll always have your back” Roisin smiled.

Dex sighed and looked down to the floor, then back at Roisin.

“Thank you, Ros” He smiled slightly through his tears. Ashe and Logan rounded the nearby corner.

“Good, we found you” Ashe smiled, she looked at his hand, and broken knuckle “We’re gonna need that fixing quick.”

“And Wynd is gonna need to fix that quick” Logan patted Dex on his back as he pointed to the slightly broken wall, Dex chuckled as the four of them headed to the medical office.

Outside, a Crystech Airship landed, Wynd was stood just aside from the Aircarriage landing, his arms behind his back, he was wearing a formal black suit, with a dark green shirt. The Airship door opened, and out stepped Rychard Pyre and the Imperial Envoy, she was a young woman, with long blonde hair, wearing a black and yellow dress, with the emblem of the Araneian Empire on the back.

“Greetings, Headmaster” The Envoy bowed as she met Wynd, Wynd returned the bow.

“It is a pleasure to meet you Miss, and nice to see you again, Pyre” Wynd smiled

“My name is Amber Blane, Envoy of the Araenian Empire, pleased to make your acquaintance” Amber smiled “I’m here today, to hopefully strengthen ties with Ishtall, and the Wynd Academy itself, since our two nations shall be working together very closely in these following months.”

Wynd nodded, and the three of them began making their way toward the school, two armed Crystech Guard walked alongside them.

“Tell me, Deux, if you may permit me to use your name, why and how does this strange island float? None of the other Academies seem to display these properties” Amber asked inquisitively.

“It is the power of the Wynd Crystal” Wynd smiled “It’s strength allows this island to fly without the aid of any technology, many other Academies display properties relating to their element, for example, Glacyal Academy in Disceath is made completely from ice, thick unbreakable ice” he explained.

“I see, I guess with our Element being steel, that would mean, there is some property that I cannot see, such as unbreakable steel... or something like that?” Amber nodded.

“Well, Steel, isn’t an element per se, the actual element your Academy displays is Mineral, which encompasses a lot more than just steel” Wynd explained “I thought this would be something well known in the Empire?”

“Not so, I guess our nation has just become synonymous with Steel, it kind of became less well known" Amber smiled, the group walked into the School itself, a large angry crowd of students and teachers were being kept out of the corridors by an energy barrier, Amber looked toward the barrier, many of the non-human students were bashing their fists against the barrier with a murderous look in their eyes, Amber quickly followed the Headmaster to his office.

The Imperial Throne Room sat mostly empty, aside from a few royal guards, and the Empress herself, sat on the throne in her new regal armour, she had her legs crossed and was reading a report on her Crystech Pad. The doors to the throne room opened, followed by several gasps. The Missing Emperor stepped into the Throne Room, followed by Lumina, who was wearing the Imperial colours of yellow and black. Amanda rolled her eyes.

"Did you have to appear so publicly, now I'm going to have to find new royal guards... do you realize how hard that is? In a nation filled with power hungry bastards?" Amanda sighed.

The Missing Emperor smiled, he raised his pistol and shot the guards.

"Job done" he smiled, Amanda nodded.

"Finally I can get out of this gaudy outfit" Lumina laughed as she clicked her fingers, the royal colours changed to blue and white and her long hair turned white. The Emperor himself changed in appearance too, his eyes turned bright white and his veins lit up.

"I guess he's no longer useful to you then, I hope I don't have that to look forward to" Amanda raised an eyebrow.

"He made an attempt to break free from my grasp, I ensured he would never do the same thing twice, and I in turn gifted you his throne, and all the power that that entails" Lumina said as she walked closer to the throne.

"Don't forget that I gave you the throne... NEVER forget that" Lumina threatened. "Naturye forgot that, and look what remains of his precious Terrana."

Amanda sat back, clearly shaken by Lumina's words.

"That is why you destroyed Terrana?" Amanda asked

"It is inevitable that it fell, it is inevitable that all the Academy's fall, including this one" Lumina smiled "It is the will of the light."

"Now, let's us talk of Ishtall" Lumina grinned as she took a seat on the steps leading to the throne.

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