Wynd Academy

Chapter Ashe

All the students of Wynd Academy had been gathered in the Grand Hall and the numerous teachers were talking among themselves. Headmaster Wynd took to the podium at the end of the large room, it stood on a balcony halfway up the tall ornate walls of the Grand Hall, the Headmaster cleared his throat.

“I regret to inform you that this morning, both Una Academy and the city of Terrana fell” The Headmaster looked down as he sighed, the students began talking among themselves, but went silent as the Headmaster continued “We have no information on what exactly happened, as communications with the city have fallen silent. As such we will be sending our final year students to assist in the city, to lend whatever aid we can. I know this is a trying time, as many students will have friends and family in Una and Terrana, but we need to stay strong, both for us, and for those who may yet survive. Dismissed”

Roisin and Ashe had been escorted to their dorm room, Ashe had finally let down her cold exterior and comforted Roisin as she mourned the potential loss of her brother.

“If your brother was at Una Academy, he had to have been pretty strong, Ros’, they don’t send half-baked students there, I’m sure he will have been able to escape somehow” Ashe smiled at Roisin.

“I hope you’re right... but I can’t help but worry, when we were growing up, and the neighbourhood bullies used to pick on us, he’d always be there to protect me, always playing the hero... what if he did the same there?” Roisin explained as she wiped away her tears.

Ashe looked down at the floor.

“You need to rest, try to get some sleep and I’ll see if I can’t get some dinner for you” Ashe smiled

“Okay” Roisin smiled slightly and then laid down on her bed, Ashe walked out of the door into the corridor, it was filled with other students talking away, Ashe pushed her way through them and made her way to the Dining Hall, holo-televisions dotted the walls, all of them showed the news channel. The news channel was showing the first images from Terrana. There was almost nothing left of the city, the smoke and clouds had cleared now, and a bright white sky hung over the city. There didn’t seem to be any wind blowing through the city either, everything looked dead, as if trapped in some kind of stasis.

Ashe looked away and headed into the dining hall, she absent-mindedly collided with a tall black haired male student.

“Oh hey Ashe... sorry to hear about you getting pushed back a year” The boy smiled, genuinely.

“Thanks Logan, though, it seems like nothing compared with everything else that has gone on today” Ashe patted his arm.

“I heard you were there when the Headmaster found out?” Logan asked inquisitively.

“Yeah, my new dorm buddy... and the reason I got pushed back a year, got a message from her brother, at Una Academy” Ashe explained.

“Kinda weird that we heard nothing before that, whatever it was that attacked the city must have been quick for no word to get out during the attack” Logan pondered.

Ashe nodded and looked toward the food stand nearby.

“I gotta go get some food for Roisin, the girl who I was talking about, you’re welcome to come” Ashe smiled as she headed over to the food stand.

Terrana City was deathly silent as the Final Year students neared it, the airships began their descent. Suddenly, the engines just went, as if the power just... faded into nothingness, the airships began free-falling as the pilots tried to adjust to make an emergency landing. Airship 451 collided with the remains of a skyscraper, the impact was enough to stop the ship dead in its tracks.

Sebastien woke up in the ruins of the airship, the others seemed unconscious, he struggled his way to his feet and stepped outside, stepping onto the skyscraper itself. He looked around, strangely, there seemed to be no fire from the crash, not even smoke from the damaged engine, the air was thick and the particles in the air visible, something was wrong in this place, he could feel it. Sebastien before he could take another step forward, the airship behind him plummeted to the ground.

He was now alone in this city, the crash echoed for blocks around, a figure in a hooded white and blue outfit looked up at the skyscraper and headed inside.

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