Written In Black

Chapter Chapter Six

“She’ll be fine, it was probably just low blood sugar.” I heard words come from above me.

I opened my eyes to find bright lights above me along with the smell of alcohol wipes that filled the room.

“Ms. Radner, I see you’re finally awake.” A large woman stood above me with dark brown hair hair, as well as blue eyes and red lipstick, once I managed to get a good look at her I realized it was the school nurse, Ms.Trapel.

With some effort, I sat up rubbing my head from the dizzy feeling I still had, “What happened?”

Ms.Triple rested her hand on my forehead, checking my temperature, she gave a curious expression on her face, and her hand quickly brushed away, she looked at me with an odd expression.

I swallowed, “What is it, is something wrong?’

She shook her head, “It is the strangest thing, and it may as well be probably nothing, but you’re colder than ever, not a temperature to be spotted from what I can see.”

My skin, it wasn’t be the same after I turned, that is why I was so cold.

I shook my head, “Right,” I started, “it would be considering…” Come on, think of something!

“Considering what dear?”

“Considering...it is freezing in here.” I guess it wasn’t as great as it was in my head.

Ms.Triple felt around the room, also looking at the a/c, “It is only 73 in here Jay.”

I pretended to shiver and wrap my hands around my arms, “My skin is sensitive.” I half smiled.

Ms.Triple looked at me curiously and then out of nowhere that curiosity vanished, she was back to the in the dark nurse who didn’t question me since I woke up, “So you don’t remember anything?” Odd.

I shook my head, “I probably just need to eat.” I was doing everything in my power not to laugh about the irony in that, as well as cry.

“Well than that would explain why you fainted, in any case, your mother is coming to pick you up, perhaps try and eat something while you wait for her?”

“I’m alright.” My head all of the sudden was pounding and my stomach began to feel nauseous.

Then the real matter hit me, I was blood-thirsty, I felt weaker than before, my whole body yearned for the one thing I’d been hoping to avoid for a while, blood.

I was able to sit up and made my way to the bathroom, I looked in the mirror to see myself paler than ever, well she wasn’t kidding about me being cold, I might as well have put on a cape and ran around screaming ‘I’m a vampire!’

Noise came from the other room, the Ms.Triple was talking again.

“Yes, she’ll be right there. Ms.Radner, your mom is here, she is in the office.”

“Thanks!” I called out.

Before I could make it out the door, Ms.Triple placed her hand on my shoulder, “You take care of yourself.” She spoke, but all I could think about was the blood running through her veins.

I couldn’t speak, all my attention faded towards her arm, I could smell the blood running through her veins, it killed me to touch her, because all I could think about now, was tasting that blood.

“Thanks.” I held my breath, it was too much to bare.

Quickly, I made my out to the front office, only to find several more teachers and students crowded around the office, I saw my mom parked outside waiting for me, I brushed past a student, her arm brushed up against mine, I could feel her warmth, almost taste the sweetness between her veins.

I let the craving in for a moment, wanting to sink my teeth into her neck, suck every inch of life right out of her body, nothing mattered more than tasting it, the life.

What was I doing, I couldn’t hurt this girl!

Not a moment more did I let myself be drawn to that, I bit down on my lips and headed out to my mom.

“Hey, Jay, are you alright?” I saw concern fill her expression, I also smelled her blood, which seemed to have more power over me at the moment.

I nodded, unable to speak, to look at her, to do anything, the only thing I wanted, or cared about at that moment, was blood, it was the only thing I thought about on the ride home.

We finally reached the house, I ran straight to my room.

“Where are you going?” My mom yelled.

“Sleep.” I yelled back, then without hesitation, I jumped out of my window, making my way to Sean’s place.

I reached his door and knocked three times, so fast it almost seemed like one knock at once.

Sean opened the door, “Jay, how are you?” Once he saw my expression he knew.

“I need you to show me.” I swallowed, almost unbearably.


“I can’t be sure, I don’t want to--” I swallowed hard, “Take blood, until I am certain of how to do it right, so that no one is harmed.”

“And you want me to go with you, show you?” I nodded.

He looked at me hesitantly, “Alright, let’s go.”

He grabbed his coat and we left.

Sean eyed me again, this time with concern, “You look pale.”

I nodded and rolled my eyes, “I’ve been getting that a lot today.”

Sean shook his head and stopped me in my tracks, “No, I mean really pale, are you sure you’re alright?”

I looked into Sean’s eyes, mesmerized by how pale blue they were, almost as ice, they were glowing, they were beautiful.

Sean let out a grin when I realized, I had been staring at him, “Sorry. Yeah I’m fine.” I turned my head to keep him from seeing my embarrassed gaze.

“So you’ll want to go for a male, mid-thirties or forties, they are the least fragile.”

“Where do we go?”

Sean motioned toward a bar down the road, “We’ll find plenty near the back.”

“But how do we--”

“Not get noticed?” Sean spoke up, anticipating my question.

“We catch them when they’re vulnerable, when they’re alone.”

My head started to spin, and my palms sweat.

Sean saw the worry in my expression and spoke, “Nervous?”

I waved my hands, “Oh no, who would be nervous, or anxious when they’re sucking the life out of someone.” I spoke sarcastically.

“You’re not going to kill anyone Jay, I promise.” Sean rested his hand against my cheek for a moment, and though I knew it was wrong to let these feelings play out, I couldn’t help but enjoying Sean’s touch, it was soft, calming, and reassuring, something in which I haven’t felt in a long time.

I opened my eyes and nodded, “Let’s go.”

We found an old hispanic guy, he was walking to his car, but it was parked far from anyone to notice anything suspicious, “Now I’ll knock him out, which will give you the advantage, you’ll know when you’ve taken enough blood, because it will begin to get cold, when that happens, you must stop, understand?” I nodded.

“And you must also know that you will eventually have to do this on your own?” I nodded.

We made our way to the man, right when he turned, Sean hit his head against the ground so hard, I thought he’d died right then and there.


“It’s alright, he may have a slight headache, but he’ll be fine.”

I hadn’t heard Sean say anything, all I could concentrate on, was the blood dripping from his head, that got cut from the stone, without hesitation, I pressed my lips against his injured spot, pecking it at first, then slowly grinding my teeth into his arm, gaining every drop of blood I could cherish, but it was over too soon, his blood began to run cold, I willed myself to a stop, and before I could blink, the wound was gone! It was like he was never injured, it was like I had never done a thing.

“So?” Sean asked, I still had my eyes pinned on his neck, astounded by what just happened.

“Much better.” I spoke, as I licked my lips, not wasting a single drop.

We made our way back to my place, Sean sat himself on the edge of my bed, as for I, made my way on the floor, I continued to stare down at the ground, “How do you do it?”

He gave me a questioning look, “How do you harm them like that, how do you do it without feeling any ounce of pity, or sympathy?”

He shrugged, “After years without feelings, or a beating heart, it tends to become a habit.”

“Well then why do I feel bad?”

“Do you want the truth?” I gave him a serious look.

“The truth is, you don’t feel anything at all, you just want yourself to, you want to let yourself know you are still somewhat human, and not a monster, you have no real feelings.”

My heart felt like it plunged beneath the earth, “So Peter--”

“I’m sure Jay, you love him, you always have.”

“But you just--”

“Feelings may not stay within us, but our souls still linger somewhat, we are still the same person, nothing can change that.”

I shrugged, “All I could think about was his soul, and the consequences if I didn’t stop.”

Sean made his way over to me, “Jay, you are far from, evil, or murderous, I promise, the only reason you feel this way is because you want to, you have the option to be happy. The man lived, you feel better, everything is fine.” Sean squeezed me tight, I hugged him back, resting my head on his shoulder, I sniffled, “You should go.”

“Right.” We both turned, Peter stood at the doorway.

“Peter!” I was shocked, but more than that, I’d felt guilty as ever.

“It’s not what you think man.” Sean stepped forward, raising his hands in the air like a surrender.

“Am I supposed to believe the one who had their arms around my girl?” Though he was talking about me, his gaze didn’t once meet mine.

Sean shook his head, “I’m gonna go.” and left out the window, closing it behind him.

I made my way onto my bed, then stared up at Peter, “There is nothing going on between Sean and I.”

Peter sighed, rubbing his head, “I know…” he made his way next to me, pushing me in, I wrapped my arms around his neck, “I’m sorry Peter, I know that you’re going through alot right now, I have no right to make it more stressful.”

“Don’t say that Jay, you have done nothing wrong, there is a lot going on lately, but you get in the way of nothing, you are far more important than anything else in my life, so the next time Sean lays a finger on you, he’ll be in for it.”

“I’m sorry….I’ve missed you, and I wanted to apologize.”

Peter gave me a concerned look, “You’ve done nothing wrong.”

“Don’t say that Peter, I should have been careful, I should have watched the road, that’s the only reason I am what I am, I know you don’t like this Peter, I’m just sorry I let it happen.”

“Look at me,” I turned my head, “I’ll love you to the ends of the Earth, no matter the circumstances, through any kind of pain, conflict, problem, anything, I will never stop loving you, always remember that Jay, that’s very important.”

I let out a small sob and plunged my lips into Peter’s, giving him all I could, every ounce of pain, and love, I wrapped my arms around his neck, tugging his shirt off from him, then brushed my fingers through his hair, kissing stronger--deeper each moment. Peter unlatched my bra from underneath my shirt, then pulled my shirt off, slowly pulled it away, pushing me in for more. Our legs intertwined-- “Jay!! What is going on?” My body froze at the sound of my mom at the doorway, switching on the light.

“Mom, I--”

“I don’t want to hear it Jay, not another word, you,” she grabbed Peter by the arm and led him out the window, “are to never come back here again, and you can help yourself out, if you could get yourself in, this shouldn’t be a problem!”


Peter looked back at me, placing his hand on my cheek, See you soon. He spoke to my mind. Then jumped out the window.

“You’re grounded, for four months Jay.”


“How could you even think this was tolerable, sex! You’re in highschool Jay, and did you even bother to tell me Peter was back, let alone what happened to him, I am very disappointed in you.”

“Mom, we weren’t even, we--”

“His shirt, and your bra, was on the floor, and let me remind you, you two were in bed, together, call it what you want Jay, you’re grounded, no t.v, phone, plans, nothing, you can keep that in mind.” She slammed the door behind her, leaving me shirtless.

A few hours later mom came back in the room, “Listen,” Great, we were going to have the chat again, for the thousandth time, don’t do this, don’t do that, be safe, I love you…

“I was a little hard on you.”

“Seriously, because mom it’s totally fine.”

“No, listen Jay, what you did was,” she swallowed, “unacceptable, but still, I was rough.” I said nothing.

She threw her hands in the air and let out a large sigh, “Jay, will you be careful, for god sake, how do you expect me to feel about my daughter having sex! And what happened to Peter?”

“His cousin from Europe needed his help,” I shrugged. “I don’t know, something about planning for a wedding or whatever.” Good for you Jay, you came up with an excuse on your own.

Mom’s shoulders loosened, “Don’t ever do that again Jay, until you’re married, and finished with school, until you’re ready.”

“I don’t actually think--we, well, I don’t think I would have done it anyway, gone that far, you know?”

She nodded, then kissed my forehead, “You’re grounded, for two weeks.”

“Thanks mom.”

“You best be keeping those clothes on your body from now on.” I shook my head, and she left.

Then before I could scream, my eyes made contact with a dark figure that stood across the room, eyeing me with the most devilish look I had ever seen.

The black figure opened its mouth wide, showing a variety of sharpened teeth, three layers inside its mouth full of teeth, it began to screech at me, making me cover my ears. I noticed a small tear that ran down my cheek, was I going to die. It crawled towards me, but moved like a snake, then without warning, it threw its fist at me, revealing a bruised hand, with claws as sharp as blades, heading towards my face, I acted without thought, my hand came up just in time and wrapped itself around the creatures fist, it was rough, and scarred, immediately I crushed it’s fist with my hand, leaving dust formed on the floor, I had crushed it’s hand, it was no longer there.

An sudden feeling of hope overwhelmed inside me, I might of been able to beat this thing. I raised my foot up, kicking it on its side, which caused it to charge at me slower than it intended, which gave me the advantage, I raced for it’s arm, pulling it as hard as I could, then when it finally fell off, formed to dust on the floor. Quickly, I ran to the other side of the room, then before it could turn around, jumped on top of it, grinding my fingers inside its skull. It made me cry, because as much as I wanted to kill this thing, its head couldn’t have scared me more.

Once my fingers met the inside of its head, I felt a jolting pain coursed through me, shocked me from the inside out, my heart raced so fast I couldn’t think, or speak, or breathe, I fell to the floor, hands and arms, and legs lay flat on the ground, I was paralyzed, my eyes stay wide open as images zoom in front of me, like a video, playing right in front of me, they were small clips each of a person; being killed by these monsters, I saw one’s throat torn out in front of their child, another, whose head was--cut off, and others, more and more, until I couldn’t take it anymore, I broke free from this horrible view and sat up, just before the creature could make its move, I grinded my fingers in its head, ripping out all that I held. I had killed it. I fell to the ground, letting my eyes shut and allowing my body to shut down...

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