Would You Rather: A Novel

Chapter Would You Rather: Epilogue

“Are you two hiding?”

At the sound of Claire’s voice Mia startled and jumped back, swiping a hand across her lips.

“Hey,” Noah said. “Don’t wipe my kiss off your mouth.”

Mia gave him a look that said, shhhh, trying to ignore how sexy he looked with those hooded eyes and flushed cheeks, and regarded Claire standing in the doorway.

Even from their location in the guest bedroom, the hum of voices and music filtered from the living room of Noah’s parents’ house and likely into the patio and yard beyond.

Claire arched a knowing brow. “It’s your graduation party, Mia.” Her voice was stern but she looked as if she was holding back a smile. “These people are here to celebrate you. Meanwhile you’re back here doing God knows what with Noah.”

Mia scrunched her nose, smoothing her hair.

“She is my wife, you know,” Noah put in. He still leaned against the wall where Mia had pinned him with her body just a few seconds ago.

Mia bit her lip. “It’s just… James has kept him superbusy since his promotion last month and he just got back from a trip to Index. We, um, haven’t had much time alone—”

Claire held up a hand. “I don’t need to know. Just finish up, okay? I’ll try to get this party wrapped up—no pun intended—in the next hour and you can do whatever you need to do. At home.”

With that, she disappeared.

Noah’s arm snaked around Mia’s waist and dragged her close again. He kissed her hard, then pulled back. “There.”

She smiled, reaching up to fix his hair. “Ready?”

“I guess.” He pushed off the wall and took her hand. “Claire’s probably right, we should be out there. But it’s a good thing we have two days off after this. I don’t plan on doing anything but you.”

Mia’s neck flushed with heat. “Noah.”

“What?” He didn’t sound the least bit apologetic.

She just shook her head and grinned as they made their way to the living room. Noah’s dad intercepted him, pulling him away almost immediately, probably to discuss some new hobby he’d picked up. So far in retirement he’d gone through several, from things like organic gardening to tracing his entire family ancestry. A couple of months ago he’d almost bought a boat before Noah talked him out of it.

Mia’s mom waved to her from the food table, and Mia’s stomach growled. She made her way over and gave her mom a side hug as she perused the options.

“This is a great turnout,” her mom said.

Mia’s heart swelled as she looked at the family and friends filling the room. “It feels surreal. I can’t believe I’m finally done.”

Her mom squeezed her arm, careful not to jostle the plate Mia was piling high with food. “We’re so proud of you.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

After she’d finished eating she made her way around the room, chatting and accepting congratulations and well wishes from everyone. Some asked what her plans were, and she was happy to report she already had a job lined up with a local pediatrics group.

An hour had passed and she kept looking for Noah, but had only seen a glimpse of him once.

Suddenly a warm, large hand gripped hers and his familiar scent filled her senses. He pressed a kiss to her cheek before he winked and walked away again, leaving her with a frown on her face and a folded piece of paper in her hand.

She unfolded the small note, and laughed.

Meet me at the tree house in 5?

She cast her gaze around the room, searching for her husband. He was by the kitchen island, leaning one arm against the granite, perfectly at ease. He’d already joined a conversation with someone, but must have felt her looking at him and lifted his eyes. He grinned, a secret, sexy smile just for her, and cocked one brow.

With a saucy look of her own, Mia gave him a little nod and glanced at the clock.

Let the countdown begin.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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