Worth Dying For

Chapter 9 ~ Why Am I Not Scared?

Marisol’s POV ~

I knew Grandpa was on the warpath.. so I got out of there.. fast as I could. My entire morning was spent on books. We signed six new authors, so I was moving money from an equity account to a more accessible liquidity for sign on bonuses. An incentive program only I apply!

Right now, I am staring at an email.. that I shouldn’t be staring at.. because it shouldn’t exist! I punch the intercom “Susannah and Allen, my office immediately!”

As soon as they walked in, I asked “Who sent this? The address is blank.. but it’s our trademarked logo! I want this person found! I have NEVER and will Never poach! How dare this person offer our sign on as a way to steal clients!”

They ran to the tech office and got started tracking the computer it came from. I texted Kai and told him I had had a security breach.. it’s just too close on the heels of the kidnapping circus.

I pulled up personnel files to see is working PR and recruitment. Those three people are going to be questioned. And why THE fuck do I have an unknown email account in my office?

Kai walked in the door and I asked “Are you superman or some Lord of Stars or something? Because I don’t know how you got here from Grandpa’s in ten minutes.. unless it’s some hocus pocus bullshit.”

He laughed and said “I was in a contractual meeting downstairs. You saved me from dying of boredom!” I giggled “Oh please! You live to be Lord of the Boardroom. Hey! There’s your super name! TikTok here we come!”

He laughed again and told me “I thought you’d be more nervous with having a breach. Talk to me. Tell me what happened.”

I explained to him about the email.. offering a high sign on bonus, but only if they leave their current backing. I would never do that! I would never allow my employees to offer it!

He said “Okay! Let’s track this fucker!” I took his hand and we went to the tech center. Just as I opened the door, Allen walked out and said “Hi sweetie. Now don’t freak out.” Knowing that if he didn’t want me to freak out, he shouldn’t tell me not to!

He cleared his throat.. “The email.. It.. uhh..it came from your office at 3:48 this morning. “ I yelled “What? No! That is fucking impossible! I locked my office when I left at five, yesterday. It was locked when I came in this morning! Find the video from the last week.. if they offed that email remotely.. then he has to have been in my office within the last five days. I know that because my email security wipes out spam drafts and trash.. every five days. He will be on camera.. he needed my computer to draft and store it.”

Kai said “Allen, when Kennedy gets here, can you bring him up to speed.” He lightly took my elbow and steered me to my boardroom.

Once inside, he pulled me to him, and just stood there holding me.. “Whoever did this has access to your personal information. That indicates someone close enough to know your passwords. Unless you’re one of those people that writes them all down, in one place.”

I laughed “I did that in college. First time on my own. I was afraid I would forget them. Now, they are dates that mean something.” He nodded and smiled “Okay.. think, baby. Who can access your passwords?”

I led him to my office.. and pulled out who it was “Susannah and Allen, of course. But they have been my best friends since kindergarten. Connie, that’s Susannah’s PA.. Dom, Allen’s assistant. And Donna.. from Human Resources. She sometimes needs to print documents from here, that I don’t allow on the common server.”

He nods.. and says “Okay. We leave it alone.. until we watch the videos. I only deal in absolutes. I pay people to handle the possibility..”

Allen called my office to let us know the videos were being viewed and it could take a couple days. I said “I want security on this floor and inside the offices from now on. Everyone is to be gone by five. Allen.. confiscate entry keys. They can all wait until one of us shows up.

Kai grinned “Come on! We are going out to dinner.” I asked where we were going. He told me the Italian restaurant across the street. I ran into my bathroom and changed into an off shoulder skater dress in navy blue.. and slipped on matching heels. Pulled my hair loose and dabbed on some lip gloss.

He whistled and I laughed “I keep a few changes here for business dinners that require a little class.” He grinned “Babe! You are always classy! Even when you throat punch your dad.” I groaned and whined “He came for me!” Making him laugh.

We sat.. enjoying our dinner… and talking.. when the media found us. Kai surprised me.. He leaned over and pulled me close..said “Smile..” I still held back.. never being comfortable in the limelight.

The rest of the evening went fine.. We took a stroll around the towne center. There were so many cute little shops now. I made a mental note to bring Isaiah one Saturday.. and browse.

Walking back to the car, a man stepped out of the shadows.. “Brother! I thought you would remain a bachelor forever! Actually, I thought you were gay. But Look at you! Out here with such a beautiful piece.”

He reached to take a strand of my hair, and I batted his hand away. Malakai asked “What the fuck are you doing on my turf, Morton. I could kill you right here for breaking the truce.”

Morton sneered “That truce won’t mean nothing when you’re gone!” Kai laughed and replied “Threats.. again with the threats. If you feel froggy, dude, leap! I’m always ready..certainly willing.. and definitely able. But you already know that!”

Turning to me.. he opened the car door and said “If you’d be so kind to wait in the car.. I will return you to yours, momentarily. I’m afraid we will have to reschedule this meeting. I apologize.”

Understanding the gist of what he said, I tilted my head and told him “Very well, Mr. Winters. I will have my assistant call Kennedy to reschedule.” I sat down in the car..

I watched Kai light into Morton.. even though I couldn’t hear what was being said.. Their body language was yelling ‘Kill him’ at each other.

Why am I not scared?

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