World of the Whimsical

Chapter A Perilous Encounter

The festival had just begun as we arrived, and it was a sight to behold. People ate, drank, danced, and overall seemed to be having a really good time. All of Enbridge was decorated with colorful lights, streamers, balloons, and ribbons.

“This is amazing!” Alice exclaimed.

“I know, right!?” I exclaimed. “There are so many sweets – if I eat enough, I’ll get sugar high!”

Alice and I walked around, taking in the sights and sounds. The festivalgoers were very friendly and welcoming. We ate a few treats and drank a milkshake that was unlike anything I’ve ever tasted.

Later, I glanced at the dance floor, then at Alice. I asked her, “Care to dance?”

I felt like Alice was going to say yes, but she turned away so I couldn’t see her blushing. “Oh, Simon…I…”

I burst into laughter. “C’mon, it’ll be fun!” I grabbed her hand, got up and headed to the dance floor. Small orbs of light flew past us and started cleaning up our table.

I was having so much fun, and so was Alice. We got lost in the music and the crowd around us. However, there was one thing that never seemed to leave my mind. It wasn’t the Oracle, nor was it Lahneus. No, actually, it was Alice.

During the lowest, darkest time of my life, this beautiful girl just appeared right in front of me. It was a blessing – dare I say a miracle. In a matter of hours, we formed an unbreakable bond that would take months or even years to grow back home. I’m truly thankful I found this world; I don’t think I’ll ever leave.

Suddenly, the ground began to move. Everyone became quiet and stopped dancing. There was this overwhelming sense of dread that seemed to fall on the entire village. Even worse, no one had a clue what was about to happen. But I did.

I looked up to the sky and was immediately blasted by a bright light. People started running in every direction, screaming and crying. What followed was this horrible screeching sound that was so loud, it made my ears bleed. I wish I was joking.

In the middle of the madness, I realized Alice was nowhere to be seen. I panicked and started looking for her, unaware of the enormous spaceship that had just appeared in the sky. Every table, every stand, every shop and tavern – I couldn’t find her. However, I did find Sir Edward Mittens, lying on the ground and unable to stand.

“Hold on, I got you!” I shouted as I ran over to him. “Give me your arm – I’ll lift you up.”

“Thank you so much,” said Sir Mittens. “You’re very kind.”

“Hey – I need some help over here!”

A few kind strangers ran over to assist, and on a count of three, we managed to lift Sir Mittens to his feet. Unfortunately, due to his injuries, he was unable to stand on his own. We had to carry him to a nearby cottage and look for anyone who had healing abilities.

Meanwhile, the giant spaceship started firing on Enbridge and the surrounding forest. Trees were set ablaze, and the ground shook from all the explosions. At this point, there was one thing on my mind, and one thing only.

I quickly scanned the area in search of her. About ten meters ahead of me, I saw a body lying on the ground, motionless. It was her.

“Oh no!” I shrieked. “Alice!”

I ran over and started pleading for her to wake up. No answer. She was unconscious. Her body was completely limp. I picked her up and took her to the cottage where Sir Mittens was being treated. However, that’s when things got even worse.

Back at the cottage, I encountered a little girl standing in the middle of the road. Her face was filled with horror. She looked to be no older than ten.

I asked where her parents were, and what she was doing out here all alone. Her response, although brief, sent a chill down my spine. She said, “Sir, you might want to look behind you.”

I turned around slowly. There he was. His figure was ominous; he was eight feet tall, and his complexion was so dark, I could only make out his glowing blue eyes. His immense power ran throughout his body. Make no mistake, that was him.

Lahneus wasted no time trying to kill me. With a hook and wire made of light, he yanked me towards him and nearly took my head clean off with a clothesline. I was then thrown back into the air and dealt a powerful blow to my ribcage. As I was sent hurtling into the sky, he hooked me again, then slammed me through someone’s house and into their cellar.

Miraculously, I survived. I was hanging on by a thread, though. If Lahneus were to hit me again, I would be dead. I had to figure out a way to either escape or fight back. He crashed into the cellar, expecting to finish me off. But, I wasn’t willing to go that easily.

I screamed out of rage, and a massive surge of energy rushed through me. A sword formed in my hand, and I used it to slash Lahneus in the abdomen. This was my chance – as fast as my powers would allow me, I sprinted up the stairs and out of the cottage.

Edith was right about Lahenus being relentless. He leaped out of the cottage and knocked me to the ground, then picked me back up. But, before he could slam me again, he was struck by a powerful beam of light.

A girl with wings emerged from the light. She was struggling to keep Lahneus pinned to the ground. I was about to run over to assist, but she waved me off and shouted, “Go!”

She didn’t have to tell me twice. I bolted, but I was two seconds too late. Lahneus tried to pursue me once again. Unfortunately for him, I had enough and wanted to end this. I turned to face him and shouted, “Come at me, you freak!”

When he got close enough, I swiped at Lahneus with my sword. He fell to the ground, and I hit him again. The winged girl came over and drove a dagger into his neck.

Soon, a quartet of dark, winged figures had to step in and stop the beating. They carried Lahneus back to his ship. The people of Enbridge celebrated as he and his army began to flee.

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