Words Unspoken

Chapter Chapter Ten

I woke up the next morning feeling even more tired than usual. The issue was the nightmare I had and then staying for a while talking with Noah, but I really didn't mind that. I felt totally relaxed when I talked to him about everything that I felt, especially about the situation we've been in these years. Even though I just met the guy, and found out that Jill, my boss, is his aunt, I felt that I could trust him with my life.

I just stared at the bottom of the top bunk. I'm guessing Krista was awake because her bed didn't look like it had a dent in it from her body. But I just stayed in bed, not wanting to get up yet. I could hear people chatting and feet shuffling against the floor. Something was going on, something important but I didn't know if I should join in or not because I was the new person.

A long sigh escaped my lips as I rubbed my face with my hands. I had to get up sooner or later. After about ten minutes of just laying there, I slowly got out of bed and looked around for a bit. My eyebrow raised slightly at everyone, they were all wearing the standard uniform. But why? I thought they burned the clothes? I soon remembered a few days ago when I first met Noah. He had on the white buttoned shirt, the khakis and black shoes. I'm guessing to be in "disguise" and "blend in" with the rest of the world. But what about me? I'm guessing to be in "disguise" and "blend in" with the rest of the world. But what about me?

I gazed around the room before spotting Noah, Ben and Krista talking with Jill. I slowly made my way over to them. As I approached them, Jill finished up her conversation with them.

"You guys know what you have to do?" She said as she looked at the three of them. They all nodded their heads yes as I cleared my throat.

"Hey, sorry for waking up late...what did I miss?" I asked as they turned to look at me. Noah gave me a smile and I smiled back at him.

"Not much, just a run down for the day." Krista said to me with a small smile. I just nodded my head and looked over at Noah.

"Alright guys, you go on ahead, I'll see you later." She said to the three of them as they walked towards the exit. I watched them leave and Noah turned around looking over at me. He gave me a smile and a wink before following Ben and Krista out the door. The room was now empty and it was just Jill and I.

"How come I didn't go with them?" I asked Jill as she walked over to a large dark brown desk, in the back of the room.

"Well, you're technically new here. We have some procedures and safety precautions to go over." She said to me as she sat behind the desk and motioned for me to sit down in the chair on the other side of the desk.

"So you're probably wondering why they're still wearing the clothes?" She asked me as she tilted her head waiting for a reply

I nodded my head slowly before answering. "I mean I figured it was a disguise and to blend in."

"You're right on that." She said with a nod

"But, they burned their clothes...they had me burn mine." I said with a raised eyebrow and leaned back in my seat.

"Yeah, it was Noah, Ben and Krista that did that. But they still had extras to go out in the world with and blend in so they wouldn't get caught. The reason they burned them is because of how trapped they felt. Even though they're wearing them, they're not as trapped because they're now a part of the rebellion." She explained to me. I nodded my head slowly.

"And what about the pharmacy?" I asked her. There were times where Jill had called out but not often, just like the other day. I figured it was because she had to come here.

"Well Krista and Ben are going there now. Things obviously changed in the past couple of days now that you're here. It's not a bad thing, don't worry. I'm honestly glad you're here, I wasn't expecting you to be here this soon."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion at what she said. She wasn't expecting me to be here so soon? When was she expecting me then?

"So the times you called out and told me to stay home, Ben and Krista have been working there?" I asked now coming to the realization of the other times she called out. Now it's all making sense. Jill nodded her head to me and smiled.

"Yes, they've been working there. Noah on the other hand, he's my eyes and ears, observing people, their behavior, seeing who...stood out the most." She explained to me.

"The day he met you, even though I didn't know he met you. He told me that you were different. I told him to keep an eye on you."

"Wait, you had him spy on me??" I said out of frustration.

"No, not spying, just observing. He paged me that night and said he saw someone watching him, not a guard or cop. He noticed how you reacted. Watched you go home, and then saw you run out of your house."

"One minute he was wearing a black hoodie and then he was dressed in the stupid uniform." I said, still confused.

"It was under his clothes." She said with a soft chuckle. I nodded my head slowly, now finally understanding how they worked. Everything happened so fast that I was mind boggled and in shock. I had no time to process it until Jill just explained it all to me.

I leaned back in my chair, lost in thought now. What was my purpose now that I was here? Was I gonna go back to work at the pharmacy? Was I gonna do what Noah does? I had no idea, but that decision was up to Jill. For now, it's all about learning about the rebellion, how they work.

Jill began explaining to me about the rundown of what they do. Some people stay undercover and work and later that night, they change into their other clothing and start tagging buildings and houses. They haven't gotten far because they almost got caught a few months ago and tried to keep it on the down low now. So it's been hard for them to find more people and recruit them.

"So, since what happened with your parents is still...fresh...you're gonna have to stay here." Jill said to me after explaining everything.

"I can't go out at all?" I asked, disappointment in my voice as I slouched in my seat. Jill saw the look on my face and gave me a sympathetic smile.

"It's hard, I know. But if your parents called the police, you have to stay in hiding until things start cooling down. We're not that far from your house. So it's best you stay here, down here especially." She said to me as I nodded my head slowly.

"What about you?" I asked, raising an eyebrow as I sat up a bit. Jill let out a small sigh as she tapped her fingers on her desk as she thought for a moment. If my parents saw her, they'd be asking her a million questions about me. And I don't want to put that burden on Jill.

"I'll be at the pharmacy a few times a week, our usual customers shouldn't get suspicious." She said as she leaned forward folding her hands, resting them on the table.

"Yeah but what about me?"

"I'll tell them you found a new job." She said to me as I nodded my head slowly. Looks like she got this all figured out. My eyes flickered around the now quiet room. Everyone was out and here I was not knowing what I was supposed to do. Jill told me to just stay here and not go out at all. Now that I've joined the group, sort of, it was best for me to stay hidden and away from the outside world.

My thoughts then wandered to my family. My parents were probably worried, scared, angry. My brother, probably disappointed in me. He felt the same way I did and I left him there. I had to find a way to get in contact with him. Let him know I'm safe and I'm okay. But what if he told my parents that I contacted him. So many things went through my mind about what could go wrong or what could go right. I shook my head, pushing all my thoughts out of the way. A long frustrated sigh escaped my lips as I just sat where I was. Jill got up a few minutes ago but I had no idea where she went. I looked around the room and a second later heard the door close. It was now just me in this empty room.

Slowly standing up from the chair, I looked around for a bit before walking over to my bunk. I heard mumbled buzzing and furrowed my eyebrows. I forgot I had my pager still, it was under my pillow. I lifted the pillow and grabbed my pager as I continued to buzz and vibrate in my hands. It was probably my family asking where I was. I closed my eyes for a moment, taking in a deep breath before slowly letting it out. I opened my eyes and read the message

Sam, it's Kyle. I just need to know that you're safe. I do t wanna be the one to tell you this...mom and dad called the authorities as soon as you ran away. There's been guards everywhere here. I just hope your safe. And I won't say anything else to them. Don't worry. Just send me a sign that you're alive at least.

A small sigh escaped my lips as I read over the message a few times. So they did call the authorities, I knew it. I plopped down on my bed and stared at the pager in my hands. I debated whether I should message him back. What if they took his pager and saw my reply. I shook my head as I thought for a bit, trying to figure out what to do. After a few minutes, I turned my pager off and stood up making my way towards the door. I opened it up and walked up the steps.

"Sam...you can't leave." I heard Johnny say to me. He turned his flashlight on and shone it in front of me. I shielded the light from my eyes with my hand.

"I'm not going outside, don't worry, I'll be here." I said to him, "You can even keep an eye on me." I added. Johnny kept his eyes on me for a moment before stepping to the side and opening the door for me. I stepped back into the main room of the factory and looked around for a bit.

Wandering around the rubble and dust, I rummaged through everything, looking for something heavy. After a few minutes of searching, I found a large rock and picked it up from the floor, examining it for a bit. I crouched down to the floor and placed the pager down on the ground. Lifting up the rock over my head, I held it there for a few seconds before slamming the rock down on the pager. It didn't break right away, just cracking the screen. I continued to slam the rock down on the pager a few times before it was broken up into pieces. I tossed the rock to the side and stood up, dusting my hands off.

I turned around and made my way back downstairs, Johnny closing the door behind us.

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