Words Unspoken

Chapter Chapter Eight

"Jill??" I said and stared at her in shock. I blinked a few times and shook my head hoping it was just a dream but it wasn't. Jill was here.

"Samantha? What in the world are you doing here?" She asked, looking around, probably wondering how the hell I got in. Noah walked over and looked at the two of us.

"Everything alright?" He asked, as he raised an eyebrow and glanced between me and Jill.

"Yeah, uh, Jill's my boss, at the pharmacy." I replied to him and Noah raised both eyebrows.

"Wow, what a small world." He said with a chuckle. "She's my Aunt.." Noah added, while he rubbed the back of his neck.

My eyes widened as I looked between the two of them. This wasn't happening. I mean, it was. But what in the world?? Jill had a nephew I never knew about. She never spoke about her family. Which now made sense. Was Jill the leader of the rebellion group? She had to be. She's the only one that looked in charge. I shook my head a few times rubbing my face with my hands.

"You're related." I said pointing to the two of them. "And are you the leader of this group?" I said now talking to Jill as I gestured to the large room. "Why didn't you tell me? I mean I could have kept it a secret. You knew what my thoughts were! How I felt!" I said to her, my voice now getting louder. I knew I was getting looks but I didn't care.

"Sam, calm down. I'm going to explain everything." She said to me, placing a hand on my shoulder. I let out a small sigh nodding my head. Jill motioned for me to follow her and I did.

My mind was racing with a million questions, but they were going to get answered soon. I followed Jill across the room and we ended up at one of the bunks, I'm guessing it was hers. We were away from everyone, so it was just us. Jill sat down on the bottom bunk and motioned for me to sit. I sat next to her and took my bag off my shoulder.

"I'm guessing you have a lot of questions." Jill said to me as I raised my eyebrows at her. I scoffed slightly, shaking my head. Yeah I did and I had no idea where to start.

"Okay, first question. Why didn't you tell me??" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest as I furrowed my eyebrows at her waiting for a reply. It was quiet for a moment, just the sound of distant voices chatting and laughing in the background. I kept my eyes on Jill, still waiting for her to say something, and hopefully it wasn't a bullshit answer.

"I did it to protect you." She said as she let out a soft sigh. "When you came to me about your dreams, yes I understood but I tried to keep you out of the dark. I wanted you safe, just as your parents did. Now...I don't know."

"I can make my own decisions." I said to her, "Without my parents influencing me. You knew how I felt about everything, I could have helped, I could have done something!" I said now getting upset, my voice was getting louder as I stood up from where I was sitting

"Samantha, calm down." Jill said, standing up, placing her hands on my shoulder. I let out a small sigh as I shook my head, my arms crossed over my chest. The entire room was quiet, probably hearing my little outburst. I had no idea what had gotten over me, but I liked it. I was tired of everything. I felt trapped. Just like these people have felt before joining the rebellion, and I wanted to be a part of it.

"Look, I'm sorry for yelling." I replied. "It's just, you're the one person I fully trusted on this, and to keep it from me, makes me think that you don't trust me."

"It's not that I don't trust you Sam, I do. I had to protect you. Your family. And I can't bear the thought of losing another person."

As she said that, it got quiet between the two of us. She's been in this for a long time, so it made sense that she lost people along the way. I didn't want to admit to her that what she said was right, because she is. But I also didn't want her to kick me out. I can't go home now. I'm probably being looked for as we speak.

"Sam, listen to me, I'm really glad you're here, really glad. I just want to make sure that what you think you're doing is the right thing.

"Of course I do." I said to her, rather quickly. "My parents are probably really pissed and disappointed as well, but I had to do this. I have to do this, for me. And for them." I added.

Jill nodded her head slowly as she kept her eyes on me for a moment. She took in a deep breath and gave me a small smile.

"Well then, let's get you a change of clothes." She said as she lead me to an old looking cabinet in the back of the room. She opened one of the drawers rummaging through it before pulling out a pair of dark blue ripped jeans, a black hoodie and a pair of sneakers, converse I think they're called. She closed the door and handed me the clothes with a small smile.

"There's not really a bathroom. So you're gonna have to change by your bunk. Don't worry, you'll get used to it." She said as she waved her hand up to someone, calling them over. I turned to see who she was waving too and it was Krista, Noah's friend and Bens girlfriend.

"Krista, show her to her bunk and keep her company while she changes." Jill said as Krista nodded, taking me by the arm and lead me to a bunk. The top one seemed like it was occupied, guessing it was Krista's.

"Looks like we're bunkmates." She said smiling at me. "We can switch if you want the top bunk." She offered. I shook my head and smiled at her, setting my new clothes down on the bottom bunk.

"No it's fine, you claimed it first." I said with a soft chuckle.

"So...you and Noah?" Krista asked with a raised eyebrow and a small smirk. I looked over at her and laughed slightly shaking my head.

"Noah? No we're friends." I said with a nod as I unbuttoned my shirt and took it off before slipping on the black hoodie. Once I finished changing, I set my old clothes on my bed staring at them for a moment before looking over my new outfit, which looked a whole lot better. I smiled to myself as I fixed the hoodie and glanced over at Krista who was observing the room, to make sure no one was watching me.

"Thanks." I said to her and she turned to me nodding her head.

"Now, grab those old clothes of yours and follow me." She said. Raising an eyebrow I did what she said and followed her to where Noah and Ben were, mid-conversation about something.

"Alright boys, it's time." Krista said with a smile. Ben and Noah looked at each other and then at me, holding my old clothes.

"Time for what?" I asked, confused more than ever.

"Come on." Noah said as he stood up and made his way to the door, the one we came from. As we made our way upstairs and out of the basement, we made our way outside to the back of the factory. Which was basically the garbage dump. Noah and Ben grabbed a small garbage can, opening the lid and motioned for me to toss my clothes in there. I stood there, hesitating for a second before walking over and tossed them in there.

Noah reached into his pocket, pulling out a box of matches as Ben poured a little gasoline in the trash can. Noah dragged the lighter on the side of the box a few times before a flame started and tossed it in the air. I jumped back slightly and I heard Krista and Ben laugh a little.

"What was that all about?" I asked, motioning to my burning clothes in the trash can.

"Just a big fuck you to the world." Noah said to me, his hands in his Jean pockets as he winked at me, a smile plastered on his face. I looked around to make sure no one was watching before turning my gaze back to the fire. We all stood there watching as my clothes burned. A few minutes had passed and Ben grabbed a bucket of water to get rid of the fire, and quickly put the lid on to keep the smoke from rising anymore

"Are you sure no one was going to see that?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, looking at the three of them.

"Last time we did this was a few months ago, we try not to do it often in case we get caught, and we almost did. Thankfully no one was arrested or anything." Noah said as we made our way back inside the old building. "So we usually just bury them somewhere deep." He added. I nodded my head slowly as we descended the steps of the basement and back into the bunker.

"Welcome home." Noah said to me with a smile and I smiled back up at him. Well, Samantha, there was no turning back now. This is your home now, your new...family.

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