Wooing My Ex-wife Again Novel by Natalie Winter

Chapter 60


“Lea!” I screamed, my voice hoarse and breaking as I stumbled through the chaos, tears streaming down my face. My heart pounded in my chest, each beat a painful reminder that I hadn’t found her yet. The acrid smoke stung my eyes, making it hard to see, but I couldn’t stop. I had to find my daughter.

The garden, once full of laughter and joy, was now a scene of utter devastation. People lay injured on the ground, clutching wounds and calling for help. The acrid stench of burning debris filled the air, making it hard to breathe. The smoke was so thick that it obscured everything, turning the bright day into a nightmare.

Through the swirling smoke and debris, I caught sight of a silhouette in the distance. Something instinctively told me to follow it. Without thinking. I started running, my legs heavy and weak but driven by a mother’s desperate determination. My breath came in ragged gasps, the smoke burning my lungs with each inhale.

“Hey, you! Stop!” I screamed, my voice raw with panic. The figure didn’t stop; instead, it picked up its pace. I could only make out that the person was wearing black, but something inside me urged me to keep following- The smoke and pain made it hard, each breath searing my throat, but I pushed on, my heart racing with fear and hope.

Debris littered the ground, making every step treacherous. I nearly tripped over a fallen bench, my ankle twisting painfully, but I caught myself and kept going. My mind was a whirlwind of terrifying thoughts. What if I was too late? What if she was hurt? The fear was suffocating, but I couldn’t let it paralyze me. I had to keep moving.

The silhouette disappeared behind a corner, and I almost lost sight of it. My heart sank, but then I heard it–a strangled voice, and one word: “Mummy.” It was Lea’s voice. My heart leaped into my throat. “Lea!” I shouted, running faster, almost tripping over the debris. My legs ached, and my lungs felt like they were on fire, but I couldn’t stop. I had to reach her.

As I rounded the corner, I saw him. The man in black was holding Lea. She was crying, her face streaked with tears I felt a surge of rage and desperation. “Let her go!” I screamed, trying to claw at him, my hands trembling with fear and fury.

The man turned, and for a moment, our eyes met. His face was obscured, but I could feel his cold, calculating gaze. He was covered in black from head to toe, a shadowy figure against the chaos around us. My heart pounded with a mix of fear and anger. This man had my daughter, and I would do anything to get her back.

I lunged forward, but before I could reach him, Julian’s voice boomed from behind me. “Let her go!”

He flung something in the man’s direction and the man hesitated, his grip on Lea faltering. He took a step back, and in that moment of hesitation, he dropped Lea to the ground and ran away.

“You asshole” Julian shouted as he ran after him while I could only think of Lea.

I rushed forward, my heart in my throat, and scooped Lea into my arms. Her body was limp, her face pale.

“Lea, baby, it’s Mommy,” I whispered, my voice shaking. She didn’t respond. Her eyes saw me briefly before her eyelids fluttered shut. She had passed out. My heart shattered, tears blurring my vision as I held her close, rocking her gently. Her small body was so fragile in my arms, and the fear of losing her was like a knife in my chest.

Julian was there in an instant, panting and wheezing but his arms around us both, trying to offer comfort. “She’s okay, Ana. She’ll be okay,” he said, his voice thick with emotion.

But I was sobbing uncontrollably, the fear and relief overwhelming me. “I can’t lose her, Julian. I can’t,” I cried, my body trembling. The thought of life without Lea was unbearable, a void that would swallow me whole.

Julian held us tighter, his voice soothing but strained. “You won’t lose her. I promise. She’s safe now.”

The world around me started to blur, the sounds of chaos fading into the background. The last thing I knew was Julian’s strong arms holding us, his voice a distant reassurance, before everything went black and I passed out in his embrace.

When I came to, I was lying on a makeshift bed in what appeared to be a first aid station set up in the remains of the school gym. The ceiling was



Tooing my Ex–wife again

cracked, and the walls were covered in sout but it was relatively mer compared to the chaos outside. I biked, disaiented my body aching al over. The events of the past few hours

panic gripping my heart

shed down on me and I

“Lear” I cried out, looking around fannically

Julian was by my side in an instant his face etched with warry and exhaustion Ana it’s okay Lea’s here. She’s safe


I looked to where he pointed and there she was bring on a car next to mine. a nurse gently tending to her. Relief washed over me so powerful that it lef me weak. I reached out my fingers trembling and touched her han

Is the okay?” I asked my voice barely more than a whisper

The nurse nodded, giving me a reassuring smile. She’s just eased and a bit dehydrated. She’ll be fine with someres.”

I slumped back onto my bed, the adrenaline that had kept me going inaly raining away, leaving me exhausted and numb Julian sat beside me his hand gently rubbing my back

I thought I lost her, Julian” I said, my voice breaking. I thought Id never see her again.

He pulled me into his arms, holding me close. Tow Ana. I know. But she’s here, and she’s safe. We’re going to get through this.

I clung to him, the reality of what had happened dowly tiniting in The garden, the explosion, the man in black–it all felt like a terrible dream. Bur the ache in my body and the soot on my skin were harsh reminders that in was all too real

What if he comes back?” I whispered, fear creeping back into my hear “What if he tries to take her aggie?”

Julian’s grip tightened around me. We won’t let that happen. I’ll make are of it. I’ll keep both of you safe.

I wanted to believe him, to find comfort in his words, but the fear was 100 deep. The image of that man, his cold eyes, and Lea’s frightened face haunted me. “Why did he take her? I asked, my voice shaking, “What did

Julian shook his head, a troubled look in his eyes I don’t know. But we’ll find out And we’ll make sure it never happens again

As the night wore on, I stayed by Lea’s side, watching her sleep, my heart aching with love and fear. The fire brigade and ambulance were now dispatching severely injured people to the nearest hospital while nurses were tending to those who were relatively less injured on the school grounds itself.

Julian walked out of the gym and returned after a while, his jaw set.

“You both had passed out so I did not want to rush but now it is getting late. Let us go.”

He said, reaching for Lea and scooping her in his arms.

“Where?” I asked and he answered, “Somewhere safe”

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