Wooing My Ex-wife Again Novel by Natalie Winter

Chapter 48



I had completely forgotten it was such a big day for Lea and that she had been looking forward to it for days, silently counting the minutes passing by and hoping time would fly sooner.


I began but closed my mouth, unsure of what to say to her. Lea had been so happy ever since Sean had agreed to come to her school meeting but now, looking at the destruction laid across our pack merely hours ago, it did not. feel good to drag him away when he was needed here.

Plus, I was also slightly annoyed at the way he had spoken to me and tried pushing me into the bunker and safety. I had been a Goddamn Luna of a pack and often took part in meetings, rescue missions, and even fights, fighting side by side with warriors.

I was not the typical Luna who was supposed to look pretty, bear children. and raise them. Yes, I loved Lea and being a mother but that was not the only thing that defined me.

I was a warrior first, and a mother later. And when he kept repeatedly tailing me, telling me to get into the bunker and stay safe, it irked me.

I had not seen him after he left when I fell down on the ground with exhaustion. He had not really tried to shove me down the bunker but I still felt his constant nagging annoying.

And now I was not sure I wanted to talk to him after that awkward

conversation. Lea sniffed, wiping her nose as she kept looking down at the floor.

“Oh my dear princess, please don’t be so sad,” I said as I saw a big fat tear roll down her pink cheek.

“It is okay, mummy. I saw and heard the noise and people screaming. I also heard Grandma shouting at you because you did not listen to Grandpa.”

I caressed her cheek and pulled her close. “I don’t want them to be angry at you again if we talk about going to the school meeting.”

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Woning my Fx–wife again

My heart sank a little. She was four. She was not supposed to act fler a adult already. My girl barely asked me for toys or sweets ca angiting che I embraced her despite the sweat and so clinging to my body and wiped her eyes.

“Mummy can handle them being angry at me. And I will go lodrave and see if he can find some time. But I can’t promise anything, Lez

At that, she looked up at me.


I smiled at her. “Really Though if he agrees to come, I am not sure he can stay for long. Maybe, he will leave in thirty minutes or less

I bit my lower lip nervously but her face brightened,

“That is okay, mummy. And even if he doesn’t have time, don’t force him. The pack comes first.”

I had gotten up from the floor to go and find Sean but the last line that the said made me freeze midway.

I turned around and asked, “Who told you that?”

“Grandma,” she said quietly.

I let out a sigh and schooled my features into a mask of cool indifference as I walked out of the room, closing the door behind me.

The elders had finished their tea and were walking outside the living room while the maids were busy carrying the dishes and cups back to the kitchen. My mother helped the last of the elders walk out of the living room and then sat on the couch with a big sigh. She looked tired.

She was more than tired. There had not been any emergency in our pack for years if I ignored the past five years that I had spent in the human territory.

And even then I was pretty sure nobody had dared attack my father’s pack because the only pack that could compete was Julian’s and he would never attack people who could become his allies,

Mom’s eyes flew open when she heard me stumble against a side table and she gave me a long look, scanning me from head to toe.

“Take a shower first, Ana. And then go to the meeting hall”


Wooing my Ex–w2)

Ex–wife again

I looked at her in surprise. “Why?”

She shrugged. “I am not sure but your father sent a guard to call you. “Where is Sean?” I asked her, ignoring her earlier statement.

Must be in the meeting as well

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I made a beeline for the door, ignoring my mom’s pleas to get dressed well before heading out. I would act cool and check on Sean if he could spare only half an hour at maximum.

And if he said no, I would somehow convince Lea to come with me to ice cream and movie night maybe.

But I had to try for my little girl.

The door to the meeting hall room was partially open and I could hear my father’s voice as he heard reports of the guards and suggested the next plan

of action.

I craned my neck long enough to catch a glimpse but he saw me and called me inside.

“Anastasia Gilbert, come inside.

I slowly stepped inside the room full of people who still had wounds, scars, and burns on their faces. It was a good thing that I had not changed into clean clothes. I would have looked out of place in the hall.

What were the orders from your alpha?” He asked me sternly and I blinked.

To… to take Lea and go inside the bunker”

“Then why does Sean tell me you did the opposite and ran into the fire to save a small kid and almost got yourself killed in the process.”

My gaze flicked to Sean who was staring stonily ahead.

“The mother of the kid would have run to the fire had I not done it. And I am alive and unharmed, you can see it, Dad…”

My father raised a hand and cut me abruptly.

“I am your alpha here, not your dad.”

I let out a sigh and relaxed my shoulders but nodded nonetheless.

“Had you done your duty, the other guards and Sean would not have been forced to run behind you instead of saving other lives. You put them in a


Wooing my Ex–wife again

difficult situation by running around and jeopardizing your safety.”

I looked at him, thoroughly appalled.

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He had trained me to become a good warrior and also taught me lessons on administration and everything else required to lead a pack.

“The kid would have died had I not run to save him and…”

But my father or rather my alpha slammed his hand on the table, hard, startling me as he roared.

“Don’t you dare assume my guards would have just let an innocent kid die. There were enough men around to do stuff but you had to jump in and make Sean run behind you for hours…hours that were wasted because you could not listen to a simple command of your alpha.”

I swallowed a thousand retorts I could have hurled at my father. Everybody else was tense and looking at the floor while my father looked livid.

That was the first lesson he had taught me that the alphas‘ orders had to be followed no matter what. And if somebody did not obey them, the alphat had every right to thrash him or her and mete out any punishment they deemed fit.

This was my punishment I guessed because my father was making a very public display of me.

“I apologize for the mistake, Alpha Gilbert,” I said, bowing my head to him. My father only shook his head and looked at Sean.

“Was there anything else she did?”

Sean did not look at me but kept staring straight ahead. “Just insubordination and not paying attention to my requests.”

Requests? I glared at him.

Had he forgotten how he had yelled at me? How he had grit his teeth and tried to drag me away from the burning house.

My father waved a hand, dismissing me,

“You can leave, Anastasia Gilbert.”

I turned away and stalked off without bothering to look at Sean again,

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