Wooing My Ex-wife Again Novel by Natalie Winter

Chapter 38


Mom walked out of the room, and I stood by the door for a long time, her words echoing in my mind.

She wanted me to start dating again. She wanted me to find someone and settle down again. And I also heard a clear possibility that if I did not do that Dad would find someone to marry me off to.

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I could not bear the thought of anybody touching me. I felt as if my emotions had dried mind was not ready to accept that it could love again, that somebody might love me back as well.

But I was worried about Lea. her happiness mattered to me. And I could not let any random guy step into my life and become her father.

What if he never loved her or cared for her?

That thought made me worried sick and I slowly stepped out of the room. Lea was still sitting by the table, her food untouched.

At least she had finished the glass of milk.

Her coloring book was sprawled open and she was holding a crayon in her hand though she was staring outside.

I followed her gaze and saw that she was staring longingly at the small playground and seeing other kids playing around happily.

One of them was with an older man, probably the kid’s father. They both were playing and smiling at each other. Lea’s face had that look of pure longing.

My heart squeezed as she shook her head and returned her attention back to the drawing.

I felt like a selfish person for not thinking about my little girl and her wishes. I might not want a man around me but my daughter wanted the love of a father.

And no matter how much I loved her or her grandparents, she always kept insisting on wanting a father.

I walked towards her and went down on my knees.


I slowly reached for her as she sniffed and wiped her eyes quickly.

“I am sorry, sweetheart, I was rude to you earlier.”



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Chapter th

She continued coloring and sniffed again but did not say a word.

“Hmm, okay. So you are angry with me. I understand. What can I do to make you smile again?”

I tapped my chin as if I was thinking hard.

“How about I take you to a park to play on big slides and swings?”

I spoke but she did not react to it.

“Oh, that is not enough, I guess. Let me think, hmm, how about then we have a strawberry ice


Again she did not react to it.

“Oh, that is not going to work either.” I pretended to frown as I thought about the answer for a


“I think you wanted someone to come to the Parents‘ teachers‘ meeting as your father.”

At that, she looked up at me with a hopeful face.

“Is that what you want, Lea?”

Lea immediately nodded her head, “Yes, mummy. Everybody comes with their dad and mom. So, I want to tell them about my dad too.”

I caressed her cheek and answered.

“Okay, I will allow it but you have to know that you cannot go on asking every single person you find. It is not nice, Lea.”

Lea looked down at her coloring book.

“Sorry, mummy.”

I sighed. “It is okay, princess. But now will you please listen to me?”

She nodded eagerly again.

“You asked Sean to come along right? I will ask him and explain why you want him to come as your father but he is not your real father. So he cannot come every single time you ask him to.”

The crayon fell out of her hand.

“Then who is my real father? Tell me, and I will ask him to come then.”

I shook my head, not wanting to steer the topic in that direction.


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That is not importan Just know that Sean is not your real father, and neither was Nick.”

She looked up at me brightly.

Then do you mean Julian is?”

My eyes went wide and I fumbled to find a response. “Why would you think that?”

“Because I asked three men to be my dad and you said two were not.”

I felt incredibly stupid at that point.

*Alpha Julian is an arrogant and stubborn man. He does not even belong to our pack and him just once. Would you not want someone who is around you to pose as your father?”

I asked instead,

She gave it a thought and nodded, “Sure mummy.”

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But I warned her. “Only this time, Lea. You have to tell your friends your father has a very busy schedule so he cannot come every time.”

I felt bad for making my little girl lie but it was better to make her realize the truth than increase her expectations and shatter them later.

“Please mummy, just this time. I will not ask for that again.”

I cupped her face and placed a kiss on her forehead. Now, I had to do the difficult task of talking to Sean and explaining him everything.

If he agreed, it would also stop my mom from starting to send me on random dates. I was just not looking for any more drama.

“Okay, Lea. Now finish the homework. I will go talk to Sean.”

Lea gave me the brightest smile she could and began happily completing her homework while I proceeded to walk outside the room and find Sean,

It was almost time for lunch so I headed towards the huge dining hall but he was not there. His father was still the beta so Sean had not taken over the official responsibility but he might be assisting his father to take over the role when the time comes.

I walked in the direction of his home or rather Beta Victor’s residence which was a walking distance from the alpha’s home.

Beta Victor was not home it seemed because the front door was open and the living room was empty.


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Chapter 38

I did not know which room was Sean’s and it was rude to just walk in somebdoy’s home so I hovered around, unsure where to go.

After hesitating for a while, I called out.

“Sean!! Sean, are you home?”

I was met with silence. Had he gone outside for some work?

I wondered and called out his name again but there was no reply this time as well.

A servant was passing by the kitchen and I asked him.

“Have you seen Sean?”

He nodded, “He is not here so he must be at the training grounds or the gym.”

I could see the ground was empty coz the afternoon heat was blasting so I made my way towards the gym.

I did not have to look for him for long because there was only one person in the gym.

Sean was wearing just shorts and he was exercising hard. I saw him grit his teeth when he lifted a huge weight and did around 20 repetitions before placing it back on the ground.

I gulped.

I had not seen him shirtless before. Nor had I ever known that he had such an athletic physique.

His muscles bulged and a thin sheen of sweat was glistening on his body as he reached for his sipper bottle to take a few sips.

Sean and I had played together as kids. He had always been a stick but now he had abs and was built

like a wall.

“If you wish to gawk at me, I suggest choosing a spot with a clear view.”

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