Wooing My Ex-wife Again Novel by Natalie Winter

Chapter 14


Like last night, I fell asleep bruide Lea, eradling her in my arms had vowed to protect her, but now I was not sure if I could

des it.

Julian‘ bobl was tightening on me. Even my dreams now consisted of him barging into my office and threatening me to

take Les away.

After a restless night of sleeps, I groggily opened my eyes to the morning sun. My gaze flicked to the watch, and I noticed that

11 was 3 am

The sun had just started to rise above the horizon. I calculated the time limit Julian had given me. He had walked into my office around 10 am and said that I had twenty four hours to change my mind.

He had not told me what he would do if I stayed firm on my decision, but now as the time was ticking. I was beginning to feel restless.

My bank account was running dry and Nick had reminded me of the bills we had to pay to our vendors. And as Julian had promised, somehow he had done the impossible and bought out an entire city.

I only wondered what insane amount of money or favors he owed to people for pulling off such a stunt.

I went through the morning ritual of freshening up, taking a quick shower and getting ready for work, but no matter how

rard I tried, my gaze kept flicking to the watch that felt like a time bomb was ticking.

The doorbell rang around the time I got ready and I opened the door to find Lea’s nanny standing outside.

“You are early today.” I greeted her as she gave me a nervous s


“I really wanted to ensure that you were not mad at me over something, so I came early. I really need that salary for my tuition fees.”

I smiled at her. “You are not getting fired, silly girl. Come inside. I will make you some coffee.”

Lizzy hovered outside the door hesitantly and finally stepped through.

She kept fidgeting with her fingers and looking around nervously.

“Black or cream?” I asked, trying to case her tension and worries!

“Anything is fine,” she answered and sat on the couch as if it would explode into pieces.

“You don’t have to be nervous, Lizzy. If you are in need of money, tell me.”

She pressed her lips into a thin line and then looked up at me.

“Actually, our school is arranging a small picnic, but we have to pay the registration charges first. I was saving up for my tuition fees, so I didn’t expect additional expenses this month.”

She explained with a guilty look.

“So you want to go to the picnic and wanted some advance or extra money?” I asked while preparing the coffee for both of


“I will work extra hours to make up for it, mam” she immediately added.


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Chapter 11

“Don’t worry, Lizzy. Les lova in be with you and I was already ging to pay you some extra cash as a small token of appreciation froin my sale. That is your reward and you dont le to work extra for that.”

Her face brightened. “Oh mah, I cannot thank you enough”

1 shook my heart. “I am the one that cannot thank you enough. Now, Just walt here”

I handed her the cups of coffee and went insile the bedroom to pen the small locker where I had stashed some money.

There were barely a few hundred dollar notes in it. Initially, I wanted to pick three, but I only picked two and handed thems to Lizzy, who was restate.

She thanked me profusely, had the coffee, and then went to tea room to wake her up.

“Be careful, you two, while driving and dont give her any treats, fed her a lot of browndes already.”

Lizzy chuckled, and I heard her greet Lea as I closed the door behind me, My foot felt something soft and squishy under it so I checked to see that it were more hills and a notice from La school about her fees,

I sighed and then pulled out iny phone, wondering if I should give him a call.

After a moment of hesitation, I decided to mull over it while I drove to my office

Nick way yet to arrive, so I had the office to myself. My fingers hovered over the number on my screen.

How would he react if I called him now? After all these years

My gare flicked to the wall clock. There was no time to waste,

So I dialed the number, and he picked it up in the first ring

“Hello, who is this?”

1 gulped nervously.

“I need a favor, dad”

“Good Goddess Ana, how many times are you going to change your number? Leave me some method to contact you!!”

Dad’s flustered voice rang in my ears. I had not kept in touch and only taken the money he offered me to run away to an unknown destination so that Julian would not find me.

I knew how good Julian was at negotiating and he would have wrung it out from my mother, if not father, had I given them even the slightest idea of where I was

“I won’t change it now, dad. This is going to be my number” I sighed and dad caught the weariness in my voice.

“So he finally found you, diela’t he?”

I loved my dad for always getting straight to the point, but I hated to tell him he was right this time.

Tias blocked all my revenue streams. I need

“No, you first tell me where are you. Enough of this running away from him. You never listened to me when I warned you to not fall for lus u heming And again, I warned you not to run away to have any idea how worried your tnom is about you? How many sleepless nights we spent worrying about how our daughter aue liman city but instead to live with us. Do you

Dad began lecturing me, and I listened to him silently. There was nothing I could do except listen to him. He had every

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right run wer

“I am sorry dad Jubba fond not alwat me and tax and he wit definitely snatch her from me

1 nodded. “Yes dud, he radice with his fated mat


“You know how persuadiye he can be. You have in stand your grind if he starts to win you again?

Let munt a sigh. I was going to bear all the things again from mother and father

“Yes dad. I was hiring peacefully, four nome 1 fect trapped. He gave your 24 hours to take up his offer, but now only it hours are

Dad did not immediately reply, but I knew he was thinking about any problem and the pessible solution.



“Hold on”


The pour me on hold and I kept sibling at my lower lip, awaiting his answer

He took such a long pause that my heart along jumped in my throat

“Tght have a solution that you won’t like

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