Wolf Refuses To Claims Dove: Dark Rider MC Series Book 3

Chapter 8: Wolf Gets Hard To Deal With

We were working in the garage when some of our prospects looked at me.

"Beast why can't you find Dove and Rain?"

" Because she is hurting and she left the country."

" I don't get it. She has been with Wolf for three years or more and he never claimed her."

" He would tell her next year and it never happened. She felt she had to leave because he wouldn't claim her. Not being claimed and wearing Wolf's property cut made her feel like a whore."

"But, Dove isn't a whore."

" No, she isn't."

" But when visiting MC's would come and see her not wearing one they often thought she was a club whore and free for the taking."

" They knew better of course but still, in a way she didn't have a man."

" She didn't belong to Wolf. Or I should say she doesn't belong to Wolf. Any man can claim Dove."

"If I was a patched in member I would claim her myself. But she isn't here to claim."

" Well, Wolf seems to think that she is claimed by saying she is his woman. But she isn't claimed."

" I don't think he will claim her if she even returns. That is the problem."

" I know that wherever she is she has to come back in 15 years."

"Why is that?"

" Rain will be 18 years old then. Rain will take over her father's club as the president."

" Right now due to her father dying, Beast the VP is a temporary president. He has to have phone conferences with Dove once a month."

" So, Dove will return to the states but not here. Not to our club."

" That's right. She will go to Ryan's clubhouse and stay."

"I know that she will not see Wolf. She will refuse to see him until she has to."

" And that will only be to introduce Wolf to his son or daughter."

" I can't imagine a woman having a baby with no one there to help her through it."

" Well, being gone from Wolf that long will make her hate him."

" Hell, when she comes back she could be claimed by then."

"Beast I need you to attend a meeting in Hawaii."

" Why can't you go?"

" Because I fucking don't want to go that's why."

" I want to be here in case Dove comes back."

" Wolf get it through your head. Dove is not coming back here. She won't come back unless she is wearing your property cut and that is not going to happen. We don't even know where she is. Her own brother can't find her."

"I know that Donna has heard from her go ask Donna."

" She will tell you the same thing. You fucking refused to claim her. The only thing that kept her safe from visiting MC was that they considered her your girlfriend, not your wife. If it wasn't for that they would have treated her like a fucking club whore."

"You made her feel like she was a whore because you refused to claim her Wolf."

" She won't come back I am telling you."

" Hell, I almost hope that another MC member claims her so she can be free of you."

" But I never cheated on her."

" No, you didn't."

" But you still refused to claim her as your wife."

" I swear to god Wolf I am ready to leave your club."

"Do you all want to know why I won't claim Dove I yelled at them?"

" I will fucking tell you why."

" Yes, I love her but I can't claim her because I already have a wife."

We all looked at Wolf stunned.


" I have a claimed woman. She is in a coma. She has been in a coma for 5 years. She is kept on life support. My family thinks that I took her off. I never did. I couldn't do it."

"Don't you think it is time to take her off life support?"

" I can't do it. I still love her."

" I see."

" How have you kept that from your own family?"

" I told them that I donated her body to science."

" Well, until you take her off that life support you will never have Dove back."

I stormed off to pack and to Hawaii. I was headed to Temper's MC for a meeting. I will have to warn him that I am not in the best of moods. I stormed into the bedroom and looked at Donna.

"What is wrong, baby?"

" We are going to Hawaii. I have to go to Temper's MC for a meeting. Wolf does not want to go."

"Why are you so angry right now."

" I told her what Wolf just told everyone outside."

" What! He has a wife and she has been on life support for the past 5 years."

" So the woman he said he claimed is not Dove."

" No, it's not."

" Pack a bag you are coming with me."

Donna and I walked out and got into the car with a prospect behind the wheel. He drove us to the airport. We won't be back for three months. At least Donna will get a vacation. I saw her grinning the whole time she was packing her bag. I need to ask why.

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