Wolf Pack

Chapter My wolf

“You can go to the Village, let Hughes know we’ll be there soon. ”

The vans drove to the Village, Jack got out of the car, and I got out too.

“Let’s go to one of the lakes, I want to show you something.”

We walked about two minutes into the pine forest, and a beautiful big lake appeared.

“This is where I first changed.”

Jack smiled, and sighed proudly, I found it sensitive that he shared this fact with me, it’s probably an important event.

“Do you want to try?”

He told me as he approached looked me deep in the eyes. I got a little lost looking into his almond-shaped green eyes, but then I thought about how maybe it would be good to try to change myself and see if all this was really true.

“I do”

“Alright then, I like to start running, it’s one of the things that most activates our instincts, I advise you to run around the lake, feel the breeze on your face. You will feel a warmth in your chest, and a feeling of freedom, let it take care of you, and soon the transformation will come, it is usually very fast.”

I listened carefully to his instructions as I tried to capture it all.

“I’ll go with you, and I’ll be by your side for whatever you need.”

He said while he took off his shoes and socks, and I did the same.

He asked me if I was ready, and I nodded, he signaled that I could go ahead, and I started to run, I ran as fast as I could, and instantly I felt the heat in my chest, a strong tingling, that took over, not only in my chest, but in my whole body, an incredible feeling of freedom, it was as if I was on fire, until I realized that I was no longer running with my legs, but with paws, at the same time I stopped and contemplated what was happening.

It didn’t seem to be real, I looked at my reflection in the lake, I was a white wolf, completely white, and my gray eyes got even brighter, I looked at my paws and I spent a few long seconds analyzing all that and trying to understand that it was real.

A caramel wolf appeared behind my reflection, I knew it was Jack, and the fact that he was there made me feel safer, and he just stood there.

I heard the sounds of branches cracking on the other side of the lake, and another caramel wolf, but with blue eyes and some white fur, appeared.

I took a few steps back and thought about backing off and running, but Jack just stood there, he just waved his head telling me that everything was fine, this wolf approached slowly, step by step, as if he was scared, until he got in front of me, and I could see that he was the wolf of my memory, a little older now, he smelled me from afar and a tear fell from his eye.

He quickly lowered his head, turned and walked away. I didn’t understand that, I looked at Jack and he nodded for us to go back.

We walked along the edge of the lake and at a certain point my clothes were thrown, Jack gently took them in his mouth, and did the same with his and we followed to the point where we started the race.

He took a deep breath and let it out through his mouth, at the same moment he was human again and completely naked, I confess that I looked at him again for a few seconds, he was beautiful, strong and completely uninhibited with nudity.

I did the same, sighed and let the air out through my mouth, felt a slight tingle this time, and returned to human form, also naked, but I was the opposite of uninhibited, reflexively, I tried to cover up and hide as I dressed in complete embarrassment.

I noticed Jack looking me up and down, he swallowed hard, looked at me and returned his eyes to my breast and hips.

“Nudity for us is something completely natural, I know it may seem strange, but little by little you get used to it.”

He said as he put his clothes again, and I did the same, but with completely red cheeks.

“It was your grandfather.”

I understood that he was talking about the wolf that appeared in the middle of the woods, it was good to distract from the fact that I was still getting dressed.

“He cried.”

“It was the reason he didn’t go with you the first time, he gets very emotional, and a wolf when he loses control of his emotions transforms very easily, he was afraid to scare you. And... you look a lot like your mother.”

For a few seconds I thought how hard it really must be for him too.

“Did you meet…My parents?”

“Yes, I was just a little kid.”

He stared at the lake, as if searching in memory.

“I was seven years old when they died, but I remember them, and you really do look a lot like your mother. It was a very difficult time for the Pack, everyone suffered, especially your grandfather, he lost his daughter, son-in-law and wife in that war, and as a result of all that, he still lost you.”

We walked to the car, and Jack drove to the Village, there was a beautiful and huge wooden house on top of a hill on the left, after the hill, it was possible to see many wooden houses, and some shops, in the background a pier and a nice deck with some boats but we stopped right there on the hill.

We got out of the car and Jack opened the door of that huge house, there was a small staircase at the entrance, as I went up my heart beat faster, I was nervous.

Upon entering the mansion there was a very large and spacious living room with a fireplace and a recess to enter the sofa area, further on a corridor with many doors, and a beautiful carved wooden staircase to go up to the second floor, and to the right a more modern kitchen with island and stools, everything in the house had wooden details, and the huge beams on the ceiling made everything even more beautiful and spacious.

In the living room next to the sofas and the coffee table there was a man, with white hair combed back, he had a white beard, fine features, and very blue eyes, he wore the same style of clothes as Jack, flannel shirts, heavy jeans and boots, typical lumberjack, and he had pretty much the same leadership stance as Jack, was drinking a cup of coffee, and grinned broadly when he saw us.


He put down the cup and approached, took my shoulders with his hands, analyzed my face smiling and looked into my eyes, one of his hands lightly touched my cheek, saying.

"You are very similar to your mother, only your eyes, your eyes are your father’s."

I smiled, I could recognize some of my characteristics in that man, the nose was identical to mine, thin and long with a rounded tip.

He then hugged me tight, and when he released me, I saw another tear run down his face, he quickly wiped it away with the back of his hands and invited us to sit down.

"Come on, sit down, would you like a cup of coffee?"

I nodded and Jack poured a cup for me, and one for him, as I sat down on the big gray couch in the living room.

"I imagine you have many questions, and we have plenty of time to answer them all. I still can’t believe you’re here, I’ve waited so long for this. I spent all these years wondering what you would look like and which wolf you would look like, you are identical to your mother. Your grandma was a white wolf too."

He sighed and turned to Jack completing.

"We are still the only caramel wolves in the pack."

Jack smiled and then took another sip of his coffee.

Really the two were very similar wolves, almost the same color, my grandfather was just grayer and the color of the eyes were different.

"I want to take you to know the Village. What do you think?"

My grandfather said as he took his last sip of coffee, I nodded in agreement as I finished my coffee too, saying with a smile.

"It would be great."

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