Wolf Moon Ritual

Chapter 3

Hunter’s POV

16 hours earlier...

I needed some space. My parents were becoming overbearing with this whole betrothal thing. I didn’t even want to settle down yet. I wanted to travel and be my own wolf before I had to take change of the pack. God, being the first born son sucked ass at times. True I enjoyed the extra strength it gave me and the fact I could have any female I wanted when I wanted. But after I while that just became tiring. The females were just too easy, I wanted a challenge. Not that I would get one now.

I was to marry the first born daughter of the Mercury pack, this alliance with them will help protect us from the deranged beliefs of Oryan and his father. There search for power and greed has blinded them to the true cause of the moon gods. We were meant to protect our kind and the humans that live in our territory but they just keep killing and searching for something, but no one knows what.

I drove down the highway towards my favourite place to relax. Marcy’s beaming smile and Brett’s apple pie never failed in making me smile. I parked right outside the doors, my usual spot and got out. The sweet smell of honeysuckle and fresh spring flower caught me a little off guard. Not that they were bad smells, it was just how strong it were made me light headed.

Once I had opened the front entrance of the diner the scent permitted the air at a dizzying strength, to the point I staggered backwards dazed. I shook my head to clear it but it didn’t seem to work. “You alright son?” Brett asked, probably from where he was in the kitchen. “Yea, just erm... Have a headache.”

The back door slammed open, and the source of the smell vacated, enough for me to be able to focus. “Brett. Brett she has gone. Ran off without her things, I couldn’t stop her.” Marcy was devastated about whoever it was that ran away. “It’s okay love, we knew she wouldn’t stay but it is strange she went without her things.” He hugged a tearful Marcy to his chest to sooth her.

“It will be okay love. She’s a strong girl looked like she’s been caring for herself for a long time now.” The way they were talking piqued my interest. So this girl was on her own, but why? It’s not exactly safe for a female wolf to be out on her own. A rogue especially would be killed on sight in these parts. My father would not even give her the chance to live if he or his lap dogs found her out in the woods.

“Oh Hunter, it’s so good to see you again.” Marcy squealed and came running out from the kitchen to greet me. “It’s been so long since I’ve seen you. How is your parents? How’s college? Any girlfriends I need to warn off?” Her arms were like a vice around me squeezing me tightly. “Let go of the boy Marcy your strangling him.” Her grip loosened but didn’t leave me, she pulled back just enough for me to see she was happy, her previous sadness gone. “I’m just happy to see him. Now Brett get back in that kitchen and prepare his favourite.” Brett being the comedian he were saluted her orders and left for the kitchen, leaving Marcy to roll her eyes.

I sat at my usual stool at the bar, closest to the doors just in case I needed to bolt and answered her earlier questions. “Parents are well thank you. College is good. And no... No girlfriends you need to worry about.” I was engaged but as I was trying to get away out of that situation, I decided to keep it to myself.

Myself and Marcy had idle chit chat for a while until Brett reappeared with my meal. My eyes kept wondering to the coat and bag the was under the far end of the counter. It was giving off the exact scent from earlier and it was driving me crazy. My wolf instincts wanted to take over and find the source, my senses were starting to make me twitch. At one point as Marcy’s back was too me I saw my hands start to turn to paws and my nails elongate. I gritted my teeth and concentrated hard to stop my instincts taking over. It would surely give Marcy a heart attack.

I ate so quickly that I was sure to get indigestion later, but I had to get out of there. Before leaving I had a little spat with Marcy about paying, I relented and left her with my warmest thanks and best wishes. I waved to Brett through the ticket window I went out into the fresh smelling fresh air. Pulling lung full after lung full down into my chest before climbing into my mustang and went home.

Managing to get past my mother and father wasn’t easy when the main living room doors were open and they would be able to see straight towards the stairs with a lift of their chin. Quietly storming back outside and around the side of the house I stood under my window. I would have to climb the trellis as if I were a naughty school boy that had snuck out. Shaking my head I took hold of the wood and ivy and began my climb. Once inside I stripped out of my clothes and went for a shower to calm the tension I had built up from today.

I tossed and turned all night unable to get the thought of finding this girl, this rouge out of my head. I got out of bed in a huff and put on my everyday casual gear and headed out to my car in the garage. After a long 3 miles, I pulled into the gravelled parking lot of the nature reserve closest to the diner and got out. The scent was faint but I could tell she was still in the area. I were irritated with an edge of excitement as I wanted to find her as quickly as possible. This was just a capture and kill hunt, nothing more.

Shrugged out of my black leather jacket, black converse high-top pumps and socks. I safely put them into the trunk of my car and locking it. I checked about myself to see if anyone was around with my senses and stowed the key under the drivers side wheel arch for safe keeping when I sensed no one around. Dawn was just sprouting over the horizon when I made the tree line, the morning hunting team would not yet be out, and needed to track her quickly.

Trudging down the trail towards the lake the smell hit me, honeysuckle and fresh spring flowers danced on my tongue again making me dizzy. No, I was the alphas son I was stronger than anything she could do to me, she will not get away just because of who she were to me. I ripped off my white long sleeved shirt and jeans, with much more agitation and aggression than were needed but I didn’t care. This girl was driving me insane and I haven’t even met her yet.

Centring myself I let the shimmer of magic over take my body everything started to shift and realign. I contorted forward and landed on four paws, my mouth and nose stretching, elongating to form a snout as my teeth lengthened into razor sharp canines, ready to rip into my prey.

I trotted down through the trees just in case any human was around and on the trail. Not that I sensed there were any but you can never be to careful. The wild flower clearing beside the lake was were I spend many summers with my friends and other pack members as a child. No longer able to do that with all the alpha duties I needed to learn and responsibilities I was now in charge of. I huffed a sigh of loss before stepping into the open space. I knew she was here, I followed my nose and spied a large fallen log to the left of the lake.

I silently walked closer, I was low to the ground ready for any attack she might make. I rounded the log and she was asleep. What? She didn’t even have the sense to sleep in her wolf form, so she could protect herself. I quickly looked about myself. This cannot be serious, what kind of rogue is she. She has no defences, no warning traps, she’s not even protected herself. The wolf in me instantly wanted to protect her and care for her. Looking into her sound asleep face made my heart race at unimaginable speeds, my breathing was ragged and my vision changed my pupils dilated and now all I could see was her.

‘Mine’ an inner monolog stated. What?? No... That can’t be possible. Forcing myself backwards, to get away from her was literally one of the hardest things I’ve had to do, it verged on painful. With every step back and deep breath I felt a little calmer and could think a little straighter. I could no longer just capture and kill her as planned, I had to find out who she was and why I had such a need to claim her.

I ran back up the trail no longer caring if I were seen. My sprint was quicker than I have ran before, I shifted and dressed quickly. I needed to make sure she wouldn’t run, couldn’t shift and get away from me. I lifted the secret trunk cover and picked up some silver shackles and rope and headed back down.

Thankfully, she were still sleeping when I got back to the lake in human form. She didn’t even flinch or wake up when I clamped the shackles closed around her ankles and tied her wrists with rope. It seemed like she were never trained or taught to use her enhanced abilities properly. It pulled on my heart strings to think she was neglected.

I needed to keep my emotions in check, I couldn’t let her think she could walk all over me. I needed to take her back to the main house and tell my father. He would probably kick my ass but he needed to know what was going on. I didn’t understand one bit but my heart clenched when I though about the suffering he could cause her if he didn’t want to listen. Maybe telling my mother would be a better choice. She as luna of the pack and had the right to sexpress her opinion, he could over rule her but it was worth a shot.

The girl started to rouse as the sun rose higher, her smile showed me she was awake but didn’t want to open her eyes quite yet. The peaceful expression and smile she had on her beautiful face was, in a description perfect. It was a shame I would have to wake her and get this over with. “I see sleeping beauty is a wake.” I stated calmly, not giving anything I truly felt away. Her eyes flew open in shock and fright. She sleepily stumbled and fell backwards over the log, I had to hide the laugh that bubbled up my throat. She landing on the flat of her back realising that her ankles were bound in shackles and her wrists in rope.

“Let me go.” She shouted, her melodic voice carrying its way to my ears. I strolled neared to her squalled position and leaned into her personal space. “No.” I stated this fact with pure disgust plastered on my face. It wasn’t what I felt but it’s what I had to portray to her, being this close was actually effecting me.

Anger seeped from her and a low growl erupted from her throat in warning to me. She lifted her head to face me, for the first time looking into those shockingly pale blue eyes of hers. It was like looking into her soul, it was pure and mesmerising. I could feel myself getting lost in her.

I was itching to lose control and sink my teeth into her flesh claiming her as mine. I still did not understand what was going on, I needed to get her home. She stopped dead in her struggles, had she heard what I was thinking? Was she going to use that against me? No, I shouted, I won’t let her manipulate me with whatever magic she was using against me.

I couldn’t look away from her eyes and her wolf was staring back at me, my size would dwarf hers, she was so tiny, and way to thin, with not much muscle. Her eyes changed to an almost translucent colour, the pale blue now only hugged the black of her pupils, and her eyes were outlined in black. A pretty smile lifted her plump pink lips and flashed her perfect white teeth at me, my heart jumped. Controlling myself I grimace and showed my large sharp canines from under my muzzle.

Her shrinking back in horror, showed that she feared him. “I will never accept you.” I stated with as much malice as I could muster. Despair was clear on her face when she refocused on my human self.

“Get up. Your coming with me.” Her expression of sadness switched to anger quickly. “Fuck you. I’m not going anywhere with you.” She spat. A backbone, I wasn’t expecting that. I liked it. I was amused when she started struggling against her binds. The silver preventing her from shifting if that is what she wanted to do. I watched her from a seated position on the log, wanting to scare her a little more so I could get another glimpse of her rebellious side. I just picked at my nails with my hunting knife.

She was twisting her body in odd angles and I couldn’t help but watch every move she made. “Who do you work for?” I made no answer, I didn’t work for anyone but she clearly thought I did. “Why are you doing this?” She tried again, provoking an answer this time. “Because I can.” My reply was arrogant and smirk would piss her off. “What’s in it for you?” I had to repeat that to myself a few times, nothing was in it for me. It irritated me to think that others wanted her. She was mine.

“What’s your name?” It angered me how personal her question was, but why did it annoy me so much? Not wanting to show her my confusion, I masked it quickly with a scowl. Closing my eyes I creaked his neck, relieving the rage. The snapping sound of rope caused me to snap my eyes open and stare at her. How did she manage to get her arms free? Positioning myself of the same side of the log as her, I prepared to recapture her. Pain exploded in my head and snapped my head upwards in an incredibly painful way.

Blood filled my mouth, causing a metallic taste to cover my taste buds, I spat it to the floor revelling in her fight. “I’m going to enjoy this.” I menacingly stated excited. My wide eyes focused on nothing but her and stalked my prey. “You won’t get away from me.” I was enjoying taunting her, her fear thrilling me as she wriggled away from me. Continuing to stalk her slowly, I wanted to see her reaction to my next words. “First, I think I’ll strap you down to that log.” I pointed my thumb to the log over my shoulder, her eyebrows shot up in worry. “Then I’ll take great pleasure in cutting each limb, just enough for you to bleed out slowly and watch as you becomes nothing. So weak she won’t even be able to help you heal.” I grinned at her discomfort. “Or I might just make you swallow silver dust and rip her away from you.” Shaking the small vial filled with a metallic powder. It wasn’t silver but she didn’t need to know that.

Sheer horror was clear in her expression, I couldn’t help but laugh at her terrified trembling state as tears filled her eyes. A pang of guilt shot threw my heart at scaring her so much but I continued and sprang at her landing on top of her and holding her throat in my right hand. The heat blazed under my touch but she didn’t seem to notice it, her fear dulling every other sense. “Please... Please don’t take her away from me.” I stared at her in anger, in disbelief she thought I would do that to her, my breathing was heavy. I haven’t given her a reason not to believe it, I thought. “Come with me quietly and without a fuss and I’ll think about it.” She nodded frantically, willingly agreeing with anything I demanded.

My anger subsided as if her acceptance to come with me was all I truly wanted, bringing her face closer to mine I wanted to kiss her. I fought every urge and instinct within me to just take what I wanted. I whispered over her lips, that I was giving her a chance to escape. Loving the idea of having the chance to hunt her. I could tell she wasn’t listening to me. I shook her violently, jolting her to look at me. “What?” She gasped.

I hated having to repeat myself but wanting her to hear the terms I did it any way. “Run. If I catch you, you come with me as my slave. If you get away then I’ll leave you alone.” Emphasising my point I dropped the shackles to the ground with a clang. “Why are you doing this? Just please let me go.” I quickly pulled her to her feet excited taking over. “Because I can.”

I turned my back to her confident she wouldn’t attack me and started to count. 1... She was too shocked to move which amused me. 2... I rolled my eyes she still hadn’t moved. 3... Did I really need to tell her again. “Your making this to easy. It’s like you want to be my slave.” 4... I chuckled, hoping it was all she needed to finally run, to my delight it worked and she disappeared into the trees heading north.

I waited half an hour before going after her, this was my favourite game. As I grew up it was a training exercise we all did to help enhance our hunting and tracking skills. Walking into the tree line I inhaled deeply, her scent was erratically spread wide. It surprised me that she had a basic knowledge of covering her tracks. She left her mark and double backed hiding her trail well. I was shocked that she even had the idea to take a piss as well, however I knew she didn’t go into the cave. From where I stood I thought about the layout of the land, the most logical path for her to take would be to stick to the stream that leads to a waterfall before continuing to the lake.

As expected I found her at the bottom of the waterfall drinking and cooling off. I could see her mind working, calculating where she could go next. I silently made my way down the cliffs edge and walked behind her. My heart rate elevated eager to get my hands on her. I slid my arms around her waist and chest and pulled her into my body. After following her scent for more than 30 minutes my head was swimming with thought of her and need to have her with me and claim her. She was shocked I found her, her eyes were wide is surprise and sparkled. “Got ya.” Without warning or thinking about it I sank my teeth into the back of her neck where it met her right shoulder.

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