Wolf Moon Ritual

Chapter 15

Aurora’s POV

Several weeks went by in a blissful haze, my days were spent switching between both Cole and Shay. While continuing my wolf training in both, physical and mental ways daily. I was getting pretty good in all offensive and defensive aspects of being a wolf but there were still room for lots of improvement. I once even caught Cole off guard and managed to knock him to the ground, well to one knee but still that to me was a definite victory.

Safe to say Cole never let it happen again or from then on ‘go easy’ on me. But I didn’t care that my muscles, joints and limps hurt and ached in more ways that I ever thought possible after he got his revenge on me. I bragged about it all the time and teased him every chance I got, his father beta Robert got a kick out of that too, he himself was making fun of his son. In Cole’s mind I can imagine that was worse than me teasing him, he looked up to his father in every way and I know he thought he couldn’t possibly full Robert’s large shoes, but I know he can but wouldn’t ever tell him that. Finn joined in helping me train and was helpful in demonstrations with Cole when they went head to head or when Finn was sparring with me, both breaking down each move and pointing out where I went wrong with readied helpful tips for improvement. It felt good to be accepted by the whole pack and feel wanted.

Shay taught me all about the different roles that the pack was made up of, from the scouts to the fighters and the healers to the general family members. Above all, she taught me how to blend in as a wolf and the hierarchy of the pack. Each person never more important, just all co-existing as a communal family all supporting and caring for each other.

As the years had rolled by and times changed it became mandatory for the younger members to all attended school and if they wanted to progress onto university and get a ‘normal’ job then that was fine and sometimes beneficial to the pack. As long as they attended all the big pack events they were free to live in the outer territory of the land claimed by the Hunter pack.

Sometimes Ruby would join myself and Shay to teach me about the histories of the different packs, staying clear of my father’s pack history. The Crescent pack were on to themselves and answered to no-one but threatened and scared most packs around the world, no one was safe from my father’s forbidden magic.

Ruby had never met my mother but told me that she had heard about how kind and gentle she were and how everyone who knew her, loved her. Her beauty and wisdom transcended her years even while she were stuck in a life that wasn’t meant for her and being bound to my cruel father. That session ended with tear and it wasn’t just mine. I told them my most guarded and precious stories from what I could remember of her and the treasured moments we shared together. Although our time together was brief, I would have to be dead to not keep them close to my heart. I missed her everyday and thought about her just as much. One day we will be reunite, maybe not in this life but certainly in the next.

Alex may not have been there during the day most of the time as he had to work closely with his father and beta Robert to prepare for the packs departure to the summer Ball. Cole often was a participant in the planning but not as much as Alex. I didn’t realise all the things that needed to be completed and thought of, for one night away but as Alex ranted about it one evening to me, I were lost for words and unable to give advice on something I knew nothing about, but I lent an ear for him to express his problems too. Which I think helped.

Even thought he were busy and not personally around I could sense him with me in both my heart and mind. Guiding my hands and feet with moves in fights and offering comforting support when something reminded me of my past and caused me to panic and tears prick my eyes. I felt my heart soar with blissful energy in those moments, that he were there with me, forever joined by a bond I don’t know how I ever lived without before.


It were Saturday afternoon and a rare occasion where Alex had the day off. Myself, Shay, Cole and Alex wasted no time in gathering up a heavily packed picnic and equipment we would need to spend the day at the eastern ridge where the Draxon waterfall met with the lake. We had planned this for days and soon had the car loaded up and headed out straight after breakfast. But not before a lecture from Ruby about being safe, not forgetting to put sun cream on and being respectful of all the other families that will be there, not just our pack members but others that life nearby. This specific lake is a blurred boarder between the Hunter and Eclipse pack.

The Eclipse pack were only a small pack that in a way were an extension to the Hunter pack, both have a good relationship and a family tie with alpha George’s own sister mated with the beta of that pack and a few other members forming bonds of their own. I hadn’t met any of them yet but it could wait. Today was about being together and having as much fun as possible while we can.

We set up our chosen area with blankets and lounge chairs as well as a small tepee so we could change clothes in and store our cooler out of the blazing hot sun. The tree line were too far back from the waters edge to create any form of shade when the sun will be at its peak. Shortly after more pack families joined us as well as small and large groups of friends. I could see off to the left Finn had set up a high net of some kind with his friends.

“Hey guys.” He greeted while batting the white ball back and forth between his hands. “Hey Finn. What game you set up there?” I asked passing him a cold bottle of water from the cooler. “It’s volleyball. You wanna play? I could teach you?” Finn’s offer were exciting and I wanted to go but I really needed to speak with Shay alone. “Maybe later.” I offered taking a seat with Shay on the loungers we set up to soak up the sun’s rays. “Yea sure. You guys in?” Finn said while throwing the ball at Alex, who caught it and threw it back in quick succession. “I’m spending time with Aurora today, maybe another day.” He said as he planted a kiss on my forehead and sat beside me wrapping his arm around my waist. “I see, don’t want to lose in front of your girl. I get it.” Finn taunted.

I could see the alpha dominance rise within Alex at the blatant challenge and ridicule from his younger brother. “Go, have fun. I’m not going anywhere. Just don’t beat him to badly.” I said pushing him towards his brother. “Hey.” Finn shouted in outrage but it didn’t show on his face, he were still beaming at the prospect at beating his brother at something.

There boisterous pushing and nuggies given to Finn as Cole got him in a head lock could be heard from our seated position, their constant bantering with each other and setting terms of the pending victories was laughable. “Boys will be boys.” Shay said while rolling her eyes behind her sunglasses. “The last time they all played Ruby popped their ball because they wouldn’t stop arguing.” I openly laughed at that. I could definitely picture Ruby doing that in my head, to the sound track of her children’s cries for her to not damage the ball so they could continue to play.

Their match started and we watched them while soaking up the sun. First blood was drawn by Finn, both of us cheering for him much to the dismay of Alex and Cole. “Gotta do better than that boys.” Shay shouted to them and I laughed at her mocking them. Once they were distracted with playing I needed to ask my question before I bottled out. “Shay, what’s the summer ball going to be like?” She looked at me a little confused before her thought process changed and she picked up on what I really wanted to know.

“The actual ball itself is pretty boring really. It’s just a chance for all the surrounding packs to catch up and get together, talk business and do trade deals. But there’s food, dancing and of course alcohol, thank goddess. The place will be decorated to the nines, a chance for the hosting alpha to show off their wealth to the rest of us, but I know that’s not really what you’re getting at.” She eyed me confirming her suspicions, seeing what she needed to on my face, she continued. “Crystal will be hanging off Alex’s arm not knowing any better and that the engagement has actually been called off.”

I sighed. “That’s what I’m afraid of.” I looked over to Alex as they celebrated their point gain, the game now turning serious. Commands barked in harsh ways and more power put into each spike and dug of the ball across the net and arguments on foul balls or questionable rulings. They had gathered a small crowd and an older couple being forced into playing umpire to their heated game.

“I trust him explicitly and I know he wouldn’t do anything with her. But what if something happens and he has to kiss her or whatever. Now that we are bonded, wont it hurt twice as much?” Shay looked at me with sad eyes and I had my answer. “We just need to keep our eyes on the prize and catch Crystal and this other guy together. That will keep us distracted and if not we can have a dance and a few drinks.” I half smiled at her attempt to cheer me up.

The collective roars of both Alex and Cole called our attention back to the volleyball game. It would seem that they were victorious and were both swarming Finn from both sides, the look on Finn’s face showed that he were running towards us like his life depended on it. “Aurora save me.” He shouted as Cole pounced on him pinning him to the grass, his arms caught behind his back in just one of Cole’s hands.

“What’s going on?” I asked a little nervous for Finn. “He’s going over Draxon waterfall.” I looked over to the fall on my right, it looked like one hell of a long drop to me. No wonder the young Hunter were scared. “Aurora you have to stop them. Please.” I continued to watch the falls, gallons of water flowing effortlessly over the rocky edge, as a group of young wolves jumped off the ledge, the look of excitement and thrill plastered on their faces looked like they were thoroughly enjoying the rush as they plunged to the lake’s surface at high speed.

“How about I jump with you?” I countered his plea of stopping them from throwing him over the edge. Finn’s face changed as he contemplated my offer. “He lost. He has to jump off on his own.” Alex shouted from across the field, he had Finn’s team mate in a head lock towing him towards us.

“Well I just changed the rules. Got a problem with that Alex.” I retorted while standing up and facing him head on, blatantly challenging his dominance. He dropped the poor sandy coloured haired boy to the floor and walked over to me with a predatory smirk on his lips. “I see you got them big girl panties on, you sure you want to go over the falls. It’s quite high up. Scary even.” He taunted me while pulling me towards him by my waist. I punched him in the arm for being a smug jerk and pushed his away from me. “Finn lead the way.” I shouted, my eyes never leaving Alex’s taunting smugness.

I admired the beautiful forest as we all hiked up the well-worn trail to the clearing at the top of the falls. Clustered trees of different variations in colour and type spread far and wide. Wild flowers sprouting at the base of some trunks and small animals scurried around the forest floor as well as birds chirping and tweeting from their covered canopy of leaves. Alex and Cole both scaring Finn and his friend all the way up with stories I could tell were made up to scare the young boys. Once at the top Finn were a nervous wreck, I took his arm and pulled him to the water’s edge his friend timidly following behind us. “Come on it will be amazing, you’ll see.” I watched as he swallowed deeply looking over the edge. “Erm, I Erm…”

“Charge.” Both Alex and Cole shouted together running at us, scooping Finn and Jack up before they had chance to avoid them like I did and forcing them over the edge with them leaving me at the top on my own. I watched and waited for them to plunge feet first into the lake and swim a short distance away before I could safely throw myself over the top and join them in the lake below. I could hear them all laughing and Finn’s thrilled tone as he reminisced on what it felt like to go over the edge.

Feeling excited I jumped head first over the edge and outstretched my arms fully to the sides of me as if they were wings and closed my eyes. The feeling of falling from such a height were the thrill I knew it would be, while in free fall I felt just that. Free.

Opening my eyes I watched as the lake got closer to me, I braced myself for diving into its unknown depth. Although the water was freezing, not warmed in any way by the blazing sun, the pull of gravity pushed me deeper into the water before I turned and kicked my legs pushing back to the surface. The adrenaline coursing through my body wrapped me in an exhilarated cocoon.

I broke through the water’s surface and were immediately pulled into large arms. “Wow.” Alex cooed into my ear as he held me close, a look of complete admiration in both Cole’s and Finn’s eyes over his shoulder.

Alexander’s POV

I waited at the bottom of the waterfall for Aurora to jump. As I opened my mouth to shout up to her she dove off head first. My eyes immediately widened as she plummeted towards me, my heart beating rapidly in my ears. She shined in the brightness of the sun. Just like before in the moons light but this time she emulated the flames of the sun, as if she were a mythical phoenix in flight. I heard Cole and Finn gasp from behind me confirming my thoughts, she was astounding.

Aurora dived into the water leaving a small puff of smoke and a soft hiss on the surface, as if the water just engulfed an actual flame. I pulled her to me needing to feel her, make sure she is real. “Wow.” Was all that would come out of my mouth as I embraced her. My brain not able to comprehend anything else.

“What?” She asked in reply. “Damn girl, you were on fire.” Finn cheered as he swam towards us. “What?” She asked again not understanding his comment either. “You looked like you were on fire as you jumped off the falls.” He clarified.

Aurora looked back and forth between Finn and myself and I nodded at his observation. “As if you were an actual phoenix in flight.” Cole added echoing my earlier thought. “I’d say your gift is the blessing of the sun.” Shay weighed in as she quickly swam towards us before climbing onto Cole’s back.

Aurora’s POV

“Really, you think so.” The excitement of finding out my gift added to the already coursing adrenaline that invaded my blood stream. “I wonder what that means? Like what will I be able to do?” I questioned myself more than the group but Finn answered anyway. “Maybe you can throw fireballs or create flames from your hands, like the human torch.” We all looked at him incredulously but then again maybe I could, I thought.

After a swim and of course a water fight both in and out of the water, much to the annoyance of many people also at the lake. We had a late lunch, early dinner as the sun began to set. The setting sun poured lavish rich colours over the giant stone structure that created the waterfall and reflected in the ripples of the water that fall over its edge. Conversation was to a minimum as we took in the beauty before us, even Finn were quiet.

I basked in the scenery and also the feel being encased in Alex’s arms. I sat between his muscular legs with my back to his chest and drew circles on his forearm that encircled me around the waist. His chin rested on my shoulder, he to loving the embrace and the intimacy we have together in this moment.

Click. I looked to my left to see Shay had snapped a photograph of me and Alex both watching the sunset. Forever memorialising this moment. Many photos had been taken today but I just knew that would be my favourite one of them all, more so than all the others taken of both me and Alex together.

We packed up our stuff into both Alex’s and Cole’s cars before we set off back to the pack house. The open windows allowing for the wind to blow my hair around my face with a whipping force. “So, the blessing of the sun? How do you feel about that?” Alex asked me, pulling me out of my own thoughts on the same subject. “I’m not sure. I were thinking of going to find Calisto to see what he knows.” Alex nodded as his eyebrows furrowed. “You don’t think it’s a good idea?” I asked seeing his mood change.

Alex expression didn’t change much, his eyebrows only deepened in contemplation. “No, no it’s not that. I’m just worried for what he might say. It’s all just so… overwhelming and unknown that we don’t know what is going to happen. You and your safety is my main priority right now.” He confessed.

I chuckle dryly, which caught his attention as he raised a dark eyebrow towards me taking his eyes off the road for a few moments. “You should try living it.” I tried to joke with him but my own concern bled into my tone. I could imagine he understood, know it would feel much worse for me, more personal because it directly effects me. But we are apart of each other now and I feel everything right along with him.

The rest of the journey home were in relatively comfortable silence, our hands remained entwined and the music playing from the radio calming.

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