Wolf Moon Ritual

Chapter 13

Aurora’s POV

My body was sniff and ached, the scent of pine and fresh rain instantly soothing my muscles into relaxation as two large roughened hands pulled me into them, my back now flush against something warm but firm as fingertips absentmindedly drew circles on my bare belly. “Good morning.” A sleep laden morning voice greeted me, while planting kisses to my marked skin.

I squealed and wiggled to get free but Alex’s arms never released me. “I’ll never let go.” He teased and playfully nipped my marked skin again. I wriggled more and giggled while tilting my head back trying to hide his mark from him.

“Ah-ha, you can’t hide from me.” He moved slightly trying to reposition his self over me, to pin me down wanting me to submit to him. I took the open opportunity and wormed my way out from under him and rolled to my feet in one fluid motion. Alex smirked over his shoulder at me and pushed up, now half crouched into a predatory stance, stalking closer to me with a mischievous expression dancing in his hazel eyes.

I were momentarily distracted by seeing him in all his glory to notice he were closing in on me. “You gunna make it that easy for me?” He mused, snapping me out of my desirous stupor as I marvelled at his perfect physique just in time to dodge him before he captured me again. He let out a menacing but playful growl and struck again but again failed to get a hold on me. I was smaller than his hulking frame and used my speed and nimble body to my advantage.

“Catch me if you can?” I teased while running away from him and leaping head first down the hillside, landing on four paws before running into the distance, laughing all the way.

I didn’t hear him pursuing me, and looked over my shoulder to see him still stood on top of the hill with an impressed look on his face, the word ‘wow’ echoing around in my head. “You gunna make it that easy for me to get away?” I teased him again but this time in the same mocking tone as his and with his exact words from before and darted into the trees.

A large heart and big paws hitting the earth had me running faster. He was now giving chase and I loved the thrill of it. “You won’t be so excited when I get a hold of you.” He threatened, but I could tell it never held any hint of malice but instead offered only pleasure.

My mind wondered at the possibilities of him mating me while in my wolf form. I pondered over the differences of how it would feel physically and emotionally. Mentally I knew our strong connection would be the same in any form. “It will feel even better.” He interrupted my thoughts in an erotic tone. If I were human my cheeks would have been branded red with embarrassment. With the promise of pleasure swimming in my head, I had forgotten to tune him out and hide what I were thinking from him.

“Don’t be embarrassed. I like it when your thoughts turn to us being intimate. Plus you can have me in anyway or form you want, you just have to ask.” He teased. My fast pace faltered at the many possibilities, which gave him the chance to momentarily catch up to me.

Shaking my head from my indecent thoughts, I pushed on. It didn’t take him too long to catch up and we slowed into a perfect romantic stroll around the lake, just the two of us. We chatted about us and the plan to catch Crystal in the act of her betrayal at the summer ball, but I could tell he were itching to ask me something.

“Are you going to ask what you have being dying to ask me for the last 20 minutes?” I questioned, sounding light and amused that he were actually shy about something. He looked away from me, as if the lake were suddenly very interesting and cleared his throat. “I erm… Was erm… Just wondering how you don’t know what it feels like, you know as a wolf? You must have been around other wolfs in the early months of the year when mating season is in full swing and the unmated frenzy begins. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, I was just curious.” He rambled, it was endearing really but I was a little nervous to answer.

I knew that at the beginning of the year all the unmated and mated frenzy begins, it is utter madness and for those that are unmated it is worse. The need to follow your baser instincts and find your beloved is at its highest and can turn the most loyal against each other. “I’ve never been with anyone other than you last night.” I confessed shyly. “I have always been given a pill to take in the first few months of the year to hide my scent from other wolves and to hide from my father’s men that were sent to capture me. Sheila made the pills for me and taught me the recipe too, she said we needed to hide as much as possible.” I risked a glance over at him as he stayed silent. His eyes showed just how shocked he were. “What? W-Was that w-wrong?” I stuttered. I had completely stopped walking at this point, scuffing the earth with my front paw nervously.

“No… I erm… No not at all. I’m just shocked that I was your first. I just assumed you would have had sex before.” I continued to scuff the now loosened soil. “Hey.” Alex nudged my chin up with his snout, lifting my face to look deeply into my eyes. “I’m glad that all your firsts will be with me and no one else. It makes it all the more special between us. I know last night meant a lot to both of us.” He replied softly, his emotions of love and want filled my mind causing a bashful smile. I was glad too, and he is right it does make it so much more intimate between us.

“Come on let’s get back, I know Shay will be growing inpatient to see you’re okay.” I chuckled knowing that he would be right. I saw how mad she were at him flash in his thoughts, when I ran away as we started walking again. I was a little miffed with the fact that she would have seen him, in a state that was more than just naked but I also know she never would have been interested. Well only with ripping his head off his shoulders. “Possessive much?” He chuckled. I groaned in frustration and rolled my eyes. “How do I tune you out now were paired.” I whined in frustration. “Not a chance I’m teaching you that.” He laughed and began running towards the house at full speed.

I ran with him, nudging into his side as I caught up. We once again started play fighting and challenging each other as we got back to the clearing closest to the house. I slowed down to admire the view. “I love it here.” I mused sitting on my haunches facing the mountains just behind the tranquil water of the lake.

“I was wondering.” Alex began. “The summer solstice is coming up. The sun will be at its highest and a full moon is falling on that day too.” He became shy at the side of me, it was odd seeing him like this. He normally projected such self-assuredness that it boarded of cocky, but today I have seen so many different sides to him it made me feel like I knew him more. “Would you want to have a date with me, right here and erm, maybe try mating as erm… as wolves.” I smiled at him. He was being sweet and considerate of my earlier revelation. “I’d love that, but isn’t that the night of the summer ball.” I asked him. Shay had mentioned the alignment of the two events on that day and the full moon to me before as we trained up at the summer cabin.

“They are. I was hoping that we could sneak off and be together. Everyone else will be at the ball and we could be alone.” I smiled wanting that more than anything, but I knew it would be difficult. Crystal of all people wouldn’t let him out of her sight that night and if we were to catch her in the act of infidelity we would need to be there.

He read my thoughts silently, I could feel his disappointment and it was heart breaking to feel. I didn’t need to actually reply but I did anyway. “We will have to catch her quickly so he can elope off back here and have our… date.” His mood instantly brightened at my reply and the thoughts that now flooded my mind. I could tell he were expecting a different response so this to him were more than he could imagine, in particularly an image of us in water. He raised an eyebrow at me and replayed the thought to me. “That we will be trying.” I giggled at him, desire taking over my senses, I were just thinking of why we should wait, when he interrupted me.

“Come on we need to find Cole and Shay. We need to plan this all out, I don’t want to take any risks. I also want to be back here with you by midnight.” I furrowed my brows. “Midnight?” He winked in reply. “You’ll see.”

The walk back was in comfortable silence, but as we neared the house my nerves began to raise. Would Ruby be angry at me for ignoring her yesterday? Would the alpha have something to say about it? Feeling my trepidation Alex nuzzled into my side in reassurance. “No one will say anything. They will just be happy your safe.”

We cleared the tree line and Shay was standing there with her arms crossed over her chest as she tapped her foot in deep irritation. “What took you so long to come home? I’ve been waiting here for hours.” I giggled at her but it come out as a huff from my wolfs throat. “Don’t you laugh at me.” She scolded. I bumped my nose to her belly and she fought not so laugh. “Fine, here shift and you can tell me everything and I mean everything.” I cocked my head to the side in question. “Oh, well maybe not all the details.” She corrected with a knowing smirk.

Alex took that as his que to leave and ran off, I presumed to meet Cole or do some alpha training that he missed this morning but didn’t dwell on it. Shay held out the big fluffy bathrobe around me and averted her eyes for me to shift. I slipped into the sleeved and pulled it round my front making the transition as private as possible before she dragged me inside and towards the stairs.

“The wonderer returns.” Finn joked as we passed him going up to the second floor of the house. Shay tutted and pushed past him impatiently still dragging me in tow. “I have.” I managed to laugh out before disappearing around the corner. I could hear him laugh at my response and Shay’s actions but he said no more on the matter.

Once we were in the solitude of the attic, Shay pounced on me for information. Question after question poured from her mouth that I couldn’t keep up. I put a hand on her shoulder calming her. “Slow down. We have a lot of time to get to all your questions. First though let me take a shower.” She huffed out a “Fine.” Before slumping down in the armchair and picked up the magazine she discarded the day before.

I let the hot water cascade over me as I remembered everything that happened last night. How perfect it all were. The setting sun, the warmth, the intimacy and just having Alex – my true mate – to share it all with caused my heart to flutter and anticipation to build for our next encounter. “You know you will be distracting him with your thoughts right?” Shay giggled from the other side of the shower screen. I squeaked out a shocked response which only made her laugh harder.

“Shut up, he’s not even around to get distracted.” I snapped and turned off the water. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it round me before stepping out from my position in the shower. “He can sense everything about you now. Don’t think I didn’t see that tinge of red on his neck his morning.” I blushed while wrinkling my nose and biting my bottom lip. “Spill.” Shay demanded as we both walked back into the main room.

Getting nervous I asked. “What do you wanna know?” and perched on the edge of my bed. “Start from the beginning. I sort of understand that you felt rejected and that made a run for the hills, then what happened? Cole wasn’t very good with the details. He only said that you were found by Alex and were unharmed.”

I took a deep breath and began from the top. I told her about talking with the former Calisto’s alpha and what he had said. That he should have been my father and what happened to my mother and how my actual father wanted to use me as a sacrifice. Her jaw gapped wider and wider the further I went into my tale and by the end of my explanation, it was on the floor.

I looked at her dumbfounded silence and wondered how long it would last. I’ve never seen Shay so lost for words before, I guessed no one had which made the corner of my lip raise into an amused smirk. “We have to tell the alpha all this.” She replied in an astonished whisper. I was afraid she were going to say something to that affect but I wanted to tell Alex before I told Alpha George.

Alex moments later walked through the door with Cole on his heels. He took one look at our postures and went on high alert. “What’s wrong? What’s happened?” He asked scanning the room for any immediate danger, Cole mimicking his actions instantly. Both of them went into the perspective rolls and coiled to spring at any danger they might find.

“Nothing is wrong per say. I were just telling Shay what happened when I met alpha Calisto.” Alex’s head shot back to me his eyes wide. I understand his shocked reaction. We didn’t exactly talk last night, so I told him everything now. I got the same jaw dropping response as I did with Shay from both the guys and rolled my eyes. It wasn’t that big a deal. Was it?

“Come on, we have to tell my father.” Alex said pulling me off the bed and forcefully towards the door. “Erm, Alex I need to get dressed first.” He looked me over only now realising I were still only wrapped in a towel. “Yes. Yes of course.” He turned to shoo Shay and Cole out the room. As he opened the door he found his brother Finn trying to rush down the stairs and get away from his obvious eavesdropping. Alex sighed loudly and shock his head. “What are you doing here?” He demanded. “I felt your shift in mood and came to help with the danger you were alerted too and then sort of got caught up in what Aurora were saying.” Alex sighed. “I guess your heard everything then?” He asked his younger brother incredulously. Finn replied with a small head nod and looked to the floor with guilt clear on his face. “Okay then, Your coming too.” Finn’s eyes widened in disbelieve, it were obvious he thought he were going to be cussed out for eavesdropping and not be involved in this situation.

Alex closed the door behind the others leaving and hugged me around the waist. “Are you okay?” He asked softly placing a soft kiss to my forehead. I shakily nodded my head before answering. “Yea, it’s just a lot to process and most of it I don’t even understand yet.” Alex nodded and placed another kiss before I felt a cheeky smile spread across his lips that were pressed against my skin.

“I felt your… naughty thoughts earlier. You were thinking about a steamy subject, care to share them?” I swotted at his arm and moved myself away from him, to get dressed. “No.” I replied curtly at him. “Come on don’t you know, sharing is caring.” He teased snaking his arms back around my waist. “What if I don’t care?” I teased as he kissed down the side of my neck. “Your right, actions do speak louder than words.” His voice now breathy and thick with a sultry tone as he licked over my mark.

A small moan left my lips at the ripples of excitement and delight now coursed through my body. “Until later.” He mused before walking quickly to the door and leaving me alone to dress. I found it difficult to concentrate for anticipation of what will happen later.

Wait. Did he just leave me all hot and bothered? I let out an exasperated gasp and shook my head. He did. I will definitely be wiping that cocky smirk off his smug face later. Just you wait Alex, you have met your match.

Once again I find myself outside the familiar solid wooden door of the alphas office. This is starting to become all too much like Groundhog Day, doomed to repeat the same fate over and over again. Nothing ever good happens on the other side of this door for me much so I didn’t get my hopes up that this would be any different. We all entered the office as permission were granted and loosely stood before the highly irritated alpha as he took in our collective number of five.

“This is my office not a playground.” He snapped. “Father, we have come into more valuable information that you ought to know.” George reclined back into his desk chair and looking over us as if that were highly doubtful. “Get to the point, I don’t have all day.” He said in his usual harsh tone.

Alex looked at me encouragingly and nodded. “I happened to meet with the former alpha of the Calisto pack when I… erm… left yesterday.” George snorted with distain. “What’s that useless fool have to say for himself.” I gulped, waiting for the angry repercussions for my revelation. He tilted his head when I took too long to answer. “He should have been my biological father, he were my mother’s true mate, but we know what happened and the actions that followed.” George only raised an eyebrow but stayed quiet.

“Calisto has devoted his life to finding out what my father were up to and to find out more about the use of his forbidden magic. He says that I were never meant to be a twin and that I have a gift, blessed from either the power of moon or the sun and my brother is the equal but opposite to myself. However he could be more powerful than me as he has been trained by my father and I have not. I don’t know anything about this power I might possess.” George thought about this for a moment. “What sort of gift?” I shook my head. “I don’t know exactly. According to him I will either possess the power of the blazing sun or the eternal ice of the moon. Do you have any idea what that might mean?”

The old alpha continued to silently sit in his desk chair staring into my eyes but offered no answer. “Father please. If you-” George held up his hand cutting Alex off. “If seems you are indeed a white witch. The question is what do I do with you now?”

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