Wolf kind

Chapter 14


I woke up to the sound of the damn alarm I heard Alara say 5 more minutes I laughed, I looked at the time 5:00 the meetings at 10 but the drive is 4 hours. "okay fine 5 more minutes" I said and cuddled back in bed. Good thing everything is already packed for the trip. 5 minutes later the alarm goes off again but this time Alara gets up and turns the alarm off. Then heads to the bathroom to take a shower while Adam and I make our way to the closet. We chose sweats and black musle shirts, Alara walked out the bathroom just in time "here" I said handing her leggings and one of my shirts. We got dressed and headed out after getting coffee.

The moment we got into the car Alara claimed the entire back seat just to pass out instantly. Adam and I laughed just to get flipped off by a sleepy Alara. 2 hours have past and Alara finally woke "what time is it" she asked "It's 7:10" I said laughing. "Oh ok well I'm hungry and I need the bathroom" Alara said looking at Adam through the review mirror, Adam smiled and said "we are going to stop of at the next fas station" Alara nodded. Five minutes later we pulled off the highway to a gas station, the moment we parked for gas Alara flew out the car and ran to the bathroom. Adam and I just laughed "I'll go with her" I said to Adam who was currently dying from laughter. I walk off trying to find my mate, I find her walking out the bathroom "go ahead and get some snacks or whatever you want" I said and kissed her forehead. She grabbed my hand and started walking threw the aisles. It took us 5 minutes for her to grab beef Jerky, flaming hot cheetoes, a pack of gum, and drinks for all three of us.

As we were paying Adam walked in and stood behind Alara. Once we paid and got to the car Adam and I switched spots. When we do go to these meetings normally I drive the full time but Adam didn't want me to push myself too much. For the rest of the trip I drove so Adam can sleep, Alara kept me stayed up with me so I had someone to talk to. Adam woke up just as we entered the territory of the blacks pack "we finally here?" Adam asked stretching. "Yes we will be there in five minutes" I said "we need to get ready before the meeting so floor it" Adam said so I did. When we got the guest house we were greeted by hunters well they met Adam and I no on actually knows Alara is here and our care hides her scent. When the hunters left Alara ran inside knowing we don't want other wolves to know our Luna us here just yet.

I took a nap while Adam and Alara ate and got ready they woke me up 30 minutes before we had to leave and head to the pack house. Adam and I wore black suits and Alara wore a blue knee length dress with tan heels. When we opened the pack house doors everyone stopped and tried to find the source of our mates scent. That's when alpha black himself walked up to us "welcome gentleman" he said with a smile. "Good to see you black" I said "so where is your tracker trainer" he said Adam growled "did you not get the memo" he asked. Black looked confused and terrified "our tracker trainer is our mate and luna" Adam said that's when Alara wrapped her arms around Adam to try to calm him down. To no surprise it worked almost instantly black looked so confused "let's talk in private" I said and black nodded.

Black leaded us to the meeting room and Alara stepped in front of us as the other alphas walked in. None of them had their mates except for black of course. "Goodmorning everyone I'm Alara luna of my pack and mate of Adam and Austin" Alara said I couldn't help but smile. "Goodmorning luna" the alphas said "it is to my understanding you wanted the trainer of our trackers to come to this meeting am I correct?" Alara asked. All the alphas nodded "it's nice to meet another Luna for once I'm luna eve" she said Alara smiled and all the alphas relaxed and sat down as we did.

The meeting continued for 3 hours the alphas were practically begging Alara to train there trackers. Alara laughed and said she would think about it. We all came to an agreement that Alara would train their trackers on our land so she wasn't away from the pack. With that we went back to the guest house and got ready for bed "we have a long way home tomorrow let's get to bed" I said.

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