Wolf Dominion

Chapter 5

Alpha Skye must forget about rewarding me, because while I am allowed to roam his quarters, I am also promptly forgotten.

I haven’t admittedly roamed much, except for finding a fur nest to curl up in, within his open living quarters, separated from his bedroom by a gold mirrored wall, floor to ceiling. This open area I’m in has a fireplace and a cold, brutally sparse Solividian table, for war planning no doubt.

I’m trying to make myself as small as possible in my nest, while I’ve been napping to gather back my strength. Rest was to help also ease my mind of all insanity. I felt this strange sense of safety since Alpha Skye kissed me; which was the insanity.

I shouldn’t feel safe; one wrong mood and I’m sure I would be the target for his fury.

However, right in this moment, I’m trying to will myself to close my eyes and my ears. Because around the mirrored wall, Alpha Skye this late morning, has escorted a ‘friend’ inside.

I’ve heard the brief talk, and now I witness the act.

I’m witnessing it right now.

The red headed shewolf had talked about the fact they were betrothed to one another.

Alpha Skye was fucking her senseless right now.

And I was watching it boldly, as it was right in front of me, in the next chamber.

She, who is spread on her stomach, pushing back into Alpha Sky who is fucking her like a machine. He doesn’t let up on the pace of beating up her ass, by literally fucking her and slapping her thigh and butt cheeks every single time with a hard spank.

She’s turned red from behind. She’s snarling her lust into the sheets.

Every few seconds that I slowly start to close my eyes, I end up widening them to take in more of the act. It was hard to look away.

I just couldn’t believe the tenacity of Skye and the strength of his poor fiancé, or the deep guttural noises she kept making.

I wince when she suddenly screams high pitched out of the blue, and the Alpha stops thrusting so abruptly I wince as if feeling how hard she must be milking him dry.

Such an odd thought, but I can’t get the idea out of my head.

“Don’t speak of me again in front of the Medivians, Skyelar…” the Alpha waits to hear her make a noise before he adds, quietly whispering, “…have you… learnt… your… lesson…?” my ears have to strain to pick up on that. He must be really angry.

“Yes, Alpha, you are heard,” she finally responds huskily, and the Alpha pulls out, jumps off his bed and spins so fast he instantly catches my gaze, from my distant position, still curled up on the furry nest.

I expect some kind of awkward gesture, like an innocent smile or a blush – but I get nothing. Alpha Skye looks through me, like I’m a pillow or a lamp or a… a thing… just a thing on the side. A decoration? Who knew.

He stalks out of sight, and barks from somewhere else, “Get out.”

I almost think he means me – until I see Skyelar drag herself out of the bed, growling as she tries to stand. Her legs wobble as she picks up a robe, drapes it around her shoulders and scurries out, hissing at him “I tell them nothing but the truth –!”

“It’s all lies when you get bored, go to your Aunt Zun and help her with the teaching of the royal pups, you’re a good nurturer, a terrible politician and a great tight little fuck hole – that’s about it –”

“You say what you will,” Skyelar laughs on her way out, “You still love me despite it.”

Alpha Skye says nothing about that.

A door hisses open and hisses shut. There is a brief silence after her departure, before Alpha Skye appears around the separating wall, wearing loose metallic silk pants, that glimmer three different shades depending on how they shift around him.

He’s walking towards me, but not at me, simply by me.

“She is not my sister, Ryder, it’s called name taking – by being my betrothed she takes on my name,” Alpha Skye answers questions buried to the back of my mind.

I follow his strides back into his office with my eyes, a chamber over from this living space – but I don’t dare follow him physically. Nor do I speak at him with his back facing me. I say nothing, not even to his statement of information just now.

I am still healing, which was my excuse.

I rest my cheek into the soft fur again and I let out a disgruntled sigh of relief that the fucking and the insults and the talking is over, so I can now rest further.

Clean it up,” I’m alert, as I hear the Alpha Skye speak from his office, “Yes, I’m talking to you, Ryder,” I hesitate one second and he is already snarling, “Hurry up.”

I quickly scramble off the nest, and I glance into the office to see the Alpha at his desk, just staring boldly at me.

I look away and just nod at nothing as I force myself to make my way into his bedchamber.

To the soiled sheets.

I didn’t know where anything is, no one taught me, but I’ll wing the job I guess.

I am not disgusted by the task at hand, rather relieved that my only duty thus far is cleaning a bed – when I could have been made a foot stool or a thing to torture in his spare time. This, I guess, could be considered a mercy.

I strip the sheets, and within them I find a thing.

A shiny thing.

I pick it up, and it’s a ring with an S. It’s Solividian steel.

On the inside of the ring I see an engraving.

Owned by Alpha Skye.

Oh… it was mine.

Okay… so this was the surprise gift?

The little something he was meant to give me? The treat? I thought it might be food, but a piece of jewellery was nice… I guess...

I slip it on my thumb, the only finger it fits, and I continue to do my job.

I find myself staring at the stripped back bed, only wondering for a moment, until I see a human slave wonder into the room, naked too, except for rings hanging from her pierced nipples, a tight choker on her neck – and a ring hangs there too. She’s also bald – her hair is shaved off. All her hair is, actually.

I stare in shock as she deposits clean silk, golden sheets – and takes the dirty ones for me.

She doesn’t look at me once, nor does she seem bothered by her task or her attire.

Or maybe she was just a perfectly submissive human.

Without another thought about her odd timing, I finish the bed and I see a crease in the middle, but I don’t fix it.

My little quirk.

I wouldn’t just make it perfect for no reason. Right now I was just really sleepy, and exhausted from fighting. Being submissive for a little bit wouldn’t kill me too much.

I turn then and decide to head back to my little nest, to finally find some more sleep.

As I settle back on the fur in the living area, I hear a hiss of a door opening.

“Alpha? I’ve lost it!” Skyelar, “My ring!”

I hear Alpha Skye stand from his desk, while I simultaneously am sitting up and jerking it off my finger in a panic, holding it out and down to the floor just as the betrothed walks into the adjoining living room.

She sees me holding her possession, anxiety ridden, and she stalks up to snatch it from my hand, hissing down at me, “THEIF!” I open my mouth to respond, and even as my lips part, Skyelar continues, “You dare open your filthy mouth to me?”

What a bitch. I shut my lips, regardless.

She is still in training,” the Alpha comes up to see Skyelar already running for the door.

Everyone shall hear about this,” she snorts on the way out, excited for the perceived drama. And with her admission, the Alpha himself has grabbed me by the hair and starts dragging me ruthlessly back to my cage as if he agrees I deserve punishment.

It was an accident.

There is no safe feeling from this dynamic anymore. Head held down, I stumble every step to keep up with Skye’s strides. He opens my cage door by his desk and shoves me back inside.

My knees hit the dog bed, and I turn to see the Alpha locking me in…

…smiling at me.

“…you thought it was yours…?” Skye murmurs, very amused.

I blurt, “I was mistaken, because you said you had a ‘treat’ for me later. I’m just exhausted. I – I wasn’t thinking straight,” I try not to sound disrespectful, but I am highly irate.

“Clearly. And yes. A treat. I was going to dress you… but I decided against it. I prefer you naked to the eye,” Skye turns confidently and sits at his desk, leaning back into his chair, “You have permission to ask me one question,” Huh? What did he expect me to ask? “Quickly now, Ryder, I’m busy.”

I look out the window… to the sky.


“Do you believe in the Moon?” I ask Skye this question based on their religion, since I had no idea what he wanted me to ask.

He thinks for awhile.

“…I believe in myself,” the Alpha answers and then pauses again, considering what he just said to me. Skye turns his gaze on me slowly, after staring at the ceiling. Skye now glares, “Do not ask me that kind of question ever again.”

I boldly glare back.

Well, what I was meant to ask?

I guess I get my answer by the way Skye speaks to himself, also irate, while staring into the distance,“…6 betrothed… 6…” he shakes his head, “…and I don’t care for any… is it too much to ask, to fuck a submissive little pet –?” he glares at nothing, then promptly glances to me, shaking his head, while holding my eye, “Ryder. Answer me. Do you enjoy sex?”

I don’t respond to that. Aside from choosing to look anywhere than up at him.

Answer me, Ryder.”

“I’m a virgin, how would I know if I like sex?” I whisper it while staring at my knees, awkwardly.

The silence that ascends after the fact, is far more heavy than the silence before.

Alpha Skye focuses on his calls, and reads through what I assume are his plans for further dominion, all while constantly checking on me, by staring at me for long intervals.

It gets so bad, I just turn around and pretend to be interested in the water fall for a bit, using the forever running water to clean my hands and make patterns.

“Alpha Skye,” an elder soon appears, and I’m thankful for the intrusion, “I have news of the treaty – it has been received.”

“Great, Ivor… on the way out, ban anymore visitors.”

“Alpha Skye?”

“I am busy. I have to train my pet today.”


Oh, no.

“Be careful about that, Alpha Skye, the humans can be highly addictive.”

“I seem to know it already. It is the submissive trait, Ivor.”

“Weak things, they are not strong like our females, she is akin to food. No better than a sheep or a pig.”

Okay, Ivor, I’ve heard enough,” Alpha Skye chuckles as he tilts his head, waiting for him to leave.

“My trust is in your judgement, Alpha, do not fall for the whimpering they do like pups –”

“I am aware of it,” Alpha Skye snarls a little bit now, impatient, “I quite enjoy it.”

“One more thing, please Alpha, don’t get her pregnant.”

“If I were to breed her, I will breed her – that is my decision. You’re dismissed now Ivor.”

Ivor leaves, disgruntled, while I’m still playing with the water fall.

Breed her. What the f – also not to mention, so, uh, today I was to be trained?

And from what I just heard… it was going to be fun for Skye… perhaps not so fun for me.

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