Wolf Dominion

Chapter 29

7 days later

Lemeri passes on the news at lunch time that Wolf Dominion reign successful from the battle in Ryer Valley – after many days of tactical back and forth fighting.

They would arrive back tonight – which was very soon.

For the week I had made it a habit to attend training daily with Jawkin, while Fyre is entertained by Lemeri.

After my training with Xrat by my side each day, I take myself from the usual showers and I sneak into Alpha Skye’s personal steam room. Xrat joins me.

There’s a Solividian tub that pumps out steam – you lie in it and absorb the moisture, while the room is lined with fresh linen towels to dry off. Xrat likes to roll around on the rock floor and lick the salt walls, while I usually fall asleep in the tub.

I had gone through quite a few towels, while Xrat ripped into a few and made a home in one corner, but no one assumed the steam room had been used while Skye was away, so the mess stayed, but at least I could enjoy time alone in this forbidden structure which has glass walls to overlook the dry and barren landscape.

After the steam bath for a seventh day in a row, I head back into Skye’s residence with Xrat – who had learnt to hide from the Helpers. No one could convince him to go back to the den anymore, not even with food, so he remained with me.

Even after a week, he started to grow immensely – and while he was at an awkward lanky stage, through his first burst of growing pains, he was now as tall as me… and strangely enough, far more gentle now with me too, when I assumed he’d get more violent and rough with his new height.

He had also taken a strange liking to Fyre, protective of her even though she ‘hated’ him.

Xrat seemed to appreciate her attempts to throw things at him, like dinner knives and forks – because he took it as a challenge, a game per say, and would bounce them off his nose and throw them right back at her.

I knew Fyre loved him, but would never, ever admit she grew to feel that way about a Wolf Beast.

It’s later that night now, and I sit with Lemeri and Fyre around Alpha’s Skye dinner table. We eat, while Skye is about to give his televised address to the assembly of the whole Wolf Dominion. We were expected to go in person, but Lemeri said it was better not to… she seemed sly about it, and wouldn’t give a reason why, but I tried to ignore her scheming.

One thing I had begun to learn about Lemeri was her covert way of getting what she wanted – and her sneaky mischief making side was always tuned in. Testing the reaction of the Alphas, or any member of the Wolf Dominion, seemed to be her speciality. So, everyone seemed to avoid her like the plague, as if she was walking trouble.

I decided to trust her, since she was a hostage, and I was a slave – so there was a common ground we could connect over. Lemeri seemed to have a problem with those higher in command, but us? Fyre and I? We were welcomed as her equal, so she treated us as friends.

Lemeri would have no reason to get on my bad side, although a part of me felt… a slight uneasy feeling in my gut, in relation to her hidden agendas, whatever they may be.

“You remember what I said, Fyre,” Lemeri eats into her dinner with a smirk, while Fyre and I share a bowl of cut fruit and Xrat lies under the table on his back, snoozing. All our feet are in his fur – he can’t feel us, he’s so strong, but he’s also like a walking bed. Warm, furry, comfy to lean into anytime, Xrat loved cuddles and being in a pack.

Strangely without the Alphas around – Xrat seemed to be far more relaxed. Almost as if we were his new pack... and he liked to imagine he led all of us around.

“Don’t speak unless spoken to,” Fyre replies politely and sweetly.

I have to blink a few times and turn to her in shock.

“Ah – what?” I murmur, almost choking on my fruit.

“It was sarcasm, Ryder, take a joke?” Fyre looks me dead in the eye, and I do choke on my fruit.

Lemeri giggles uncontrollably, but truly, Fyre is the scariest six year old on Genesis.

“What did you teach her this week, exactly?” I ask Lemeri.

“I taught her how to fold clothes,” she answers with a napkin over her mouth as she chews, “So she can remain my little helper.”

My eyeballs dare to turn to see Fyre sitting with a straight back, her blonde hair braided and perfect, her makeup untouched and also perfect – and her eyes, perfectly dead set and unable to blink as she stares back at Lemeri, a promise in her gaze.

“I lick every button,” Fyre lets out a little smirk, “And I spit in your stockings.”

Lemeri falls pale.

Excuse you –” Lemeri tries to scold her.

“It is sarcasm again, Meri, take a joke,” Fyre repeats herself, even more ferocious than the first time.

“Oh, geez, is that the line you taught her to say to the Alphas?” I whisper across the table to Lemeri, my anxiety rising.

“Oh, no, heavens no, no, no,” Lemeri is barely audible as she covers her mouth, and can’t look me in the eye.


“You really need to… just, copy me, okay?” I advise Fyre, but her gaze is on the screen in the corner, flashing the delayed speech of Alpha Skye.

The podium is in focus before he steps up to speak.

I am ready to see my Alpha – and a small smile starts to play on my mouth, but never fully forms.

Because Raygar steps forward for the speech.

I glance to Lemeri – and even she’s dropped her napkin, truly befuddled.

“Where’s Skye –?” I whisper, but there is no time for an answer.

“WOLF DOMINION, HEED ME NOW,” Raygar begins, unfazed, “I am standing in place of Alpha Skye, my brother – regrettably he’s gone missing in battle, and until he is recovered, I will lead. I have the vote with Mila, Vastian and all of Zrot Company. Also… quite tragically, we lost Zrot in battle too – Zrot is regrettably dead. Skye’s injuries, also regrettably, are inconclusive, his life is also inconclusive,” Raygar pauses, the camera focuses on his younger handsome face – and I do see a tear fall from the corner of his eye as he looks down, and I think it’s genuine, “We can not know until Cat Dominion – if… if they contact us with a ransom, or an undue trade for territory. But I will not fail Skye by bargaining, we do not negotiate. If they do approach us, Skye’s life will not be bargained for. Needless to say, we’ll do everything to get him back, if he is alive. Vastian would like to say a few words,” Raygar steps backwards as Vastian steps forward, placing a hand on Raygar’s shoulder to support him publically.

“Ryer Valley was overrun by Cat Kind – but we successfully washed them out. Wolf Dominion is victorious again. Your solemn silence is appreciated for Skye. All Elders will be counselling Raygar into the position of Ruling Alpha of Wolf Dominion. Beyond that; nothing changes. Disperse.”

“Shit,” I speak just as the feed cuts out and Lemeri jumps to her feet.

“Return to my place now,” Lemeri does not laugh about this, and she roars at Fyre “NOW!” Lemeri runs around the table, grabbing Fyre’s arm, even as she almost cries on the spot from the sudden panic being thrown her way, “Go hide somewhere – I’m going to say you’ve gone missing, little fyre bug, go, scat,” Lemeri pushes her along, “Run as fast as you can – my closet, the chest – I’ve shown you my treasures – throw them out and hop in. Go, go.”

Fyre is nodding and sprinting, holding back her own anxiety.

I’ve stood from the table also, and Xrat senses my urgency, waking from his slumber to crawl out and sit next to me, equalling my height and yawning quite comfortably – always ready by my side.

“You told me Skye was okay,” I speak to Lemeri, unsure if she lied to me before.

Raygar told me that,” Lemeri blushes with guilt, “You need to come with me and hide.”

“I need to stand my ground – and you need to protect Fyre lest he kills her for having a smart mouth,” I whisper, trying not to panic, “Raygar likes me anyway, we’ll work it out –”

Lemeri walks up to me, about to snatch my elbow – but her aggressive stance has alerted Xrat, and so he snaps his jaws in a warning, letting off an indecent growl.

Lemeri drops her hand and does not touch me, but she hisses her warning, “Ray does not like you, Ryder, he plays with his food; acting kind is a part of his hunt… I’ve seen him murder too many of your Kind, Ryder – far too many.”

“I will kill him – if he tries to kill me,” I try to sound fearsome, but Lemeri takes a step back, shaking her head.

“Don’t speak recklessly. If you even attempt to kill Ray, I will kill you,” Lemeri can’t look at me twice as she turns and hurries after Fyre, “Have the common sense to sleep in the den tonight, Ryder – with Xrat – you’ll be safe there.”

I say nothing and Lemeri sprints away.

“Did you understand that?” I ask Xrat, looking at him, seemingly dopey and tired after today’s training. He does not realise Skye isn’t coming back.

My heart is beating too fast, but I can’t grieve that he might be dead.

Lemeri was right – I should run –

But the only time… the only time I seemed to hold Raygar’s respect was when I showed no fear.

I turn to Xrat, as tall as me now.

“You’ll soon see who arrived – and we’ll face him together – and if I die, I die, but I won’t go a coward,” I nod at Xrat and he just looks at me like I’m an idiot.

He had a habit of doing that.

Looking arrogant and above me – a new trait as he grew out of being a pup.


I turn and wait for Raygar to appear – any moment.

But of course… it is not so simple.

A call starts to ring from the office – Lemeri’s chime.

I run toward it, but Xrat pounces ahead of me, jumping onto the desk and slapping his paw down on the blue answer square, his tongue lolling out at completing another task.

“Lemeri?” I call out, as my hands slap on the desk as I reach it.

Ryder – Raygar came by me first, he already took Fyre, sent her to the military research facility – I can’t get out, I can’t get out of my home–! He locked me in!” Lemeri is loosing her breath, as if she might faint – but in the distance, I can hear Raygar’s almighty arrogant laugh, but most importantly, I can hear Fyre squealing in panic as she tries to fight him off and escape.

Xrat’s ears twitch as he hears the child’s scream through the call.

Fyre is in danger.

Xrat lifts his head, his nostrils flare as he smells for her scent, and then he lopes ahead.

I follow, adrenaline keeping my legs moving quick.

The research area was connected to my training with Jawkin – so I would head there right away.

I couldn’t stand by and watch Fyre get hurt – I had to save her, perhaps I could even sacrifice myself for her.

Raygar would enjoy that – and I could face those consequences.

I could make this a game – fun enough for him.

As long as she was safe, I would put myself in the firing line.

I made her a promise to keep her safe, and I wasn’t about to break it.

My training has made me stronger and faster, more than just physically. I am mentally prepared to fight. I’m also ready, more than ever, to start fulfilling my role and duty to humanity – or what was left of it.

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