Wolf Dominion

Chapter 23

“Today, Ryder, you’ll be training with Xrat by your side,” Jawkin had announced this morning – and I had been rather joyous about it.

There was a crowd gathering and even Skye had come to see us train.

All the eyes upon us were judgemental and a heavy distraction to be honest. I was not allowed to Transcend into Xrat today either, rather we had to run the obstacles together. I was surprised the bond was now being asserted publically, and I wish Alpha Skye gave me some warning beforehand. Of course, he didn’t share any details willingly. It was just sprung on me in the moment.

For the training, when certain warnings echoed, mimicking dangers in the Genesis landscape you simply had to stop before crossing the fake terrain. Then, you had to decide when it was safe to cross. Avoiding hazards; it was simple but necessary. Xrat was already aware this was the game after we crossed the first stage, where I told him to stay and he looked at me with a low look of annoyance, but quickly figured the rest out.

The second obstacle, Xrat snapped at my hand when I tried to pat him into keeping still, and that got a laugh out of the crowd watching on.

“Stay calm, Ryder, or you might get mauled by your Beast,” Jawkin’s only advice from the side lines, as a viewing platform ran around the whole training centre, so she could follow my movements along with the public.

I’m annoyed after Jawkin suggests I might get mauled – ridiculous. Xrat was like a baby to me, or at least, he acted like I was his mother.

“I’m fine!” I call back, ignoring Skye’s obvious stare from the other walk way, watching my left while Jawkin watches my right. Xrat barks at me not to move into the next obstacle, but we’ve waited more than enough. I shoot him a glare and take a step forward, only to have Xrat nip my training suit at my ankle and hold me back, jerking me backward so hard I almost fall flat on my ass. I pull my leg from the cheeky blue and yellow eyed pup, and I yell at him, “I decide when we run, Xrat! Listen to me!”

Jawkin chokes on her snack bar, while she tries to advise me, “Ryder – you must not order your Beast.”

In the meantime, Xrat is simply watching me like I’m a lunatic, one paw raised and his head tilted.

“I thought we were training together,” I hiss at the assertive pup, while Xrat snoots through his nose and prances forward, barking at me to follow.

I grit my teeth and move. We run through the obstacles as fast as possible, which was the aim. You had to be fast.

While running side by side, we both hear falling, crumbling rocks from the echoes, so we halt together at the same time, on the same foot and paw. I grin at the perfect dance we’ve executed together – but Xrat takes the opportunity to snarl at me, quite viciously.

Oh, what did I do now?

“Stay a step behind him,” Jawkin suggests, politely, with a laugh in her tone.

I hear everyone else laughing too under their breaths.

Except Skye.

However, Xrat is eyeing my hand again, and I feel my gut tighten.


I wouldn’t fucking step back for him, or anyone.

I challenge Xrat with my defiant gaze, and he starts to bare his teeth, wanting me back further, so I am following him.

I would not follow an animal, a baby one at that.

“Together,” I try to tell Xrat. I refuse to step forward or behind, we could do this as one unit, equally. Xrat shakes his head and lopes ahead when he’s ready, barking for me once more, while I stay where I am and cross my arms over my chest. “If you ignore me I’m not following,” I call out to Xrat, “I decide when we move.”

“He doesn’t understand your language,” Jawkin advises.

Pfft, I was pretty sure he did.

Xrat’s fur puffs out at his neck as he turns to see me not following, he barks at me two more times and I simply refuse to move.

You listen to me, Xrat,” I want to stay in control, he was going to test me.

Move,” Skye’s loud command suddenly reaches my ears and shuts everyone up and their silly gossip.

He’s given me advice that I cannot refuse.

But why did I have to be Skye’s slave and Xrat’s obedient toy?

At least with Xrat, I would be an equal. I refused to give up that much pride.

And so I stay still.

I glance up to Jawkin and she is looking at her clipboard, her cheeks flushed.

Xrat is sitting back on his butt, smiling, wagging his long tail profusely side to side while looking up at Skye, Xrat’s tongue lolling out in excitement.

I grit my teeth and glance to the Alpha, where every eye is on him, and me.

Skye’s jaw is locked, his eyes are on fire – why?

Oh, right. I hadn’t moved forward when he told me to.

I was disobeying him in front of a public crowd.


I didn’t think about that.

I better move, then.

I quickly run forward once I realise my mistake.

Training’s over,” Skye barks from his position. I’m too late.

“I’m sorry, I’m slow, I was distracted!” I yell back up, “Let me –”

“END IT,” Skye yells at Jawkin, who nods without looking up as she runs off to switch off the tracking instruments and simulation.

I’m said I’m sorry!” I repeat, yelling it up to Skye even as he has turned, swiping his cape back with him, to head down to fetch me.

The training obstacles disappear with the receding tech, and I sit on my butt, feeling butt hurt, even as Xrat runs past me and knocks into my side, friendly now that the formalities were over.

He runs off to greet Skye, while I just sit and refuse to move.

I notice the crowd runs off, clearly fuelled with gossip. A slave disobeyed the Alpha.

That wasn’t my damn intent, though! I wasn’t trying to make a fool out of Skye. I was trying to think independently while on the fake terrain and be equal with my Wolf Beast. I couldn’t concentrate and be precisely perfect with everyone yelling at me.

“Leave us Xrat, scat,” the lights darken as I hear Skye command Xrat to lope away. I look around and I see this particular training area, quickly abandoned by all personnel, not just the public, even Jawkin has exited, “Worm, what do you think you’re doing?” I avoid looking into the Alpha’s judgemental eyes as I stare at the adjacent Solividian wall.

“Thinking for myself,” I murmur, while my back is still facing him and I’m still sitting on the floor.

I feel the heat of Skye’s leg as he walks up to stand behind me and he pauses, clearly holding himself back from yanking me up. I look up and back to see Alpha Skye, so far above me with his ridiculous height, looking down, and I just feel quiet reserve for what would happen next.

He could hurt me, he could abuse me, and I could do nothing to save myself. I couldn’t help what made him mad when I did nothing wrong.

I just show him the dead acceptance in my gaze, since I know how angry he will be.

“Thinking for yourself?” Alpha Skye’s death drawl is exactly as it seems, the precursor to my murder, “…you have problems with your hearing… don’t you…” he murmurs it.

“W -?”

Don’t you?” Skye snaps, a look of absolute… pain…? Distress? On his features.

I am completely confused, until the lights flicker back on as a new entrant rushes in from the side exit, which is in front of me.

Raygar suddenly slides into the training room, a crimson robe covering his body, while his sly eyes meet mine. A pack of other followers behind Raygar, crowd in, Dominion officials.

“Law breaker,” Raygar barks, while looking at me and softly smiling, “I am here to execute the rebel for her insolence in defying you.”

“Ryder has a medical condition,” Skye growls, casually, “Leave with your fucking entourage – you waste your time running here to cause trouble, little brother.”

“Medical…–?” Raygar whispers, in disbelief.

“Her left ear drum was blown out after I smacked her last week a little too hard and I learnt quickly not to be so rough with worms so slight in frame… they are very brittle, Ray,” Skye lies with such accuracy, even I believe it for a second and question my memory.

“A brittle resource… these worms,” Raygar blinks a few times while tilting his head at Skye, “That we must acquire? With the worm leading the entire operation?” Ray snorts, “Regardless, I will need to sign an impudence report with Ryder in my headquarters – no one breaks the law in this Dominion, even with accidental intent, so I must clear her name in our records,” Ray holds out a hand for me, still so sly.

“Who reported her insolence?” Skye barks.

“Every Wolf Dominion civilian who witnessed the account immediately reported to me, I must prove her condition as well,” Raygar taps his ear, challenging his brother in front of more members.


Skye is being shoved into a corner.

“…you and I, brother, will return with Ryder to my residence for further private discussion… I do not place my property in the hands of the public domain; I punish and remedy via my own private set of skills and judgement,” Skye tries to fix it with a quick response.

“I would love to share some lunch with you, sounds lovely, Skye,” Raygar turns and sweeps his hand through the air, dismissing his cohort of Dominion officials. He turns back around and his robe shimmers from red to black with crimson undertones. Once we are alone, Raygar simply speaks, “She disobeyed, didn’t she? Don’t lie.”

“Ryder’s obedience is a work in progress,” Skye does not deny it, now that we all have privacy.

“I am a master of obedience training,” Raygar replies, raising a brow, “Do you need my help to tame her, Skye?” Ray glances at me briefly, a promise of absolute mischief about his gaze as he suggests the help.

“I am quite capable of teaching Ryder these lessons on my own,” Skye kicks me lightly, telling me to stand.

I jump to my feet, irate as Raygar approaches and places a hand on the back of my neck, his fingers are so strong as he steadies me, and he assesses both me and his brother.

“You need to release your need to murder my pet,” Skye speaks plainly, “She is worthy of another chance.”

“I want to see how worthy she is for myself,” Raygar murmurs.

“Hence why we return to my residence, now,” Skye steps back, “Let’s move – eyes of the Elders watch our every act.”

Raygar scowls at that, seemingly in agreeance.

We head off, Skye and Raygar flank me; all the way back to Skye’s private residence.

“Why do you protect her?” Raygar asks, sitting on the end of Skye’s bed, while I kneel on the floor, where I had been placed and Skye sits in a chair by the window, reclining back, looking at the ceiling and closing his eyes in exasperation.

“Ivor tried to kill her,” Skye murmurs.

“Ivor?” Raygar is shocked, his eyes focus on me, “Why did he care about Ryder?”

Why do you care about her?” Skye snarls out.

“But why do you?” Raygar slaps his thigh, and then he does focus back on me, kneeling a few meters away, “Speak your mind on this matter, worm.”

I am confused.

Skye seems to trust Raygar, despite Vastian’s warning not to. Perhaps they had strange sibling rivalry that also had levels of bonds in trust one layer underneath, as unshakeable loyalty rooted in DNA.

“What am I meant to say?” I ask, Skye.

“You’re stupid,” Raygar helpfully adds as tells me.

“No. Ryder simply knows nothing,” Skye snaps, before his eyes turn to glare at me, “You, just sit there and be quiet – you’re still getting your ass beat in a moment for your actions.”

“Insubordination,” Raygar slowly sneers the word, with a smile on his handsome face.

“I was trying to concentrate –” I growl under my breath, glaring at both of them.

“So why did Ivor care enough to kill her?” Raygar speaks over me, to his brother.

“I don’t know, she’s a magnet for trouble… and therefore… hidden truths,” Skye finally calms down and sits forward, elbows on his knees as his gaze runs over me, “I don’t know what it is, Raygar, but there is something strange about how the Elders worry about Ryder. Perhaps because I have been so openly proud to own her as my personal pet.”

“Is she that good of a fuck?” Raygar asks cheekily, smirking.

“She is still a virgin, actually,” Skye looks at me pointedly, while Raygar almost dies hearing that. Raygar swiftly turns deathly pale.

I simply scowl.

Skye does not smile, rather, he seems quite annoyed.

“How do we remedy that?” I ask, rhetorically while I can, into the brief silence, “My consent,” I point to my chest and glare back at Skye, “Until then I shall remain a virgin.”

“At least, surely, her mouth –” Raygar whispers.

“I’ve used her mouth,” Skye replies, while staring at my mouth, “Now you shall use her mouth, Raygar.”



Why, Skye?” I ask, gasping in a sharp inhale.

Skye’s eyes fall on mine, to answer me, “Because every time you disobey my order, Ryder – you shall please Raygar with your mouth. That is your punishment for insubordination, and it shall remain so.”

“…I have to please… Raygar… the man who killed my father…” I speak numbly.

“He didn’t kill your father, he said that to test you,” Skye adds, unsure, “Do as I bid, idiot pet, I’ll be in my office.”

“You’re welcome to stay and watch her cry about it,” Raygar mocks me, as I’m already tearing up at the prospect.

I don’t want to do this.

“I’m busy,” Skye declines, “…Ryder…”

“What?” I whisper, clenching my fists on my knees and biting my bottom lip as I stare at the dust on the gold floor.

“If you refuse, the punishment will be made worse for you until you succumb to your Alphas’ word.”

“I’m sorry,” I try to plead my case.

“Sorry isn’t good enough,” Raygar speaks, rather kindly, which freaks me out. I turn my gaze to Skye’s younger, more ruthless brother, who watches me with a small tilt to his head, “You risked his entire reputation, silly girl.”

“I know, I’m sorry,” I repeat, “I am. Sorry.”

“When you’re done,” Skye stands, ignoring me as he addresses Raygar, “Bring her to my office and lock her in her cage before you go.”

Raygar nods to Skye and waits for the Alpha to leave us together.

I do not meet his eyes.

“Don’t fret, Ryder – I’ll only choke your throat a little while you do it,” Raygar murmurs, sadistically, “…just a little…” of course, a threat of death is added on to the tail end of his statement.

I guess it was an effective punishment, because already I never wanted to disobey the Alpha again.

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