Wolf Dominion

Chapter 13

I’m bored out of my brains. Alpha Skye is out of his office, and the only company is Xrat, collared with a device that shocks him if he gets too close to my cage. As he sits as close as he can get and just watches me whining from a few feet away, I’m waiting too. I’ve resorted to speaking to Xrat constantly to pass the time. It’s the only way he stops whimpering quietly, while his paw is bandaged and he licks it every now and then.

“…why am I in here, Xrat, caged away like a flea ridden rodent?” I pretend he’s asked me a question, since I’ve rattled off about my days in the Dry Canyon already, my adventures hiding from the predators, the loose Beast Kind, or Genesis combatants – and Xrat quite enjoyed those tales but I was running dry on the violence. Now I talk about other matters, “You know, Xrat, I think I’m in here because Human Kind are considered lesser than the Genesis … yet we think the same… look similar… just smaller I guess…” I whisper it, even though no one is around to hear it. I wait as my mind is flooded with frustration and trauma, which starts to bury me in deep in the back of my head. However, Xrat lifts his head and makes a quick noise for me to continue. I look over at him resting his large head on his paws, then he blinks his eyes shut, ready to nap, so I continue without thinking, “Alpha Skye isn’t so bad, you know. He seems willing to learn about me. He doesn’t just hate me. Hey, I hope you aren’t afraid of losing me one day, it’s okay if I die, Xrat – one day I might die… soon, probably. All it takes is one Genesis who doesn’t like me, to do away with me while Skye isn’t looking… they could snap my neck, choke me, put a beam through my skull – or even butcher me for your food; the more likely option, so nothing is wasted,” I shake my head, “I’m worthless here... I shouldn’t even be alive… I came here to kill your Alpha… to murder him for revenge for what happened to my father and my mother… for what he’s done to my entire Human Kind. Eradicating the weak. Of course, here I am, somehow alive, caged… and bonded to you… and the worst part is I don’t mind being in here. I kind of feel safe in here… how about you?”

Xrat’s eyes flicker under shut lids and he looks to be snoozing, he’s pretty still.

I turn to my water, and I crawl over to hydrate myself. Afterwards, I get closer to the door, and I lean against the glass – prepared to find a different position to lay down. It’s as I push back on the door, that I feel a hinge creak and snap, causing the glass to fall off at one corner. I quickly scramble back and turn, understanding the sudden freedom.

I wait a few minutes for anyone to come at the sound of the noise, however, I do seem to be alone and Xrat is still snoozing deeply.

I pry open the door quietly for him, hoping I do not bother his nap.

It’s only the middle of the day, so I know I’ll have the rest of the day to myself – or at least I assume so. Alpha Skye was probably out preparing the next war plan. I assume they acquired the water station Xrite, so the Wolf Dominion was expanding yet again. I noted my spy-training wasn’t happening today, so I assumed that was cancelled. I doubted Skye was going to allow that to happen anymore.

His rage last night, was rather strange. The look in his eye and the delusion I had about him warping into human features and back out again– it all made me terrified… but also rather curious.

I’m able to pry the door open enough to slip out, and then I stand up and go for a walk to stretch my legs.

I walk without a worry, but I am surprised to walk into Skye’s room to find him in bed – with a rag over his forehead and his skin flushed. He’s in a deep sleep, under the sheets, so I walk forward a few steps, curious if he’s okay – but I’ve missed the other woman in the room.

Ahem,” a cough grabs my attention and I spin to see a pretty and very tall lady, her hands clasped over her knees, red locks winding down to her ankles and a navy dress hugging every inch of her slender frame. She’s the prettiest woman I’ve ever seen – but she’s also Genesis, so –

I freeze as the stranger smiles at me warmly, lifts a hand and curls a finger, asking for me to approach her.

I do so obediently but also as if I can’t help myself, her allure is entrancing. Though her jaw is square, her features are very big and beautiful. Right now she stands and nods at me to follow. So, I follow, rather absentmindedly.

For some reason, I trust her just a little bit.

She walks towards a Solividian golden wall, which splits in half and slides away to show a magnificent yet simple washroom I never realised was there in the first place.

I watch her head towards the sink and the mirror, turning as I shuffle in, due to the weights on my ankles.

As the wall shuts back behind me, she finally speaks – loud and confident, “Hi. So, you’re the pet he keeps talking about, nice to meet you, Ryder,” she nods at me, and she’s… she’s happy to see me…? Or seems to be. I’m too confused to respond, so I stand stock still, awkwardly naked as she continues, “My name is Skyelim – but I prefer my own, Lemeri – I’m one of the remaining 5 betrothed to Skye. I heard what happened to Skyelar,” she tut-tuts with a small hidden smile as she shakes her head, “I guess being mauled by a Beast was an appropriate way for her to go, she loved those smelly pups in front of everyone but she was cruel when no one was looking. I have eyes in the back of my head. Do you know what happens to the betrothed? We all die until one is left.”

My mouth pops open in shock, “Skye murders his potential future wives?” I blurt, truly shaken, but Lemeri laughs and shakes her head.

“No! We kill each other,” she nods in her excitement, “I’m glad she went like that though, awful, wasn’t she? She talked about you a lot. I’ve been so curious to meet you. You’re so pretty, yet clearly Skye isn’t bathing you properly – have a shower, don’t worry, I’ll tell him I let you,” she nods to a vast empty space, which I have no idea how it works. I simply turn and stare at it, but I do not move, as I do not want to get into trouble, “Oh,” she sighs, “I realise now… you probably don’t trust me. You can. I promise. I think humans are so…” she cuts herself off and I find myself glancing at her, waiting for the reveal. She purses her lips, as she realises in that moment, maybe she cannot trust me in return, “I see,” she rewords herself careful, “The value in a worm… does he treat you well? It’s a horrible analogy but the way a male treats his pet is how he is likely to treat his… partner,” Lemeri rolls her eyes and lets out a low laugh, as if she finds it quite funny.

“He is okay,” I answer, very boring, but I wanted to sound neutral.

“I know. Skye is always ‘okay’ isn’t he?” Lemeri leans up off the sink, looking bored herself, when she asks for me to come over with a curled finger yet again, “Let me clean your face for you, at least, please,” she seems in some kind of pain looking at me, I don’t know why.

Again, out of curiosity and with wide eyes myself, I hobble forward and then stand off to the side, while I watch her turn on the sink, wet her hands – then she turns to me and… does exactly that. She cleans my face for me, with gentle hands and no ill-intent, while murmuring under her breath, “What I could do to this hair of yours, Ryder. You need to braid your hair, all over, it’ll help keep it clean while you’re in training. I know. I look at everything. I know everything… about most things… I probably know more than Skye does about his own Dominion,” Lemeri chuckles again under her breath.

I find myself needing to know something rather shallow.

“…why are you so… lean and tall… every Genesis I’ve seen is –”

“Bulky and muscular – that’s just the norm in the Wolf Dominion, I’m not from around here,” Lemeri shakes her head, “I’ve been a hostage here since I was a child.”

What?” I don’t understand.

“Blessed with a birth from a Feline Company,” the slyest smirk appears on her mouth, and she almost seems about to sing with her charisma, charm and humour, until she suddenly slides away as the door to the washroom opens dramatically. With a sudden sour pout, she looks down and crosses her arms over her chest, “I was bored,” she already defends herself.

“Skyelim,” the Alpha’s tone is the quietest I’ve ever heard – which means he’s absolutely full of rage.

I turn slowly, knowing what I’ll see but still shocked to see it. Complete and utter hatred for Lemeri is very absolute on Skye’s face, his nose is scrunched up as if he can’t stand the smell of her, “Get out.”

“It was lovely to meet the acquaintance of your pet, Skye,” Lemeri quickly straightens herself to walk away, “Take better care of her, she reflects your choices in women… perhaps there is hope for you yet,” the absolute poison in her tone shines through as she leaves, and Skye ignores her, even as the red ringlets that touch her ankles bounce away with her and he seems tempted to tug on them cruelly.

My eyes wander, and I see he’s wearing his loose metallic pants again, after sleeping all day. I realise he’s been sick, as he is still very flushed.

I say nothing as Skye walks in, ignoring me and not scolding me.

I wait as he walks up right next to me, staring at his reflection as he scowls at his handsome but pale face. His thick waves of black hair aren’t matted despite being in bed so long and sweating profusely. His blue eyes twinkle with some energy, as if he is on the mend. I think. I don’t really know.

“…are you okay… Skye…?” I whisper it, too upset with the pro-longed silence.

“What did she say to you?” Alpha Skye stops scowling at himself and turns to me suddenly, grabbing my wrist and losing any sense of irritability or anger. The sudden and forced neutrality confuses me more, because I don’t know what he’s hiding.

“That I need to have… a shower…?” I say the truth, “Um… also, why do your betrothed wives have to kill each other?”

Now Skye smiles down at me, “Why? Because that’s how we live. You fight for what you want –”

“You two don’t seem to want each other,” I blurt out, and I get a chuckle out of him.

“…I made Lemeri a betrothed, because she’s already betrothed to the Feline Wrath, I did it to annoy her… because she is maddening… can’t you tell?”

“What is the Feline Wrath?” I do not comment on her being maddening.

“The weakest Dominion is Feline, Ryder, then Reptiles and Bears are very close to second… but the Cat Kind don’t do well in war… they do well in a moment of wrath, that is the only reason why we try to avoid war with them… because they can be weak and bored one day, or completely murderous and insatiable for blood the next. Untrustworthy enemies. They annoy everyone on Genesis.”

“Okay. Sounds like you don’t like the Feline Kind then,” I point out the obvious, feeling safe when I say the least profound responses.

“She’ll wash you today and kill you tomorrow, so be careful, Ryder,” Skye looks at himself and shakes his head in the mirror, as he runs the water to wash his face and neck.

“Yet when I’m left alone here, I can’t protect myself,” this was obvious.

“I will protect you,” Skye murmurs under his breath, staring at his reflection, “And when I am not here, Xrat will take the role.”

“What if other Genesis see my bond with him?” I whisper this, scared for the consequences.

“Don’t think about it,” Skye seems to be talking to himself at this point.

“…um… do you mean it, Skye…?” I add, garnering a look of pure astonishment when I ask something seemingly rude, so I quickly add, “That you will protect me?”

“Why would you question my word, worm?” Skye lowers his tone, dangerously so as he turns to me.

“You said you’d kill me last night.”

Now, he’s shocked.

Skye blinks, suddenly frozen, “What?”

“After you ‘woke up’ from Transcendence,” I prompt him and Skye goes pale.

“Did I hurt you, Ryder?” Skye asks in a panic, almost confused.

“No,” I shake my head, “Yes. I mean, you just ripped the rope from me and tossed it aside… then locked me in… it’s broken again, by the way. The repair didn’t go so well on the cage door.”

Skye seems more pale, as he fully faces me and looks at me… he backs up a small step, as his skin flushes more and more translucent. He starts to sweat before he looks completely panicked, “…no…” he whispers, and when I look up, the door has slid open again.

Skye collapses backwards, his eyes rolling into the back of his head – while Elder Ivor steps forward, with a group of five nurses at his back.

Ivor stares at Skye collapsed and he grinds his teeth, annoyed about it, but obviously expecting it.

“Four of you, bring Skye in – one of you put her on death row, immediately. Make it final. Don’t let her out. Don’t delay it. I don’t want chances. Put her in for the next meal, actually – now,” Ivor snaps it, his blue Alpha eyes are blazing with annoyance as he can’t even glance at me for more than a second. My very existence offends him.

One burly female rushes me with a smile of evil.

I cannot resist, even as I send a punch into her mouth – her arms wrap around my waist and she hauls me out, my nails try to scratch into her arms but her skin is too tough.

As I’m hauled out screaming – I see Xrat in the bedroom, hiding under the bed, watching me silently, his blue and yellow eyes watching in determinati0n, his breath perfectly silent.

When no one is watching us depart, Xrat sprints out the door after me, totally silent, but keeping a safe distance at all times.

Xrat’s eyes don’t leave mine, except for one time, a very quick glance to the nurses’ throat.

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