Wolf Dominion Volume 2

Chapter 7

Tell me you didn’t give away your secret,” Hades isn’t happy.

I have been returned safely to Cracklen that night – and I’ve told Hades most of what I saw so far.

And now this too, “Of course I told Tyra who I was, Messier Luna Ryder of Wolf Dominion,” I smile slowly. We’re standing opposite one another in his residence, while Hades tries to keep his anger in as he states now, cool and collected, “…all that I do for you,” Hades is still stricken by the news, “You’ve endangered the whole underground city. Every Shade.”

“She doesn’t care I exist – as long as everyone is ID tagged,” I say, “So tell them to get ID tagged.”

“And now you agree with Tyra,” Hades breathes tight, rolling his eyes, he faces the ceiling for reassurance.

“Of course I do, she’s ID tagging to understand where the wolves remain. I want to know where they are as well. I just need to get into their system. They’ll also have data on where every other Kind is…” I whisper this, enthused for my growing plan. I deeply pause for a moment as I think of that stack of Solividian in Lemeri’s arms, and I add, “…but most importantly, Hades – I have a son with Skye. And he’s alive. Ryder, named after me.”

No, don’t go there, your chances of being reunited with that baby, an Alpha as valuable as him – nill chance,” Hades is brutally honest, but I still meet his honesty with a challenging glare, “You need to accept the end. There is no Wolf Dominion – so stop acting like there is one,” his voice deepens, warning me to let it go.

He had no idea where my mind was at.

“Are you scared. Because you’ll be dead if we rise? I’ll be the Luna. I’ll protect you,” I change the subject back onto him, to trigger him.

“You can’t even protect yourself,” Hades hisses at me, “Shut up.”

“Careful, I am the Luna,” I’m just rubbing it in now.

“And I killed Lux for you Luna,” Hades says it with pride and disgust.

That was over – we were onto the next thing. He had to keep up. I decide to keep talking about him.

“Oh, Hades. You’re a rouge Omega who needs a leash,” I state, “You need to calm down,” Tyra may have inspired me on that one.

Hades’ thin patience snaps as he approaches me, absolutely furious. Flush against me, he leans down to my level, nose to nose as he snarls, “Good luck with that.”

“I don’t need luck, I need loyalty,” I hiss back, grinning now.

“You have – safety, with me, as a Shade,” Hades steps back, tripping on his words.

“Get over it. You really have commitment issues –” I tease him now.

“No, you just don’t understand corruption,” Hades raises a brow and backs off a bit more, also changing tactic as he is holding out his arms, “You don’t understand power – and where the real power lies. Right here in Cracklen.”


Something is suspicious about his glittering emerald eyes.

“You sound like you know something I don’t –?” I inquire, treading carefully with his easy ability to deceive even his allies.

“Oh yes and I’ll never tell you,” Hades is smug, “…because it’s too good of a secret to tell daises who float in the wind. You’re a female at the base of it – I don’t care that you’re a Luna, with this secret you’ll never know. Because you fall, oh Ryder, I’ve watched you do it – into love, into motherhood, into matters which trump other matters of power. The difference; I put power first. Nothing else. Nothing at all. I have my priorities straight. Understand?”

“I’m talking about rekindling the entire Wolf Dominion – what’s more powerful than that,” I rebuke, ignoring his stupid entitled secret that probably didn’t even exist anyway knowing him.

“That I took down,” Hades loses his expression, “Do you forget so easy – do you even know what you’re saying…?”

“It’ll be under my rule and it won’t be corrupt,” I state this, dry as a bone. I’m not joking. I’m serious about my plan.

“I decline the offer – I’ll stay here,” Hades keeps his calm once more, “But you’re welcome to return to your death alone if you like.”

“I won’t forget my family,” I state, “I’ve always wondered why you didn’t give a damn about your own brothers.”

Hades doesn’t bite that bait. Now he changes the subject, “You’re going to run back, get hurt and probably tortured – then come crying back to me, I’ll console you. You’ll need it, because despite your skill and your enhanced gene code – you’re really a desperate idiot sometimes, Ryder.”

“I’m losing respect for you,” I state, flippantly.

Hades smirks devilishly as he reminds me, “You’re welcome for the roof over your head and your first true taste of freedom.”

“And I’m not stopping now – I’m hungry for more,” I spin around.

“What the heck are you planning now?” Hades asks, over me.


Hades hums in understanding and says nothing as I turn to lie down on my bed in the corner.

I steady my breathing.

Time to check on my loyal Beast.

I was a mother.

Xrat was a father.

He’s ecstatic I’ve joined him after all this time – and he takes me to see the pups in his den in Ryer Valley.

Fyre’s wolf Scora was fully grown like Xrat now, nursing the pups. Together they were a formidable mating pair – with a litter the perfect size. Five wolves. All share a combination of advanced sand coloured coats like their mother, with blue tipped tails and paws like their father.

I think of the pairs they can bond with.

Five Alphas.

Skye, Raygar, Vastian, Mila… and Hades?

Xrat slowly sits on his butt and wags his slow tail. I don’t control his movements. I’m just happy to be with him for a moment, planning my next moves. He can feel my thoughts and my plans. His large tail thumps harder and faster on the ground in excitement.

You like the idea of building a pack? I ask Xrat.

Jumping back onto his four paws – he impresses me by raising his head to the sky and the Genesis moon as he howls.

And my goodness it’s a howl I’ll never forget.

I wake up from my Transcendence – hearing that howl vibrate through all my bones.

I sit up to see Hades is for once – still here.

It’s late at night and he’s sitting in his pillow throne, just watching me as I wake up.

I kick my legs off the bed and I stand up.

“How is he?” Hades murmurs.

“Xrat mated,” I grin, “I have a lot to work with.”

Hades grits his teeth and growls deep but says nothing else.

I start to pace the room, thinking… “Hades. Where do you think Vastian is? I didn’t go far when I was taken back but I never saw him…”

“Easy. His knowledge in the lab is critical – he’ll be adhering to Cat Dominion. He’s probably the reason none of them were slaughtered. He’s always been a fucking martyr for our family…” Huh – like giving up a prime position as top Alpha and giving it to Skye. Or something like that.


I stop pacing and I look at Hades, who’s still staring at me, as if he is expecting this escalation. Smart – maybe a little too smart, but at least he understands where I’m headed.

I tell him anyway, “I’m going back.”

“I can’t guarantee your safety twice.”

I’ll be back by morning,” I quickly state, “I’m going to kidnap… Skye… hmm, or Raygar, or Mila… actually… no, no… it should be… Vastian.”

Hades pauses and then actually agrees, “…it’s not a bad plan if he’s the glue.”

“I know it’s not,” I state, confident, saying again, “I’m going back – and I know my way around the labs. He should be there…” I turn towards the door.

Hades quickly stands, knowing I won’t be staying for much longer to chat.

“Ryder… you should know this before you go. Vastian is my Half-Moon brother; we’re twins,” Hades admits, before snarling aggressively, “…but never forget this…” he pauses, far too dramatically, before pointing at his chest, “I’m the handsome one,” he knows he caught me off guard and he smiles with my shock.

I’m not shocked for long.

“No. Vastian is definitely more handsome,” I retort immediately, knowing how to get under his skin.

Why? I’m much taller.”

“…I like martyrs,” I grin, “I’m kind of one too.”

“That’s grossly understated,” Hades mutters under his breath, while I head off with a smile on my face, “No wonder I’m looking out for you – you fucking fanatic.”

“I am a fan of your ridiculous height, Hades,” I give him that, with a shrug of my shoulder.

“Wait,” Hades sounds panicky, so before I shut the door on my way out, I look in as he makes an offer “…if you stay… this time I really will bend you over…”

I roll my eyes, “What don’t you want now?” I hiss, reading into his agitation.

“…if… you manage… to bring Vastian back here…” Hades grinds out the warning, “…we’re going to fight over you…” I wait for more. But no. Oh. That’s it? I try my best not to smile. Hades sees my lips twitching, fighting to hold in my need to smirk, “…you’re a fucking sly bitch you know that –?” I walk out and shut the door.

Whiney pup.

He’d get over having to share me with his family.

Maybe being an Omega simply meant one thing at the core; being extraordinarily selfish.

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