Wolf Dominion Volume 2

Chapter 44


I mean – wow!

I’ve been speechless all night.

Because this ship wasn’t clinical and cold and empty. This ship the Elite humans had designed was vibrant, full of life, colour and real Earthly nature. It was absolutely gorgeous within, unlike anything you could imagine. They had real forests on board, real gardens; so much nature from Earth, in many controlled areas of the ship.

Above the most beautiful miniature forest, the most expensive accommodations stretch up with glass balconies looking over the trees below.

I’m in my accommodation now. In front of me was food set out in a banquet, I requested food – and Enrique delivered the best. He was a generous human, considering what he wanted me to do. All I had been hired for, was to keep my Messier Alphas calm. That was already kind of my job. Now I was getting paid for it. I sit back on a plush recliner, staring at all the food.

At some point, I get a knock at the door of my very own home. Yes. Me. I own a house now! What the fuck? Since when… I’m still in shock about it.

“You have a visitor!” the door-boy calls out.

“Come in,” I call back, and I watch the door open – and it’s Valen!

I jump to my feet, snapped out of my trance, now grinning.

He’s washed and shaved and clothed. He looks amazing, albeit still very thin. Enrique listened about the survivors. He saved them too!

“You too?” Valen asks me, looking at the banquet, “They’re very hospitable…” He doesn’t get time to finish. I run over to him and grab him in a hug. He awkwardly hugs me back, probably shocked by my kindness. I pull off him and he states, “Never seen you smile like that before –”

“I’m just… I think I’m relieved that the Genesis kind have been thrown off their pedestal for once…” I whisper, “And I bargained with Enrique, to keep my son safe – and he agreed to pay special attention to Ryder. I-I’m on top of the world, Valen.”

“Well,” Valen is unsure what to say, as he comes further into my room and chooses a seat at the dining table, “I feel a little uncomfortable about all this,” he admits, sighing as he waits for me to take a seat also, “You’re not worried about what they’re doing to your people?”

“I’ve been told they’re with their sponsors… I don’t agree that they should be treated like property… but I’m relieved I can just… stop. For once. I can just breathe. And –”

“Ryder,” Valen raises a brow, “Have you been drugged?”

“No,” I gawk, “No!

“You don’t seem yourself,” Valen chuckles a bit nervously.

“I was Skye’s slave for you have no idea how long,” I growl, picking up a fork and stabbing it into a piece of broccoli, and eating it with anger, “He fucking manipulated me and changed me and hurt me and shot me,” I hiss, “He took my son from me, he took everything from me –”

“You heard about their show, right?” Valen asks me, “They have seasons of you all fighting on Genesis. I saw some of the previews. I saw you. You’re like… a celebrity to them. But it’s… kind of sick,” Valen is careful with his words.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” I whisper.

“Why are you angry at your Alpha – who butchered all my friends by the way – and not angry at the ones who forced all that to happen?” Valen lowers his voice, “Don’t you understand what’s going on? They designed him to hate humanity –”

“Valen, I –”

“You like this place,” Valen catches, “You like this,” he slams his fist on the table, making the plates rattle, “It’s an illusion Ryder!” he yells that at me. His voice echoes, but it hits me. I shut my lips and swallow my pride. But I don’t say anything, “Don’t worry, I’m playing the game too,” Valen goes icy cold, “But for a different reason. Your kind really are open brainless sponges for opportunity to advance your positions. That is what is not human about you, Ryder. You’re going to enjoy this. The difference? I’m not,” Valen stands up in his anger, “I’m next door if you need me,” he turns and walks out dramatically.

“Valen,” I call for him hopelessly.

He exits and slams the door behind him.

But on the way, as the door is opened briefly – two familiar faces are already outside.

Skye and Hades.

My door opens quickly again and guards escort Skye and Hades into my room.

A welcome distraction.

I notice they are not in chains or restraints. Or weights – which they should have at the very least to keep them controlled.

One of them was dangerous. Two?

What the fuck were the human Elites thinking?

I watch a little dumbstruck as one guard enters with a letter, he marches over to me and drops it in front of me.

He leaves – the door shuts, and Skye and Hades stand at the entry, eyeing me off – …no, the food I had barely touched. While they are new clones, their minds remember starvation well.

I decide to read the letter calmly while they come over and start to eat like savages.

All I can hear is their chewing and swallowing while I kick back on my recliner.

Zyre, they’ve been placed in your command until further notice. We expect you’ll have no trouble at all. Good luck. See you tomorrow for a meeting about our next steps for this process at 9am, in the lake-house. I want to emphasise, we cannot house Messier in cages – we want their trust, not to destroy it. Lastly, as a small reminder, your mission is very simple; keep the Alpha and Omega Alpha calm please. Burn this letter as soon as you’ve read it. Regards, Enrique.

I stand up, my eyes rolling to the fireplace.

As soon as I stand, Skye stands, while eating a turkey leg.

He’s looking at me, looking at the fireplace – and he already knows.

“Sit down and eat,” I suggest, calmly.

Without a word he just watches me.

Hades also watches on, but more with an annoying smirk as he plays with his desert, chocolate cake and cream.

I step toward the fire place and Skye side steps with me, throwing down the meatless bone he’s finished, he reaches over the table with an open hand.

“It’s not your letter,” I step back, scrunch it up and throw it across the room instead. It lands right in the fire and then I cross my arms over my chest, “Enrique was welcoming me here,” a white-lie.

Skye drops back down onto another seat to eat, while my fingers twitch.

I want to throw a plate into his face and make him scar.

I want to throw a wine glass into Hades throat.

Everything on the table is starting to look like weapons to me.

I can’t get over the fact they’re not in weights. Or chains. Or collars. Or shock collars. Nothing.

I didn’t even have a gun.

Enrique said good luck yet at the same time said ‘we’ll expect you’ll have no trouble at all’. Was he mocking me? Were they making fun of me? Was this a test of how well I could extend a Luna’s influence through wit alone?

Yes. Of course it was.

“Now listen to me while you keep eating,” I tell them as reasonably as I can, after already pissing Skye off with the letter – which I probably should have let him read. I had let the power get to me. I fucking failed test one and now he was off side. But he had to get over it. Fuck, “I’m in charge of you both. You both have to obey me because it’s my ticket to Enrique’s trust, even if you don’t like it, listen and obey me without hesitation,” I really mean this. I admit, I had looked forward to this talk with them. This was my tactic of war to play out, “It’s called being a double-crossing bitch,” I whisper, now looking at Hades, who ignores that and swirls some wine around in a glass, “Now can one of you talk because you’re both silent and it’s annoying me –”

“We’ll obey you,” Skye replies, dead-serious, shocking me to the point I almost miss the seat of my recliner. I sit on the arm of it and pretend that’s where I was trying to place my butt.

“So what’s your plan after that, princess,” Hades puts it all on me, being smart by avoiding the glaringly obvious power shift.


I didn’t have a plan.

Beyond this.

I just… I just… I just… wanted…

Shit, they’re figuring it out. I can see it in their eyes. They were testing me too. The full extent of my intent. Valen figured it out. Was it written over my face that plainly? I could never lie. I was a bad liar. Oh my fuck.

“Is Xrat okay, are the Beasts being treated okay?” I blurt, trying to get it together.

“We don’t know,” Skye responds.

“R-right,” I stutter.

“…so nervous,” Hades mocks me over his fancy glass, sipping it, crinkling his eyes and trying to hide his smirk behind the wine.

I bite my cheek hard, and lean back, slipping onto the seat of the recliner so I’m more comfortable.

Silence. Stay silent. Don’t take that bait –

I inhale a large breath and almost let loose, but then exhale and wait.

We all stare each other off, letting the silence reign.

I grab the recliner’s arm rests, staying calm.

Eventually, when I feel at ease with this new quiet, I begin once again, “…In the face of our new predicament, you’ll appear as humanlike as you possibly can – to draw empathy from the humans, so they don’t perceive you as a threat, so they believe you like them. It is your best strategy for survival. We don’t know to what extent they’ll attempt to abuse us. Until we know – obey me. Enrique has put his trust in me, assuming I’ll take the opportunity to abuse you,” I look straight at Skye when I say that last part.

I feel I’ve made the best speech I can possible make.

I let it sink in.

“Oh, she’s gonna,” Hades whispers at Skye, who abruptly bites the bait.

Skye lunches to punch Hades off his seat.

“STOP,” I scream to no effect, as Skye takes Hades down to the floor and these two killing machines really go for each other in a brotherly brawl. Skye has a hand around Hade’s throat, not applying pressure, because Hades’ is laughing as he’s got a rough hold over Skye’s balls – ready to squeeze.

At a stalemate, Skye spits on Hades, “You ask for hell,” Skye warns him, and then stands up.

By the time Hades and him both arrive on their feet and turn to me.

They see what I’ve done.

I’ve thrown off my borrowed dress.

Yup. I’m naked now.

To get their fucking attention.

And I’m furious.

“Enough bullshit,” I snarl it and I mean it, “Get yourselves together,” Something in my tone, applies this time. Skye and Hades are finally focused and staring at my heaving breasts, “If you have a Messier’s energy to burn you’ll burn it with me. You will fuck me until you’re placid like milked babies. Do you understand – I have the authority here now.”

“Your wish is hardly a command,” Skye starts to strip, while Hades simply unzips and sits down on his chair, slapping his thighs.

“You can ride me, fancy bitch,” Hades winks.

“Don’t call me fancy,” I pick up a plate and I do throw it at his face.

He smacks it aside and it smashes into the floor, but it does cut his hand.

“You b –” Hades bites his tongue now and applies pressure to the wound.

In the mean-time, Skye is coming around the table for me.

I turn toward him, and he’s naked and glorious – but he’s also still my enemy.

I try to work out where to go, but Skye positions himself behind me and shoves me over the table, lifting my hips to fuck me.

He’s in before I can say boo.

One of my eyes flickers, while I glance at Hades who’s nursing his hand on his chest and his cock is hard – being stroked in his other hand.

“Make her squeal,” Hades asks politely.

Skye twists my arm behind my back and I cry out.

With my free hand, I pick up a butter knife and I slam it back into Skye’s leg – it makes contact and goes in, and Skye swears, “Fuck–”

“No, fuck you!” I scream in resistance as he twists my arm harder and I whimper over the table – and he finally loosens his hold.

“That’s a good Luna,” Skye slaps my ass.

And then while his dick is still hard – he stands back to let me fight.


I stand up and twist around, seeing the knife still sticking out in his leg – and his eyes are challenging me.

My chest heaves.

The blood on his leg, his long flowing black hair and his cutting neon blue eyes, so close to me… after I imagined him being close again. So I could stab him like that. So I could do worse. So I could feel him again.

What is coming over me – this veil of heavy suffocation?

I suck in a breath that ends on a hiccup and I walk straight into his chest and I start to cry into him.


Skye puts a hand on the small of my back and he watches me with that cold look.

“What’s going on?” Hades yells, panicked, “Keep fucking –”

“I missed you,” I whimper it and cry it, meaning every part of it while hating him at the same time. I wrench the butter knife out of his thigh and I stab it in his arm, “You abandoned me with Hades, and then you shot me!” I scream it, going to grab the knife again but he moves his arm out of the way, so I reach back for more plates and throw them at him. Skye smacks them aside but stands still anyway, with his bleeding arm and leg, he just watches me go crazy. I turn around to Hades, who is limp dicked and very distraught – his face all screwed up, “FUCK YOU,” I turn around to Skye and I look at his dick – so hard it’s pulsing, “You’re –”

“A fool,” Skye admits, “For you. You make me crazy too, I get your mood.”

Skye sits back on the recliner – and takes the butter knife out of his arm, throwing it aside. He just watches me.

I’m staring at his dick.

I take a wicked step toward his lap – and Hades sneaks right up on me, after walking around the table.

Grabbing my wrist, he tugs me away from what I want.

“Nah, nah, nah,” Hades scolds me, dragging me away until he throws me down in front of the fireplace – coming down with me. He grabs my wrists and pins them above my head. My legs spread while I look at him with irritation. Hades dips two fingers into my pussy, while he shakes his head at me, “You wet bitch, he turns you on that much?” Hades asks me, while taking his fingers out and putting his cock to my pussy entrance instead.

As he slides into me, I squeeze over him, while Hades fucks me in front of the fire, and I just glare at him and keep my mouth shut – knowing he wants me to blabber at him.

I look up and my eyes roll back to see Skye still sitting on the recliner, waiting. Patiently. He’s not even stroking his cock.

“Look at me,” Hades grabs my chin and makes me focus on him, “You love him so much, it’s hilarious.”

His hand has dared to approach my cheek, stroking his thumb over my cheek bone. I snap his hand up in my jaws and crunch.

Hades’ winces but keeps fucking me through the pain.

When I release his hand I snap at him, “I don’t love Skye,” I almost choke with tears at the end of it.

“Shut up, you silly bitch,” Hades smiles and kisses my forehead while we’re fucking.

Because now I’m struggling, he lets my wrists go, curious what will happen.

I try to punch him in the jaw or claw him, and Hades just whacks my arms aside, to suddenly lean right over me, weighing me down – he puts his lips to my ear, “Skye’s letting me fuck you because he wants me to fuck you,” as my body relaxes, Hades pulls back up to look at me and smiles, “See? All better,” he slaps my tits, then twists one while I lie compliantly.

I’m kind of freaked out by it.

How true it was.

I was acting like I was in love with Skye.

Because now I was starting to climax.

I close my eyes to try and hide the shame of it from Hades, but he fucks me faster, while laughing at me, “She’s imagining it’s you –”

“Just shut up and fuck until you finish,” Skye drawls, “Then drop her back on my lap and go back to your food.”

Arrogant asshole!

My pussy pulses and squeezes hard on Hades’ cock. He cums from the pure pressure of my pussy.

When Hades is indeed finished, he stands up, grabs my wrist and hauls me up too.

As Hades half drags me, I walk, limp legged – back to Skye.

The moment Hades stops supporting me, I fall into Skye’s lap.

He hoists me up and I breathe heavy on his chest, while I try not to succumb to exhaustion.

“You deserve to die again,” I state, “You’re a terrible…” I can’t say it. Alpha.

Because it’s a lie.


Skye is…

“I’m the supreme Alpha,” Skye drawls it for me, “The most cruel, the most cold hearted; because Dominion is all that matters. No matter the price,” I curl my fist, I want to punch him, but I stop myself at the last second. I lay it back over his chest and feel his heart beat.

I just breathe, “Do you love me?”

Hades groans and makes a fuss off to the other side of the room, as he scans through book cases.

We ignore him.

“Moon, no,” Skye rumbles, and when I look at his lip it quivers, “You’re a perfect Luna, nothing more.”

I could kill him for lying.

“Do you mean it?” I ask, totally exhausted.

Skye doesn’t answer, instead he leans over me and whispers in my ear, for only I to hear, “I am at your mercy, Ryder, or did you forget?”



I scramble off his lap and stand back up.

I look at Hades, who is now pretending to read a book, lying on the floor, looking at me.

“Easy,” Hades yawns, “…too easy… too easy it’s disappointing…”

I look back at Skye, who’s just staring at me expressionless.

He’s still bleeding.

My face screws up and I walk off.

“Can’t I be human, for one second with you?!” I scream it at both of them, “I’m not a squeaky toy. I have feelings. I have a heart.”

“I thought I took that out of you,” Skye makes an ill-timed joke.

“Shut. Up.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Skye seals his lips shut and just stares at me.

He settles it for me.

My emotion switches off.

And I stare him down.

I’m done.

I’m done!

“I’m going to humiliate you,” I say to him, stone cold, “You’ll squirm, I promise. I do love you, Skye. You ice-cold heartless Alpha. You will be broken. I promise. Hades,” I turn to the Shade, who is now staring at the book, lips pursed, pretending to ignore me, “You’re already a little bitch for me, I don’t need to change a damn thing in you. You love me more than I’ll ever love you.”

Hades’ drops the book on his face.

I turn away from both of them and walk into a bathroom, slamming the door shut.

Had I just become a monster in that moment?

I gulp and straighten my back.

Maybe I had.

They – Skye, Hades, maybe myself… I couldn’t cope with all this emotion.

I just –

Someone is pacing to the closed door on the other side, as I lean back against it.

“You made your point,” Skye rumbles through the door, “I’m sorry I broke you, Ryder.”

“Why did you?” I whisper, wondering if he can hear me.

“You can only survive something this cold, if you understand it,” Skye answers.

“You never tried to understand me.”

“I try every second that I breathe,” Skye’s head bangs on the door “Will you ever forgive me –?”

“It’s too late,” I answer, snapping it, “It was too late the moment you enslaved me as a human pet. To fuck me for your pleasure. To train me for your pleasures in sex and violence. Fuck you. You deserve to be enslaved by the humans. To be abused by them. So one day you’ll understand what you really did to me.”

“I KNOW WAR,” Skye snarls it, a death drawl and emotion now colliding together, “I ONLY KNOW WAR AND DOMINION – YOU CAN’T CHANGE THAT!”

“GO TO HELL,” I scream back, and Skye kicks on the door, and the hinges almost snap. I lean off it so when he kicks it the second time, it swings easily, “What. You’re going to kill me again?” I ask, “You can do it, why not do it again – do it again, if that’s all you know –”

Skye comes in and turns on the shower. He speaks, “I’m cleaning up – you can help with these wounds you made when you calm down.”

Oh, fuck no.

I turn from him and see Hades’ blocking the exit.

“What did you say to me?” Hades asks, blinking rapidly, in succession, “What did you fucking say to me?”

It’s taken him a full few moments to process that.

“I was just angry –” I growl it, looking at the floor.

“I make fun of you, Luna,” Hades cuts me off, sounding really done, “You don’t make fun of me – and Skye is my little brother, he answers to me. I let him play Dominator, I gave him the fucking idea – while you, you’re still naïve after all this. You’re Luna to the pack. The Dominion is the pack. You forget. And also, the true Alpha is the quietest one in the room, Ryder. The one who observes and –”

“So, Vastian?” I can’t help it, I mock him further.

As Skye casually showers, Hades comes in all the way and slams the door shut.

“You want to piss me off, Ryder?” Hades tone has changed now. He’s dead serious. For like, the first time ever. I stand still as he towers over me and leans down until we’re eye to eye, “Do you?” I shake my head, “You’ve already pissed me off,” Hades warns, “Never lie, never fucking lie, all you two do is fucking lie,” he looks at me and Skye, “You want to fuck him, fuck him – go fuck him,” Hades grabs my arms, and starts to wrestle me into the shower. I bite and scratch but he hauls me over and shoves me in, “Don’t lie about your loyalties. Both of you. Shut your mouths. And fuck. And don’t say a word,” Hades looks at me, “You’re free to go now that you’re in the range of his pheromones,” he steps back and I don’t move, “You’ve always been my bitch, Ryder, don’t you fucking forget it – bitch, as in female wolf,” Hades raises a brow, “So. Bitch. Get fucked,” he slams the glass door shut and it almost shatters.

I turn to Skye and he’s silently under the steam, watching me. I’m silent too.

We wolves were a tad dramatic.

Especially when we were deprived of sex.

I think we’re about to obey Hades; the most sensible fuckhead in the room.

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