Wolf Dominion Volume 2

Chapter 35

Valen and I manage to sleep crammed in the small hut together, and he wakes up shivering with a fever and an infection. I offer to help but he simply pushes me away and crawls off to find a medic in the withering human camp.

At that point, it’s early morning and I have a small window to leave before he remembers to put more eyes on me.

With the light of dawn crawling in, I can see very well with my enhanced eye sight, so I slip away into the forest immediately, my mother’s instinct calling me forward.

I now have the humans of Destor as second priority, until I can find out just a little bit more about my son, Ryder.

The camp is too weak and tired to notice me slip away.

I make a note to be back within a few hours, though, so not to panic Valen.

As I’m walking through the forest, I rip off ‘tree leather’ and chew on it. It tastes just like jerky. It’s not the most satisfying thing to devour, but it does the trick. I get a small boost of energy.

I walk down hill, until I hit a tiny stream. I choose to follow that, knowing it will soon widen into a river.

My Luna instincts are on point, because it’s not long that I am alone.

I can feel distinct vibrations through the soil, very faint but there.

Wolf Beast. Large. Multiple? The water ripples too.

I check the wind, hoping I’m not downwind – but unfortunately, I am. It would take my scent to them.

The logical part of my brain wants to back track so they can’t find me, but I also want to find them.

I had to make a choice.

It’s at that point I hear a yell of triumph, like a young man screaming out in victory after winning a race.

I feel it sounds like Skye, but a younger man – and I could just be imagining things because I wanted it to be Ryder. But still, I know. I run along the creek until it widens and I dive in, hiding my scent in the water.

I rub some mud along my forehead, to help keep myself in disguise as I choose to trek the rest of the way forward through water.

I know they will come to the water if they are training.

It was a given that it would be an obvious land mark.

I let the current take me as it gets deeper, so I don’t have to swim against it, rather I just have to float casually downstream.

There are many reeds gathering as the river continues to widen.

Absolutely no animals.

I am a little scared of Reptile Beasts, in truth, even on Genesis, I had no idea how large they grew or what areas that would inhabit. I just hope they stay in the city centre.

As I float downstream, I sense no more running Beasts.

I hear no more yelling.

And I find myself disappointed. Briefly.

Until I hear… light intimate laughter.

And it’s just around the next bend.

I slip under and swim closer to the reeds, looking out once I have my cover.

Two of them.

A girl with long blonde, red tinged hair to her waist, and the cleanest skin I’ve ever seen on her. She’s wrapped in warrior’s leather. A Lunette? A pretty intense position.

Next to one another. A young man.

Now I wish it wasn’t him.

But it’s the dead ring of Skye.

My son Ryder is with her. They seem to be on some sort of date.

Together. Alone. In the forest.

But that little fucking bitch was all grown up and she tried to fucking kill me. She put this fucked up body in that incinerator. She almost turned me to dust.

I was lucky I was alive.

I watch with eyes unblinking, my adrenaline spiking.

I want to fucking kill her.

“It’s not that hard,” Fyre, all grown up and more graceful now than ever, walks to the side of the river and picks up a stone, “Watch,” she turns toward me and flicks the rock down the river, toward my reeds.

I sink into the water, and watch the stone skip along until it jumps over the reeds and almost lands to my left – but I catch it in my left hand near the surface.

As I rise back up, they have not noticed me.

“Give it a try, or are you afraid you’ll lose?” Fyre tries to adorn a sexy tone and I roll my eyes. Even though she is older now, I can’t help but see her as a seven year old murdering raging brat.

“I don’t want to make you cry,” Ryder speaks and I hang onto every word.

He speaks with a monotone. Keeping in his emotions.

I hear a shove, and I look up further to see Fyre tackle Ryder – who spins her around and throws her to the ground.

They tumble for a bit more and then end up sitting in the dirt together, not laughing, neither talking – just looking lovey dovey at each other.

“Fucking bitch,” It just comes out. I can’t help but it, a tiny whisper, almost a hiss.

But still.

They both freeze, and immediately look my way. I duck.

“Did you hear that?” Ryder asks abruptly, on alert.

“…give me a stone…” Fyre asks, under a low breath.

I’ve still kept the other one in my fist.

I watch as they move again to the water’s edge.

Ryder looks for a stone while Fyre keeps watching in my direction.

In that split second she’s looking for me, and Ryder is turned the other way, I rise up high enough for her to see me.

When our eyes lock, she immediately recognises me.

Before Ryder leans back up, I drop back down.

Fyre is frozen solid.

“What is it?” Ryder asks, “Did you see something?

“Give me that stone,” Fyre demands quietly, before speaking louder, “I think it’s a human spying on us – I’m going to kill it with one shot. Watch me, lover.”

Oh, you little arrogant shit.

She really wanted to take out his mother to impress him?

“Good luck,” Ryder seems to sense she’ll need it.

She hisses her frustration and then she aims and throws – hard.

I hear the rock coming – and it shaves the reeds down in front of me.

I catch it anyway, my tough skin only bleeding a little as I rise back up – immediately throwing one stone and then the other back at Fyre.

She dodges one and gets hit in the head by the other.

It lodges, albeit not too far, into her skull.

It’s not a killer blow, but I made my fucking point.

I walk out of the reeds onto the bank, while she stands there with blood all over her face and the rock stuck in her head.

No human could throw that accurate and that hard.

My son Ryder understands this, and watches me as I approach them both.

Fyre takes the rock out of her head but says nothing, wiping the blood out of her eyes – trying to believe her eyes.

I see Ryder going for his gun.

But he doesn’t get a chance to defend.

Out of the woods, a large sand coloured wolf and a look alike to Xrat, silver with blue paws, storm out, to intercept me.

Scora, Fyre’s wolf beast is hesitant – but the other wolf, clearly Ryder’s – wants to attack.

He bares his teeth at me, towering over me, about to snap down.

But I feel the ground vibrating hard.

A snarl then rips through the forest and a tree is ripped right out of the ground in large jaws – as Xrat comes out, three times the size that I remember him.

I am dumb founded, now frozen solid myself; Xrat has grown bigger than I ever could have imagined.

He throws the torn tree between me and his pup, a third his size.

Xrat stops in the dirt and growls at me. Seeing his hurt old eyes and feeling our connection almost ignite. I disregard it quickly, pushing it aside.

It’s too soon for us to reunite.

He growls at me, unsure, but does not attack, as I walk back to the water’s edge. I turn and dive under, holding my breath as I swim away under the surface.

I had not said a word.

Only acted.

It was enough to cause some trouble.

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