Wolf Dominion Volume 2

Chapter 21

Raygar is politely making a cup of tea, while humming a song to himself. Skye is pacing aggressively back and forth – and I can smell it off him too. The raw animal need to fuck. Vastian is in the shower, after being covered in blood from his own kills in the battle against Tyra. Hades locks the door slowly with all his bolts.

I stand by the window, kicking off my boots and then sitting on a spare stool, leaning back to stare at each Alpha of Wolf Dominion – trying not to pounce on me while my legs are spreading to be more comfortable. And to tempt.

Raygar is the first to approach me, with a cup of steaming liquid.

He gives me a sly look as he passes me the offering – blocking the view of the others.

“That kill was incredible,” Raygar whispers over my face, as I take the tea and smell it. I look him over – he looks like shit. But he’s only been free for a little bit, and already been to war.

“How’s Lemeri?” I ask, raising a brow, “She’ll hate me after killing her sister you know.”

“Meri is fine,” Raygar is dismissive and protective of her, all while trying to seduce me with that deep possessive look in his moon blue eyes.

I watch him boldly grab my knee and lift up my leg for further inspection, pretending to assess a bruise that does exist, albeit small – and from work, and not from the fight. On my ankle.

I take a quick peep behind Raygar to see Hades getting undressed and Vastian stepping out of the shower, steaming and giant and naked.

My nostrils flare and I feel my pussy pulse with need.

Skye appears behind Raygar’s shoulder, after borrowing through the junk in Hades’ apartment, and he is looking about ready to burst with passion.

I decide to tease Skye – since he looks so ready.

I’m not fucking anyone until –” I’m drawling, and it’s barely audible – but Skye shoves Raygar aside to show me what’s he’s holding in his fist.

A piece of cloth. Ripped to be long.

I don’t get to see it for much longer, because with his other hand and his height advantage – Skye wraps it around my head and my mouth, effectively gagging me and tying it at the back.

“Shut up,” Skye hisses over me, sexy as hell – and I moan out of my throat uncontrollably, while Raygar is grabbing my hips and turning me around, co-operating with Skye.

I place the tea aside, almost toppling the whole thing.

Before I know what’s happening, my tops being ripped off and my pants are pulled off with one powerful tug.

I place my hands on the window pane, looking out over Cracklen while Skye wraps my hair around his fist and pulls me from the window to throw me on the ground. I’m thrown like a ragdoll.

Once subdued, Skye follows and is taking possession of my waist as he simultaneously slams my forehead into the ground and his dick into my pussy.

I’m actually glad for the gag at this point – because it does muffle a scream.

I try to grab traction on the ground to rise, but Raygar takes a hold of one of my wrists and twists my arm up to help his brother, smiling at me struggling on the ground, wriggling around like a worm while Skye is holding my ass up – riding me into the ground.

He fucks me hard, but doesn’t aim to finish yet.

He climbs me higher than pulls out and snarls at his brothers.

“Rip her open,” Skye allows more room and I’m surprised to see Hades approach next – but out of sight. Only at the corner of my vision do I see him approach, tan and dusty and naked.

I’m annoyed I can’t even see him as he places a heavy hand on the back of my head as he presses my face down so I can’t look back at all.

Hades takes over Skye’s position.

Just as smooth as I had imagined, Hades slips the cloth down my neck, to free my mouth – he enters my pussy and starts to fuck me at a medium set pace, but deep too – and I had been waiting, waiting so long for this.

So much so that I whimper every thrust, and Hades enjoys it.

“If you can’t look me in the eye, I don’t mind,” Hades explains, “This way I feel like I’m safe… you’re a bad little Luna, Ryder, vicious… and that’s so scary… especially to an Omega,” he whispers the joke, while fucking me suddenly heavy into the ground. My hips smack down while he rests over my ass, showing how dominating he can be, while thrusting in that position instead.

“I got a crook knee,” Raygar speaks up, “You’ll have to love me Ryder, I’m pathetic as I am – I can only wobble.”

“Do – you – all – make – jokes – at the strangest – times?” I gasp out between the thrusts, while Hades pulls on my hair hard, hearing me whimper loudly.

“Ahh. There’s the bitch I knew was hiding behind all your tough talk,” Hades cuts me off, snarling a bit louder. Meaner.

Next,” Skye tries to get Hades off my ass, “Pass her on.”

“I know how this works,” Hades snaps back, pulling out and picking me up so rudely that I have to walk with my hands as he throws me over to Raygar.

Raygar spins me up right and hoists my thighs into his hands.

Winking, he turns me into the wall and his hands slide up to my ankles, keeping my legs painfully straight and near my head as he slams his own cock into my throbbing leaking pussy – while still dressed.

“I’d fuck you anyway,” Raygar retracts threatening to make me ride, just to flirt with me as he fucks me into the wall.

Harder,” I try to order him, and Raygar obliges.

“Together,” Vastian appears behind Raygar, and they both move in perfect synchronisation.

Vastian grabs the back of me off the wall, supporting my weight, while Raygar keeps a hold of my ankles.

As I’m lifted up – I’m dropped and squished between them.

Vastian and Rayger both pierce my pussy, forcing themselves in together.

They don’t share me one at a time, but stretch me and slip with ease over my constant and generous wet rush.

I needed all of them to cum inside me. I just needed them to all end inside my body. Until we were all one.

As they fuck me, Skye waits patiently, and Hades also has the same insane patience.

They’re just happy to watch me get railed by the whole family of Alphas.

My head lolls back next to Vastian, my eyes closed as I focus on that climax.

It’s riding so close, and every time I start to squeeze tighter, they slow down and fuck me a bit slower – just enough to make me go crazy.

“I said harder, please, faster too,” I beg and command it in a strained whisper.

Vastian’s hand smooths over my forehead, so he can talk into my ear.

“Shh. This is a ritualistic fuck for you Luna, it’s about the war, it’s for you to clear your head for the next battle,” Vastian makes it sound so poetic.

I open my eyes for him, and two tears fall as he watches me.

His blue eyes I so rarely get to view – hold me so steady.

The look we share privately pushes me over.

I cum so hard, and both dicks pulse hard with me, in perfect unison.

As Raygar and Vastian flood my womb, finding their end, Skye comes to take me back.

Hades is also close – but staying out of my vision.

Oh my, fuck.

He is such a freak.

Skye stands me on shaking trembling legs – I can barely stand on my own.

He holds me up, and leads me as he walks backwards onto Hades’ favourite chair.

As Skye sits, he pulls me down to sit on his cock, while I lean on his chest and I avoid his eyes.

“Look at me, Ryder,” Skye speaks firm but gentle. As I meet his gaze, I see the calm patience still sitting there, “You think I care about sharing you? This is how it is,” Skye wipes my hair off my cheeks, “Get used to it,” he growls that, “Ride.”

I bite my lip as I pull my body up and drop, and I do it a few more times, gaining the momentum.

Once started, I try to ride Skye’s cock as hard as I can, until my hands are slipping from Skye’s shoulders and I’m losing my damn mind.

Hades takes his opportunity when I’m losing focus.

He spreads my ass cheeks and takes my ass, ramming home, while I sit deep on Skye’s cock and squeeze with every thrust.

My nose is next to Skye’s, and I’m too scared to kiss him – even as he just breathes in my breath.

I avoid him, in a shy way almost, until I feel his hand grab my neck and hold me still.

Skye takes hold of my mouth, controlling me and kissing me hard – while thrusting up into my hips. Hades and Skye time it well together – one in my ass, one in my pussy, in and out at different times – and I have to break off his lips to cry out as I feel myself cumming. Unfortunately, they’ve just begun to fuck me harder.

They fuck me straight through the second climax and I lose all sense of the here and now. My mind, body and soul feel free. Their authority over me in this moment is complete and true, as Hades’s arm locks around my shoulder to keep me steady, and Skye claws into my hips – marking me with bruises as I’m fucked and used between them.

Somewhere toward the end, I hear Raygar across the room.

“…cry up to our moon, Luna – and she’ll reward you,” Raygar is a firm believer in the Wolf religion, worshipping the gigantic Genesis moon that looms over the planet.

I open my eyes, looking up through the window – into Cracklen, where the rock of the earth, hides the moon.

Despite it’s absence from my vision, I feel it anyway – the pull of the gravity from the moon. I feel it telling me; everything will align. Just keep going. I had to keep going. I was strong enough to survive and to thrive.

“Ryder. Now you’ll be ready for all the battles to come,” Skye gets my attention and my eyes fall down, as I watch Skye’s fire burn with an appetite for returned Dominion, “My Luna. Hear me. Are you ready to die for Wolf Dominion?” he uses his death drawl, his eyes penetrating and holding my focused gaze.


Yes,” I agree, as I close my eyes and my womb explodes with building pleasure one more time – with the Alpha’s arms around me, fingers pressing in, two more dicks emptying their seed deep inside.

By the time Skye and Hades are done with me, I’m laid in the large chair to recover, curled in on my knees, panting, numb and exhausted.

I’m both spent and completely settled.

I feel a new peace inside, because I feel like I’ve found a home in all their arms.

I am addicted to fucking them and I am addicted to war.

It was a hell of a lot better than being scared and alone.

I would protect and defend what I had and what I possessed.

I cherished them all.

But the only way to keep them – was to spill more blood.

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