Wolf Dominion Volume 2

Chapter 12

I’m in Alpha Skye’s old residence, when he was dictator of the planet – and now I’m being romanced by another Kind.

A Cat.

A lion.

An Imperator.

He just spoke of teaching me my worth? Odd.

Opular has not struck me down – nor slit my throat – instead he’s caressing my cheek and complimenting me.

I wish I had a programmed response to this – but Jawkin didn’t teach me how to respond to kindness.

I just fake smile and step back awkwardly, so Opular’s hand slides from my cheek and I can shrug, “What do you want from me alive?” I might be blunt, unlike that incredibly sharp blade he holds in his right hand, but at least I get to the point swiftly.

The Imperator is calm as he explains his intent, “I’ve released your son to your cohort in Cracklen so you can relax and enjoy your time with me – and drop those shoulders, you’re so tense,” Opular is finicky. A perfectionist. Or a control freak. I hated those the most. I keep fake smiling. He drawls, “I do expect some form of courtesy from you, Ryder. Please. Why don’t we sit and have some celebratory wine?” Opular’s glowing golden eyes flash in the moonlight – the pupils widen and he doesn’t blink. He wills me to say yes, or hopes I fall for it.

Unsure, say nothing, Jawkin’s advice.

That should help.

I fall back on silence as a weapon.

I agree without words – but I move my body.

I walk carelessly into the next room and sit at the table I remember so well. I scrape out a chair and plop myself down, crossing my legs and slouching as Opular walks in with his contrast in absolute refinery and grace. He turns to a glass cabinet to retrieve red wine and two glasses. As he places the glass in front of me, he pours. With every movement, the giant seems to float.

“You were a slave in this place, weren’t you?” Opular purrs, “I can feel your trauma. Us Cats do understand these obscure things, and I can read your frantic eyes.”

Unsure, say nothing.

Say nothing.

I swirl the offered wine and consider if it’s poison.

As Opular downs his own wine, my mouth tugs a bit as I take a sip.

The Imperator is intrigued by my silence but not bothered by it as he sits beside me. He’s placed the blade on the other side of the table, away from us.

“I abhor the enslavement of another, especially humans,” Opular drawls deep and slow.

Oh, don’t lie! Your Kind ravaged Cracklen and murdered all the humans, is that better than slavery?” I hiss, breaking my own vow of silence.

Opular is immediately amused.

I am immediately distraught.

I never broke my own word since my training – and for that one second, he gained control over me.

Shit – get it together, Ryder.

But even with my small slip, I feel a tremble in my fingers – and the stem of the glass is shaking with me. I drop it and drag my hand back into my lap.

But it’s too late.

Opular has focused on that tremble.

“…it was a mercy…as for you… you are always in fight or flight…?” Opular gazes at me now off the side of his eyes, “Ryder?” He speaks of my state of mind. My state is simple. I am Luna to Wolf Dominion. I am Messier Luna to Wolf Dominion. I didn’t choose to be strong. I had to be strong. There was no choice. Madness consumes me, and then Opular asks, “…where has your mind gone?”




I close my eyes for three seconds – and decide I better play a different game if I can’t succeed being as cold as ice.

Show gratitude.

That should work.

“Thank you for releasing my son, in exchange for my disturbed presence,” I go with the truth too, and I look the imposing Imperator in the eye right next to me as I say it, confidently, “I entered your space as Ryder. I’m giving you want you want. A week with me. To see my value. Why did you say I was worth all the Solividian on the planet? Sounds awfully like a play to get into my underwear.”

“I don’t need to try to do that,” Opular is now the one triggered. I didn’t even mean to upset him, but his eyes are on fire and he’s golden skin is burning with passion, while his eyes drill into me, “…the value I speak of is not political to me. I wish to understand the mind of a Luna. A different Breed.”

“I am human, a natural Zyre – which means I connected to a beast. I was enslaved. Then shaped into a Messier Luna to Wolf Dominion. I am advanced,” I tell him the truth again, “I never had much to care for. Other than my own survival. That is who I am.”

“What of love?” Opular asks out of the blue, “Have you ever been in love?”

I may as well continue.

“I’m pathetic in love. I fall in love with anything that hints of safety. My whole life I’ve been searching for a home. Any semblance of a home makes me wet,” I put myself down in a cruel way, “In truth I have nothing to lose.”

“What is your greatest desire?” Opular asks, ignoring my insult to myself.

“I’ve never thought about that,” I explain.

“Everyone thinks about that, you’re lying to me,” Opular’s voice deepens considerably, “I know who your greatest desire is. The fallen one. Alpha Skye.”


My surging heart beat slams into my rib cage and almost rockets the muscle right out of my chest.

Telling the truth was back firing.

I didn’t want to talk about love in this much detail.

I needed a defence.

“It’s pretty obvious to me your daughter, Princess Tyra, loves him very much,” I try to deflect. It works for a moment.

I see Opular go silent and lose all expression.



I got you.

I’m about to rub that in – but pissing him off is about to take an unexpected turn.

Imperator Opular stands from his seat.

And he exits the room.

I stay where I am.


When Opular comes back, he is not alone.

I can’t believe my eyes.

The Imperator is holding the scruff of a small pup – silver fur, blue paws, blue and yellow eyes. One of Xrat’s pups.


I freeze in my seat, as Opular holds the pup high as he enters. The same size as Xrat when I first met him when he was small.

“We found the litter this morning. This one was sick from being poisoned in the Ryer Valley,” Opular explains, gently, “We’ve stopped the sickness but he’s healing and he needs a Luna’s touch to survive,” I watch in disbelief as he sits and slides the fur ball over the smooth table, into my hands. The puppy, shivering, snuggles into my arms, whimpering for his parents. “I may be Imperator but I am kind, and I wished for you to see it,” Opular explains, “I could have killed your son when I took the key to ruling Genesis, but I kept Ryder alive. Think about that.”

“You did keep my son safe, that is true,” I whisper, feeling it more, with the pup in my arms, “What of Xrat?” I look up, scared for the answer.

“Is that the name of your beast?” Opular asks, calmly, trying to hide his disgust for the strange name, “We let him be – he is no threat to us alone, although your specific display in the Ring… may I ask what inspired you to put on such a performance? Was it just to threaten me?” he asks gently – and I feel stupid. I look down at the fur ball in my arms. I look back at Opular. I still don’t say a thing, so he adds, “Forget I asked… I’ve heard your story. And you are in so much mental anguish. Tormented. For the week in my presence, I wish to give you some peace of mind.”

“Why?” I ask, “Why are you like this?

“Ryder, I’m Imperator. I have everything. Why would I torment you?” Opular clasps his hands on the table casually and leans in, “I’m intrigued by you. You’re so young. So hurt. But so strong. Wolf Dominion was a savagery on you.”

It wasn’t the Dominion.

It was the Alpha.

“Have you ever been in love?” I ask softly, giving in only slightly. He was older, he had daughters, he must have been, or would be.

“Only with the things I can’t have,” Opular almost drools, staring at me like he wants to eat me, flesh and bone. Now my silence is mostly from shock, “Your guest room is next door. I’ll speak to you tomorrow morning, over a healthy breakfast,” Opular seems impatient and a little mad as he tilts his head – wanting me gone.

I stand with the pup, calm against my chest, feeling my heart beat.

I think Opular… liked me… or something.

And I kind of fucked with that. It was refreshing – to feel openly desired. I’m not sure why Opular would waste his time, but maybe as Imperator he could, and that was the point? Was I his forbidden fantasy?

Cats were very material, and liked shiny things.

Tyra was obsessed with Skye too.

I wonder if that gave any explanation for Opular’s behaviour with me. Regardless… if he wanted me, I had an opportunity to learn his way.

Most importantly, an opportunity to learn how to kill him and push out his entire Dominion.

But perhaps that is also his true aim.

In fact – it most likely is.

How to control me and the wolves. I had to be careful my entire stay – and be weary of his generosity. I didn’t know how far he’d take it – but I refused to budge. Opular was still the target – I was just biding my time.

And he couldn’t possibly turn me against Wolf Dominion in one week.

There was no way.

So, I just had to be patient.

A week couldn’t be that long.

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