Wolf Castle (Sinful Wolf Pack Romances)

Wolf Castle: Chapter 3

The journey to Otherworld is not what I expected. A chauffeur drives me and Roxy to a plush house in the outskirts of town. I had thought we would be going much further, and perhaps to some underground den in some abandoned warehouse.


I wish it was my friend Lola I was going with. She would have made this seem like an adventure. But even Lola would be shocked at the thought I am going to Otherworld to maybe meet a sexy stranger to ravish me.


We arrive to our destination, a grand old house, at the same time as a fleet of luxury cars that are bringing other people here. When it is our turn, we are led down to a beautiful old stone chamber beneath the house.


At least I got the underground bit right.


The chamber is empty except for an ornately carved archway right in the middle of it. It goes nowhere, and yet it looms at the center of the room as if it has great importance. Two massive double doors are attached to it.


The lady who escorted us to this chamber tells us to walk through the doors. Roxy and I look at each other. Roxy shrugs and steps through, and to my shock she does not come out again on the other side. She is just gone.


When I hesitate, the lady looks slightly impatient. She tells me that others are waiting their turn. I take a deep breath and, closing my eyes, step through the doorway.


I feel a tingling sensation and the whispering brush of what feels like fine electrified cobwebs momentarily tugging against my face.


When I open my eyes I am in a hallway of tapestry-lined walls, with a magnificent carpet under my feet. Behind me is an archway just like the one I stepped through.


Before I can examine it, I notice a woman is waiting nearby.


“You’re exactly what I hoped for,” she says, her voice a purr of delicious sound. “They are going to love you.”


“Who?” I ask nervously.


“Some of our most treasured guests.”


“Erm… I’m here to work this weekend. My friend Roxy said you needed staff. Have you seen her?”


“Oh yes. She’s being escorted to her room. She is here to play, and you’re here to work, but I’m sure you can make time for other things… If you wish.”


There is a suggestive look in her eyes. I am not sure I want to ask her what she means.


She lets out a trill of laughter. “I’ve had a special request for a girl like you. You’re going to be serving to some wonderful gentleman. How would you like that?”


“What do you mean by serving?” I ask politely.


“You’ll wear a maid’s uniform and you’ll bring them drinks and shuffle their playing cards, and whatever else you think is appropriate, dear.”


“Nothing else?”


“You don’t have to do anything that you don’t want while you’re here. Those are the rules. And if at any time you wish to leave, you merely need to ask any of the staff for me. My name is Juniper. But I doubt you’ll need that. I think you’ll have a lovely time here.”


“Thank you, Juniper.”


“Aren’t you the sweetest thing? And is there anything you would like in particular while you’re here?”


“Erm… I don’t want anyone to know that I was here.” I feel embarrassed just saying it, and worried that she might think I am insulting Otherworld.


I hurry to explain. “It’s just that it’s not the sort of thing I would usually do and my dad doesn’t know I’m here.”


She looks thoughtful. “Some of our guests do wear masks while they’re here, and it’s the rules that those people’s masks can’t be removed unless they wish them to. I shall give you a demi-mask. I wouldn’t want to hide the whole of your beautiful face.”


“But won’t that mean someone might still recognize me? I mean, I don’t think the sorts of people that I know would be here but I guess I just don’t know…”


She lets out a tinkling laugh. “Won’t this be a nice little intrigue? As a special favor to you, I’ll enchant your mask so your particular gentlemen will never recognize you afterwards.”


The mask she gives me is a beautiful black lace strip. It fits over my eyes and does not cover very much else.


She assures me that it has a glamour spell on it so that the men I will be serving won’t be able to see what my face really looks like. Even my voice will sound a little different to them.


“Can it be so that no one at all will be able to recognize me?” I ask.


“No dear. That would take a much more powerful spell. Unless you want to pay for it?”


There is a mischievous smile on her face. It occurs to me that she doesn’t mean paying with cash.


“No,” I say quickly. “Just this will be fine.”


She tells me that clothing will be provided for me on a daily basis, and sends me on my way.


I follow my attendant down many corridors and up and down several flights of enormously wide staircases – the sort that Cinderella in her ball gown swept down towards her prince.


We finally get to door set in a large corridor in a different wing of the castle. Inside is luxuriant suite of rooms.


My attendant tells me that my gentlemen have not arrived yet, and that they will ring a bell for me if they need me. In the meantime I should put on my uniform and am free to wander around within the common areas.


The uniform is inside my wardrobe. It looks like a little French maid’s uniform, except it is pink rather than black. The short-skirted dress has white frills around the low collar and the flared hem, and a frilly white apron as well.


With it is a pair of sheer white silk stockings that come to the tops of my thighs, and which I have to hold into place with a garter belt. I have never worn such a thing before and it takes me a few minutes to figure out how it all works.


To my dismay they have not provided any underwear to go with the outfit. I have to tug my short skirt down to make sure it is fully covering my bare bottom.


In the mirror my bare ass is almost visible. I put on my own panties, but they are black and don’t look right with the pink skirt. Feeling anxious, I leave them off.


I decide to give myself a tour of the suite before anyone else gets here. But then I hear the sound of the front door opening and male voices coming in. Suddenly I feel far too shy to go out of my room.


I sit down on my bed, and my stomach is suddenly filled with butterflies. I wonder if they will call me right away. Perhaps they will want me to unpack for them.


Some time passes without the bell ringing and I begin to relax. Maybe they won’t call me at all. If not, I will go out this evening to see if I can find Roxy.


I spent some time looking around my own large room and bathroom, enjoying how luxuriant and pristine everything is. Then I decide to take a little nap.


Sometime later the sound of a ringing bell wakes me. I sit up fast in bed, my heart tripping. One of the men must want me to do something for him.


I step out of my room and for a moment I am not quite sure where to go. But then I follow the sound of the low murmur of men’s voices until I get to the lounge.


Inside are four men. They are drinking and playing cards. From where I stand in the doorway, I cannot fully see them. I stand there tugging at my skirt and working up the courage to go in.


Then one of the men stands up and stretches. As he turns around, his side profile is revealed.


My heart seems to lurch. Instantly I recognize him. That strong jaw, the dark wavy hair, that big muscular six foot four body.


Uncle Max!


My eyes know he is there but my brain seems to go into slow motion, refusing to accept what I am seeing. My mouth dries up and I stand rooted to the spot.


He seems to somehow sense me. His head turns. Seeing me standing there, he gives me a wolfish grin. “There she is, our little maid.”


The other three men look around and my stomach flip-flops. I know them all. They are my dad’s best friends; Karl, Jake and Anthony.


These past few years, after mom left him, dad had taken to inviting his friends around the house, which he’d never done before. They were always sweet to me, and would joke and tease me whenever they saw me around. As they are my dad’s friends, I have always called them uncle.


And now here I am, standing in front of them wearing this flimsy dress and nothing on underneath. If dad were here he would be furious, and would tell me to go and change.


I fight an urge to run back to my room.


Uncle Max fixes those dark amber eyes of his on me, and I find myself mesmerized. My lips are trembling. I am sure he can see it. I don’t know what to do and yet a voice inside my head is insisting, quite urgently, that I must go to him.


I walk towards him slowly as if he’s calling me. When I get to him, he puts his big hands on my tiny waist. Our eyes are locked on one another. Slowly he pulls me close enough to feel the heat of his body.


“You’re perfect,” he murmurs. “Just what I asked for.”


There is appreciation in his eyes but absolutely no recognition. He doesn’t know who I am.

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