Wolf Castle (Sinful Wolf Pack Romances)

Wolf Castle: Chapter 15

I tell Uncle Max that I want to take a hot bath and relax, and with this excuse I hurry back to my room.


It was a shock finding out about Uncle Max’s past, but there is a more pressing issue that has me freaking out.


He just invited my dad to come over tomorrow to meet me.


They have no idea it is me, Clara. If Roxy recognized me with this mask then dad will recognize me for sure. And he’ll know I’m the girl his friends have been sleeping with these past couple of days.


He’ll be so mad, so disappointed. This’ll be worse for him than when mom ran off with her lover.


I can’t face him. I just can’t.


And even worse, what happens when Uncles Max, Karl, Jake and Anthony find out who I am? They will think that I have lied to them, that I deliberately came here to seduce them. That I kept my identity secret on purpose.


And part of it is true. I knew who they were and still I lusted for them.


Worst of all, Uncle Max will know that even after telling me he had slept with my mom, I still wanted him.


And God help me, I still want him. I want them all.


Most desperately I want Uncle Karl. His blond head between my legs, his golden arms cupping my buttocks as he thrusts his beautiful cock into me. And I want the others to watch while he does it.


I blush furiously as I imagine it. They have awoken this wanton side of me and I can’t bear to switch it off. Not yet.


I groan and throw myself into my bed. I press my face against my pillow trying to banish my wicked thoughts. But I am already wet and hot. I am not done with them yet.


How can I want all four of them so badly?


I shiver. What’s happened to me? Is this the influence of Otherworld or was I like this all along?


Tears leak down my cheeks.


I haven’t tasted any of their cocks yet. I want every bit of all of them in every way possible. I want them in Otherworld and I want them when we get back home to our world.


I never want this to be over. I am in love with them. All four of them at once.


But I can never let them find out it was me. Once they know it is me, I will never be able to face them again.


I can’t bear the idea of leaving. If I stay here today then I will crave them. Just one more taste of any of them will drive me back to the edge of no return. And I won’t be able to go tomorrow before dad comes.


I have to leave now.


My phone rings. I pounce on my handbag, and scramble to get it out.


My heart races. It must be Juniper. No one else could be calling me here. The servant must have told her I am unhappy. Her timing is uncanny.


But when I finally look at the screen, I see it is Roxy. Reluctantly I answer it.


“Don’t hang up,” she says quickly.


“What do you want?”


“I called to say I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have spoken to you like that.”


“Oh.” My anger towards her fades away.


“You tried to tell me your problems and I was a bitch about it. Do you still want to talk?”




“I thought you might. I’m outside your apartment.”


I find her hovering outside the front door. I hurry her inside and rush her towards my room. For some reason I don’t want Uncle Max or the others to see her.


“Relax,” she murmurs, resisting my attempt to drag her into my room. Her eyes are eating up the plush inner hallway that leads into the large luxuriant lounge.


“This place is massive,” she says appreciatively.


She allows me to drag her into my room, where she immediately goes over to the opulent dressing table.


“Wow,” she says, fiddling with the numerous little jars and bottles on it that I haven’t explored yet. “Your guys must be special guests. All we got was one measly room. Kind of like a hotel room.”


She throws herself onto my bed. “So, tell me everything!”


I take a seat beside her and pick at my bedspread, not knowing how much to say.


“This is where the magic happened, then?” She stokes the bedspread and waggles her brows at me.


I can’t help but giggle.


I nod. “Yep, right here.”


“And it was good?”


I sigh. “Unbelievably good.”


“So what’s the problem? You’ve got one more whole night and half a day tomorrow to enjoy it. And after that, what happened in Otherworld can stay in Otherworld.”


“I don’t want it to stay in Otherworld.”


“I can see why. These guys must be rolling in bling. Makes me want to stay and enjoy it too. You had three right? Does the fourth one want a date?”


“Roxy!” I say, outraged. “I’ve told you how I feel about them.”


Uncle Karl. I’ll never let her have Uncle Karl.


“All four of them?”


I flush in embarrassment. “Yes, all of them,” I say possessively.


“You’re serious,” she says, trying her best not to look incredulous.


“I really like them a lot.”


“But you realize that you hardly even know them?” she says carefully. “You’ve only been here one night. How well can you possibly know them?”


“I know them from before.”


Her mouth drops open. “You have got to be kidding me!”


I shake my head, blushing at my duplicity. “I’ve known them for a couple of years now.”


“Then that’s great, silly! They obviously like you too. Maybe they want to keep on seeing you when we get back home.”


“They don’t know it’s me.”


“Of course they do. That mask is piddly.”


“They don’t. The mask is enchanted so they can’t tell.”


“You saucy minx!” She swats me on my arm and gives a shrill bark of laughter. “They are going to love it when they find out.”


“No, they won’t.”


“Of course they will. If they fancy you with the mask on, then why would they stop fancying you without it?”


Her logic makes my heart beat a little faster. Could it be true? It would be so amazing if they weren’t angry with me at having kept my identity from them.


But then I drop my head into my hands with a groan.


“They’re my dad’s friends,” I mumble, too quietly for her to hear.




“My dad’s friends,” I say a little more loudly.


She is quiet for a moment, and then she shrieks, “Oh my God!”


“Shut up,” I beg, looking towards the door and hoping no one will have heard.


“Your dad’s friends?” she hisses. “And you’ve fucked them? And they don’t know it’s you?”


I nod miserably.


“You’ve really messed up.”


“You think they’ll be mad?” I ask, feeling awful.


“Of course they’ll be mad. That is disgusting.”


I gape at her, hurt. I thought she might be incredulous, but I didn’t expect this. Not from a girl who is so liberated about who she sleeps with.


“I thought you might understand. I’m in love with them.”


“Get real, Clara! Lust isn’t love.”


“It is love. I think I’ve loved them for years.”


“You are delusional. You said that on is an alpha, didn’t you?”




“So alphas take lots of lovers. But they only mate for life with once. You can’t seriously think he’s going to choose you as his mate?”


She scoffs at the idea.


Shame seems to flood into me. I feel sick. I had not thought of this.


“God, you never even knew? You’re so stupid. Listen Clara, you can’t tell them who you are. They will laugh in your face.”


My entire face flushes hotly. “They won’t!” I say heatedly. “They’re kind. They care about me.”


“They care about fucking you. There’s a difference. They think you’re some stranger who is here for fun. They won’t look at you twice when all this is over.”


“Don’t say that!” I bite my lip hard. Then what is in my heart spills out. “I want to tell them. I think they might have feelings for me.”


She looks like she is about to laugh, but then she takes a deep breath and seems to steady herself. When she speaks again it is in a forced calm tone.


“What you really need is to see the truth of what is happening here. I think I can show you.”




“They like watching each other fuck you, right?”


I nod, embarrassed at telling her something so intimate, and yet so proud at being able to say I am the center of their attention.


“So you should tell them you want to watch them fuck someone else.”




“Hear me out. When you see them fucking me like they fuck you, you’ll realize it’s all just sex. You want the truth right? This will show you.”


“I can’t believe you,” I say in a hushed voice.


“It’ll be best for all of us. Maybe this will keep their attention when we get out of here, and that way we both get to share a piece of the pie.”


“Both of us?” I say in a stiff little voice.


“Two hot college girls are far more kinky than just one. They’ll want to keep us happy.”


“You haven’t been listening at all. I told you I love them.”


“Get real. And stop being so selfish. You can’t have four of them to yourself.”


“Get out.”


“I’m only trying to help you,” she says, as if I am being slow.


“Get the fuck out!” I snarl.


She stands up in a huff. “Fine!” she snaps. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”


She storms out and I firmly lock the door behind her.


It hits me that she is right. I am being selfish.


I hadn’t fully thought through how betrayed they might feel when they find out that I have deceived them. I was mostly worried about myself.


But what about them? They are all best friends with my dad. And business partners. What I have done could break up their friendship, ruin their businesses.


It will break my dad’s heart. It might break theirs.


How could I be so selfish, so stupid?


In a daze I start packing. I cannot believe I have done this. I need to get out of here before any of them realize who I am. Before my dad arrives.


It doesn’t take long. I didn’t come here with much. Just one pathetic bag to take home with me. It doesn’t seem large enough to hold such a heavy heart.


I am searching desperately for my phone, determined to get out of here, when there is a knock on the door.


I freeze. I want to ask who it is but my voice is stuck in my throat.


The knock comes again.

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