Wolf Bound (Fated) By Jenival Writes

Chapter 25

Chapter 25

“How on earth did Shirley know you were going to go sneaking around their pack for information?” Callum barked. He was getting more pi ssed by the minute.

“It seems Shirley has something up her sleeve because she came looking for you at the Parlor and when I refused to tell her where you were, she subtly threatened us. I think she has spies watching because when I went to The Greyhound, Holden’s men were already there. I managed to eavesdrop on a conversation that confirmed Shirley was the informant before I was told to leave. Holden spread the word that something was going down. It seems the wrong people got the message and sent our friend there,” he pointed at the vampire, Anthony, “to see what was what. I tried to call and warn you, but you didn’t have the courtesy to answer your goddamn phone.”

*Does that mean he doesn’t know for sure?”

Grant’s gaze darted over to her. “It seems like it. It also seems like Messengers doesn’t know too. At least not yet.” Somehow, Amber knew there was a hidden meaning in that look..

“Know what?” she asked, determined to know what he was hiding, ready to take control of her life and everything involving in.

Callum’s expression changed. Despite the distance between them, she felt the shift in his mood. Her stomach churned, bile rising to her throat. She didn’t know if what he intended was bad or good.

He looked at Grant and said, “Go inside and call the pack. Tell them to meet us at the shop in an hour. It’s time to strategize.”

“You got it,” Grant rasped, going from annoyed to almost eager. He rushed away, running from them almost as fast as he’d approached.

Callum crossed the remaining feet, keeping Anthony away from her. He reached out with his free hand and wrapped an arm around her waist, bringing her against his side. Lowering his head, he breathed into her ear, his soft exhale caressing the


“How much do you want to know?” When she tried to speak, he interrupted, “Think about the question before you answer. Make sure you’re ready to go there.”

It was like jumping without a safety net. Hed answer her questions even if she didn’t want to hear certain things. She’d be going in blind but would surface wiser for it. Whatever was happening was important. If the pack was coming, she didn’t want to be a weak link. She wanted to be equal. She’d been honest when she said worrying about what was to come wouldn’t help her. It would only delay the inevitable.

Turning her head so her lips brushed his jaw, she replied sofily, a sharp edge of anticipation s pik ing through her. “Everything. I want to know everything

Be careful what you wish for. You just might get it. That was so dam n true when it came to Amber.

She listened as the pack spoke, trying to pretend she was comfortable in their presence, soaking in what she’d learned. Callum knew her father. Apparently, he’d known who her father was the moment they’d met since she looked exactly like the as shole. The truth clarified a lot of things, but it didn’t totally alleviate her tension.

Not when Callum hadn’t had all the answers to her subsequent questions.

Although he was certain Holden Bone had gotten her mother pregnant, he didn’t know the circumstances involved. It was bizarre. She’d never given her father any consideration really, aside from loathing him for what he’d done to her mother. Fantasies of meeting the ba stard had never come to mind. She wasn’t a child who needed a parent. Her step-parents had

Now though, armed with the truth, she had to admit slae was slightly curious. She wanted to know where she came from

A woman who’d arrived with an imposing male stared at Amber and Amber scurried to remember the female’s name.


Chapter 25

recalling Callum had introduced her as Hailey. She wasn’t sure if he’d been honest about the size of his pack. Froin what she could see, he wasn’t short on numbers. There were nineteen in all Fourteen were mated couples. The remaining live were

gle males.

After a quick introduction, she’d settled into the chair Callum had provided for her. The couples had been welcoming, greeting her with warm smiles. The men had given her polite nods and curious stares, but otherwise, they hadn’t seemed impressed. Even so, things had gone well. They might not like her, but they didn’t hate her. There were no fights or arguments, only questions Callum was quick to answer.

So far, so good.

“Amber?” Callum’s voice intruded on her thoughts. “What do you think?”

Lifting her head to stare at him, she blinked several mes. She hadn’t been listening. Therefore, she didn’t know how to answer. She didn’t want everyone to think she was slow on the uptake. One small misstep, and she’d look like an a ss,

Sh it.

I’m sure it’ll be fine.” It was a horrible response to any question, but she hoped her input sufficed.

Callum co cked a brow, a small grin tugging at his lips. Tim not sure,” he said, informing her that he’d known she hadn’t been paying attention “Your stepfather wants to put a bullet in Holder’s a ss. If the neo of them come face-to-face, I have a feeling things will get nasty.”

She felt the blood drain from her face.

When she’d been lost in her thoughts, the group had decided it was best to involve the man who’d raised her.

If George met the man who’d destroyed his first wife and bea friend, he would want revenge. Callum had briefly indicated such a meeting might be necessary to cement their mating to the packs in the area, but she was hoping to avoid it. Surely her biological parent wouldn’t try to influence her life now.

That’s an understatement, and you know it. George will try to kill him.”

“All the more reason to do it.” Grant interested, Bexing his arms as he leaned forward in his chair. The man was your protector. He sheltered you, fed you, and cared for you. He has the final say in your mating. Holden can’t do sh it about that. He’s f ucked.”

“I don’t want him in danger. George was wily, but he was human. He was in no condition to take on a werewolf. Not that it mattered. She’d already decided she’d give Holden a piece of her mind if he ever tried to dictate what would happen in her


“He won’t be.” The conviction in Callum’s retort eased some of her tension. As the man who raised you, he’s entitled to confront anyone he b elieves has endangered you.”

Although endangerment was kinda a stretch and abandonment was more like it, Amber didn’t correct Gallum. She was also as resolved as he was. Because if that ba stard thought he could suddenly have a say in her future just cause they shared blood, he was in for a shock.

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