Wizard World Irregular

Chapter 462 I Don’t Spar With Nobodies

Chapter 462 I Don’t Spar With Nobodies

“It seems that you made quite a name for yourself, eh, Cousin?” Vladimir said with a smile. “Although the title is only that of an Honorary Knight, it is still a position that not many are able to acquire in the Kingdom. You must be very proud of your achievement.”

“I am very flattered and honored that you think highly of me, Cousin,” Nicole replied. “Don’t worry. Perhaps in the future, you will also be given the title of an Honorary Knight.”

Vladimir chuckled, but his eyes weren’t laughing.

“I have no interest in such lowly titles,” Vladimir stated. “What I aim to become is a Magistratus. We’re not on the same level.”

Nicole nodded. “You heard him, Constantine. You’re not on the same level as him.”

The corner of Constantine’s lips curled up in disdain after Nicole redirected Vladimir’s jab in his direction.

“It doesn’t matter if I’m facing an Honorary Knight or a Magistratus,” Constantine commented. “In the end, both of you will kneel in my presence. That is where you belong—on the ground, kneeling and accepting your inferiority.”

Constantine was a very arrogant person, but he had the power to back his arrogance.

With the power to effectively wield Gravity Magic, he was a force to reckon with.

The rumors of him obtaining a Legacy weren’t mere rumors but the truth.

It was also because of this newfound power that his name spread within the family, making the Patriarch pay extra attention to him.

A Legacy Holder was no ordinary Wizard or Witch because their powers transcended what others could wield.

The three rivals ‘amicably’ smiled at each other as if they were all the best of friends.

But deep inside their hearts, they only had disdain and contempt for each other.

The three of them were so busy sizing each other up that they didn’t notice that the dance had already ended.

“Nicole, are these your friends?”

Ethan, who had arrived back at their table, asked as he sized up the two individuals whom he was seeing for the first time.

“Ethan, let me introduce to you my two cousins,” Nicole said. “This is Vladimir Asta and Constantine Asta. Both of them are part of the Heir Wars.” contemporary romance

“Ethan Gremory,” Ethan gave the two young men a brief nod of acknowledgment.

“Perfect timing,” Vladimir clapped his hand once as he looked at Ethan with a smile. “The dancers will be taking a break, so the dance floor will be open for some entertainment. Why don’t the two of us liven things up with a sparring match?”

Vladimir then pointed at Ethan as he announced his challenge.

“Sir Ethan Gremory, I challenge you to a spar,” Vladimir said in a volume that was enough for the people standing nearby to hear. “Will you accept my invitation?”

King Austen and Queen Evane, who were seated not far from Ethan’s table, had heard Vladimir’s challenge.

Since the young man came from the Asta Family, the King knew of him and his talent.

All the nobles gazed at Ethan with excited looks on their faces.

Sparring matches and even duels were very common during these kinds of gatherings. In fact, they were usually the main source of entertainment for the attendees.

Ethan knew this as well, but since he wasn’t a noble, he didn’t care about their expectations.

“I’m sorry, but I have to decline,” Ethan replied.

“Oh? Are you scared?” Vladimir asked as the smile on his face widened. “The Great Honorary Knight is scared to fight someone like me?”

Vladimir made sure that everyone heard his question, fueling the expectations of the nobles around them.

“Yes, I am scared,” Ethan replied. “I am scared that I might accidentally kill you. It’s quite hard for me to hold back my powers, you see. Or have you forgotten what happened a few days ago when the Knight and Seek game was canceled because of me?”

Vladimir frowned because this was something that he couldn’t refute.

He felt that it was beneath him to join such a game, so he simply waited for the event to finish.

However, unlike the ending that everyone was expecting, several things happened, which forced the Grand Archmage of the Kingdom to intervene.

Still, thinking that Ethan was just doing his best to reject his challenge, Vladimir pressed on.

“Sir Ethan, just admit that you are afraid to face me,” Vladimir stated. “No need to make excuses.”

Everyone thought that Ethan would finally give in to the challenge, but the handsome young man did something that they weren’t expecting.

Ethan chuckled, and it wasn’t just a simple chuckle.

It was a disdainful chuckle, which made the corner of Nicole’s lips rise up.

“Tell me, can you stop a Dungeon Outbreak by yourself?” Ethan asked in a teasing tone.

“No,” Vladimir replied.

“Since you can’t, what makes you think that you can beat me, someone who managed to achieve it?” Ethan inquired. “I don’t spar with nobodies. However, if you really insist on sparring with me, I am willing to accept your challenge on one condition.”

Ethan paused before raising his hand to point at Constantine.

“Defeat him first,” Ethan stated. “Only if you beat him will I allow you to challenge me. Like I said, I don’t spar with nobodies. So, Vladimir Asta, let me ask you this, are you scared?

“I’m letting you fight a weaker opponent as a warm-up before you fight me. But if you’re too afraid to lose face, then you can forget about challenging me.

“The Asta Family is known for producing brave Magical Knights. I fought alongside Nicole during the Dungeon Outbreak, so I am inclined to believe that the rumors I heard are true. However, she is the only member of the Asta Family that I’ve met. Looking at you now, it seems that I might have greatly overestimated the descendants of the Asta Family.

“So, since His Majesty is here to witness this momentous moment, how about you two fight with each other? I would love to see the prowess of the Prodigies of the Asta Family. Or, are you all bark and no bite?”

Ethan’s words were filled with contempt, making Princess Evangeline giggle and Prince Louis frown.

Now that he had thrown the challenge back at Vladimir, it was up to him whether he would accept his challenge or not.

Oscar Asta, who was observing this from a distance, had a calm expression on his face.

Whether he was upset or not for having his family name dragged into the limelight, he made sure not to show it on his face.

Constantine, whom Ethan had called a weakling earlier, also looked calm.

However, deep inside, he was very angry and was doing his best to stop himself from using his magic to put Ethan in his place.

Using magic to harm others in front of the King and the Grand Archmage without permission was a grave offense.

Because of this, he was raring to vent out his frustration and duke it out with Vladimir if the latter really decided to challenge him in a duel.

“That’s my boy.” Sebastian smiled from ear to ear inside Ethan’s Sea of Consciousness. “You tell them who's boss.”

“Small fries.” Ethan’s Other Half snorted.

He felt that it was completely beneath Ethan to fight against these two insects, who didn’t know that the young man in front of them had still not discovered his true powers.

Powers that would make him feel as if the world was dancing in the palm of his hand.


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