Witch of the Gate (Part I): Empyrean Crystal Soul

Chapter 29. Battle at volcano’s heart

We don’t have the time to orchestrate a plan as an alarm is ringing and all the soldiers are jumping off the beds to respond. This is not a good sign. I was sure that we didn’t let any clues about our identity. Then, I remember that female demon. I am wondering if she was suspicious after all.

-“We must act now!” Leonard suggests and Tarragon agrees.

Then, we blend with the other soldiers but instead of the outside of the tower, we take the stairs for the underground floor. As we are getting down, we can feel hot. We are approaching the center of the volcano so it is inevitable.

However, as we step a foot on the last floor, I get a chilly sensation. My heart is beating really fast and I feel suffocating and not because of the hotness. I also see Leonard struggling. Then, I realize. This place is the core of darkness. A light attribute person like Leonard can’t stand being here.

After passing a short corridor, we arrive in a big cave. In the middle of it there is a big like-lake of lava. There is a narrow stony path guiding in the centre of the lake, where there is a more spacious ground and something like an altar.

-“That is a Fruit of Life.” Tarragon screams as he notices the fruit on the altar.

However, the fruit is now purplish black as it has lost its vitality and life force. I immediately understand that this is the main source of mana for creating monsters. This fruit was already used so a batch of monsters is already created.

-“There is a door over there.” Leonard points. This must be the second chamber.

The moment we are ready to get there, a ball of dark energy is directed at us from behind and at the last moment, Leonard repels it with his sword, which breaks.

We are found!

Behind us, there is a team of Lower and Higher demon soldiers with the woman I saw some time ago and another demon in Minotaur form.

-“Intruders! Kill them!!!” The Minotaur shouts and his soldiers are attacking us.

-“We will earn you some time, so go in there.” Tarragon whispers to me. I freeze. The opponent is at least a few dozens and they are only two men.

Tarragon and Leonard drink the antidote of the metamorphosis potion and return to their original form. They are determined. I grit my teeth and tighten my fists. I need to be more determined, too. I also drink the antidote. Then, without anymore delay, I run towards the second chamber.

Tarragon is starting to release a barrack of arrows with the power of the wind he possesses, while Leonard is cutting and stabbing into his opponents flesh. Surprisingly, they can hold the opponent’s forces at bay.

Leonard is sparring with the Minotaur while he is slaughtering the other soldiers. At the same time, Tarragon prevents the female Higher Demon from coming to my direction with his wind arrows.

The moment I get inside the chamber, I feel like someone is strangling me. The dark aura is really dense here. The chamber is like another big cave with nothing more than a few pillars and a small altar in the middle of a floor with embosses images.

My heart is beating fast as I notice that there is an almost blackened crystal swinging above the altar. If it is what I think it is, then I have to take it. It is almost black and I am getting anxious over grandmother’s soul.

Before I can take a step forward, a ball of dark energy is coming at me. I manage to dodge it by falling on the floor.

-“An intruder! What a surprise!!!” I hear a voice echoing inside the cave. Then, a man is also swinging on the air and coming down.

However, he is not a real man. His clothes cover the rest of his body but his head is that of a skull, a hollow skull. I think he is looking at me with interest and then he attacks me again with his dark energy.

This time I can’t avoid using my powers so I choose my fire magic.

-“Oh, a witch!” He seems excited.

My attacks don’t even scratch him. He repels them with his own attacks. On the other hand, he is skilled enough to bring me to a corner. When I realize that I am going to die, I use my dark lighting.

I can’t see any emotion on his skulled-face so I am not sure if he is surprised or excited. The lighting attack hits him and he falls on the wall. This is my opportunity, so I hit him with back to back lightning attacks. I can feel more confident.

Finally, the demon falls on the ground and I run toward the altar. I am ready to grab the crystal, when a dark attack hits me on my back. I can feel the skin on my back burning. The pain is so excruciating that I am screaming.

-“I didn’t expect a visitor.” I hear a voice and when I manage to lift my head, I can see him. He was the demon that took my grandmother’s Soul.

He is walking toward me. He passes over me and then he stands next to the altar. He grabs the crystal.

-“It is almost black. You are too late.” He says sarcastically.

-“This little thing will provide us with energy for at least six months.” He says with bright eyes.

-“Give it back.” I say through my painful groans. He looks at me with interest.

-“You are the next Witch of the Gate, aren’t you?” He says with a smirk on his face.

-“There is nothing you can do. Well, you are the last of your kind so if I kill you right now, there is no more a Witch of the Gate.” He says and at the same time, he grabs me from my neck.

-“We will take our revenge on Etheria, on Witch of the Gate and on Earth.” He says and I widen my eyes.

-“Of course, everyone will taste the grievances of millenniums.” He says with an obsessed look on his face.

-“It is your fault. You and your ancestors are to blame for this. You are not a savior. You are a criminal!!!” He shouts angrier now. His grip is tightening my neck and I can’t breathe.

I don’t understand what he means but I am sure to die here. I try to attack him with my lightning but I can’t.

-“I won’t make the same mistake twice.” He sneers. I really can’t breathe and then, a swift attack comes from behind me and the demon releases me.

Lucida appears in front of me. She came through my shadow as I called her.

-“You made a pact with a demon!!!” He says surprisingly. However, Lucida attacks him immediately.

The two of them are fighting in mid-air. I try to stand up and take deep breaths. I take the chance to drink a healing potion. However, it is no effective against my pain on the back.

However, the skulled-face demon comes to his senses again. He looks at the battle in mid-air and at me. So my attacks were only enough to knock him out at best. Now, it is his turn to send a barrack of dark energy balls. I can’t avoid all of them.

In the places, I get hit, I feel a burning sensation and my screams are echoing through the cave. Lucida turns her focus on me and her opponent takes the chance to hurt her. I want to scream to her to not pay attention to me but at the same time, I feel reassured if she is watching out on me. This mixed feeling is really selfish but I can’t afford something else.

This pain is really unbearable. I try to attack him again with my lightning. However, he avoids it and rushes at me. I was startled so I don’t react in time. He grabs my head and his hollow eyes focus on mine. I got dizzy for a moment and suddenly I am at a dark place.

I can’t see anything. I can only hear my breath. Suddenly, a loud noise of mixed voices is echoing. I could never forget these voices. They belong to my parents. They yell and curse at each other and at the same time, they deny my existence.

Then, the voices calm down for a while and suddenly the loud shouting of mother is echoing in the darkness making my whole body to tremble. She curses and yells at me. She blames me for the wrong path that her life took.

While I am trying to close my ears with my hands, I see her figure in front of me. I freeze. Her look is strict and angry.

-“I told you to not do something unnecessary! You want to know the whole world what a freak you are?” She screams and I jump on my place. I am terrified again. I can’t hold my tears.

-“I am sorry, mother!” I beg and bend down with my hands on my head to protect it from the hits that are going to follow.

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