Witch of the Gate (Part I): Empyrean Crystal Soul

Chapter 26. Exhaustion

We travelled rather far so that we escape danger. After a few days, we will get into the land of Elves. I am travelling with a strange company, a human girl, two elves, a fairy, beast woman and a demon.

The male elf seems to be a prince and Dalion a general of the Green Valley, the center of the Mystical Forest. I also learned that the fairy is the crown princess of her tribe. There are some important figures in this party. However, I can tell that the centre of the company is the human girl.

After refreshing herself in a river, I can see her long black hair and green eyes. She has a shapely body and a pretty face. She is beautiful but I can see some darkness in her emerald-like eyes.

Her name is Daphne. I knew it from when we were prisoners in Paria. Then, I got to know the names of the others, too. Of course, I had to tell them my real name.

Leonard Ostin. I was born to a mid level aristocrat house. I am the son of a count. When they realized my light attribute in an early age, they sent me to the land of the Angels, the Infinitive Mountains to become a Holy Knight.

There was no surprise in everyone’s faces. Only the human girl was curious. I was unapproachable when we were at the prison, but I couldn’t trust anybody in there.

In a matter of fact, I didn’t have anywhere to go. The Infinitive Mountains were invaded by the demons and there are no more angels there. Some of them hided and some of them died.

The human territory is also destroyed so I can’t go back home. I have nowhere to go even though I am free. I decided to follow this strange company. Maybe they will need my help during their journey. At least, that is what I was thought.

However, when we meet an enemy, the flexible beast woman and the capable elves are more than enough to protect the rest of the party. Well, I don’t have a sword in my hands. If I had a sword, I could be a big help.

Our destination is Green Valley but before go there, we must cross quite a distance and more obstacles. There is also the incident in Paria. After some investigation, the Higher Demons will follow our steps to find us.

Two more weeks and we are at the middle of our route. We are already in the perimeter of Mystical Forest but it is not as I thought it would be.

I imagined big and dense trees with big and wide leaves the one next to other making a natural cover. I thought I would be in a jungle. However, the perimeter was a land with burned black trees and black from the ash soil. It was like the aftermath of a big fire. Black and naked trees are expanding until where I can see.

According to Tarragon, the burned forest is expanding for quite a distance and the settlements which were there, were destroyed by the demons and the elves were taken as slaves. Only the centre of the Mystical Forest is still intact. The only reason they didn’t attack Green Valley and the centre of the other tribes, is due to the mana that was emanating out of these places.

We travel for three more days inside the “black” forest when we reach a dead end. In fact, it is a deep canyon. From up there, I can see movement so I try to approach. The last minute, Gina pulls my head down.

-“It is a mine.” She whispers. I furrow my eyebrows and I try to see what is happening inside the canyon.

She is right. I can see a lot of elves working under terrible conditions so they can mine some minerals that the demons need. All the elves are skinny and weak. They barely stand on their feet and if they can’t, they receive the whip.

This ugly and miserable view makes me to want to vomit. This is real slavery. It is not a historical report or a fantastical concept. It is real. Men, women and children are working hard beyond their limits.

I can see some of them collapsing and not moving. With a whip on their backs, they let their last breath. My hands are shaking as I am witnessing of something like this. The most tragic thing is that there are some skinny children working with their parents. They have indeed a tragic life.

This time, we can’t help them. The guards are so many and the slaves are even more on numbers. We can’t take responsibility of what will happen to them. With this big of a number, a long journey is impossible. Even if we reach our dstination, the camp won’t be able to shelter the new attendants. We can only pass them over.

We need to travel two more weeks so we can reach the Green Valley. I feel exhausted physically and mentally. This journey was quite long and dangerous. I don’t know if I have the strength to continue.

It is nighttime. We camp at the woods every night. We will reach our destination in three more days. Right now, we are all sitting around the fire. Miss Daphne is already asleep. We all can see her exhaustion but we just need three more days.

Suddenly, we hear some groans coming out of an asleep Daphne. She is having nightmares. She is having nightmare more frequently the last few weeks after escaping from Paria.

Cielo tries to transform her nightmares into beautiful dreams with her powers however to do so, she needs an appropriate ground. She needs some good memories. It was surprising to all of us, that Miss Daphne have no good memories. Cielo tries to at least to make some beautiful dreams from general ideas so she can relieve the stress in the girl’s soul.

-“Your Highness, who is this girl?” General Dalion asks at some time.

I don’t know yet if I can reveal her identity. Well, Dalion is a trusted person. However, I can’t say the same about the human warrior.

-“You will find out when we go back home.” I say.

-“What are you going to do, ser Ostin?” I ask the Holy Knight.

-“There is nothing for me.”He says with some bitterness.

Well, we the tribes have at least a place to return. However, the human kingdoms were destroyed to ashes.

-“So, you want to come with us.” I notice. He nods his head. It would be a good thing if we have some skillful warriors to protect Miss Daphne and even the Green Valley.

I feel weak. When I wake up in the morning, I feel like my bones are aching. I am moving indolently. Even now, my step is slow and I feel some chills all over my body.

-“Are you okay?” I suddenly hear Leonard Ostin’s voice next to me. I nod. There are only three days left. I can stand a little exhaustion.

I can see his strange gaze. Then his hand is touching my forehead.

-“You are burning!!!” He shouts and I startle making a backward step. Tarragon is approaching me and also feels my forehead.

-“You have a fever indeed.” He says.

-“I can do it. We must reach our destination first.” I say. I want to get there so I can rest. I don’t want to be in wild anymore. I can’t stand it anymore.

We don't have my elixirs so I cann't be treated. We lost them when we were captured by the demons. I can manage a few more days. However, Tarragon seems worried. He wants us to stop but I don’t.

I keep walking when I suddenly feel weak in my knees. My legs are bending and the moment I am ready to fall down, a pair of arms grabs me.

Leonard Ostin caught me before falling. Before I can thank him, he starts yelling and scolding me. I have to get better so we can continue travelling.

I didn’t want this kind of treatment or this kind of behavior. He is always so cold and strict. I think he doesn’t like me.

Lucida comes to my rescue. She puts me into her hug and makes me fall asleep in her arms. She is so warm and reassuring that I close my eyes and I immediately get to dream again those agonizing dreams.

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