Witch of the Gate (Part I): Empyrean Crystal Soul

Chapter 17. At the Valley of Dreams

The pace of traveling with the carriage is much faster. According to Tarragon, we can reach our destination in three weeks.

In the meantime, I have to take care of Lucida. In our journey we found a small river so she could clean herself. I gave her some of my clothes to change into. I wanted to train her so she can help us in battles but I realized that she was already a full- fledged warrior.

Because of Tarragon’s words, I thought that she was weak and harmless. However, she had trained hard so she could be recognized. As a Demon, she can use the dark element and control it however she wants. She had also developed a second power, that of fire. She also knew a few fire spells.

She has been sparring with Tarragon or Gina during our long journey. The most of the times she lost but she was a fast learner. To some point, she could end up in draw in her spar sessions with the other two.

When I asked her about her mother, she said that they separate so they can survive. As a vampire, her mother could blend in with other demons more easily.

On the other hand, I informed her that we were traveling to the Valley of Dreams so we could save my grandma. I also told her that a Higher Demon took her Ethereal Soul.

-“When I was living to my father’s castle, I heard that the Demons want to earn what was stolen from them. My father was a fanatical believer of this matter. However, when their plan was a success, they realized that things didn’t go their way.” Lucida says.

-“What was their success?” I ask curiously.

-“The extinction of Humans.”

Tarragon furrows his eyebrows.

-“If their target was the Humans, why did they attack the other tribes?” He asks.

-“I am not sure. They didn’t trust me so I don’t know much, but I think that one reason was the resistance of the other tribes to their plan. Maybe it was also because of revenge.”

-“Revenge for what reason?” I ask but Lucida shrugs.

We continue our journey and in the meanwhile I was training with my powers. Now having one more power, I had more combinations to try.

I could also feel that my powers increased. Because of the dark element that resonated with my strongest dark emotions, a new spiritual form formed in my soul. It was a shadow creature. The shadow merged with the fire dragon and became its shadow but I could feel it as a separate existence. It was a little scary.

When Lucida saw my combined attacks, she was surprised. She had never seen something like this. Of course, Tarragon and Gina had got used to it.

After two weeks of travel, we passed the territories that used to belong to Fairies but now are occupied by Demons. We preferred to pass over the Demon’s settlements unnoticed. Of course, if it was unavoidable, we had to fight.

According to Tarragon, the empty and barren dales and fields, we passed over, were once overgrown with colorful flowers, dense and aromatic bushes while there were a lot of kinds of trees. Tall or short, with broad or narrow leaves, trees with dense and green foliage were fulfilling those dales. There were also small and big lakes and rivers with crystal clear water giving life to the land.

There was a dense smell of flowers and lively hues of every color. This place was also dense in spiritual power.

Well, that description didn’t fit with what I could see right now. Ugliness and infertility have taken over this land.

Finally, we reach the entrance of a gorge. According to Tarragon, this is the pass to the Valley of Dreams. However, there are two guardians keeping safe the entrance. They were two men with green hair, pointed ears and strange eyes. One of them had green eyes as the other had hazel eyes.

They are standing in attention while holding spears. Their clothes are in light green without wearing any armor.

-“We would like to meet their Highnesses of the Valley of Dreams.” Tarragon initiates. The two guards look at him suspiciously.

-“What is your purpose?” They ask.

-“We need their help with our friend. Please, mention to them that Tarragon of Green Valley is here.” He says. They scan us from toe to head. The eyes of one of them light up for a moment and then return to normal.

Some minutes later, we get permission to get inside. We drive the carriage inside the gorge. It is a little dark and mushy. The rocks are going up to at least a hundred meters. There are no plants, only rocks around.

When we exit the gorge, I freeze in my place. Now, I could see a paradise. At least, it seems like that. A large valley of lively green and tall grass expands until the limit of the valley. Tall green and beautiful trees surround the valley defining its borders.

Spots of colorful and aromatic flowers are here and there like colorful strokes on a white canvas. The weather is also warm and fresh like a warm day of spring.

As we ride through the designed road, I can clearly see some huts made of leaves and wood. They are at the same height of an average man. They are neither big nor small in size.

-“These are the houses of Elemental Fairies. They are built for one or two persons.” Tarragon explains.

Then, he points at a small but beautiful meadow of colorful flowers.

-“These flowers are the houses of Pixies.”

Everything here is amazing and fairytale.

When we approached the center of the valley a team of men with spears surrounded us. They are similar to the entrance guards. However, there are more eye colors on them. With their company, we reach a big flower-like castle. It was made of leaves and flower petals but is was stable and firm.

Finally we arrive in front of a couple sitting on wooden thrones. They must be the king and queen of the fairies. Tarragon and Gina kneel. Lucida and I imitate them.

-“Oh generous King Vernon and magnanimous Queen Celeste, we greet you!”

The king was a man with long blonde hair and beautiful rainbow eyes. He was wearing white clothes and tiara made of flowers. He had a healthy pale skin and a mesmerizing beautiful face. However, there was a strict expression on it.

Next to him, there is a woman with long purple hair and purple eyes. She was also pale in skin but really beautiful and graceful. She was wearing a long purple and golden dress.

-“Prince Tarragon, what brings you here?” The king asks and I freeze. Prince? Tarragon is a prince?

-“As you may know, I was part of the team who went to find the Witch of the Gate of the oracle.”

-“Mm. We know.”

Tarragon signals Gina and she brings forth my unconscious grandmother. At the same time, the queen jumps off her seat.

-“Matilda!!!” she shouts surprised then she comes over and touches my grandmother’s forehead.

-“Explain yourselves.” King Vernon orders.

Tarragon is starting to explain everything from his arrival to Earth until coming here.

-“I never believed that Matilda abandoned us and I was right.” Queen Celeste says and she looks at her husband and then at my grandmother.

-“Well, this doesn’t change much. Her absence is a fact and we can’t change the result or the minds of the whole Etheria. However, we can at least preserve her life.” King Vernon says.

I am really relieved when I heard his words.

-“However, this is only temporary. The Witch needs her Soul, otherwise she will remain in an eternal slumber here in the Valley of Dreams.”

-“What is the reason of taking her Soul?” I ask. Both the royal couple turns their attention to me.

Not only I am Matilda’s granddaughter but also the next Witch of the Gate with the Empyrean Crystal Soul of the oracle.

Queen Celeste signals to one of her servants, a girl with blue hair and blue eyes in a light blue dress. She brings over a crystal ball on a red pillow.

-“Touch it!” She commands. I furrow my eyebrows but I do it. The next moment, the ball lights up and breaks.

-“So you have indeed an Empyrean Crystal Soul. This magical sphere can indicate what kind of soul someone has. It can recognize even a Platinum Golden Soul. However, the Crystal Soul is so powerful that we don’t have the means to make something to withstand its power.” She explains.

-“To answer your question, there are two reasons for the Demons to want her Soul. One of them is the survival. Without the connection between the two worlds, the mana in Etheria is decreasing. All creatures in Etheria need mana to survive, even the simple civilians. A powerful soul will be a good source of mana. The more higher the level of the Soul, the more mana it will release and the more time we can survive.”

-“But her Souls was broken.”

-“They can mend it with the dark and water element. It is the most powerful spell of the Demons, the spell of regeneration. They have the ability to regenerate if they hurt themselves. So they have a similar spell for items.” King Vernon explains.

-“If they use the dark elements, her Soul will be tainted with darkness. This might change her if she takes it back in that condition.” Queen Celeste warns me.

-“What is the second reason?” I ask.

-“To conquer the whole Etheria, Demons created some powerful monsters. They experimented with Etheria’s animal and their dark energy. Of course, something like this goes against the laws of nature, so it needs plenty of energy. A Platinum Golden Soul is more than enough for that purpose.” King Vernon explains.

I tighten my fists. I am really angry. I can’t forgive them for what they did to grandmother and for what kind of purposes they did it.

-“How can I take back her Soul?” I ask.

-“Isn’t it obvious? You must defeat the Demons.” King Vernon says.

So my involvement in Etheria’s situation is unavoidable. I sigh. I didn’t want to continue this fairytale mission. I thought that the Fairies could save my grandmother.

-“You are not willing to help.” Queen Celeste realizes. King Vernon furrows his eyebrows in wonder.

-“I am not like grandmother. I didn’t know about anything of this until recently. I didn’t want to involve in this situation. I can’t bear the responsibility of something like that.” I say honestly.

-“Do you realize the consequences?” King Vernon shouts strictly. I know he is angry. I can tell easily so I lower my head.

-“Why must I think of a world I don’t know? Even if there is a connection between the two, Earth wasn’t affected by the disconnection.” I say.

-“How dare you?” He shouts.

-“Dear, did you notice something while traveling to Etheria?” Queen Celeste meddles in.

-“Everything here exists as fairytales and myths in Earth. They are the figment of imagination of Earthians.” I answer.

-“You are not wrong but not right either. We, Etherians instigate the imagination of people and sometimes to make them believe we act and create some “miracles”. Without us, there wasn’t going to be arts or creativity. Humans can do research and driven from their survival instincts, they can develop science. But even this demands a certain amount of imagination.” Queen Celeste explains. She looks at me intently.

-“Are you sure that your world was not affected from this disconnection?” She asks again and I can’t answer.

-“Anyway, you did a long journey and you must be tired. You can stay here and we can continue our talk when you are relaxed and clear-minded.” She says and she commands her servants to serve us. Grandmother stayed with her.

The pressure from the royal couple was really big. I can understand their agony but why must I be the one to correct the mistakes of their fellow countrymen? This is unfair and unreasonable.

Anyway, I can only see one path in front of me. Willing or unwilling, it doesn’t matter. If I want to save grandmother, I need to act.

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