Wings of Fate: The Lost Ones

Chapter 8

After Raven lay down beside Austin, Bael stood in the forest’s shadows and smoked another cigarette, thinking about the woman. He spent the last few hours with her in utter darkness but in his minds eye he was seeing her bathed in sunlight as she was that morning. She was the most beautiful human woman he had seen, and he had lived a long life.

Never had he seen hair the color of moonlight, all soft yellows and white, and glowing as brilliant as though her hair was indeed made from the moon. With skin the color of tanned gold, eyes round and as blue-green as the Nefarian Ocean, he was struck stupid by the vision. Compared to the human women on DeSolar whose noses were long or wide, or both, Raven’s nose was childlike. He thought of her lips and the smile that would undoubtedly be beautiful -- if she ever had cause to smile here.

But, she was here now.

Ruth had waited years for Raven but she was not the only one. Bael, too, had been waiting for their arrival, knowing he could not return home to Allegora until they were here. More years had passed than he anticipated and he was away from home overlong. He could go home now -- but he wouldn’t be going alone.

Bael threw his cigarette on the ground and crushed it with the toe of his boot. Turning, he stepped further into the shadows, finding an area on the ground smooth enough for his purpose. Sitting, he crossed his legs and closed his eyes to begin the elfin prayer he chanted since he was old enough to remember the words. Hundreds of years of praying, and tonight, when he most needed guidance, he hoped the gods heard him.

Asen aier god den pehamoket, te uneno aot barte reliana asen levin

(To the god of knowledge, I pray thee bring wisdom to me)

Asen aier god den vanomine, te uneno aot barte quenekatu asen levin

(To the god of darkness, I pray thee bring vision to me)

Asen aier god den rasuk, te uneno aot barte weelomonak asen levin

(To the god of war, I pray thee bring compassion to me)

Asen aier god den uenon, te uneno aot barte khaletee asen levin

(To the god of peace, I pray thee bring acceptance to me)

Asen aier god den filomo, te uneno aot barte uamtee asen levin

(To the goddess of love, I pray thee bring patience to me)

Asen aier goddess den santolin, te uneno aot barte nulat asen levin

(To the goddess of harvest, I pray thee bring repast to me)

Asen aier goddess den siermien, te uneno aot barte hetelevu asen levin

(To the goddess of hate, I pray thee bring judgment to me)

Asen aier goddess den samunal, te uneno aot barte hotunii asen levin

(To the goddess of home, I pray thee bring safe journey to me)

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