
Chapter 8

I woke up suddenly, my face stinging like I had been punched in the face. As I took in my surroundings, I heard Ember whimper in her sleep. I glance over to the couch and see her tossing around. I quickly get to my feet only to almost collapse in pain. Something was wrong with my back. It felt like the skin and muscles on my back were ripped apart. My whole body ached. What the hell was going on? Ember screamed in her sleep, tossing and clawing like she was trying to get away from something.

Are we feeling her pain? Ares angered and worried voice filters through my head.

I growled at the thought of her being in pain. I reach Ember’s side shaking her to try and wake her.

“Ember!” She jumped off the couch only to fall to her knees. Her whole body was trembling, and she was gasping for breath. Must have been one hell of a nightmare. I place my hands on her shoulders, rubbing her slightly to try and calm her. After a few moments, the trembling eases and she takes a few shaky breaths. I put my finger under her chin, lifting her head to look at me. She looked terrified. The fear in her eyes just about killed me. I took a deep breath to try and calm my anger over who or whatever made this happen.

“Ember, are you ok? What on earth was that?” She shook her head, her eyes hardening as she steeled her emotions, turning away from me.

“Nothing. Just a nightmare. I’m fine.” I looked her and raised my brow at her. Did she really expect me to believe that? She started to stand, unsteadily. I wrapped my arm around her while she walked to the couch. Shocks traveled up my skin leaving goosebumps where our skin touched. She shook off my arm as she sat down. I sighed, wanting to help her.

“I’m ok Jaxon. Go back to bed.” I decided not to argue with her and headed back to the bed and laid down. I knew she wouldn’t be going back to sleep, not after I saw the terror in her eyes. I positioned myself so that I could still see the couch from where I lay. I watched as she continued to glance my way. Her arms wrapped around her knees. What I wouldn’t give to just hold her in my arms and make everything better. I evened out my breathing so she would think I was asleep.

After about an hour, she started to slowly climb off the couch towards the closet. I kept my breathing steady, and my eyes cracked. Dawn was just beginning to break. I watched her remove her clothes as she grabbed things from her dresser. The little light streaming through the window, illuminated her back. I clenched my jaw and fought back a growl when I saw the numerous scars on her back again. I looked closely and realized several of the scars were in the same area that my back was hurting.

Fuck. What did she go through?

She pulled out black attire and dressed. Then attached numerous knives to her belt and thigh. She pulled her black hood over her head and turned towards the door with a small glance back to me. She put her face shield up and called Accalia. With one more glance to me, she slipped out the door.

‘She looks like she was getting dressed for battle.’

I couldn’t help but agree with Ares. Once she and Accalia left, I scrambled to the window near the door to watch her. She began hiking toward the mountain with her bow and quiver on her back. After she got far enough from the cabin, I pulled off my shorts and shifted. Picking up my shorts in my mouth, I ran after her.

I followed her scent leading up the mountain. I made sure to keep far enough away that she and Accalia would not notice me. I know she will be angry if she catches me following her. But I need to make sure she is alright.

Her stamina was impressive. She stayed at a steady run until she got to steeper portions of the mountain. I slowed my pace as I watched her come to a small clearing. I stayed in Ares’ form and hid behind a cluster of trees, watching her.

She stood in the middle of the clearing facing a group of trees, her back towards me. What is she doing up here? I realized that some of the trees as well as surrounding rocks had bullseyes painted on them. She took her bow off her back and swiftly withdrew an arrow. She barely stopped to line up her shot before she released her arrow. I watched it like it was in slow motion until it landed in the exact center of the bullseye. My wolfy eyebrows shot up. That was a great shot with little time to aim. She withdrew three more arrows and fired in rapid succession, all hitting their mark. She took out the knives from her belt, flicking her wrists and launching the knives at three separate trees.

She is amazing. Ares sighed.

I nodded. She could probably give our warriors a run for their money. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her form as she walked to the trees, yanking the knives from the bark and sheathing them in her belt and thigh strap. She walked towards a tree that had a large animal skin hanging from it. It looked like it was a big balloon. When she started punching and kicking at it, I realized it was a punching bag. I shifted back, pulling my shorts on as I watched.

I watched her for another hour as she tried different maneuvers at the bag. The entire time she hadn’t removed her face shield or hood. I was getting a bit worried that she would overheat. She had barely stopped for water. She was ruthless on the punching bag. Rapid hits with no breaks. Every so often I would see a pause in her actions. It happened for a split second before she continued. It was then that I realized she was sobbing. Her shoulders slumped and chest heaved as she huffed out small sobs.

Suddenly, she released a rapid succession of maneuvers before sending one ridiculously hard kick to the bag, severing it from its rope. Ember let out an agonized, frustrated scream as she dropped to her knees sobbing, clinging to Accalia who had begun rubbing against her when she saw her dilemma.

My heart clenched watching her emotions boil to the surface. She looked so broken. I didn’t know what to do to help her. I was so focused on Ember’s turmoil that I hadn’t realized that I had stepped out of my hiding place and walked towards her a few steps. My heart was telling me to go and comfort her. I didn’t realize I was in full view until Ember jumped to her feet whipping around, launching a knife that whizzed past my head landing in the tree right behind me.

I froze.

The knife narrowly missed hitting me. I had felt the rush of air as it passed. I gulped looking at my mate whose eyes were blazing with anger.

“Next time you follow me, I won’t miss.” She glared at me, but I could see the pain still lingering in her eyes, tears streaked the part of her face that was visible.

“I’m sorry. I was worried about you. ” As I stepped towards her, she took a step back, trying to keep me at a distance. She avoided my gaze wrapping her arms around her body.

“Ember, please talk to me. What happened? You had a nightmare then refused to sleep, instead you come up here by yourself and look like you are ready to go into battle. Please, I—I care about you.” I could see the resolve breaking in her eyes as I stuttered out my feelings. She didn’t want to be alone anymore, but she also didn’t want to trust a stranger. I got that. She seemed frozen in place as I took small steps towards her while I was talking. I stopped in front of her, cupping her chin with my hand to bring her gaze to mine. I gently pulled down her face shield and slid her hood off her head. The anguish in her features was startling.

“Please let me help you. You aren’t alone anymore. ” I spoke softly and watched as her walls came crumbling down. Tears began streaming down her face again. I gathered her in my arms as she sobbed, her tears dripping down my bare chest. Her arms stayed locked at her side. I can tell she is not one to normally show emotion. But the dam had to break at some point. Slowly, I felt her relax as her arms tentatively wrapped around my torso. Her hands gripped at the muscles on my back, trying to keep herself grounded. I held her, murmuring soothing thoughts to her, and rubbed her back while she tried to calm down. Her arms tightened around me as she cried. I need to find out what broke her so badly. Maybe then I can help her put the pieces back together again.

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