Wildcat: A Forbidden Sports Romance (Wildcat Hockey Book 1)

Wildcat: Chapter 36


I crashed hard watching the game, and now after talking to Leo, I can’t sleep. I’m in the kitchen eating cereal to make up for the dinner I didn’t eat when I hear the garage door open. Dad walks in a few minutes later, looking tired. He sets his bag on the table and looks up to find me sitting at the island.

Silently, he comes over and grabs a bowl, fills it, and sits beside me. We never really talked about the problems Rhyse and I had. That was more Mom’s department. But now that my relationship involves one of his players, I’m not sure how to broach the topic. I decide to go with straight hockey talk.

“Tough loss tonight.”

He hums around a spoonful of Fruity Pebbles.

“I’m sorry about… well everything, I guess.” I don’t even know how to describe the media shitstorm I caused.

“Oh, honey, it isn’t your fault.”

“It feels like it.” At least with Rhyse, it didn’t directly impact my family.

“I have to ask. Is this the life you want? Living in the public eye, having your every move scrutinized?”

“I really like him.”

Dad nods thoughtfully. “And I’m sure he really likes you, but it seems like you’re both risking a lot.”

“Leo doesn’t care about the media.”

“Maybe not, but his performance this week made it clear that he can be distracted. Opponents will use that against him, and the reporters will poke and prod, hoping to get a rise out of him.”

“Did something happen?”

Dad’s mouth pulls into a straight line.

“Tell me.”

“He let the crowd and the other team get in his head and use you against him. It cost us the game tonight.”

My stomach rolls. Why do people suck so much? “He didn’t say anything when I talked to him. I feel awful.”

“It isn’t the first time, and it won’t be the last that people try to get under his skin. He needs to learn to tune it out.”

I know on some level Dad is right, but still. “He said we could make some sort of statement together if I wanted, but I told him it would be better to keep it quiet and let it blow over.”

“That’s good. I think that’ll be best for both of you. There’s no reason this thing between the two of you needs to be front-page news.”

My heart hurts. I don’t know what the best thing is anymore.

“He’s a talented kid with a bright future. He’ll be okay,” Dad says. “You both will be.”

I wish his reassurances made me feel better.

The next day, I go over to Leo’s after he’s done at the arena. He answers the door with a sleepy smile and folds me in his arms. “Hey, dream girl.”

My insides light up at the endearment. I feel the furthest thing from his dream girl right now. I can’t shake the feeling that I’m more trouble than I’m worth. Still, I melt into him—his warmth and his strength.

“How was your day?”

“Better now,” he murmurs against the top of my head.

We’re supposed to go out tonight, but we go to his room and collapse on the bed. Neither of us slept well, and my eyes are heavy as I feel a peace I haven’t since the last time we were together.

I wake up to the sound of his phone ringing. Leo answers, eyes closed. He pinches the bridge of his nose as he murmurs one-word replies.

He hangs up and rolls over, eyes finally opening. “Hey, beautiful.”

“Time to leave our happy cocoon?”

“Yeah, I promised Daria I’d go for at least an hour.”

We’d made plans to attend together, but now I’m not sure. “Do you still want me to come?”

“Of course I do.” He rolls on top of me. “We can skip the grand entrance if you want.”

My pride stings. Another event where I’m hidden. I’m so tired of being hidden.

“No, I can handle it.”

He searches my face. “Are you sure?”

“Absolutely.” I kiss away his hesitation.

The event is at a local brewery. There is really no avoiding making an entrance at this place because everyone is jammed into one large lounge area for the tasting. Leo doesn’t drop my hand as we make our way through the crowd to where some of his teammates are standing around a tall table.

A server brings us each a flight of beers, and I try to relax as Leo falls into conversation with Jack and Declan. He hasn’t mentioned last night’s game or the fight I now know he got into with Seattle’s captain. It was all over the sports highlights today.

I see Lindsey among the photographers milling about and wave when she gets close.

“Hey, it’s so good to see you.” She hugs me, holding her camera in one hand. “I’ve missed you at the arena.”

“It’s good to see you too. I didn’t know you were working the event.”

“My boyfriend owns the brewery.” She grins and points to a guy at the bar with red hair and a trendy beard. “I’m free labor.”

She steps back and aims her camera toward our table. “Everyone crowd together a little.”

We smile as she takes a few. Leo presses me to his side.

I feel more at ease after that. The Wildcats aren’t the only local celebrities in attendance, but our table is a constant hub of activity with people coming up to say hello or ask for a picture.

Leo gets pulled into a ton of photos with the guys, and I hang back, admiring how handsome he is and how lucky I am to be here with him. He winks from where he stands, posing between Jack and Declan.

I head off to the bathroom and, on my way out, get stopped by a guy that smiles and waves tentatively.

“Hi,” I say and keep walking.

“You’re Scarlett Miller, right?”

I freeze. “Umm… yes.”

“I thought so. I’m Antonio, Sam’s friend. I think we met at a party a couple of months back.”

“Oh my gosh. Yes.” My shoulders relax as I place him. Jade tried to hook us up the same week I got back from London as a way for me to get over Rhyse.

“Are you here with someone?” He looks past me.

“Yeah.” I wave a hand in the general direction of Leo. He’s chatting in a group of guys that I think includes some Twins players.


“One of my buddies is a bartender tonight. You know him too, I think. Lawrence. We were both pledge brothers with Sam.” He tips his head in that direction. “Come say hi.”

“Oh, I don’t know. I should probably get back.”

“It’ll take two seconds,” he says.

Leo is occupied, so I nod and follow him to the bar. I don’t recognize Lawrence, but I smile and say hello. They ask about Jade and Sam, then introduce me to more people. Their names start to blur together, and I’m not really interested in remembering them anyway.

Also, it might be my imagination, but Antonio is standing awfully close. I don’t know a lot about him, aside from being a frat brother to Sam. The one night we hung out where Jade tried to hook us up, he got blitzed out of his mind and passed out in the TV room. Hey, I’m not one to judge. Been there, my friend, but he’s acting like we’re old drinking buddies instead of strangers with a shared acquaintance.

I take a step back at the same time he asks me if I’m still working at Mike’s bar.

“Occasionally, I’m filling in, but not really.”

We’re about the same height, and he leans in closer and rests a hand on my lower back. “That’s cool. I bet you make great tips.”

Umm, okay, weird. I nod noncommittally and open my stance, breaking contact as I look for my date.

Leo’s scanning the room like he’s looking for me too. I stand on my tiptoes and catch his eye. His features soften, then he takes in the guys next to me and starts toward us.

“There you are,” Leo says when he reaches me. He drops a kiss to my cheek.

I motion to Antonio and Lawrence. “These guys are friends with Jade’s boyfriend.”

Leo nods, wraps an arm around my waist, and says hello.

“Leo Lohan,” Antonio says. “It’s so cool you’re here. Stay and have a drink with us, man.”

“Sorry, another time,” he says, already stepping away and taking me with him.

I wave bye, and Leo ushers us off to the side to a less crowded area.

“Everything okay?” he asks.

“Yeah, I went to the bathroom and ran into him on the way out. You were busy, and I wanted to give you some space.”

“Well, don’t.” He pulls me closer to him and smiles. “I like you all up in my space. Plus, that guy was standing awfully close to my dream girl.”

I push up on my toes and kiss him. “Don’t worry. If I’m going to leave here tonight with someone else, it’s probably Jack.”

He smacks my ass, causing me to yelp. I lace my fingers through his, and we go back to our table. The room gets louder as the night wears on. People are getting drunk, and laughter echoes through the warehouse.

Even Leo has a happy buzz going on. He’s quicker to chuckle and getting handsier by the second. I bat his fingers away as he slips them under the hem of my dress.

He winks and places his palm over my knee.

“I think it’s time for me to get out of here,” Declan says and stands. “Does anyone need a ride?”

“Are you ready?” Leo asks me.

“Yeah.” I get up, and he stands behind me, hands still roaming all over me.

Jack laughs as he watches us. “Shotgun. I’m not sitting in the back with those two.”

Our progress toward the door is slow. Everyone that they talked to earlier in the night stops them to say goodbye.

I’m hanging off to the side, fingers still intertwined with Leo’s, even as he chats with other people. Antonio approaches us slowly.

“You’re leaving already?”


“No way,” he says. “Stay. Lawrence gets off in an hour, and then we’re going to hit the bars downtown.”

“Another time, maybe.” I press into Leo’s side.

“Ready?” I ask Leo. I think getting blitzed might be the norm for Antonio. He reeks of booze, and he sways on his feet.

My boyfriend gives me his attention. His brows furrow when he catches Antonio next to me entirely too close. He looks between us. “Problem?”

“Nah, man. No problem. I was just trying to talk Scarlett into coming out with us. The night is young.”

“She has plans.” He kisses me hard and possessively.

“All right,” Antonio says when we break apart. He lifts his hands in surrender. “I didn’t realize she was spoken for.”

Leo lifts our joined hands and shoots him a look that would send a smart man running. Of course, that isn’t what Antonio does. He nods slowly, and a smile tips up the corners of his mouth. “Another night then.”

Leo’s grip on my hand tightens.

“No, man. Not another night.”

Leo’s jealousy is irrational. I’d never go out with this guy, but it eggs on Antonio.

He stumbles. “I just want my turn on the carousel, man.”

Shame and humiliation coat my insides, and I can practically see the wall of red in front of Leo as he steps to Antonio.

“What the fuck did you say?”

Antonio laughs. “She’s not that hot. Does she have a golden pussy or what?”

Leo spews a string of curses as he swings at Antonio.

“Leo,” I gasp as Antonio crumbles, holding his nose and blood dripping down his face.

Jack and Declan grab him on either side, but Leo doesn’t make any move to hit the guy again. His face slowly morphs from rage to shock, and he looks down at his hand.

“I think he broke my fucking nose.” Antonio has the audacity to look surprised that his words had consequences.

“You’re lucky that’s all he broke,” Declan says.

“We need to get out of here,” Jack says quietly. He puts himself between Antonio and us. “Now.”

We’ve attracted an audience, and one of the security guys is making his way toward us. My ears ring, and panic sets in even before they ask Leo to come with them. Jack, Declan, and I follow. I lose track of Antonio, but a few minutes later, the police arrive, and he reappears, pointing at Leo as he holds a wad of gauze to his nose.

The officers pull Leo aside, and I watch on, horrified as they escort him away.

“Oh my god, is he going to jail?” I ask.

“They’re just going to talk to him,” Jack says. “I’m going to follow and call Daria on the way. Declan, can you get Scarlett home?”

I start in the direction Leo went. “What? No, I want to go with him.”

Declan places a hand on my arm to stop me from following. “It’s probably better if you meet him at his place. He needs to get this sorted.”

Leo’s broad back disappears out of view. Declan escorts me outside, and I climb into his sports car feeling numb. He hits the seat heaters and turns down the music. We ride in silence until we get to Leo’s neighborhood.

“Is he going to be okay?”

“Yeah.” He glances over at me and then tries to sound more convincing. “He’ll be okay.”

He pulls into the driveway and stops. “Do you want me to stay until he gets here?”

“No.” I open the door, then remember I don’t have a key or the alarm code. “Except I can’t get in. I don’t have—”

“A key.” He nods, picks up his phone, and within a few seconds, Ash is coming across the street shirtless and shoeless.

“What the hell happened?” Ash looks from me to Declan for answers.

“Let’s get her inside, first,” Declan says. Ash lets me in and disables the alarm. I’ve never seen Ash so scared, and it makes me more anxious.

Declan fills him in, leaving out the worst of it. The things Antonio said were awful.

“Fuck.” Ash runs a hand through his hair. “First he lost his captain position, now this?”

“What?” I interrupt them. “He lost the A?”

A new kind of anguish settles in the pit of my stomach.

Declan’s expression tells me it’s true, and I couldn’t feel any lower. Being alternate captain meant so much to him. I think I’m going to be sick.

“When?” I look to them for an answer.

Ash answers quietly, “Today.”

I squeeze my eyes shut to force the pain and tears back. He lost his A, and now he’s in jail. Both because of me.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.