Wildcat: A Forbidden Sports Romance (Wildcat Hockey Book 1)

Wildcat: Chapter 32


For months I dreamt about this moment—Rhyse calling me out of the blue and demanding to see me. In the dream, he’d fall at my feet and tell me how much he missed me, how life isn’t the same without me by his side. And then, of course, after playing tough, I’d take him back, and we’d return to our happy bubble, traveling the world together and making love in fancy hotels.

But now that it’s at least partially based in reality (he called and is on his way to see me), it feels more like a nightmare.

Cadence tries to distract me with cute baby clothes while I wait for Rhyse to drive from the airport. I try to pretend like I’m going about my day and just meeting up with a friend for a quick, meaningless chat, but I find myself staring toward the door of the baby boutique every time it opens.

“Are you finding out the gender?” I ask as I hold up a tiny tent that covers little boys while you change them so that you don’t get peed on.

She “ooohs” like a pee tent is the cutest thing. “Yes, definitely. I want to be prepared.”

I toss the tiny pee tents at her, and she laughs. That laughter dies, and my heart stops at the sound of a sports car outside. I know it’s him, even before I spot the shiny red Ferrari.

“Are you going to be okay?” Cadence asks.

“Yeah. I’m happy with Leo.” Saying it out loud, I realize how true it is, and I straighten my shoulders. “Maybe it’ll be good to get closure.”

“Good. I really like having you home. We should do this more often.”

I don’t point out that the reason we don’t has more to do with her workaholic schedule than anything else. I have a feeling that when the baby comes she’ll get a dose of the work-life balance she’s been missing.

My phone lights up with a text from Rhyse saying he’s here. I inhale a deep breath and let it out slowly.

“I won’t be long.”

She squeezes my arm. “Okay. I’m here if you need me.”

I text him back and walk outside. It’s windy and cold, but the sun is out, offering a little warmth as I sit on the metal bench in front of the store.

My leg bounces with nerves as I watch him cross the street. I focus on breathing and keeping my heart rate under control.

He’s as handsome as the last time I saw him. His hair is dark and thick. Curly strands have been wrangled under a hat, boasting his team and sponsor.

His clothing—jeans and a long-sleeved white T-shirt covered with a black leather jacket—are simple, but every eye on the block follows him. He has that something about him that makes people stop and look.

I stand when he approaches. Do I hug him? Do we shake hands? This is so weird. While I’m still deciding, he steps into me with a broad smile and wraps his arms around me.

“Scarlett.” He breathes me in as he says my name.

I always liked the way my name sounded with his accent, and his scent is still familiar, as is the way the top of my head rests comfortably under his chin.

I pull back first and take a seat on the bench. He sits close and rests an arm behind me. “You look fantastic. It’s so good to see you.”

I still haven’t quite figured out how to feel, let alone act, but there’s no sense in denying it, he looks good too, and I tell him as much.

He nods toward my camera bag. “Are you working as a photographer now?”

“Oh, uh. No. Not yet. I thought I might take a few photos of Cadence buying things for the baby.”

“Cadence is pregnant?”

I nod.

He beams at the news. “When is she due?”

“Next April.”

“That’s exciting. I bet your mom is over the moon.”

My stomach is in knots, and my palms are sweaty. I can’t make small talk with this man like he didn’t crush me just months ago.

“What are you doing here, Rhyse?”

“I miss you.”

Three words that I dreamt of coming from his lips so many times.

“Do you miss me?” he asks.

“No.” I can tell my response, as well as the hard edge in my tone, catches him off-guard. “I did at first, but I moved on.”

“I saw,” he says quietly. “The hockey player.”

“His name is Leo.”


“Is that why you’re here? You saw that I moved on and decided you suddenly cared that I left?”

“I never stopped caring, Scarlett. You knew I couldn’t chase after you.”

It’s true. I did know that. Still, I hoped he would.

“This is the first chance I’ve had to see you, and here I am.” His smile is crooked and tentative, and it hits me that he’s as nervous as I am.

“You shouldn’t have. Too much time has passed. I’m happy.”

“It’s serious then, with you and this Leo?”

I don’t answer right away, and Rhyse moves closer. “I love you, Scarlett. If there’s any part of you that still loves me too, then give me another chance.”

“What will your team say about that?” I ask and cross my arms at my stomach.

“I’ll deal with them.”

A flash of anger bolts through me, and I curl my hands into fists. Now he’ll deal with them? I get that people make mistakes, and maybe my leaving did help him realize what he wanted, but to have him just wave away the biggest reason we didn’t work, like it’s an easy fix, straight pisses me off. If he’d dealt with them six months ago, we’d still be together.

It’s that thought that calms me. I’m not a big believer in things happening for a reason, but if he hadn’t broken my heart, I wouldn’t be here in Minnesota with my family.

I’m going to be an aunt! One that gets to see my little nephew or niece any time I want. My heart is here. And yeah, Leo’s a part of that.

Leo freaking Lohan. The guy I never wanted to fall for, but totally have. I like that he’s so quick to apologize when he messes up, that he doesn’t make me guess how he’s feeling or where his head is at, and most of all, I like who I am with him. Slowly, I’ve let my guard down, and he’s earned my trust.

It’s scary, and I have no idea if he’s falling as hard for me as I am him, but I want to see where things go.

“I’m happy here, Rhyse. Being in Minnesota close to my family and, yes, with Leo. The breakup was good for both of us.”

He nods slowly. “I have to leave for Austin tonight, but I want to see you again before I fly back home.”


He cuts off my protest. “Think about everything I said. It will be different this time.”

He tucks my hair behind my ear and leans forward to brush a soft kiss on my lips that startles and surprises me.

“What the hell?” Jade’s voice has Rhyse pulling back. My best friend glares at him. I lift shaky hands to my lips.

“Hi, Jade. Good to see you.” Rhyse stands to greet her.

My best friend is not messing around. “The feeling is not mutual.”

Rhyse looks back at me. “I should go.”

I get to my feet to say goodbye. He comes in like he’s going to kiss me again, and I turn my face, so he kisses my cheek. “I’ll leave a ticket for you at will call. Give me another chance.”

He starts back down the street. Jade doesn’t even wait until he’s out of earshot before she starts going off about him.

“What the hell is he doing here?”

“US Grand Prix this weekend.” I think I’m in a daze. Did that just happen?

“Okay, well, that doesn’t explain why he’s here.”

“Come on,” I say. “Let’s find Cadence. That way, I only have to answer both of your questions once.”

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