Wildcat: A Forbidden Sports Romance (Wildcat Hockey Book 1)

Wildcat: Chapter 23


Saturday night Jade and I are working a promotion at Wild’s, the bar next to the arena. I thought it would be quiet in here until after the game, but it seems that anyone who didn’t get tickets to see the Wildcats play St. Louis came here to watch instead.

I’m standing behind our promotion table while Jade makes rounds around the bar. She’s so much better at this than me.

“I’m so glad you’re here,” I say when she comes back with her tray empty.

“Only for another hour. I have to get to Whittaker for my shift at the bar.”

A group of girls approach our table, and I fill shots for them. One good thing about it being so busy in here is that people don’t stay and chat, which means I can catch up with Jade.

“How much longer until you’re done?”

“I told Mike I’d cover any weekend shifts until he finds someone else.”

There’s cheering at the bar, and I look up to see the Wildcats scored. The guys on the ice gather around Jack.

“I wish you could stay and hang out.” Leo and some of his teammates are coming here after the game. I’m giddy with anticipation. “He invited me to stay at his house tonight, so we could spend more time together before he leaves for Arizona tomorrow afternoon.”

Jade grins. “When are you telling Coach Miller?”

I elbow her. “I’m not sure. I don’t want to make a mess of things for nothing.”

“You want to make sure you like him first?” she asks. “That makes sense.”

I nod, and that is what I told Leo, but I already know the answer to that question. I like him. A lot.

Jade has to take off before the game is over. I tear down our promotion table and take what’s left of the free merchandise to the bar for people to grab throughout the night.

I change in the bathroom, then get a pitcher of beer and luck out when a table in the back becomes available.

Leo texts to say he’ll be here as soon as he can, and I occupy myself with my phone and the commentary on the TV from the game.

I look up when a shadow falls over the table. Smiling, I expect Leo, but instead, it’s some guy with a shy grin.

“Hey.” He’s holding a half-empty glass of beer and motions to the empty chair across from me. “Want some company?”

He slides into the chair before I can answer. He doesn’t seem threatening, more like clueless.

“I’d offer to buy you a drink, but it looks like you’ve got that covered. Did your friends ditch you?”

“No, they just haven’t shown up yet.”

“I’m Cory.”


“Nice to meet you.”

“Were you at the game?” I ask, pointing to his Wildcats jersey. Leo’s in fact. I can’t see the back, but the number fourteen is on both sleeves

“Yeah. Great game. Are you a Wildcats fan?”

“Something like that.”

“The team is looking great this year.” He starts talking about their current record and upcoming games. Three guys walk up to the edge of the table as Cory continues rambling about the Wildcats. He glances quickly at the men without stopping talking but then does a double-take.

Leo gives the two of us a curious look.

“Holy fuck. You’re Leo Lohan.” Cory sits tall.

“Hey, man.” Leo slides in next to me and drops a quick kiss on my lips.

“Ash Kelly. Tyler Sharp.” Cory stares at the two remaining men.

“Mind if we have a seat?” Ash asks.

Cory jumps up with a wide-eyed, starstruck expression on his face. “These are your friends?”

“Umm… sort of,” I say.

“Sort of?” Leo scoffs.

“It’s a polyamorous thing,” Ash tells Cory as he and Tyler sit across from us. “One guy just isn’t enough for her.”

Leo kicks him under the table.

I can’t help but laugh at Cory’s stunned expression. He blinks slowly as he takes in the four of us.

“Nice to meet you guys.” He ambles off.

“If tomorrow’s gossip includes my name with the word polyamorous in it, I’m going to kill you,” Leo says.

“Relax,” Ash says as he pours a beer from the pitcher. “So, where are we heading tonight? Jack’s not partying. My house? Yours?”

“I think it’s going to be an early night for us,” Leo says. His hand finds my thigh under the table. “Scarlett’s had a long day.”

I love how he’s the one that just played hockey for three hours, but he thinks I’ve had the long day because I handed out free liquor to drunk people for three hours.

“Early to bed or early to sleep?” Ash asks.

Leo’s grin is the only response Ash gets.

“Ty?” Ash looks to his buddy.

He shrugs. “I might call it early tonight too.”

Ash shakes his head. “You all suck. We get to sleep in tomorrow. At least humor me with a game of darts?”

The four of us move to the dart boards in the back corner. We play in teams—me and Leo against Ash and Tyler.

While Tyler takes his turn, Leo sits on a stool, and I stand close, but not as close as I’d like. There are a lot of eyes in here. Leo’s hand brushes against my back. I lean into his touch just as he moves it away. When he stands to take his turn, he places both hands on my hips as he moves past me. They’re little, unnecessary caresses and they’re driving me wild.

A game of darts has never felt more like foreplay. The only downfall is that I’m too distracted to pay attention to anything but Leo. Ash and Tyler easily beat us. Not that either me or Leo care.

“We’re taking off,” Leo says, gliding his hand along the band of my jeans and letting his pinky and ring finger slide under the denim material in the back. “See you boys tomorrow.”

I wave bye to Ash and Tyler and let Leo haul me out of Wild’s like a man on a mission, which he very much seems to be.

His car is parked in the lot across the street, and when we make it there, he pins me against the passenger side door. Both hands frame my face as he kisses me with all the pent-up frustration of the past hour.

My heart races and heat courses through me.

He breaks the kiss, pulls me against him in a tight hug, and rests his chin on the top of my head. “Ready for a slumber party?”

I nod. I’m ready. So very ready.

At his house, Leo parks in the garage and takes my hand as he leads me inside. The place is dark and quiet. Neither of us speaks as he ascends the stairs with my fingers still entwined with his. At the top of the staircase is a hallway with rooms in either direction. He makes a left and pulls me through the doorway of the last room.

“I’ll give you the full tour tomorrow,” he says as an arm wraps around my back. He brings his mouth to mine slowly, gazing into my eyes.

I lunge for him, heart punching against my chest. He scoops me up, and we tumble onto the bed together. He rolls me onto my back and hovers over me. I’m overwhelmed by the scent of him in the bed and on top of me.

Leo undoes my jeans and pushes them down my legs. Then he’s back kissing me as he strokes one hand down my bare skin. Over my hip, down my thigh, calf, and ankle. He’s gentle yet strong and confident in his touches. Every move is with intent. I forgot how good he is at this. And how thrilling it feels to have his attention totally devoted to me.

So thrilling that I forget for a few seconds how great his body is and how much I’d like to see it again. I grip the hem of his T-shirt and tug upward. He leans back and pulls it over his head, then captures my mouth with renewed urgency.

My shirt comes off, bra and panties, too. I fumble with his jeans, unzipping them and pushing them down as far as I can. Eventually, he stands beside the bed to finish undressing. His hazel eyes are dark and hooded. My breaths come in quick and shallow gulps.

“Damn. I forgot how sexy you are.”

With that declaration, he grabs a condom from a drawer in his nightstand and rolls it over his long, thick erection.

He drops kisses onto my stomach and chest as he climbs on top of me. His biceps flex as he holds himself up, and I slide my hands up his arms and around his neck to pull him down onto me.

There will be time for more foreplay later. Right now, I want him like I’ve never wanted anyone.

With a deep groan, he pushes inside. My breath catches, and my eyes flutter closed. Inch by inch, he fills me.

“So sexy,” he murmurs against my jaw. “We fit together so perfectly.”

Every compliment that spills from his gorgeous mouth makes me light up. He moves slowly inside of me.

“Are you okay?”

I open my eyes. “Perfect.”

He chuckles, and the mood shifts between us. It’s still hot and sexy, but it’s playful too. He licks the side of my face, and I squeal and retaliate by biting his neck. It’s like that for a while, but teasing and fun eventually bring out Leo’s domineering side. He pins my arms above my head with one large hand wrapped around my wrist. His mouth crushes mine, hips driving me closer and closer to orgasm.

“Dream girl,” he whispers, and it’s my undoing. I fall apart around him, and he picks up the pace as he chases his own release.

He’s beautiful as pleasure and bliss wash over him. His head drops and the loud, ragged breaths coming from him match mine. It’s the only sound for several moments. When he lifts his head and locks his stare on me, that playful side returns.

His mouth lifts on one side and then the other, as if he’s fighting his smile. “Ready for round two?”

“Wow. You weren’t kidding. This really is the worst driver’s license photo I’ve ever seen.” It’s Sunday morning, and I haven’t left Leo’s house yet. What can I say? I like the house. I like him too.

He reaches for the license, but I lean away from him on the couch and keep staring at it. His eyes are half-closed, making him look like he’s either high or half asleep, and there’s some sort of weird shadow going on that gives him a mustache.

He grabs me by the waist and hauls me close to him, then snatches it from my fingers. “I told you. I’m incapable of taking a good photo.”

“That’s not true. I got some good ones at the lake.”

His mouth pulls up into that half-smile that makes my stomach flip.

“Are you close with your parents?”

“Yeah.” He nods. They’re both retired now, so they travel a little, and I don’t see them as much as I’d like, but they make a few games each season.

“Do you go back home to visit them?”

“Not really,” he admits. “I was better about it when my sister still lived at home.”

“A sister. Just one sibling?”

“Yeah, just one. Mindy. She lives in San Francisco with her girlfriend. And you have one older sister, Cadence, right?”

“Good memory.”

“Yeah, after I was blindsided finding out you were my coach’s daughter, I did a little digging. I researched all of the coaches’ families. No more surprises.”

The front door opens, and a woman with dark hair pulled back in a long braid shuffles in carrying a stack of casserole dishes and dry cleaning over one arm.

Leo jumps up to help her. “Morning, Pam. This is Scarlett.”

Leo tips his head toward me, and I lift a hand awkwardly.

Pam waves after Leo takes the casseroles from her. “Nice to meet you, Scarlett. That’s a pretty name.”

“Pam keeps this place from looking like my college dorm room,” Leo says, falling back beside her. “She makes the best casseroles, and she picks up groceries and essentials for me, too. Hey, Pam?” he calls. “Can you get an extra toothbrush for Scarlett, so she’ll leave mine alone?”

My cheeks heat. Totally busted. I give him a murderous look. “Not necessary. I’m never staying over again.”

Leo wraps his arms around my waist and drops a kiss on my flaming hot cheek. “She absolutely is.”

An amused smile twists her lips as Pam heads upstairs.

“How did you know I used your toothbrush?” I ask with a sheepish grin. “I dried it off and everything.”

“It was on the wrong side of the counter.” He lifts his left hand. “I’m left-handed, babe.”

“I’m sorry, but you really should have spares lying around for this type of situation.”

This type of situation?” He smirks like he has no idea what I’m talking about. Please.

“Girls staying over.”

“There really haven’t been any girls in a while,” he says. “At least not any I’d let borrow my toothbrush.” He brushes his lips against mine, and I can taste the minty toothpaste. He used it after me. “For the record, you can use my toothbrush any time. After last night, I don’t think there’s anything of mine your mouth hasn’t touched.”

“Noted. What time do you have to leave?” The fun is coming to an end. Or at least a pause. The team leaves for another road game today.

“Soon. Ash will be here any minute. You’re welcome to stay and hang out as long as you want.”

“I need to go home and show my face.”

There’s a knock at the front door, and Ash walks in. He smiles at me and tips his head. “Good morning, Miller.”

I lift the fingers around my mug. “Good and morning are oxymorons.”

Ash chuckles and looks at Leo. “You’re right. She’s a bundle of sunshine in the mornings.”

I flip him off, which makes them both laugh harder.

“Ready to go?” Ash asks Leo.

“Yeah, I’ll meet you in the car.”

I take my coffee mug into the kitchen, rinse it, and put it in the dishwasher. “Don’t worry. I’m just going to shower before I head out. For real this time.” The hour we spent in the shower this morning did not make me any cleaner.

“I’m not worried. Pam’s here. She’s good at taking out the trash.” He circles my waist and presses me into the counter from behind as he teases me.

“Oh my god, you did not just call me trash.” I try to swat at him, but he’s really strong. He bites my neck and then licks the spot.

“I’m kidding. You know I’m kidding.” His attention on my neck continues. “Can I call you later?”

“I don’t know,” I say pointedly. “Can you?”

“I’m never going to live that down. Am I?”

“Not likely.”

Ash beeps the horn outside. “I better go,” Leo says, and slants his mouth over mine. His hand slides down the back of my bare legs and lifts me so I’m sitting on the counter, legs spread.

“I thought you had to go.” Any protest dies on my lips as he brings his hands around to cup my boobs.

“Ash can wait a few more minutes.”

“You’re starting something you won’t be able to finish,” I tell him.

“Can’t help it.” His fingers brush the side of my panties as Ash lays on the horn again.

Leo chuckles and steps back. “Bye, dream girl. To be continued.”

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