Wild Wolf (Darkmore Penitentiary Book 4)

Chapter 20

I wasn’t sure if I’d been knocked out or if I’d simply hit my head so hard that it seemed like I must have done. Either way, I was brought back to reality with a jolt as Sin yelled a battle cry, leaping through the cavernous hole above me and shifting mid-air into his Belorian form. A dark feathered bird squawked as it took off from his shoulder and circled above us and I realised it was a rare talian corvid.

I blinked up at the monstrous beast as he collided with Gustard, my ears ringing from the impact of my skull against way too many hard surfaces on my fall down here.

I cursed as I rolled to my hands and knees before gripping a piece of metal and heaving myself to my feet again.

“Give me your hand, love,” Ethan called and I turned, finding him leaning down into the hole behind me, his arm extended towards me while Sin and Gustard fought ferociously at my back.

I took a running jump, ignoring the way my head rang at the movement and caught Ethan’s hand in mine. He hauled me up and into his arms, tugging me away from the crater in the floor and pressing his hand to my cheek, healing magic flowing into me at the contact.

“I’ve got you,” he swore, going all mushy and shit but I pushed him aside, my focus on Sin who was still locked in battle with Gustard.

I had no idea what Vard had done to make the piece of shit I’d known in Darkmore into this terrifying beast, but I did know that we were wasting time here with him.

“I have this place ready to collapse,” Ethan said. “As soon as we’re clear we can bring it all down on that motherfucker’s head.”

“Sounds like a plan,” I agreed. “Sin – jump!”

The Belorian which was Sin twisted its head in my direction, slammed its pincer into the side of Gustard’s monstrous face then took a running jump in our direction, shifting as he did so into his Harpy form, long, white hair flowing down his back.

He sailed over our heads and I threw a shelf of rock out over the hole before us, containing Gustard in the bowels of the building before turning and running in the direction Roary and Cain had taken.

Ethan kept pace with me and Sin landed, shifting back into himself to run with us as well. He was butt naked, having lost all of his clothes when shifting into the Belorian but his bouncing cock was the least of our concerns at the moment. The talian corvid that had been with my Incubus followed close, squawking as if urging us on.

“This is the most fun I’ve had in years,” Sin cooed, tipping his head back and howling in a good impression of a Wolf.

I howled with him, Ethan joining us as we let the others know we were coming.

I coughed as the smoke rose around us, the corridors blurring around me, concealed within the blackness. Sin threw a hand out, casting a strong wind to blow it away from us and I sucked in a ragged breath of clean air with relief.

“Look,” Ethan said, pointing at a hole in the roof big enough to admit a-

“Shit,” I hissed as a bronze Dragon swept through the sky overhead, blotting out the sight of the moon for a moment. The moonlight glimmered off of the beast’s immense body, illuminating a man who was clutched in its claws. Vard. And I had to assume that golden glow against his chest was Roary’s Lion still clutched in his arms.

“I can take him,” Sin said, grinning wickedly and cracking his knuckles.

“You think you can take on a Dragon the size of a fucking bus?” Ethan asked, not bothering to hide his disbelief.

“A bus?” Sin chortled. “How about two buses and a bonus elephant?”

“What?” Ethan questioned but hope sparked in my chest as I realised what he was suggesting.

“Your Lionel Acrux form?” I gasped excitedly, remembering the way Sin had shifted into the enormous green Dragon and flown me through the Order yard back in Darkmore. And he was right – he was far bigger than that bastardo out there.

“Yeah, sweet cheeks. Wanna go for a ride?” Sin purred.

“Fuck yes,” I agreed.

Ethan looked like he had more questions but I caught his arm, forcing him to back up with me so that Sin could shift.

A roar bellowed from Sin’s lips as he shifted, his skin splitting apart to reveal the huge Dragon form which would no doubt ignite terror in all who laid eyes on it once he took to the skies.

I wasted no time, sprinting for him and casting a blast of dirt beneath my boots to launch myself up onto his back. Ethan followed using his water magic, murmuring in low appreciation as he took up position behind me and locked his arms around my waste.

Sin leapt into action the moment my hands had fisted one of the giant spikes which protruded from his back, leaping for the roof and ripping into the edges of the hole which the bronze Dragon had carved into place, widening it for his bulk.

I threw out a hand, encasing me, Ethan and that ever-following talian corvid in a lump of rock, like a barnacle stuck to the Dragon’s back, protecting us from the crumbling roof as tiles and wooden beams slammed down on us.

My gut lurched as Sin launched himself into the sky and I threw the stone casing off of us, howling wildly as a rush of wind collided with us.

Sin bellowed a challenging roar at the bronze Dragon who turned in midair, his wings stalling as he took in the immense beast now racing for him.

Vard shrieked like a newborn babe.

“The King has come to claim his vengeance on me!” he screamed, kicking and flailing where he was still grasped in the bronze Dragon’s claws, almost dropping the precious cargo which was clutched in his arms. “Go!”

“Don’t let them escape!” I bellowed as Sin tore through the sky, closing the distance between us and our quarry, but Vard was fumbling a small pouch between his hands and the Dragon was racing away from us, flying with a roar which was clearly laced in terror as it raced for the open ocean. And worse than that – the edge of the anti-stardust wards.

“Sin!” I commanded, ducking low, urging him on.

I threw vines after them and Ethan hurled whips of water, trying to snatch the Dragon into our grip, slow it down. I wanted to tear Roary’s Lion from the hands of that stronzo Vard but I was afraid of missing, of knocking it from his arms and the jar smashing or sinking into the sea below.

We were closing in on them now, only twenty feet dividing us and Sin roared as he lunged but a flash of glimmering stardust sparkled in the moonlight. Despite my screams of despair and Ethan’s howls of protest, the stars ripped our prey into their grasp and snatched them away from us in the blink of an eye.

Sin bellowed mournfully, a thousand bubbles exploding from his mouth and washing over us in the balmy sky as he swung back around towards the beach.

A sob caught in my throat at how fucking close we had come to stopping them, how near we had been to reclaiming what they had stolen from my mate.

Ethan gripped me tightly, his own pain at our failure clear as Sin dropped towards the shore with a mournful cry which sent even more bubbles tearing over us.

We landed heavily and I was almost thrown from Sin’s back as he crashed into the sand, clearly not used to navigating the enormous form the way Dante was.

I slipped from his back with the balmy night air clinging to my skin, and I stumbled to a halt at what I found before me. Cain was gripping Roary’s arm while he stared horror-struck at the dark sky, his eyes locked on the place where Vard had slipped out of reach.

“They got away,” Roary rasped, still staring at that spot of nothing.

My gut lurched, heartbreak threatening at the raw emotion in his words, but we had no time to dwell on it.

The sound of Gustard battling with his confinement was growing louder, thumps and roars from within the burning compound filling the air and now that Vard had taken Roary’s Lion away from this place there was nothing left here for us.

Sin shifted back into his own form behind us and the talian corvid landed on his shoulder with a mournful ca-caw like it sensed the weight of our loss. The four of us drew together, each of us looking to Roary with hurt and sorrow written across our expressions.

“We’ll get it back, Roar,” I swore, taking his hand in mine and tugging him in the direction of the beach. “But right now, we have to run.”

He nodded emptily, letting me pull him after me as I broke into a sprint and the five of us set a course for the dock where our boat remained anchored – one of the last remaining in place.

The sea was full of retreating Fae, their vessels making a fast pace out onto the ocean as they escaped the carnage we had brought to their door.

A furious roar echoed from the compound at our backs and Ethan turned to look at it, raising his hand in the air before closing it into a fist.

All at once, the compound collapsed in on itself like the hand of some giant had swept it from existence. Flames billowed towards the moon above as the bricks and beams all caved in and the sky was illuminated in blazing orange before us.

We kept running, our group racing back onto our boat, my hand never once loosening its grip on Roary as I drew him onboard.

Sin cut the tethers holding us to the dock and Ethan worked with him to launch us out to sea.

I watched the burning rubble of the compound as it retreated from view and a lump thickened my throat as a huge figure burst from the ashes, screaming furiously at the sky.

But we were already too far for Gustard to reach us, and as Grimolda Isle faded away into the distance, I finally let myself breathe again.

I turned to face Roary, pain spearing me at the hopeless expression on his face and as he met my gaze, he flinched.

Roary dropped his head, trying to tug his hand from mine and backing up a step towards the cabin in the centre of the boat.

“Don’t you dare run from me again, Roary Night,” I growled, matching every retreating step of his with a pace of my own.

He moved back into the cabin and I followed, never once releasing him and kicking the door shut as I stepped through it to afford us some privacy.

“Rosa,” he rasped and I surged forward, kissing him hard, forcing him to do nothing at all other than feel the truth of my love for him in the simple press of my lips against his.

Tears slipped from my hold, the salt of them tracking between our mouths as they moved as one and his hands slowly slid around me, gripping my waist and holding me tight.

“You are mine, Roary Night,” I said into that kiss. “My love for you withstood the walls of Darkmore. It persisted in the years which parted us and grew with every moment I have claimed in your arms since. Don’t you dare try to shut me out now. Lion or not, you’re mine. Do you understand that?”

I took his arm in my hand, my thumb pressing down on the mate mark which proved the truth of my words beyond all doubt.

“I am yours,” he said helplessly, his voice ragged and broken. “But I’m not all I should be anymore.”

“Yes you are,” I disagreed, my hands moving to the buttons of his shirt, fingers tugging them free while our kiss deepened and his tongue sank into my mouth.

Roary seemed to resist for a few moments before finally giving in, his fingers knotting in the back of my top before tugging it up and over my head.

My bra followed as I pushed his shirt over his shoulders and slid it down his arms, caressing the thick swell of his biceps, forearms, wrists and finally lifting his hands to my breasts.

Roary groaned as he massaged my skin, one thumb scraping over my nipple while he tugged the other between his fingers.

I moaned for him, the heat of his body so familiar, so intoxicating, and nothing in this world or any beyond it could ever change that about him for me.

I unbuckled his belt, pushing his pants and boxers down, freeing the thick shaft of his cock and moaning again as I slicked my thumb through the bead of precum which crowned his tip.

“I want you inside me, Roary,” I gasped against his lips. “I want your cock so deep in me that I can’t breathe for the feeling of it consuming me. I want you to take me and remind yourself that there is one thing in this world which you will always own no matter what.”

I stepped back for a moment and let my eyes roam over him hungrily, from his sculpted abs and broad shoulders to the mouth-watering perfection of his solid cock.

Roary groaned hungrily, his lips dropping to my throat as he tugged at my belt in turn while kicking his boots and socks off so that he could remove his pants completely.

I licked my lips while he undid my pants, moaning loudly as his hand pushed beneath my waistband and into my panties. I was so wet that it took nothing at all for his fingers to be inside me, the heel of his hand grinding down on my clit and making me cry out with pleasure.

“How can you want me so much like this?” Roary muttered, his eyes on the movement of his hand as he drove his fingers in and out of me.

“I want you like this with fur or fangs, Roar,” I panted. “You can feel the truth of it. I’m so wet for you. You have no idea how many nights I lay awake thinking of you while you were locked up in Darkmore, my hand where yours is now, your name on my lips as I made myself come for you.”

Roary groaned with desire, kissing me again and moving his hand more forcefully inside me.

I whimpered with need, gripping his biceps and digging my fingers into his flesh as he brought me to the edge so easily.

But as I sank into the taste of his mouth against mine, the rough scrape of something sharp rolled over my tongue and Roary jerked back so suddenly that I almost fell at his feet.

I blinked at him in surprise, my body primed for pleasure, his hand now absent from my core and my pants hanging open and caught on my ass.

It took me a moment to realise that he was covering his mouth with his hand while still backing up until his legs hit the single bed in the cabin.

I tilted my head to one side, slowly pushing my trousers and panties down and removing them along with my boots and socks so that I was just as naked as him.

“You think I mind if you bite me, Roar?” I breathed, licking my fingers as he watched me before trailing them down my body, rolling them over one peaked nipple, then my ribs, navel, and finally finding my clit.

He released a strained noise as he watched me, still apparently intent on restraining himself but that bullshit wasn’t going to fly with me.

I moaned as I sank my fingers into myself, my free hand tugging on my nipple as I let my head roll back so that my red hair tumbled down my spine.

“I used to lay in the dark and do this every night with your name on my lips,” I panted, driving my fingers inside my cunt again, moaning louder, my hooded eyes on his. “Are you going to make me do it again, Roary? Or are you going to come here and show me how much better your fingers feel than mine? How much better your cock feels than my imagination ever could have predicted? You can have me any way you want me, amore mio. On my knees with your dick sliding down my throat or on all fours while you take me from behind – You’re the only Alpha I think I’ve ever fantasised about like that, you know? The only one I ever wanted to overpower me.”

And just like that, he shattered for me.

Roary slammed into me and whirled me around so fast that my spine hit the bed before he even met my lips with his own. His hand found mine where I was still toying with my clit and he guided my fingers back inside me, his own joining them so that I was stretched wide, gasping his name.

He kissed me harder, growling against my mouth, his fangs catching on my bottom lip and tearing it open.

Roary groaned in pleasure as that small dose of my blood rolled down his throat and I moaned loudly while he drove both of our fingers inside me again.

He took complete control of the motion, the pressure of his hand over mine making the friction against my clit so rampant that it only took a few more powerful strokes before I was coming for him, calling his name out to the heavens as I did so.

“Every night?” he questioned, his eyes searching mine while I panted beneath him and he slowly pulled our joined fingers from my core.

“Every fucking night,” I agreed. “And not once did my fantasy ever come close to the reality of claiming you.”

He groaned hungrily, rearing over me and licking a drop of my blood from the corner of his mouth before stilling again as he realised what he’d just done.

“Bite me,” I urged, baring my throat to him and he swallowed thickly, knowing what it meant to have an Alpha Wolf offer themselves up in such a way.

“I love you, Rosalie,” he murmured before hooking my thigh over his waist and sinking his cock into me with a slow and languid thrust which stole the breath from my lungs and had me moaning with need.

He dropped his mouth to my throat, kissing the pounding pulse point, hesitating there. I knew he was thinking about the ragged tear he’d left in my skin when he’d bitten me before, but I wasn’t afraid of him. He could take what he needed from me as roughly as he liked and I’d still offer up more.

I gripped the back of his head, my fingers tightening in the short strands of his hair as I pressed my neck to his lips and tilted my hips up in the same motion, taking his cock even deeper.

Roary breathed my name against my skin, drew his cock back out of me and then drove it back in again in tandem with his teeth puncturing my throat.

I cried out, my heels digging into his ass, encouraging him deeper, harder and he gave in to me as he slammed his dick in and out of me with a feral possessiveness which had my head spinning.

He drank deeply, fucking me even harder, the strength of his new Vampire Order form awakening in his limbs, combining with the already powerful might of his body until I was utterly consumed by him.

I came hard, my fingernails biting into his flesh, his cock ruining me entirely and still he didn’t slow. My body felt like a tool for his pleasure, his teeth falling from my throat before sinking into the fullness of my breast as he lifted me into his arms, bending my spine so that he could take me deeper still.

I came again, gasping his name and he flipped me over beneath him, rabid in his claiming, my name a curse and prayer on his lips. He lifted my ass and sank into me once more, his teeth finding my neck from behind as he pinned me beneath him and fucked me so brutally that it was all I could do to knot my fingers in the sheets and take him.

My body tightened again, pleasure burning through me so hot that I was afraid I might combust in it, my need for him, every fantasy and desire all coming to this truth – I was his and he was mine.

And as he finally came deep inside me, a roar leaving him which was all Lion despite what had been stolen from him, I knew that everything it had taken to bring us to this place was worth it. And that whatever was needed from this moment on would come.

Because I had dreamed of Roary Night for far too long for fate to ever allow us anything other than our happily ever after.

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