Wild West of the Heart


The lights never shone that bright.

Glistening in the vibrant colors of youth from up above the floors, drapes dropping exquisitely around them and a well lit stage up ahead. Fiyin heaved a deep breath at the entrance of Hillway High.

Today was the day, graduation. And she was dressed in a magnificent floral gown, a hue between blue and mint green. She held the flowing ends in her hands as Deb halted right next to her. She chuckled, finding it hilarious that Fiyin was shy. But it wasn't just that.

Everything had led to this, six years reduced to the final moment that she would walk through those doors. To her, adulthood wasn't clocking eighteen, it was the day after this, and the one after and slow progressive adulting years where half the time was spent worrying about the future and the decisions that come with it. She looked to the windows of the car next to her, locking eyes with Deborah's mum. "You've got this" Deb inched closer to her, wrapping her arms around her shoulders. Then her eyes zoned in on the large banner before them- CLASS OF 2001.

The music that beamed through the walls fazed into her ears as her skin mellowed at the warmth of her touch, and that came with the immediate realization that nothing would be the way it was. And today might be the last day they'd all be here.

Deborah, Ola and Obi. Nathaniel, Abdul. Bade.

Everyone that had made her last years, including Anna. She was s different months than she was now. And finally she'd begun to embrace that change, the good part of it. It didn't mean that the million possibilities didn't scare her, she was still on this journey.

"One step at a time" Deb meant both literally as she looked to Fi's crystal shoes, and metaphorically, looking ahead as well. They smiled at each other as Fi held the collars of her suit together. "You look beautiful-"


"Thank you" Fiyin whispered, checking herself in the mirror. She looked to Deborah's mother who'd given her this gown, amongst a million other things. It was weird but occasionally Fi called her mum-like once or twice. And all Deb would do is laugh over how awkward that felt.

"Isn't it too much?" Fi scoffed. "I mean what are you wearing?" Fiyin stepped down from the porch. "A dior suit from the United States" Her mom pulled her in for a side hug. Rachel was a model, so that justified her exquisite taste. No one could tell if deep down she knew there was more than friendship between her daughter and Fi, not that she would be anything less than accepting i think she gave her that space which is the most underrated gift a parent could give. "I mean she would be comfortable in a suit" Rachel whispered as Deb let out a sigh. "Yes, mum" She replied as she pulled away. "You would love this piece. It's why i chose the United States for your college, it was between that or Italy but i want you to have the widest of opportunities in th—"

"Italy?" Fiyin echoed, clearing her throat. "What?" She let out a shrill laugh, looking to Deborah shrug her shoulders. "What?" She whispered again, her heart sinking into her chest now.

"My mum doesn't want baboock anymore" Deb whispered. "Actually it's her father. Work demands he moves and he would want us to come with him, including Deb" Rachel sat into the chair as Fiyin fluttered her brows. "And you're " Fi closed her eyes. "And you're telling me this now?" She asked.

"It isn't for a while Fi, i don't want to ruin these last days" She grabbed her hands in hers. "Hey-" Tears welled in both their eyes. "I'm still here" She nodded as Rachel watched them both, her heart breaking for them. "I'm still here" Deb added. NOW

"I'm still here" Her hands held firm to hers as Fiyin took the largest step forward. The cold blew into her face, swaying her dress to the sides as she walked into the hall.

Deb was beside her, each step as all eyes turned to her the moment she was beneath the glass chandelier which was like some sort of mistletoe. But instead of letting go of Deb at the stares like she usually did, she held tighter this time. Even as Ola drew close to them in his shimmering black suit. "Where's everyone?" She turned her attention to him and he pointed to the tables that had already been set. Sticking a finger into his freshly cut hair, he turned around. "Nate and Bade are already around. And a few people are prepping for the special song" She reached out to him with her second hand and he halted, looking to her shiny jewelries. "What, Fi?"

"I mean Obi" She whispered and he heaved a deep breath. He looked around. "He told you?" He said and it was as if he was on the verge of tears. "Everyone knows. News spread" Deb said and Ola slipped his hands in his pockets. "I just found out yesterday"

"It's like nothing can be perfect you know. There's always just another terrible news lurking in the corner" There was a crack in her voice as she swiped a braid behind her ears.

"Does that mean he's going to miss this?" She whispered, looking around the already filling halls before her eyes fell back on Ola. "I don't know" He whispered, recalling the hours earlier when he'd received the news that his best friend wouldn't walk right next to him to receive honors, that Obi wouldn't be graduating.


Ola froze before falling into the bed.

"I'm not going to leave here until you tell me what's really going on" He had paced, pulling Obi by his collar. It wasn't long till he snapped, turning back at the door with tears in his eyes.

"I don't have a fucking suit or a fucking candle that i'll light tomorrow because there is no tomorrow" His voice cracked. "What?" Ola asked in a mellowed voice. "I won't be graduating tomorrow" Obi whispered, remembering walking into the DOS' office that day with so much hopes and so little doubt-

-he'd gotten his silver-studded suit for that day. Mira had. Only to see opposite his desk with his mock results on the table. "I swear it was Collins that tampered with it-Mr Collins" He stuttered, hands quivering in fear as he saw the F. "Obi” The director was calm. "We're working to retrieve all the files that were in your former principal's care and yours was one of the first. I'm afraid all he did was hold the result" He whispered. "You failed Obi-" The director continued and Obi fell back in his chair, the same way Ola did on hearing this.

"But it was...good. It was good" Obi stuttered, now filled with all the doubt in the world. "I'm afraid it wasn't just this. Your grades had been dipping all through the session, it's obvious you've had your mind elsewhere" He folded his hands. "Now, you will write the WAEC, but i'm afraid we wouldn't be able to grant you a school leaving certificate with this" He continued.

"I'm very sorry" Obi's heart sank as his eyes stung with tears. "You would be advised to take an extra year to carry over your failed courses such as Mathematics, Economics-" His voice fazed out of his ears as Obi lifted up the sheets in sweaty palms. "Moving on, we would have to contact your parents or your guardian to involve them in the process of re-enrollment"

"Again, i'm very sorry"

He remembered sulking in Mira's arms the week before as she held him close. "We're going to figure this out" She assured, holding his head on her thighs and soothing his back. Silva was up by the table, typing it whatever he had been busy with all week. The girls often jeered at him, calling it an eulogy but Mira hoped it wasn't.

She really hoped it wasn't some sad emotional letter that would wreck her when he was gone, because let's face it-without treatment or some new clinical trial where he would be the first to test a combination of antiretrovirals, Silva didn't have much time. It was his choice, to not be a lab-rat in his last days. But rather spend half of it with his family and half writing an eulogy.

"We're going to figure this out"

Ola was perplexed, having a much more difficult time taking in Obi's screaming the news than he did. "I'm sorry" Obi walked to sit right next to him. He dipped his face into his palms as a tear slipped down Ola's cheeks. His eyes were narrowed at the suit he still hung outside his closet. "I thought i was over this."

"I was doing so much better before realizing tomorrow's even the day" He scoffed as Ola looked to him. "What are you going to do?" He asked and Obi shrugged his shoulders. "I dont know, but i guess it's good. Right?" He asked. "I'll take like a gap year like Hassan said. Take a pause and finally realize what i really want in this life. What i actually want to b-"

"Obi" Ola whispered as Obi heaved a deep breath. "You don't have to pretend you're okay" He whispered and the latter scoffed. "You know darn well that's all i'm going to do. You know how i hate reality cos fucked up shit like this only happens here"

"I'm so sorry" Ola blurted. "It's my fault i mean, i got so carried away with all these other things that i lost that balance between both and unlike you, i'm not that bright"

"Don't say that Obi" Ola interrupted and he chuckled. "What?" He shrugged. "It's the truth. Now i feel like such an idiot for ever fighting Collins. I wish i'd known earlier" He looked down at Ola's hands that were opened on the bed. Obi reluctantly took it, looking into his eyes. "We'll figure this out" He'd heard for the second time and he scoffed. "Yeah right" He replied with sarcasm and Ola pushed a lump down his throat. "Yeah right" He replied. NOW

And there he was, making his way down the red carpet and towards them-only thing different was that he wasn't in a suit but rather in a cropped basketball tshirt with the number twelve on it next to the shiny yellow Lakers logo. Fiyin was the first to notice him, and a smile immediately wiped the tears that were about to drop from her eyes. Obi was in large cargo bottoms with a belt that held tight around his slim waist and a chain dropping below his navel. Ola scoffed, eying him from head to toe. He bit his fingernails that came through the open gloves and they inched closer to each other.

"You came" Ola whispered, grasping his chin in his hands before a camera flashed behind them. Fiyin smiled, making eye contact with Anna across the room. Her old friend group were in front of the camera like celebrities, next to the blue and pink balloons that hung from the ceiling. "Of course i did" Obi whispered.

"I might be graduating or lighting some dumb candle but i'm here for my friends" He roped them in, both Ola and Fiyin as he placed a kiss on his cheeks. "You look-" Ola froze with a scoff.

"Too much?" He hefted the jacket in his hands and Ola placed his hands against them, looking into his eyes. "It's just enough, Obi" He whispered and a smirk morphed into the side of his lips.

"Congratulations, Mide" His hands fell to his shoulders. "When was it we met in the hallways that day" He laughed, looking ahead of him and noticing Abdul taking his seat with his parents-Khadijat in a brown silk hijab and henna across her hands. He scoffed. "How time flies" Mide faced the direction as he was.

"Come on"

Everyone was headed to their seats as the presenters found their way to the stage. "Akin won't be coming, you can stay with my mum" Ola waved at Mary, knowing there were just two extra spaces per graduand. "It's fine Ola, you don't have t "He held his hands aggressively as Fiyin chuckled. "I insist. Obi"

"Remember our plans" She added, walking ahead of them. "Back in elementary on that playground, we're still going to do this" Deb stepped behind as they shared a intimate moment crowned with smiles on each of their faces. Just for that day, Obi wasn't going to think of what had befallen him but rather of the better.

The good, such as watching these two graduate.

At least this was one of his families that wasn't fallen apart. They walked down the aisle, making their way to their seats clustered at the center of the hall and beneath another chandelier. Fiyin sat, holding hands with her father who admired her dress.

"Ophelia would be so proud" He mouthed as the mic rang through the halls. "Good day everyone. It is with great honor and joy that we welcome to the twelfth graduation ceremony and prize giving day for the two thousand and one eaglets. Most of whom will begin the rest of their lives today" Obi cupped his chin as Mary looked to him. "Welcome again to the Hillway High ceremony, one that crowns what was the most eventful school year we can agree" There was a unanimous chuckle in the halls.

"We may begin with the school anthem "


Meanwhile things weren't going as smoothly for both Mira and Silva who had come down with a sudden cold. He was restive in his bed, sniffling endlessly through blocked nose.

Mira pressed the cold napkin against his feverish head as she sat into the bed. "How are you feeling?" She asked, looking at the goddamn laptop that as still beside her.

"Terrible" He groaned, but still laughing at the end of that sentence. "You should quit the writing" She laughed but then he arched his brows. "Never" His voice was frail and weak as Mira looked to the spots across his forearm and back. Beads of sweat dropped down his face although he was burning hot. And there was a small bowl which he occasionally threw up in.

"Where's everyone?" He coughed, turning away and his best friend soothed his chest. "We should get you to the hos-" He waved his fingers in her face, pulling her other hand away.

"I want everyone here Mira"

She pushed a lump down her throat. "No" She whispered as Silva smiled like something was actually funny. "No" She said again as she stood but he held her still. "I'm not spending my last hours in a hospital" His voice quivered. "Hours" Mira echoed, tears filling her eyes. "But you're ok-"

"I want to see everyone" He interrupted. "Listen Mira, they say you know when you're about to you know" He heaved. "And i would usually wave it off a myth but Mira, i... i feel it" His voice went high pitched before he coughed, jolting forward.

"I don't think i have much time anymore"

"And i could spend my time waiting for a sign like a dove or angel numbers or a cat coming up to me when deep down, i know. Deep down i feel it" He whispered. "You were okay yesterday Silva" Mira sobbed as he pulled her close. "You were okay hours ago "

"It's this virus, Mira. It's the wrath of his virus" He tried not to sob as well, instead he looked to his laptop. "This isn't an eulogy Mira-" "Your mother isn't here, Obi is at the school's graduation and David is with the publicist. The girls are packing up their stuffs and no one's here. No one's here but me" Mira yelled.

"So you can't do this to me now. You can't die today, Silva" She looked to the warm napkin which now seemed useless. And Silva still smiled to hold back his tears-his hand falling on the bullet wound still in the process of healing. "You won't die until the signs" Mira stretched out her littlest finger. "You'll stay until everyone's around and you read your dumb eulogy to them by yourself because i won't be doing shit" She cried, before poking him with that same finger. "Come on, i'm waiting" She added.

It took a moment and all his strength for him to lock his pinky with hers as well and he nodded. "Promise me, you'll stay Silva"

"I promise" Came a subtle whisper.


"The next item on our calendar of events would be the official graduation speech by the now Director of Studies, Kolawole. A. S" The host stepped aside as Ola moved his chairs a little bit backwards towards Bade. His eyes trailed the man as he made his way up the three stage steps.

Bade leaned forward, Ola's chair brushing against her knee. "Hey" He whispered, taking off his glasses. And Mary looked to him before Obi whose eyes were on the boy across from him.

It was Abdul, and she herself had seen the stare they both shared. A smirk crept to her lips as she cleared her throat. Deep down, she still sort of expected Akin to show-

-she had invited him, to the first of many events that they ought to navigate as co-parents. There was still alot, like maybe Ola's college graduation or his wedding if he ever had one. These were the parts of the future that scared her. Scared both of them.

Because for the first time in so many years, they were doing this on their own. She understood that maybe he just needed time but still, she wished he was here to see the son they raised-how much pride she had in her eyes as she looked to him. But alas, he'd turned to Bade.

"In the history of Hillway High, this has been one of the most eventful years-" Kola held the mic as everyone looked to themselves, having already heard of the Collins' ordeal. "But it was also one of our best, because we got to watch each and every young eaglet grow into such amazing eagles, people" He stepped down the podium.

"And i assure this, this is barely a beginning for how much more you all will still achieve. I don't have much to say-" Ola and Bade leaned into each other before they started to chuckle for no actual reason. "I swear i had a joke to make❞ Ola said as Bade clutched her chest. "Me too" She whispered and it took a moment for both of them to calm down.

"So no more christmas plays huh?" Ola said, his brows falling as he turned to face her. "No more christmas plays" She echoed. "Where you'd yell at us" He muffled as she hit him in his arms lightly. "I heard that" She replied and he scoffed. His hands found hers against her thighs. "I'm proud of you Bade, that's what i wanted to say. For the Johnsons scholarship, you actually deserve it" He whispered and she squeezed his palms. "Thank you, Olamide" She replied. "You deserved it too"

He shrugged his shoulders. "What are you going to do?" Her voice fell on his ears as he turned to Mary and then to Obi. "I don't know but i mean it's the blessing about uncertainty" He muttered and she let out a light scoff. "See you up there" She said softly. "This isn't goodbye, Ola" There was so much love in her blue eyes as he looked into it.

"It isn't" He whispered back to her.

"Now, i urge all graduands to hold unto their candles as they make their way to the stage" Kola hefted his hands in the air and every grade eleven stood up. Except Obi.

He cupped his chin, looking at Ola who had sympathy in his eyes. "Go" Obi whispered, standing as well. He smoothed his arms. "I'll go the other way-" He said before pulling towards the exit of the hall and Ola watched him disappear through.

But he wasn't the only one.

Ab as well, looked back and forth with his candle in his hands and Khadijat cheering next to him, and then Obi. It wasn't a hard decision, he realized as he tossed it all to the ground. He pulled off his beige jacket as he trailed after his one true love.

Khadijat immediately stood but he was gone in the evening.

"Where's he?" Fiyin found her beside Ola as they turned to face the guests. "He's with Ab" He smirked, some sort of calm soothing into his veins.


"Obi" He called a second time before he halted in the middle of the parking lot. Obi had put on his large shirt because of the cold and they were beneath the bright streetlights.

"Ab" Came a subtle response. "Abdul" Then came the realization as he instinctively ran to hug him. "What are you doing here?" He whispered into his ears. "You."

"I came to see you" He said, but never letting go. "I can't uh-you should be inside. I'm not graduating this year, Ab" Obi held his arms firm as he nodded. "I know. I heard" Abdul replied. "I'm so sorry O-"

"Don't go to Kaduna, Abdul" He immediately interrupted. "I know i've said this before but don't. I'm fine now, about the whole having another year thing because i didn't really have a plan. But i know you did-You had Princeton, and you could tell yourself that it was your parent's dream but deep down i could see it. I could see the way your eyes lit up when you thought of a future in medicine" Obi looked into his eyes.

"So i'm begging you. Don't give that up. I'm not telling you to stay for me although" He scoffed. "But stay for you or anything but go to Kaduna❞ Ab let his neck fall as tears welled up in his eyes. "Obi, i don't have an option" He whispered. "Yes, y-"

He placed a finger against his lips as he inched closer. "But thank you, Obi" He interrupted. "Thank you for everything this last year and for bringing out a part of me i didn't know existed. The best part of me" He added.

Obi's eyes were invaded with tears as he closed them. "That's why i came out to you because i'm not sure we would have another goodbye. And for all it's Obi, i never stopped loving you. And i could never stop loving you" Abdul said and Obi let out a light scoff. "And you say that now?" He asked.

He wiped his tears as a song started playing from inside. He recognized it immediately as the Band of Horses' the Funeral. It was one of his favorites and it was sort of ethereal that it played in this moment. "I never stopped loving too, Abdul. And i don't think i ever will" Obi continued, inches away from him.

"In another world" Abdul whispered. "I hope we meet again in another life or alternate universe or whatever exists out there, i hope we stay together in that one, without all this noise and all of this chaos" He held his cheeks in his hands. "I hope we find each other in another life, this one isn't for us"

They pulled each other for a lasting hug as the chorus to their favorite song played from the halls and the lights flickered above them. Obi wanted to stay there, in those arms forever-

-he never wanted to leave Abu's safety. His calm. But it didn't last for that much time before he pulled away with an arch in his brows. "What?" Obi whispered as his lips parted to speak.

"Aal" He softly called, pointing behind him as Obi turned around to see Abu's sister in the arms of another man who he realized might be the infamous Jamie. The man she'd run away with on her wedding day.


"Aaliyah” He couldn't believe his eyes as Obi held unto him. "You said you didn't have a choice, this is a choice" He whispered into his ears before he pulled away. "Goodbye Ab❞

He turned around to watch Obi walk away from him as Aal inched closer to him. "Is that him?" She asked and he turned to face her, he nodded slyly before she took his hands.

"I know about Kaduna and you don't have to go if you don't want to" She said. "I know mum and dad are in there but you can come with us" She looked to Jamie. "We came all the way to save you from them, and we might have much but we're surviving, Abu. You could get a job in the city and i could act as whatever guardian you want for a scholarship, just" She looked into his eyes as if it were a matter of life and death.

"Escape while you can"

Abu pushed a lump down his throat as he turned to look at Obi who had disappeared into the doors. He halted, his phone buzzing in his pockets as he made eye contact with Mide.

Obi pulled it out, diverting his eyes to see a text from Mira.

The text. Mira: Come home Obi. It's Silva.

And he felt his heart sink into his chest the moment he ran through those doors, leaving Ola with a candle in his hands-wondering where his best friend was off to.

To be continued...ONE LAST TIME.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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