Wild Forest Pack

Chapter 20, Christmas/wedding day!


Well, finally the big day is here! Not only is it Christmas, but my wedding day! Well, at least our anniversary will be easy to remember. I got a decent night’s sleep but per wedding tradition, Conall and his groomsman continued their bachelor party at Lyall’s house. Hopefully, they got a decent night’s sleep.

“Good morning sleepyhead. Merry Christmas and happy wedding day!” I figured mind linking him would be better than calling that way no one can be mad that I “saw him” on my wedding day. To keep me a surprise, we had to stay separate. I kind of liked the idea.

“Good morning my bride. Merry Christmas and happy wedding day! Did you sleep well last night?” I could tell he was as excited as I was for the day ahead of me

“Yeah, I got decent sleep otherwise Reika would let me know that I ruined her canvas aka my face. We had a fun time drinking some leftover hot chocolate and desserts from dinner.”

“Sounds like a fun night. We pretty much did the same thing except spiked the hot chocolate.”

“Don’t ruin my mom’s hot chocolate!”

“Actually it wasn’t that bad with Kahlua.” I growl at him…changing the recipe to me was like dishonoring my mom and I didn’t want to do that today of all days… “Next time I won’t do that. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.”

“It’s ok…maybe mom would’ve liked it. I should get some breakfast and start getting ready. I love you…see you soon.”

“Yeah, me too. I love you too. See you soon Mrs. Conall.” I cut off the mindlink for now and debated to get out of bed or not but my she-wolves jumping on my bed made that decision for me.

“Good morning bride! Merry Christmas and happy wedding day! Come on we have a big breakfast downstairs for you!” Reika looked like a pup on Christmas getting her favorite toy.

“Good morning to you too, Reika. Well, that answers my internal question of whether or not I should get up yet.”

“OF COURSE YOU NEED TO GET UP! It’s your wedding day!” Reika half jumping on my bed. Luckily she missed my legs…

“Yeah, but I was comfy until the five of ya decided to jump me. Alright, alright I’m up. Let me get a good shower and then I’ll come down for breakfast.” I threw my blanket off and made my way to the bathroom to find the most festive smelling body wash and candles I could find. When I found some Christmas tree and Christmas cookie scented candles and a large bottle of hot cocoa and cream body wash I was set for my shower. The scents of the candles filled the room with happy memories of Christmas past as I turned on my shower…

Before getting in I get my dress ready for pictures and hung it up by the window so Lucy could get some before I start getting ready. Reika had set up the makeup from last night on my vanity ready for me whenever I was done with my shower and breakfast. I get in my shower and lather up the hot cocoa body wash which smelled so good! Not as good as mom’s hot chocolate but a close second. When I was finished getting cleaned up I dry off with a comfy towel and bring the candles into my room to have a little festiveness as well as I get ready.

I change into my bridal underwear and back into my long pants and my white silk knee-length robe. Breakfast looked like a buffet of food! Wow, how early did Reika get up to make this!? Scrambled eggs, bacon, hash browns, and cinnamon rolls with icing, various juices, and hot chocolate! It smelled amazing in here! All I could do was just gawk at all the food and drinks that Reika and my fellow bridesmaids had done for me.

“Wow what a spread! I definitely won’t be going hungry. I figured I’d make it easier and just get partly ready now so I don’t have to afterward when everyone is. Oh, and Lucy I got the bridesmaids’ dresses and cloaks, and my dress and cloak out for pictures whenever you’re ready.”

“Thank you Lyna, you didn’t have to do that.” Lucy blushes at me and a smile breaks out.

“I like to make it easier for everyone, and you’re practically family now.” I hug her with a smile too. Trying to convey that I’m not trying to steal her man away from her. I could feel the excitement in the air as we were eating our breakfast. “There is something that I’d like to add for the ceremony, it’s a small something, but I’d like to add some roses on four chairs near the front where our parents would be sitting if they were here…” Lucy looks at me with a sad look on her face but eventually smiles again.

“Of course I’d be happy to do that.” She hugs me again and heads out to do that quickly before changing into her dress. All the women were here with me, and I’m glad they’re here. Reika, Calla, Ulva, and Tala went to my room to get ready while I needed a moment in my parents’ room to get ready. I took a deep breath trying to take in a moment that this is it…this is the day that Conall and I have been waiting for…

“You ok?” Lucy came in the door wondering where I was. I heard her taking pictures of the bridesmaids and Tala getting ready before looking for me.

“Oh Lucy…didn’t realize you were back…yeah I’m ok thanks for checking on me…I’ll be ready soon to get ready…” Caught up in my daydream of what could’ve been I head to my room to get ready. Reika helps me with makeup while Tala does my hair the same as last night.

“Before you start doing hair, Tala can you grab the emerald necklace on my nightstand. It was a Christmas present from Conall and I’d like to wear it.” She gives me a little smile and grabs it for me.

“I’m sure our mother would’ve loved you…she’d be proud to have you wear this.” I move my hair aside to let her put on my new necklace. “It looks beautiful on you…”

“Thank you…your mom’s necklace, and maybe one of my mom’s bracelets. That’ll be a nice way to honor them.”

“I think they’d be happy. Come let’s get you more beautiful for my brother.” The ladies started working their magic on me, but about halfway through, they decided to put me in my dress.

“Alright, ladies! The moment of truth! The big reveal of my dress!” I wasn’t sure who was more excited me to wear my beautiful gown or for them to see it. Even just halfway done I couldn’t help but stare at myself. When I stepped out of where I was hiding my dress in my parents’ room and went back to my room I could hear a pin drop with how stunned everyone was.

“Well…what do ya think!?” I absolutely loved it! Even with just most of my natural face and moisturizer on and some of the jewelry, I felt like a princess.

“You look beautiful Lyna! Ooh, I can’t wait for Conall to see you!” Reika was the first to hug me. Everyone looked so lovely in their velvet dresses and their snowflake jewelry. I could see Reika and Tala tearing up. I sat back down in front of my vanity and let Reika and Tala work their magic on my hair and makeup while Lucy took pictures. Hair and makeup were the same as the rehearsal last night since it worked so well, and now all I had left was my mom’s veil and soon everything was all together it felt like it was a masterpiece.

“Well this is it, ladies, let’s grab our cloaks and gloves get ready to go!” I squeal with excitement as we grab our holly berry bouquets. Mine had white peonies with holly, and the bridesmaids had holly with pine cones. I had white croqueted gloves to help hold my bouquet and the bridesmaids had forest green ones to help hold theirs.

Soon people were taking their seats at the ceremony spot. Everyone looked all festive in their Christmas suits and dresses. The groomsman went down first, then Conall walked Tala down to her seat near the front and stood beside his groomsman. Once Christmas Canon started playing my ladies started to squeal with excitement for me as I tried to hide around the corner of the community center to not be seen by anyone yet. Ulva, Lucy, Calla then Reika went down. Soon it was my turn…Tala stands up to signal me coming down.

“You look beautiful Lyna…” Lyall kisses my cheek before it’s our turn to go down.

“You’re handsome too. I’m sure Lucy will be happy to see you.” Lyall takes out his arm for me to take and the snow starts to lightly fall on us. I’d like to think it’s my parents blessing the wedding. As I come out from my hiding spot I can hear the ‘oohs and aahhs’ from the crowd as I made my way to Conall who had the biggest smile and almost a tear in his eye. As we stood in front of Lyall who was acting as our minister I quickly wiped Conall’s tear.

“Welcome everyone on behalf of Wild Forest we are happy to celebrate the wedding of this man…and this woman. Despite missing some beloved family that we wish could be here, we memorialize them with a rose on their chair. Now Conall, take Lyna’s hands and repeat after me. Do you Conall Clell take Lyna Channing to be your wife and mate?”

“I do…with every fiber of my being.” He squeezes my hand with excitement.

“Do you Lyna Channing take Conall Clell to be your husband and mate?”

“I do…” I squeeze his hands too.

“Maid of honor, best man, the rings please?” Reika gives Lyall my ring and ironically Lyall gives Conall his ring. Of course, he’s the best man…would’ve been my pick.

“Conall, take her ring and put it on her left hand…repeat after me…with this ring I thee wed from this day forward.” As he’s saying his vow to me I start to get choked up…thank goodness for water-resistant mascara! The ceremony went smoothly and finally, we’re almost done.

“As part of our tradition, we repeat a wolf saying that has been passed down through the generations at weddings. Now it’s your turn Conall and Lyna…you are my other me. If I do harm to you, I do harm to myself. If I love and respect you, I love and respect myself.” We repeat it back to each other and finally, the ceremony is done, and now the best part.

“Well as acting beta and the blessings of the former alpha and luna of Wild Forest and Full Moon packs, Conall Clell you may kiss your bride.” He gives me the biggest smile and kiss before dipping me. We turn to the crowd as the ceremony is done to start heading up the aisle.

“I now present to you the new Mr. and Mrs. Conall Clell!” I grab my bouquet from Reika and make our way up the aisle but snagging a kiss as we make it to the top. Soon we make it to the forest to do some pictures. I live my bouquet with Tala and grab my hand muff from the reception table closest to the door. Lucy, Conall, and I take about an hour doing pictures just the two of us before doing pictures with the bridesmaids and groomsman while the rest have cocktail hour inside in the warmth of the community center.

“Merry Christmas Mrs. Clell…what more of a precious gift do I need than my bride. You look beautiful.” He kisses my cheek and Lucy snags a picture of it.

“Merry Christmas Conall…I get a husband for Christmas seems like a great present to me!” We laugh at our own commentary to each other, and decide that was enough pictures for now, and went inside to warm up. The upside of having a small crowd is I don’t have to spend hours thanking people. We had four tables for the people of Crescent pack and the council and the head table for us and the bridal party. Christmas dinner was delicious with all the food that was prepared for us. Ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, green bean casserole, dinner rolls, and various desserts.

My mind was already on the honeymoon! As much as I loved spending Christmas with people I loved and cared for I’m ready to spend alone time with my new husband. The events of the night went smoothly surprisingly, and everyone had a great time! Finally when the night was over the crowd went outside for our send-off. To send us off everyone was given either some snow to GENTLY toss at us or some jingle bells. His car was decorated by the guys with a giant JUST MARRIED on the back windshield, and a heart on a side window. Finally, in wedded bliss, I was ready to spend a week with no interruptions and spend time with my new husband…

“Finally alone at last.” Conall gets into the driver’s seat and helps me dust off some of the snow people threw on me. Luckily I wasn’t completely soaked…but definitely cold…and gives me a long kiss before dusting himself off of snow.

“Yes at last…let’s finally go on our honeymoon.” We decided to go to a cabin that his family had owned in the mountains as a snowy retreat. Easily accessible with a good four-wheel-drive car. All our luggage was packed in the trunk by Reika and Lyall. He starts the car, turns on the heat and seat warmers, and honks goodbye to our guests.

“Merry Christmas Lyna…” As he kisses my cheek.

“Merry Christmas Conall…” As I kiss him back…

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