Wild Ever After: A Marriage of Convenience Sports Romance (Wildcat Hockey Book 3)

Wild Ever After: Chapter 34

“Nice game tonight.” Ash lifts a wrist and I bump mine against it.

“Thanks. You too. That last assist was money.”

“It was. Wasn’t it?” He grins. “Are you coming to Wild’s for a beer?”

“Not tonight.” I stand and run a hand through my still-damp hair. I don’t think I’ve ever cooled down and showered faster after a game.

“Where are you headed?” he asks, pulling on a clean shirt.

“I’m taking Jade to dinner.”

“They have food at Wild’s,” he teases.

I stand and shoulder my bag. “Have some wings for me.”

Jade is waiting for me near the doors to the back parking lot. When she spots me, she smiles and starts walking toward me. I pick up speed, and when she gets close, I drop my bag, so I can lift her up.

“You’re killing me with all this team spirit.” She’s wearing that beanie with my name and number on it, along with a Wildcat jersey that I happen to know also has my name and number on it because I gave it to her.

I had no idea how good it would feel to have someone show up like that for me. Not the team. Me. It’s a gut punch. My grandparents never saw me play professionally, and yeah, the team has become like family, but this is different. It makes me crave more.

“It’s only fair. You in this suit does things to me.” She kisses me, lips coated in some sticky gloss that I’m determined to have all over me before the night is over.

“Wait until you see what’s underneath the jersey. I got new lingerie today.”

“Oh yeah?”

Mischief glints in her eyes. “Green lace.”

“Thanks for that visual,” I grit out. “I’m gonna be hard all night. I want to take you somewhere.”

She smiles at me, then places another kiss on my lips. “Home hopefully?”

“If we go home, we aren’t leaving, and I owe you a real date.”

“A date?” she asks, voice rising with excitement.

“Yep.” I set her on the ground and pick up my bag, then lace our fingers together as we head outside. “I realized we haven’t been on one.”

Jade’s grip on my hand tightens. “Where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise.”

“Well, am I dressed okay?” She pauses and glances down at her jersey, jeans, and boots.

Damn. I didn’t even consider that. I wear a suit to the game. Most of the time, I change into something more casual after, but I put the nicer digs back on for the date.

A smile spreads across my face as an idea strikes. “Not yet.”

Our options are limited on a Saturday night after ten, but I text Jack because he knows everyone, and sure enough, fifteen minutes later, a woman named Rose is opening her store so Jade can pick out a dress.

Rose makes me wait at the front of the store, while she dotes on Jade, selecting a dozen dresses and then ushering her into the back to try them on.

I wait for what feels like decades, scrolling my phone, leg bouncing, before Rose clears her throat.

I stand and slide my phone back into my pocket before I glance up. Then I swallow my tongue.

The black dress is somehow sexy, even though it doesn’t show that much skin. It’s long, with a slit showing off just a hint of one leg. The straps are thick, but hang off her shoulders, and her boobs are pushed up in a way that there’s no way to not stare.

Jade’s smile is tentative as she waits for my reaction. One hand goes to her stomach, and she takes a shaky breath. “Too much?”

I can’t seem to speak. Rose laughs lightly. “That’s exactly the reaction I was hoping for.”

Handing Rose my card, I thank her, then turn to Jade. “You’re a jaw dropper, baby. Wow. I think I had a mini cardiac episode.”

Her responding giggle is a hit of dopamine. “This dress is the nicest thing I’ve ever worn. The fabric is so soft I feel naked.”

“Later,” I promise. I can’t wait to peel her out of it very, very slowly.

Rose tells us to have fun and come back anytime, and I promise we will.

By the time we get to the restaurant, it’s almost eleven. I’m always amped up on game nights. It’s hard to get to sleep until early in the morning, as I come down from the high of pushing my mind and body, but Jade covers a yawn as our drinks arrive.

“Sorry,” I say.

“Don’t you dare be sorry. This is amazing. No one has ever done something like this for me.”

“Still. Maybe we should order and take it home.”

“I’ll be fine with a little caffeine.” She takes a sip of her Coke. “This is so nice. Seriously. I had no idea you had this in you.”

I chuckle. “Yeah, me either.”

“You’ve never brought a girl here before?” Her gaze narrows slightly as she waits for my answer.

“Definitely not.”

“And the dress?”

“Didn’t even know that was possible. You can thank Jack for that.”

“I can’t figure you out, Declan Sato.”

“What’s there to figure out?”

“You’re so considerate and generous, plus ridiculously hot.”

I smile at that. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of her telling me I’m hot. Not that it’s something I strive for exactly, but as long as I’ve been on the team, it’s been Jack or Leo that girls are drawn to by looks alone. Ash picks up women because of his fun spirit and charm. I was the guy that sort of faded into the background. Happily, mostly. It was less drama, and my focus was on making something of myself.

But then Jade shows up and I want her to notice me. I think I always wanted her to notice me.

“Sounds to me like you already have me figured out. Considerate, generous, and hot. I can live with that.”

She keeps smiling at me for a beat, then slowly it dims, and she gets serious. “Why me?”

Jade’s the kind of girl who’d never ask to eat at a fancy restaurant or buy a nice dress, which makes me want to give her whatever she wants. But that isn’t what she’s asking. How do you explain being drawn to someone before you even knew them?

“I don’t know. I’m not good with words like you. Making you smile and laugh is like watching the goalpost light up. It feels good, deep inside me.”

“Wow.” Jade’s smile returns. “I think you’re pretty good with words. Don’t let Melody find out. She’ll fire me to hire you.”

“Doubtful.” I stare at her over the candlelight. The lights in this place are dim and we’re at a table far in the back to give us privacy. “How’s work been?”

Her smile falls a little. “Okay.”

I cock one brow. It’s been tense. I can tell by the extra hours and stressful pacing she does every time she has to turn in an article.

“Interest in my online and print pieces have declined. It’s been weeks since I’ve had any media requests. I’m afraid she’s going to cut me completely.”

“Fire you?”

She shrugs. “It’s almost worse than if I’d said no to going through with the wedding. Who’s going to hire a writer, who took a thriving weekly column and drove it into the ground?”

“I’m sorry. What can I do?”

“Nothing. I’ll figure it out.” She attempts a smile, but it’s covering real fear. I can see it in her eyes.

The mood lightens over dinner. The food is incredible. We order steak and mashed potatoes and lasagna, sharing both, then top it off with chocolate cake.

I don’t want the night to end, but Jade’s covering more yawns the later it gets.

Back in the car, I rest one hand on her bare thigh through the dress slit, and she scoots closer to me and drops her head against my arm. By the time I pull into the garage at home, she can barely keep her eyes open.

“We’re home, baby.”

She hums and sits taller. I get out and open her door. She’s still half-asleep, so I leave the rest of my shit and scoop her up.

She’s so tired, she doesn’t even protest as I carry her into the house and upstairs to my room. When I flip on the lamp on my nightstand, she lifts her head from my chest.

“Sorry. Too little sleep mixed with too many carbs.”

“You’re fine. I’ll take any excuse to carry you to bed, baby.”

“Set me down.” She wiggles in my hold.

Once I do, a little more life flares in her eyes. Turning around, she asks, “Will you unzip me?”

It’s almost a shame to see her take off this dress. Almost.

I tug the zipper down and the fabric gapes to show more of her back. Jade holds on to the straps, so it doesn’t fall off her frame, then turns around to face me.

My dick is already tenting my pants before she lets the material pool at her feet.

“Fuck me,” I mutter.

“That was the idea.” She steps out of the dress, wearing nothing but a little green thong. “The matching bra didn’t work with the dress.”

“I’m not mad about it.”

A coy smile plays on her lips as she reaches for me. She undresses me while I drop kisses to her shoulders and neck. When I’m naked, she tries to drop to her knees. My dick pulses at the thought of her mouth on me, but I pull her back up.

“Not tonight. I need to be inside you now.”

She pushes her panties down eagerly and then we fall onto the bed. Jade wraps her legs around me and I push into her without waiting.

Her pussy squeezes me tight, and my heart is pounding in my chest. I still.

“Are you okay?” she asks, after a few seconds of me buried inside her, unmoving.

“Better than okay.” I breathe her in and then slowly start to move.

Her eyes flutter closed, and she lifts her hips with each thrust.

There aren’t any more words as I continue to drive into her at a slow, steady pace. Sweat beads on my forehead and my balls draw up. Jade’s close, too, but I don’t want to finish before her.

Leaning down, I kiss her on the mouth, then her neck, finally trailing down to her tits. She bucks as my tongue circles her nipple, so I do it again, then close my teeth around her sensitive flesh.

She cries out as she comes and I take her mouth again, finding my own release while kissing her like my life depends on it. In this moment, it feels like it does.

We lie there for a moment after, catching our breath. I’m starting to go soft until I pull out of her. Her pussy clenches around me like it’s fighting to keep me inside, and it’s so hot, I’m rock hard again.

Jade curls up on her side, eyes still closed. Another yawn escapes her.

“Want anything?” I ask as I start for the bathroom to clean up.

“Uh-uh,” she replies, without opening her eyes, then groans. “I need to wash my face and brush my teeth. Stupid good hygiene.”

Laughing, I pull her to her feet, and we get ready for bed together.

She’s brushing her teeth in a sleepy daze, looking so damn cute.

“I was thinking. What if we did the HTPB podcast?” I ask.

“Really?” she asks, mouth full of toothpaste. There’s a trace of excitement mixed with confusion. “You want to do the podcast now?”

“If it will help.” I lift one shoulder in a shrug. I still hate the idea, but maybe it’s the right call. “You’re too talented. I don’t want to see you get fired.”

“No, I don’t think so,” she says. “Thank you, but I can deal with Melody and whatever the fallout is from my boring articles.”

I know it bothers her. She takes such pride in her work. I hate that she’s in a tough spot.

She spits and rinses her mouth and toothbrush, then comes to me and cups my cheeks. “You’re a very good man.”

My throat feels tight, but I manage a smile.

We get in bed and Jade nestles into me, her head and one hand on my chest, like usual. My mind still races long after we’ve said good night. I want to fix this for her, but I don’t know how. Her words keep replaying over and over. You’re a good man.

The thing is, I’m not really sure I am. I’m all right. I don’t kick puppies or make babies cry or anything, but the things I do are for her and the other people I love.

My chest squeezes.

“Hey, are you awake?”

She doesn’t answer and her breathing is slow and even.

“I love you,” I whisper. “I fucking love you, Jade.”

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