Wild Ever After: A Marriage of Convenience Sports Romance (Wildcat Hockey Book 3)

Wild Ever After: Chapter 31

In mid-September, training camp finally arrives. There’s a different air in the locker room already. Losing so close to holding up the Cup, has us all hungry and focused. Even the new guys seem to feel it.

I pull off my sweaty T-shirt and shorts and head for the shower. Today we finished up with a weight-training session that has my muscles quivering. I’m gonna be hurting later. Jade’s been taking care of me in the evenings with epic rubdowns that undo the knots, though the best part is that they usually (always) end in sex.

Things with us have been good. She’s still fighting with her mom, which I know has her uneasy, but she hasn’t picked any more fights or tried to leave. Though if she does, I’ll happily remind her that we aren’t done. There are so many more things I want to do and see with her.

For the first time ever, I’m starting the season eager but also excited for the little breaks where I can take her on vacation, make love to her on the beach or get cozy in a winter cabin. I’m even excited about Thanksgiving—a holiday I haven’t celebrated in years. Maybe I’ll invite the guys over to our house. Our house. I like the sound of it.

When I get out of the shower, Jack is sitting at his stall waiting for me.

“Hey.” He tips his chin in greeting. “Wanna grab a beer and look over some film from today’s scrimmage?”

“I can’t. Jade and I made plans to get dinner at that new Mexican place down the street.”

“I could eat.” He turns to Ash. “Do you want to get dinner with us?”

Fortunately, or unfortunately, I’m not sure yet, Jack is the only one that’s free. We swing by and pick up Jade, then head to the restaurant.

After we sit down at the table, I rest a hand on her thigh and lean close to kiss her temple. “He invited himself.”

She laughs lightly and her red hair catches the light. “I think your teammates are jealous you’re spending so much time with me.”

It’s my turn to chuckle. “Maybe so.”

Her phone rings in her purse, and when she looks at the screen, she sighs. “It’s work. I better make sure something isn’t wrong with my article. It needs to go to the printers tonight.”

“Go. I’ll order you a margarita.”

“A strawberry one,” she says, standing and putting the phone to her ear.

“You two seem happy,” Jack says when she’s gone.

“Things are good.”

“I’m glad.” He fiddles with a coaster on the table, then adds, “I don’t have to tell you that it was risky getting involved. Your contract might be secure, but I’ve seen less exciting drama than this take guys out. If people found out—”

I hold up a hand to stop him. “I appreciate your concerns. I knew them months ago. What’s really on your mind?”

“I just want to make sure your head is right. Leo told me the guys at HTPB wanted to interview you and Jade.”

“Yeah, that’s right.” I still don’t see where he’s going with this. “She turned it down.”

He sighs. “I’m sorry. I don’t want to sound like a dick. I don’t know Jade that well, but I worry this situation is going to get you in trouble, or worse, impact your game. Relationship drama is the worst kind of distraction.”

I nod. I don’t doubt the truth of his words.

“Is she worth it?” he asks.

It’s only because I can hear the real concern in his voice that I don’t feel like hitting him. “Yeah, man. She is.”

He sighs. “Then at least promise me you’ll give me a heads-up if anything should happen. I’ll do whatever I can to have your back.”

“Thank you for that.”

A smile finally lifts the corners of his mouth. “You’re different with her.”


He nods. “Yeah, you’ve got that same dopey-ass smile Leo’s had on his face since he met Scarlett.”

“It worked out for them,” I point out.

“I think you’re forgetting the part where he got his A stripped and spent an evening in jail.”

“I’m not planning on decking anyone. Except maybe you.” I grin, so he knows I’m only half-serious.

Jade comes back and the conversation flows easily. Despite Jack’s concerns, he’s all smiles and laughs at dinner. He asks her about what she’s working on, then she asks us about camp today, and pokes fun at Jack’s newest commercial—an ad for a local barber shop. Jack can dish it, but he takes it well too.

By the end of the night, any weirdness between me and my long-time teammate has passed.

“See you in the morning,” I call as he drops us off.

“Later. Bye, Jade.” He lifts a hand in a wave.

Inside, Jade and I head straight for bed. She’s been putting in even longer hours than usual at the office, and I have to be back at the arena early tomorrow.

Climbing under the covers, she snuggles up to my side and rests a hand on my chest, then yawns. “I might be too tired to be your personal masseuse tonight.”

“That’s all right.” I knead at the knots in her shoulders and neck. “Feels like you need it more than me.”

She moans. “Never stop.”

“What’d work need earlier?”

She glances up at me and her expression grows serious. “Melody wasn’t happy with my piece for the print issue next month. Even though I spent all day rewriting it.”

“I’m sorry. You’re a great writer. Don’t let her get in your head.”

I’ve started reading everything she publishes—online and in the magazine. She’s smart and witty. I can see why podcasts and other media have reached out to her. Her personality comes across so vividly in her writing that you can’t help but think, I want to know that person.

“It isn’t the writing she had a problem with exactly. It’s the content. She wanted me to write about the start of the Wildcats season and how it’s impacted our marriage, time together, etc. I guess people find the lives of hockey girlfriends and wives especially fascinating. Anyway, I tweaked it to add in more details about how it changed my life, but she still wasn’t thrilled. I think she was hoping for more of an inside scoop.”

I keep rubbing circles over her smooth skin. I think of Jack’s earlier concerns. Since our initial conversation about keeping my job out of it as much as possible, she’s done just that. I appreciate it. Especially because I know it’s caused some tension at the office.

“Thank you for doing that and I’m sorry she’s giving you a hard time.”

“It’s no big deal. She’s just still salty that I turned down the Hat Tricks and Puck Bunnies podcast.” She lets out a loud sigh. “Sometimes I think it’d be easier to walk away and deal with the consequences.”

This is the first I’ve heard her say anything even remotely close to wanting to quit. I’ve thought it a million times, but I know what her job means to her.

“I bet a thousand other magazines would be thrilled to have you.”

She yawns again. “Melody would lose her shit. I have no idea what she’d do to us.”

“Hey.” I squeeze her shoulder, bringing her tighter against my chest. “If you don’t want to work there anymore, we’ll deal with the fallout.”

“Just like that? What about not wanting to create waves during the season?” She looks up at me, searching my face.

“I can ask my agent or Elyse in the front office. She deals with PR for the team. We can figure it out, if that’s what you want.”

A slow smile spreads across her face. “I don’t know how you’re real.”

“James is probably still awake.” I start to sit up, but Jade pushes me back down.

“Give me some time to think about it?”

“Of course.” I roll on top of her. “Take all the time you need.”

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