Wild Ever After: A Marriage of Convenience Sports Romance (Wildcat Hockey Book 3)

Wild Ever After: Chapter 13

My eyes fly open the next morning and I sit straight up in bed with a gasp. I wince at the way the sudden movement makes my head ache, and then look to the spot next to me.

It’s empty, but I know I didn’t dream it. Declan and I had sex last night. A lot of it.

I get up, taking the sheet from the bed with me and wrapping it around my body. The comforter and pillows are tossed around the room. I pick up a lamp from the floor and then have to step over an overturned chair. This room is a wreck.

Quietly, I walk out of the bedroom and peer into the main part of the suite. There’s no sign of Declan, and I relax. I’m not ready to face him. Last night…holy crap.

I pass by my panties and shoes, then laugh when I see my torn dress. My head is fuzzy from the alcohol, so I sit on the couch. A delicious soreness jolts through me and I stand back up.

Maybe having sex all night after my hiatus wasn’t the smartest idea. No regrets. That’s the closest to life-changing sex I’ve ever had.

The door to the suite clicks open and I clutch the sheet tighter as Declan walks in. He’s in his dress pants from last night and a white T-shirt that stretches across his broad chest.

“Hey.” His voice is deep and quiet, a hint of uncertainty that amplifies the awkwardness of the situation.

“Hi.” I’m frozen in place, watching him move farther into the room.

“I wasn’t sure what you liked.” He lifts the drink carrier in his hand and then sets it on the TV stand. “There’s coffee, tea, water, and Gatorade.”

As he says the last thing, he pulls a red Gatorade bottle from his pocket and sets it next to the other drinks.

“Coffee is great,” I say.

He pulls one of the to-go cups free and hands it to me.

“Thanks.” I wrap my hands around the warm cup.

I note that he takes the Gatorade and unscrews the cap.

“Listen, about last night,” he starts, then rubs at the back of his neck like he’s struggling for the right words.

The awkwardness between us eases, and I laugh lightly. “Yeah. Pretty crazy night, huh?”

“Yeah.” He takes a drink of Gatorade and scans the room like he’s remembering all that we did in here. I can’t read his expression. Does he regret the sex, the marriage, all of it?

“We probably shouldn’t…again.” I struggle to get the words out. God knows why I’m embarrassed now. The man has seen, touched, and kissed, every inch of my body. A shiver rolls through me at the hazy memory.

“Yeah.” His smile is regretful…or maybe I’m projecting. “Probably not.”

“Then it’s good we got it out of our system last night, right? Only three hundred and sixty-four days to go.”

“Right.” He caps the Gatorade and shifts his weight from one foot to the other.

“What time is it?” I ask as I search for my purse.

“Just after ten.”

“Oh my gosh. Are you serious?”

“Yeah,” he says slowly. “I think we have a couple of hours until checkout.”

In a panic, I set the coffee down, without taking a drink, and rush to my overnight bag by the door. “We need to be at the airport like now.”

“The airport?”

I shove my dress and panties in the bag, then pull out clean clothes. “Our flight leaves in an hour.”

“Our flight?”

Why does he keep repeating me?

“Yes.” I drop the sheet and his gaze sweeps over my naked body. “We need to get to the airport to catch a flight to our honeymoon.”

“Honeymoon.” This time when he repeats me, it clicks in place. Add the honeymoon plans to the embarrassingly long list of details I did not run by my groom.

“Oh shit. I didn’t tell you.” I’m still naked, and his eyes seem to be locked in on my boobs. I pull on a tank top and he blinks then finally looks up at my face.

“It’s in St. Lucia. Six days, all-inclusive. The magazine is paying for it.” I don’t know why I add in that last part. I guess so he understands that not going is giving up a vacation I could never afford on my own. Not to mention, Melody is expecting me to write about the experience and take photos of the two of us on the beach, looking happy and in love.

His mouth pulls down at the corners. “I have contractors coming to the house all week.”

“Right. I understand.”

“I can drop you off at the airport.”

I can only nod. “Sure.”

I spin around and finish getting ready. After all he’s done to help me out, I shouldn’t feel disappointed that he is holding back on this one small thing, but I still do. The honeymoon was all me. Yes, the magazine approved it, but I’ve been dreaming of finally seeing the ocean for months. Longer, really. And I guess the vulnerable truth is, I don’t want to go alone. I want to be with someone else when I walk into the water for the first time.

We rush to pack all our things and then head down to Declan’s car. It’s a shiny, black Ferrari, and when he starts the engine, it hums with power that reminds me of his strong, sculpted body.

I cannot think about sex with him right now. I will do that alone in St. Lucia, with an endless supply of pina coladas.

He pulls up to the curb at the American Airlines departure sign. “Do you have everything?”

“Yeah. I’m good. Thanks for the ride.”

“Of course.” He hops out and helps me with my suitcase. “When do you get back?”


“Text me your flight info and I’ll pick you up.”

“Sure.” We pause awkwardly, and then I lift a hand in a wave and start for the check-in line.

Some of my disappointment eases after I’m through security with ten minutes to spare. I go to the bathroom and wash my face, then stop by a store near my gate for water and Twizzlers. I even decide to splurge and get one of those neck pillows.

I’m in the last boarding group, so I take my time walking back to the gate and avoiding the mass of people anxious to get on the plane. I open my candy and tear off a string of red licorice.

They call the final boarding group, and I step forward and hold my phone over the device to scan my ticket.

“Thanks.” I take one step into the tunnel that leads to the plane and then hear my name.

I glance over my shoulder in time to see Declan jogging toward me with his bag slung over one shoulder. I move back next to the lady at the podium as she stops him.

“What are you doing?”

He’s breathless and his dark hair sticks up all over. I’ve never been more attracted to another person than I am now.

His lips pull into a crooked grin. “Ash rushed to bring me my passport. I only have a change of clothes, but fuck it. I can get whatever I need there.”

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