Wife my

Chapter Wife my 241-250

Chapter 241

“Anthony, has Theo made work arrangements for everyone?” Rosalie asked.

“Master Theodore hasn’t moved to his new place yet. He’s still at the old villa, and we haven’t moved out either.”

“Really? You’re all still at the old villa?” Rosalie was shocked; she had‘ assumed Theodore had left the day they divorced.

“Is Theo… Is he home right now?” she asked again.

“Yes, Master Theodore is here. He’s injured. Judging by the wounds, it looks like Madam Jarvis hit him with her cane. He’ll be bedridden for

a few days.”

Rosalie frowned deeply. Theodore had been getting hurt a lot lately. Rebecca must have hit him hard, or he wouldn’t need to stay in bed. for days.

“Madam Rosalie, would you like to come back and see Master


“I… I don’t think it’s appropriate for me to come back now. We’re divorced. I’m not your mistress anymore.”

“But you’re still part of the Spencer family, and you have some things left here. It’s perfectly normal to come back and get them.”

Anthony seemed to sense the concern in Rosalie’s voice, and gave her a way out.

Rosalie forced herself to smile. “I guess I do have some things left there. I might as well come and get them.”

“Alright, Madam Rosalie. I won’t tell Master Theodore that you’re


coming. After all, this is your house, and you don’t need to inform me before you come.”

Anthony was clever; he knew exactly what to say to make Rosalie feel less awkward.

“Okay, thank you.”

After hanging up, Rosalie let out a long sigh. In an attempt to convince herself, she murmured, “Just this once, Rosalie.”

They had argued yesterday, and Rebecca overheard. Rosalie played a part in it, and now, Theodore was the one who took the punishment alone. She had to go check on him.

Theodore was lying face down on the bed while Anthony applied medicine to his injuries. His back was covered in bruises, some places so bad they bore the marks of Rebecca’s cane. She had hit him hard, almost as if she wanted to beat him to death.

His back was blue and purple, with many cuts and bleeding spots. He couldn’t even lie down to sleep; he had to stay on his stomach.

He had endured the pain on his way back, almost fainting on the road.

Anthony’s hands trembled as he applied the medicine and sighed deeply. He moved carefully and gently.

Theodore frowned. “Hurry up.

Anthony paused for a moment while applying the medicine. “Master Theodore, your injuries are quite severe. Maybe you should go to the hospital. I’m worried about infection!”

“If I’m not worried about my own body, why should you be? Just hurry up and finish applying the medicine, Theodore snapped.

Anthony sighed inwardly, and continued tending to Theodore’s



The pain was intense, but Theodore gritted his teeth and didn’t make a sound. His brows were furrowed, his eyes tightly shut. He clutched the pillow beneath him, gradually burying his face into it as if he was about to pass out.

Suddenly, a soft, delicate hand gently rested on his shoulder. The sensation was akin to a surge of energy that flowed through him. He slowly opened his eyes.

A gentle breeze brushed over his wounds, followed by the soothing touch of soft medical cotton. The cool medicine stung a bit, but the pain eased considerably.

“Anthony, are you done yet?”

He felt that it was taking too long.

“Just a moment, there’s still some left to cover.”

Theodore’s eyes flashed with surprise when he heard that soft, familiar voice. He tried to get up, but a small hand pressed his shoulder firmly.

“Don’t move,” she said, her tone a bit stern. “Let me finish applying the medicine first. We can talk after that

Chapter 242

Theodore clutched the pillow beneath him, his brows furrowing. “Why are you here?”

At first, he thought he was imagining things. How could Anthony’s hands feel like a woman’s? It all felt surreal, as though the pain had triggered hallucinations.

Sensing the woman behind him wasn’t responding, Theodore let out at wry smile. Of course, it was just his imagination. There was no way she would be here; she was probably with Sebastian right now.

Realizing it was a hallucination, Theodore stopped talking.

Just as the person behind him finished applying the medicine, a

woman’s voice broke the silence.

“All done. Let me wrap your wounds with some gauze. Sit up for a


Theodore froze, enduring the pain as he quickly sat up and turned to see the woman behind him.

Rosalie was wearing a light yellow dress, her hair styled in a bun–she looked very sweet and innocent. If she went to a high school, people might mistake her for a student.

Theodore was stunned. “Why are you here?”

“I…” Rosalie hesitated, then lifted her chin slightly and said, “I didn’t finish packing my things before. I came to get the rest, and I saw Anthony here. He mentioned you were still around.”

Her explanation sounded a bit forced.

“Really? So, you came to pack your things.”


Seeing her, Theodore initially thought she was worried about him; but now, he realized he was mistaken.

Theodore berated himself inwardly for overthinking. Rosalie wasn’t here for him, she was here to pack her things.

That was all.

“Go ahead and pack your stuff. Why come to see me?” Theodore said, almost pouting as he lay back on the bed..

“I saw Grandma today. I know what you told her, and I know she hit


“Oh, really?” Theodore turned his head slightly. Was she here to pack her things, or did she know he was beaten and used that as an

excuse to check on him?

“If you had left when I did yesterday, you wouldn’t have gotten hurt. Why did you go back in?”

Rosalie’s voice carried a hint of reproach.

Theodore seemed irritated. He had gone in to speak up for her and got beaten for it, and now, she was blaming him?

He snorted. “You always think I’m not respectful enough to Grandma. Now that I’ve finally done something respectful, you’re still not satisfied?”

Rosalie frowned. “When did I ever say you weren’t respectful to


She had never said anything like that. She had never even thought of


“You never said it, but you think it!”

Hearing this, Rosalie felt a surge of anger. “I never said or thought it.



Stop imagining things!”

“Am I always imagining things? Was it my imagination that you spent the night at Sebastian’s?”

He had seen it with his own eyes!

“Didn’t you tell Grandma that the thing with Sebastian was at misunderstanding? You said that yourself. Why bring it up now?”

Rosalie said.

“I told Grandma that to calm her down, but that doesn’t mean I believe there’s nothing between you and Sebastian. You lied to me! That’s a fact!” he snarled.

The matter seemed to be a sore spot for him.

She spent her birthday with Sebastian. They had been together for a


“What did I lie to you about?” Rosalie snapped, throwing the cotton swab and tweezers into the medical tray with a sharp clatter.

Chapter 243

“You knew Sebastian long ago, but you told me you met him in school. Isn’t that a lie?

“I…” Rosalie was speechless. How many times would he bring this up?

“Theodore, do you have to be so petty?”

“Am I petty, or are you the liar?! Didn’t you admit it yourself later? You’ve been involved with him all along! You said it yourself! I didn’t imagine it!” Theodore yelled.

True, Rosalie had said she and Sebastian had been together for a long time–but that was out of anger.

She stood up from the bed. “So what you’re saying is, what you told Grandma wasn’t the truth.”

“That’s right! I just said it to make her feel better, to make her think I was taking all the blame. I didn’t want her to think I was a complete, bastard, but she still hit me. If I’d known, I wouldn’t have bothered. It was a waste of time, and I got a beating for it. What bad luck!”

His tone was full of frustration.

Rosalie clenched her fists. She had been genuinely moved when Rebecca had told her what Theodore had said. Despite their

arguments, she believed Theodore knew the truth deep down, but just couldn’t control his temper when angry.

Now, she realized it was all a lie.

Well, it didn’t matter anymore. They were divorced. Why should she care what Theodore thought?

She sighed. “I was overthinking it, but I suppose that’s for the best.


We’re divorced anyway.”

In this world, amicable separations were rare. Usually, people separated because things had gone too far to continue. A good breakup was unlikely, let alone a peaceful one.

“Don’t worry. I’ll move out soon,” Theodore said. “This house is yours.”

“No need,” Rosalie said. “You stay here. I won’t be living here. I’m leaving. Take your time to heal.”

She didn’t want to argue with Theodore.

“Where are you going?” Theodore asked.

“Don’t worry. I have plenty of places to go. You gave me five percent of the shares, and I have plenty of money in my account. I’ll be fine.”

She simply wanted to reassure him.

Unexpectedly, Theodore let out a cold laugh. “Who’s worried? I was! just asking.”

Rosalie gave him a weary look. “Fine, it’s always me overthinking. Cynthia’s the only one who matters to you. Everyone else is irrelevant.

As she turned to leave, she suddenly heard a muffled groan from the bed. She stopped in her tracks, and turned back to see Theodore trembling.

Her heart skipped a beat as she hurried back to his side, her face full of concern. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m fine. You don’t need to worry about me. Weren’t you leaving?” He clutched the bedsheet, struggling to sit up, his face deathly pale.

“No, you need to go to the hospital,” she said anxiously. “If your wounds get infected, what will you do? Let’s go to the hospital. I’ll take you.”


“You said we’re divorced. Why do you care?” He sounded like a sulking child.

“Even if you’re a stranger, I wouldn’t ignore someone in this condition. Honestly, there are plenty of people to take care of you. If you really don’t need me, I’ll leave.”

Her presence might not help his recovery. Seeing her could make him angrier, which wouldn’t be good for his wounds.

Seeing Theodore stay silent, Rosalie turned to leave again.

Chapter 244

With a sudden move, Theodore grabbed her wrist. “Don’t go.”

For some reason, he suddenly felt incredibly insecure and desperately wanted her to stay. Despite his usual stubbornness, at this moment, he seemed as helpless as a child.

Pain could drive people mad, and it could also make them vulnerable.” Sometimes, the pain in the heart was worse than any physical wound.

Rosalie looked down at his hand, which was trembling even as it held her wrist. He was clearly in a lot of pain; there was no way he could fake this. His face was pale, and beads of sweat dotted his forehead.

“I’ll take you to the hospital now,” she said gently. “I’ll drive you there, okay?”

Her voice was soothing, as if she were comforting him.

“I don’t want to go to the hospital,” Theodore said, looking up at her, with dark, bottomless eves. “The doctor prescribed this medicine. be fine in a few days. There’s no need to go to the hospital.”


Rosalie sat on the edge of the bed. “Then lie down and don’t move around, or you’ll make your injuries worse.”

“Are you still leaving?” he asked, a hint of desperation in his eyes.

She looked at him, her heart softening. Seeing his injuries, she couldn’t stay angry with him. She shook her head.

“I won’t leave. I’ll stay here with you, as long as you behave and stop being so petty.”

Even if she stayed, it was on the condition that he wouldn’t mistreat her.



Theodore’s lips twitched into a small smile, as if she had amused him. “Am I really that petty?”

It was the first time someone had described him as that.

“Yes, you are. You keep bringing up Sebastian.”

“But you two are very close,” he said stubbornly.

“I told you, we’re just friends. It’s not what you think. Why do you…“, She trailed off, sighing. “Forget it, I don’t want to talk about this. It’ll just lead to another argument.”

“Alright, let’s drop it,” Theodore agreed, cutting off the topic. If they continued, she might leave again.

“Aren’t you supposed to wrap my wounds?” Theodore directed her attention. “The gauze is in that box.)

Rosalie took the gauze from the box, and sat behind him. “Don’t move. I’ll wrap it for you. If it hurts, tell me, and I’ll be more gentle.”

Theodore obediently murmured, “Okay.”

Rosalie unrolled the gauze, neared his chest, and wrapped the gauze gently around his torso. The soft fabric wound around his body slowly, touching his skin. His body suddenly tensed.

She immediately stopped, worried. “What’s wrong? Does it hurt?

Theodore responded with a soft “Yes.”

She said gently, “I’ll be more gentle.”

She had already been very careful. Hearing Theodore’s pain, she lightened her touch even more, as if her hands were barely there.

Halfway through, Theodore’s body tensed again, and he let out a muffled groan.


Rosalie stopped again. “Did I touch a sore spot?”

Theodore nodded, looking a bit frustrated. “It hurts.”

Rosalie was getting nervous. She hadn’t even realized she touched him there. She became even more cautious, wrapping the gauze with utmost care. But soon, Theodore groaned again.

This time, Rosalie couldn’t help but frown. “I’ve been extremely careful. Why does it still hurt?”

Theodore turned his head, looking innocently at her. “Didn’t you say to

tell you if it hurts? I’m telling you, and now you’re annoyed. What do you want me to do?”

hapter 245


Rosalie suddenly realized how skillfully this man could twist words, and it left her speechless. It wasn’t so much that he twisted words, but more that she hadn’t been careful with hers. She had told him to let her know if it hurt.

If only she hadn’t said that!

She hadn’t expected Theodore to cry out in pain at every moment, like a child.

“Just bear with it a little. I have to wrap the gauze properly, or your wound will be exposed and that’s not safe.”

Rosalie sat behind him, carefully wrapping the gauze around his torso. Her breath brushed his ear, close and then far, as she moved.

When she reached his chest, she leaned forward to wrap the gauze from her left hand to her right. Theodore suddenly turned his head, his lips brushing against her nose.

Rosalie froze, an electric jolt passing through her nose. Theodore nonchalantly turned his head back, as if nothing had happened. She snapped back to reality, realizing her heart had skipped a beat.

The mere touch of this man, even just his lips on her nose, caused an indescribable pain. Her heart ached, not with the sharpness of a physical wound, but with a suffocating heaviness. If she had to choose, she would rather endure physical pain than this heart- wrenching feeling.

“What are you daydreaming about?” Theodore turned his head again, his deep gaze locking onto hers. “What’s wrong?”


“Nothing.” Rosalie forced a smile, her face betraying no emotion. However, sadness flickered in her eyes.

She quickly finished wrapping his wounds, cutting the gauze and securing it.

“Alright. If you’re going to sleep, lie on your stomach or your side, but not on your back.”

Her tone was firm, almost like a stern mother.

His injuries would take at least four or five days to heal. Rebecca had

hit him way too hard. No matter what, Theodore was still her

grandson. How could she be so harsh?

Rosalie understood Rebecca’s feelings, but she also felt a deep sadness for Theodore’s pain.

Lowering her head, Rosalie silently began to pack up the items in the first–aid kit.

Theodore watched as she prepared to leave, and he hastily asked, Where are you going?”

Rosalie turned her head and replied, “I’m going to put away the first- aid kit.”

Theodore breathed a sigh of relief, as he thought Rosalie was about to leave. Even though they were divorced, he didn’t understand why he felt so afraid of her leaving at that moment.

After Rosalie put away the kit, she returned to the room. It was already–five in the evening. It was time to plan dinner. Rosalie

approached, about to ask him what he wanted for dinner, but before she could speak, Theodore beat her to it.

“Just friends?”

Rosalie was taken aback, looking puzzled. “What are you talking



“You said you and Sebastian are just friends. Is that true?”

Rosalie suddenly realized Theodore had a long reaction time. His question caught her off guard, and she didn’t know how to respond for a moment.

She had already explained this matter many times. She and Sebastian were just friends, but he didn’t believe her. What could she do? And now, he was asking again.

Rosalie sighed, scratching her forehead in frustration.

“We’re divorced now, and I’ve answered this question multiple times. I’ve explained it many times before. Even if I say it again, you won’t believe me. Why ask again?”

She wasn’t angry, and she spoke very calmly.

Chapter 246

Theodore stared at Rosalie with a calm but expectant look.

“Tell me again, and I’ll believe you.”

Rosalie was silent for a long time, feeling a rush of indescribable complexity. She sighed, and said, “Yes, he and I are just friends.”

Theodore seemed to breathe a long sigh of relief, his expression betraying his emotions. They were already divorced; Rosalie had no reason to lie to him.

However, thinking about their divorce was a stab to his heart.

at was th

point of believing she and Sebastian were just friends now? Even if he had believed her earlier, it wouldn’t change the fact that they had divorced.

Rosalie looked at him suspiciously. Maybe it was her imagination, but she thought she saw both relief and sadness on Theodore’s face.

It was absurd–he was the one who divorced her to marry another


Perhaps because he was too relaxed, Theodore almost forgot about the pain in his back and instinctively leaned back.

Rosalie saw what was happening and rushed over, “Don’t move!”

But it was too late. Theodore’s back pressed against the headboard, and a sharp pain followed. His eyes widened as the pain spread through his entire body. He clenched his fist, and almost screamed.

Rosalie looked at him with a torn look. “If it hurts, just scream.”

She could see he was in agony, and it pained her too.



Sweating profusely, Theodore turned to look at her. “I’m not a baby.”

There was no way he was going to scream. He would die before he raised his voice and cry. It would damage his manly dignity. He wasn’t a kid!

Seeing the pained expression on his face, Rosalie couldn’t help but find it both frustrating and amusing. Who said he wasn’t a baby? Right now, he looked exactly like a stubborn little boy.

They often say women needed to be coaxed. However, men could be childish too.

Rosalie grabbed some tissues from the nightstand, and wiped the sweat from Theodore’s forehead. His sweat soaked through the tissues in her hand.

His dark eyes locked onto the woman so close to him. Suddenly, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her tightly into his arms.

Rosalie stumbled and found herself in his embrace, held like a child. Theodore’s strong arms wrapped around her, pressing her against his chest, his hand holding the back of her head.

Her face was buried in his chest, and she struggled to breathe. She lifted her head with difficulty.


“Let me hold you for a while.” Theodore hugged her tightly, as if he was releasing all his pent–up pain.

Seeing the restrained agony in his eyes, Rosalie rested her head quietly against his chest. It seemed he was using her to cope with his


As his grip tightened, she felt like he might crush her bones. She said nervously, “Can you…hold me a little less tightly?”


Hearing her trembling voice, Theodore gradually loosened his grip. Rosalie exhaled in relief, lying quietly in his arms.

Maybe it was just her presence, but he suddenly felt the pain in his back ease considerably. She was like a powerful painkiller. As long as he held her, the pain seemed to fade

Rosalie thought she would never have the chance to lean against him like this again. She had never expected or hoped for such a moment

apter 247

Sometimes, life was full of unexpected twists and turns. Rosalie and Theodore’s relationship was like a rollercoaster, full of ups and

downs both before and after their divorce.

She didn’t understand whether their relationship was something that could never be cut off and resolved, or if it was an entanglement destined in their fate.

Lying in his arms, Rosalie felt a whirlwind of emotions. She lifted her hand again to wipe the sweat from his forehead. Theodore’s heavy breathing gradually calmed down as he lowered his head, greedily inhaling the familiar, comforting scent of the woman in his arms.

What was once easily accessible had now become a luxury. This might be his last chance to indulge in this feeling.

Slowly, Theodore released her. Rosalie felt his arms loosen, and gave a resigned smile as she tried to get up.

“I… Ah!” she cried out as her foot slipped, causing her to tumble back into his arms.

Theodore tried to catch her, but it was too late. She fell face–first, her head landing on his lap.

Her face flushed with embarrassment, and she pressed her hands against his legs, trying to push herself up. But whether from

nervousness or sheer mortification, her legs gave out, and she ended up hitting her head again.

Theodore grunted, and reached out to help her. He wasn’t sure what would happen if this continued. Just as he touched her shoulder to pull her up, they heard a voice from the doorway.


“Theo, your grandmother asked me to check on…”

The voice abruptly stopped. Rosalie’s eyes shot open, her mind going blank as if struck by lightning. They both turned to look at the door.

There stood Wesley and Sydney, who were staring at them in shock.

The four stood there, staring at each other in stunned silence. The atmosphere was thick with awkwardness. Sydney quickly averted her eyes and turned away, and Wesley followed suit, turning with his wife.

“You two… Seriously! It’s broad daylight. At least close the door,” Wesley muttered. They had seen the door open and walked in, only to be met with this scene.

How embarrassing! Young people these days… There were no words to describe it.

Sydney cleared her throat. “Let’s not disturb them. We’ll wait outside.”

With that, she led the way out. Wesley chuckled awkwardly, and followed his wife.

Rosalie quickly stood up, calling after them in a panic, “Wait! It’s a misunderstanding! It’s not what you think!”

She rushed to block their path, “Really, it’s not what it looks like, I was just…”

Sydney, looking tense, interrupted, “What’s that in your hand?”

Rosalie looked down at the damp tissue in her hand, her eyes widening in realization. Sydney took a step back, covering her mouth in shock, her expression as if she’d seen a biohazard.

“Honestly, airing your private matters in front of us like this is a bit too much.”

Seeing her in–laws‘ embarrassed expressions, Rosalie felt her own.


embarrassment multiply. The more she tried to explain, the more. flustered she became, until she could barely form coherent sentences.

hapter 248

“It’s not what you think! Yes, the tissue is wet, but it’s just sweat. If you don’t believe me, feel it!” Rosalie stepped forward, holding out the soaked tissue.

Theodore sighed and shook his head, rubbing his aching forehead.

“Stay back,” Wesley said, pulling Sydney behind him protectively. The couple looked at Rosalie as if she were a wild animal. “You two can handle your private matters on your own. We’re leaving.”

“No, really, we didn’t do anything!” Rosalie insisted, hurrying after them. “Touch it, you’ll see. It’s just water! It’s not sticky at all. If you don’t believe me, check Theodore’s pants. They’re still on.

Theodore groaned internally, wishing he could disappear or dig a hole to hide in.

Hearing the word “sticky,” Wesley and Sydney quickened their pace, practically running away.

As Rosalie continued to chase after them, Theodore called out, “Rose.

She stopped and turned, “What?”

“Let it go. Let them think what they want.”

Rosalie frowned. “But they misunderstood. It’s not what it looks like. Why didn’t you explain?

Explaining only made it worse. Didn’t you notice? The more you said, the worse it sounded.

Every word coming from her mouth made everything sound inappropriate, even if they weren’t.


“I…” Rosalie replayed her words and their horrified expressions in her mind, her face stiffening.

In her panic, she had made it worse.

She threw the tissue she had used to wipe Theodore’s sweat at him, angrily rubbing her palms on her dress. Then, she glared at Theodore.

This was all his fault!

Seeing her pouty face, Theodore suddenly smiled. It wasn’t a mocking smile or one of amusement, but one of genuine warmth. Even when they were married and at their closest, Rosalie rarely threw a tantrum

like this.

Now, they seemed more like a real couple. However, she was no longer his wife. Despite that, he didn’t mind her throwing a little


Theodore picked up the crumpled tissue. “Should we keep this and let Mom and Dad feel if it’s refreshing or sticky?”

He smirked, looking both handsome and mischievous.

Rosalie’s heart skipped a beat, her pulse quickening. “Enough. I don’t want to talk to you anymore. I’m going to check on your parents.”

“What do you mean by that?” Theodore’s tone grew serious. “They’re your parents too.”

“We’re divorced,” Rosalie replied flatly, a wave of sadness washing over her. “They’re your parents, not mine. My parents are gone.”

She turned and left the room, leaving Theodore with furrowed brows, his smile fading.

Was she hurting again?



In the living room, Rosalie found Wesley talking to Sydney, who was sipping tea on the sofa, appearing disinterested in his words. He was trying his hardest to please Sydney, his actions and expressions. clearly showing his desperation.

He epitomized the term “simp.”

Wesley touched Sydney’s shoulder gently. The next moment, Sydney slapped his hand away with a swift motion, frowning.

“Don’t touch me,” she snapped.

Chapter 249

Wesley withdrew his hand awkwardly. Seeing Rosalie nearby, he gave her a resigned smile and stepped away from Sydney.

Rosalie approached them. “Hello, Mr. Spencer, Mrs. Spencer.”

Sydney frowned, setting down her teacup. “Why are you calling us that? It’s only been a few days, and you don’t recognize us anymore?

Rosalie forced herself to smile. “Theo and I are divorced now, so…”

At the mention of their divorce, Wesley and Sydney exchanged glances. They didn’t seem particularly surprised, as if they already knew.

“I heard about it from Mom,” Sydney said calmly. “But even after the divorce, you still call her ‘Grandma. Why don’t you call us Mom and Dad anymore? Are you playing favorites?”

“Huh? I…” Rosalie was taken aback. Sydney seemed upset, and Rosalie hurried to explain, “I didn’t mean to, I just…”

She had never heard this perspective before. Usually, people talked about parents or in–laws playing favorites, not the daughter–in–law.

“That’s enough, Sydney. Don’t scare her,” Wesley said. Seeing

Rosalie’s flustered expression, he explained, “She’s not scolding you, she’s just-”

“But I am scolding her,” Sydney retorted, looking displeased. “Since when do you get to twist my words? Did you get my permission to do so?”

Wesley froze, a flash of embarrassment crossing his eyes. Sydney showed him no mercy.


Despite the blow to his male pride, he silently endured it. He accepted this bitter reality, feeling it was his due.

Rosalie stood there awkwardly. Wesley, after all, was Theodore’s

father, the chairman of SK Enterprise, and a man of high status. Yet, in front of his wife, he appeared so humble.

It was a real–life example of “hurting your wife for a moment of pleasure, but the chase becomes a lifelong struggle.” Wesley had been trying to win Sydney back for years without success.

To ease the awkward tension, Rosalie smiled and said, “I’m sorry, it was my fault. You both will always be my family. Even though Theo. and I are divorced, you’ll still be like parents to me.”

Sydney’s expression softened a bit. “That’s more like it. But you and Theo just went and got divorced without a word. Couldn’t you at least have given us a heads–up? Instead, you decided to handle it all on your own?”

Rosalie smiled awkwardly, “Grandma gave us the resident register. She knew we were going to get divorced, and even urged us to do it.”

“So I guess I was overthinking it?” Sydney frowned, still displeased. Even if she gave you the registry, don’t you think you should have informed your parents about such a major decision? We only found out because Mom told us today.”

Rosalie lowered her head, unsure of how to respond.

Sydney continued, her tone still stern, “And you should know, even though Mom handed over the registry, she was really upset about the divorce. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have hit Theo. We came to check on him because we heard he was hurt. We didn’t expect to find you here. We thought you’d be living separately after the divorce.”

Chapter 250

“Theo and I are indeed living separately. I don’t live here anymore. I just came by to pick up some things and check on him,” Rosalie explained.

Sydney raised an eyebrow. “Really? You came to check on him, and conveniently left the door open while getting all cozy?”

Rosalie blushed. “It’s not what it looked like. I…”

“Enough, no more explanations,” Sydney interrupted. “Whatever the case, you two looked pretty intimate. If you’re so reluctant to part, why did you get divorced in the first place?”


Sydney’s tone was aggressive, and Rosalie struggled to respond kindly.

“Why aren’t you saying anything? Or do you enjoy the thrill of being divorced, free to play around outside while still getting close to Theo?

she went on.

Her words were dripping with sarcasm.

Rosalie felt a pang of discomfort. She furrowed her brow slightly, trying to stay calm and polite.

“That’s not my intention. I don’t know why you think that way, but my conscience is clear,” she said.

She had only ever been with Theodore. Though she had nothing to hide, being misunderstood felt awful.

“You seem pretty confident.” Sydney’s cold gaze flicked to something unseen before she continued, her tone icy. “I thought you had some


sense, but now I see you’re just as bad. Even after the divorce, you cling to my son, leaving the door open in broad daylight. How shameless!”

Rosalie felt as if she had fallen off a cliff. Why was her mother–in–law so different today? Sydney had always been wise and understanding, but now, she seemed harsh and spiteful, like a stereotypical wicked. mother–in–law.

Wesley opened his mouth, seemingly wanting to say something. At the sight of Sydney’s icy expression, however, he swallowed his words. His timidity was almost embarrassing to watch.

Rosalie took a deep breath, trying to calm her emotions. Maybe Sydney was just having a bad day, or perhaps someone had upset her, or she was unhappy about Rosalie and Theodore’s divorce.

Either way, it was clear Rosalie wasn’t welcome here anymore.

“Sorry, I have other things to do. I’ll be going now,” Rosalie said, turning to leave.

“Stop right there,” Sydney commanded sharply.

Rosalie paused, turning back with furrowed brows. “Is there something else you need?”

She had already divorced Theodore. If anyone in the Spencer family: wanted to give her a hard time, she wouldn’t just stand by and take it. She didn’t want to start an argument, but if pushed, she might not be able to hold back.

“If you leave now, Theo will think I drove you away. Are you trying to ruin our mother–son relationship?” Sydney’s voice was stern. Her brows furrowed, and her eyes blazed with anger.

Wesley noticed how out of character Sydney was acting. Rebecca adored Rosalie, and if she found out Sydney was being this harsh, she


would be furious.

Thús, he tried to defuse the situation. “Sydney, Rose surely didn’t mean it that way. She just-”

“Shut up!” Sydney cut him off. “Did I ask for your opinion? Why are you. butting in?!”

Wesley’s male pride seemed to vanish in Sydney’s presence. He gave Rosalie a helpless look, sighed softly, and finally fell silent.

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